I compare the abortion efficacy rate of the COVID vaccine with the morning-after pill, RU-486, aka mifepristone. The V-Safe Surveillance System was developed by the CDC V-Safe COVID-19 Pregnancy Registry Team for monitoring of the COVID vaccination program in pregnancy. In their Preliminary Findings, [1] there were 827 pregnant women who received at least one dose of either the Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccine, and who then had “a completed pregnancy.” A completed pregnancy was defined to include live-born infant, spontaneous abortion (miscarriage), still birth, induced abortion or ectopic pregnancy.
Their reported results were as follows for 827 completed pregnancies following COVID vaccination:
* 96 of the 104 pregnant women who had spontaneous abortions were vaccinated before 13 weeks gestation.
Of those 116 women vaccinated during the first and second trimesters and then had a completed pregnancy of either live birth, spontaneous abortion or stillbirth, there were 104 miscarriages (spontaneous abortion). This is a miscarriage rate of 89.66%.
The morning-after abortion pill, mifepristone, has a reported efficacy rate of 80% to 90%. [2] Mifepristone has a black box warning. [3] [4] Therefore, because the two drugs demonstrate comparable abortion potential, they should both carry black box warnings, fully informed and uncoerced consent, and should be strictly avoided by the general population. These data may be corrected up or down by following COVID-vaccinated pregnant women till the end of 40 weeks of expected duration of gestation for all of the pregnant women included in the study.
[1] T Shimabukuro, S Kim, et al. Preliminary findings of mRNA Covid-19 vaccine safety in pregnant persons. Jun 17 2021. NEJM. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2104983
[2] RU 486: an overview of mifepristone and its potential applications. Contracept Rep. May 1993. 4 (2). 7-9. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12286473/
[3] Pharmacy Policy Bulletin. https://www.ibx.com/documents/35221/56638/mifepristone-korlym.pdf
[4] US Food and Drug Administration. Highlights of prescribing information: Korlym (mifepristone). https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2012/202107s000lbl.pdf
The goal is very simple:
Thank You, Dr. Huber, for this refined and to-the-point presentation, point and counterpoint.
John Day MD