Exemption from fascism
Zyklon B was forced on unwilling people in the 1940's. The COVID vaccines were forced on unwilling people last year. But not on my watch. Here’s why.
© Colleen Huber, NMD
Of the thousands of patient appointments I've had in the COVID era, I've often been in the role of patient advocate, but with a particular urgency in working with people who found themselves coerced by their employers to submit to COVID vaccines. (Such coercion is in clear violation of federal law, as well as multiple constitutional amendments, as the reader likely knows.) Medical doctors, nurses, other hospital workers, pharmacists, flight attendants, pilots, and especially those working for companies of more than 100 employees have come to me for medical exemption from vaccines.
Of those, I found the pharmacists to be the most memorable demographic, for three reasons:
First, pharmacists (PharmD) are the most specifically educated in drug toxicity of any class of professional. That pharmacists would find themselves consulting with a naturopathic physician to receive a medical exemption from a forced injection, one which is known by them to be poisonous, would have been simply unimaginable till a year ago.
And I'll never forget what a pharmacist told me in one of these visits: "The most important principle I learned in my PharmD education was to never force a medication on a patient. So why is my employer forcing this on me?"
Then there were other stories, from people who knew pharmacists who would no longer be willing to administer the covid vaccines, whether refusing to take appointments for those, or who outright quit retail pharmacy altogether, leaving pharmacies so short-staffed that many have closed. People who had never had an issue with timely pickup of their non-controversial BP meds of a decade's use are now having difficulty getting even these filled on time.
The covid vaccines have not been so fondly received by pharmacy staff as the powers-that-be had assumed. There are grapevine stories of people who know from others of multiple full vaccine vials going into the trash routinely last year, and suspected tremendous numbers of saline or other harmless shots and nothing shots of needle only (off-target acupuncture?), instead of the clotshot. I have heard of this compassion being directed especially to frail seniors, teens railroaded by vaccine cult parents, and people who confided to the pharmacist, “I don’t want this, but my job is making me.” However, there are pharmacists who now flat out refuse to give COVID vaccines to anyone, especially recently, since all the revelations of harm.
I think it's fair to say that the CDC boast of 76% of American adults partially or fully vaccinated is almost as crazily false as their claims of "safe and effective." Having an ear to the ground in the Phoenix area, with especially keen interest in this issue over the last year, and from a number of different industries' employees, including hospital, insurance, pharmacy and transportation, including among local and nationwide management, all speaking confidentially to me, and all without direct knowledge of the same, the actual number of COVID-vaccinated is likely between 40% and 50%, minus those who have since died from the vaccines.
I write medical exemptions for all who ask, because it is a fundamental principle of medical ethics, and what mainly separates us from fascists, that nobody should be subjected to a medical treatment that they do not want. Together with the Hippocratic Oath, First Do No Harm, these are the two most important principles in medicine. So I write all of my medical exemptions the same, if the patient agrees, as follows:
"Medically exempt from ALL COVID vaccines, due to known and proven risks of severe injury."
There is no need, nor justification, to violate a patient's privacy to their employers by saying the vaccine can't be taken due to heart disease or family history of heart disease or other condition or vulnerability to the same. Rather, the fact that the COVID vaccines are known to be poisonous is enough of a reason for a medical exemption, and the fact that the person does not want it is way more of a good reason, a decisive and pinnacle jurisdiction reason* [1], not to have it. I know that two of my exemptions were rejected by employers, but in both cases, religious exemption was then used.
States such as California have made it clear that anyone who does what I do should no longer have a license to practice medicine. Because all heck might break loose if we prioritize the well-being of the patient over the bullying of fascists. Toby Rogers PhD describes the California law as “the most draconian anti-science law [he has] ever seen.”
If such fascist laws as California’s SB 276 and SB 277 ever took hold in Arizona, there would be fierce court battles. If I were involved, there would be a merciless barrage of data and court-ordered Pfizer documents that I would submit to the court(s) to defend my medical exemption(s), and more importantly, my patients’ right to have it. I have submitted, to other courts, testimony that is contained in the following article regarding the now known negative efficacy and high risk of the COVID vaccines.
This 1/11/22 article is already out-of-date, as additional damning evidence against these vaccines is now in the public domain since I wrote it.
If the powers that be want to stop me from writing medical exemptions from any “mandated” and / or poisonous products, they’ve got a hellcat legal fight on their hands.
[1] I am not an attorney. By “pinnacle jurisdiction” reason, I mean that the patient has the final and ultimately decisive say regarding what goes into his or her body, including any medical treatments to be taken. I am not swayed by bureaucrats’ or media’s pronouncements to the contrary. The sovereignty of the human body is non-negotiable in a post-slavery society, and our rights are inalienable, and thus we defend them.
Thank you for being a light in the dark. I’ve refused it, I’m 65, relatively healthy. Had what I believe to be covid early Jan 2020 before all the hoopla. The walk in clinic didn’t have any idea what I had, just I was sick. I lost sense of taste and smell for the about 10 days I was sick.
I’m on Medicare and am waiting for the time they say, it’s mandatory. I’ll have to find someone to give me a medical exemption. I’d rather get Covid again than take the death shot.
Thank you for what you are doing, Dr. Huber.