10 TO 1, Part 2: Post-Vaccine Pregnancy Failures > Successes
GOV.UK shows that not only Pfizer, but also Moderna and Astra Zeneca show far more miscarriages than successful pregnancies in the vaccinated. Gov.UK data appear to be Yellow Card.
Earlier this week I showed that GOV.UK reports 10 times the deadly outcomes for pregnancies as happy outcomes. The data appear to be derived from the Yellow Card system, as can be seen in the link below. Unlike in VAERS, you will see reports of healthy pregnancies and childbirths in the Gov.UK data below, but vastly outnumbered by miscarriages (“spontaneous abortions”), which are involuntary events. Those figures did not include elective abortion.
Disclaimer: The following data may be skewed toward over-reporting of adverse events, due to possible reliance on the Yellow Card system data. Or it may be skewed toward under-reporting, as has been seen in the US VAERS system. Please follow the links to the GOV.UK documents, and see what you think of their data, summarized below.
Roughly, the UK government shows for the Pfizer vaccine results:
(2 fetal deaths + 10 stillbirths + 489 spontaneous abortions)
(2 normal newborns + 2 normal term births + 35 normal pregnancies + 8 normal live births)
= 501 / 47 = 10.66.
This number, 10.66, equals the factor by which tragic pregnancy outcomes exceeded normal pregnancy outcomes following the Pfizer vaccine, according to the UK Government. Please note the parentheses in the above equation are used as in mathematical nomenclature to show grouping. A shorter example is (4+6) ÷ (9-7) = 5.
Also, please note that the zeros in the UK datasheets “Fatal” column refer to the vaccinated mothers’ results, not the (indirectly vaccinated) babies’ results. So the moms generally survived the pregnancies.
But the babies were not nearly so lucky.
However, the deal with Pfizer is even worse, because I neglected in my earlier article to include ectopic pregnancy, an emergency pregnancy-ending outcome. No baby survives it, and it has been life-threatening for mothers also. There were 15 of those in the UK Pfizer data.
So then I correct my earlier report of UK government Pfizer outcomes data:
(2 fetal deaths + 10 stillbirths + 489 spontaneous abortions + 15 ectopic pregnancies)
(2 normal newborns + 2 normal term births + 35 normal pregnancies + 8 normal live births)
= 516 / 47 = 10.97.
That is,
Fetal and newborn deaths exceeded live births and normal pregnancies by a factor of over 10 to 1 for Pfizer-vaccinated pregnancies in the UK, according to UK Government data.
If any of you who have been imploring family members not to vaccinate, this factor of 10, for death exceeding life, is your best ‘I told you so’ moment to date.
They should not take even one more of these shots, ever.
Pfizer itself confessed to this same proportion in pregnancy outcomes in their court-ordered document release. Here The Exposé analyzes Pfizer/FDA disclosed data:

Now let’s look at Astra Zeneca and Moderna vaccines regarding the same data. Before getting to that, let’s consider that BBC reported the proportion of vaccines ordered by December 2021 was as below.
GOV.UK data on clinical outcomes were not available for Glaxo SmithKline, Novavax, CureVac or Janssen, the other COVID vaccine brands available in the UK.
Here are screenshots of GOV.UK data regarding pregnancy outcomes for Astra Zeneca and then Moderna, along with my calculations for each, which the reader is invited to check, in consultation with your calculator.
UK government data for Astra Zeneca vaccinated pregnancy outcomes:
(235 spontaneous abortions + 1 hemorrhagic fatal + 5 stillbirths + 8 ectopic pregnancies)
(1 normal delivery + 23 normal pregnancies + 2 normal live births)
= 249 / 26 = 9.58. (It is also very concerning that not one “normal newborn” was listed among the UK government’s Astra Zeneca data, as was rarely found after the Pfizer and Moderna shots.)
For Astra Zeneca the death to life ratio of pregnancy outcomes is 9.58 to 1.
Now let’s look at the Moderna data.
We see:
(68 spontaneous abortions + 4 ectopic pregnancies + 1 stillbirth)
(2 normal live births + 4 normal pregnancies + 1 normal term birth +1 normal newborn)
= 73 / 8 = 9.125 So Moderna data show nine times the fatal infant outcomes over living fetus and living infant outcomes for Moderna-vaccinated pregnant mothers.
Let’s now be super-nerds, and do a weighted average, along the proportions of BBC data of relative vaccine distribution (not necessarily uptake) for the three vaccines above in the UK:
10.97 (0.52) + 9.58 (0.27) + 9.13 (0.21) = 5.70 + 2.59 + 1.92 = 10.21
So, on weighted average, among the three most commonly used vaccines in the UK, those pregnancies that ended in death for the fetus outnumbered live births plus normal pregnancies by more than 10 to 1.
Again, these Gov.UK reported data appear, in the link below, to be from the Yellow Card system. Does this mean it would more likely be attuned to miscarriage than to normal healthy circumstances? If anybody sees or knows of another Gov.UK document that gives background or more information on these data files, please share in the comments.
Is this not consistent with what I wrote in August 2021? That the COVID vaccines rival the morning after pill, RU-486 in abortifacient effect?
I think I was off by less than 10% back in August.
My forthcoming book Neither Safe Nor Effective, The Evidence Against the COVID Vaccines, cites over 300 sources, including data from European and North American Governments, as well as hundreds of peer-reviewed studies, and data disclosed from Pfizer and Moderna. It will be out very soon.
And as always, please correct my math, my spelling and the facts when necessary.
I just corrected a mistake with the Moderna numbers, but still the average of these shots are 10 to 1 odds against the life of the fetus. Can someone please inform pregnant moms?
The vax and associated injuries are unfortunate, but secondary to the fundamental problem of the concerted effort by governments and their medical and media enforcers to prevent investigation or even discussion of the pandemic disaster. The pandemic actually caused very little damage, as shown by all cause mortality data and competent analysis of incomplete and unreliable data, and would have been even less important if well known, effective early treatments for infections had not been widely prohibited by the government--pharma complex. The insane response to the routine virus caused millions of unnecessary deaths, enormous economic damage that will afflict us for years, and destruction of social constructs that form the basis for our civilization, from which we may never recover. Until we identify, remove, and punish those responsible for this disaster, our civilization will continue to degrade.