NZ Fudged the Data on How the Kidneys Fare After the COVID Vaccines
The New Zealand govt chopped nearly in half the number of reported kidney injuries, post-mRNA vaccine, from Jan to Aug 2023. Here also are 50 different types of injuries to the kidneys seen post-vax.
The earliest data from New Zealand reported a 70% increase in acute kidney injuries, post 2nd shot of Pfizer
In a Lancet preprint, in January 2023, the New Zealand government released a study showing a 70% increased rate of kidney injury following two doses of Pfizer mRNA vaccines. Even more telling of injury was dose-dependent effect. That is, one dose of Pfizer showed 60% increased rate of injury within three weeks post-injection, while two doses showed 70% increased rate of injury three weeks post-injection. “Acute kidney injury” was not defined by the authors, but is understood in a clinical setting to include measurable changes on lab results and / or serious signs and symptoms such as bleeding, pain with urination, kidney stones, nephritis, nephrotic syndrome or other renal dysfunction.
The data was drawn from a national database of over four million people, the number of people over the age of five who had received the Pfizer vaccines. This number represented 95% of New Zealand adults and teenagers.
Compared to historical background rates of kidney injury, the following changes in acute kidney injuries were found in the original article, as shown in this screenshot.
These alarming results of vastly increased kidney injury were published in the abstract of the original article, and here are two screenshots from the January 24, 2023 version of the abstract of that article: [1]
Now let’s now zoom in on the last two sentences:
None of the above is now available online anymore, except through web archives.
The full paper does not seem to be available anymore anywhere, just the abstract, and the following is what appears when you click on the link that worked back in January:
The original full article seems to no longer be available on the internet. But I still have the above screenshots. Journalist Alex Berenson wrote a summary of the original article. [2]
Hiding the data in New Zealand
Then a strange thing happened to the New Zealand data. Not only did the above paper disappear, but the numbers of reported acute kidney injuries were cut nearly in half. Here is what the same table now shows, from the same titled paper, by the same authors, since August 2023, [3] at this link:
Suddenly, from January to August 2023, the observed acute kidney injury (AKI) events now are only 57% and 58% respectively of the originally reported AKI events. As a result, the data shown in August look like the Pfizer vaccine made no difference or even implied a slight benefit, whereas the data published 7 months earlier had shown an alarming increase in acute kidney injuries post vaccine.
Also, in the August 2023 revision, the reported number of those who had received the 1st dose was reduced by about 100,000, and those receiving the 2nd dose were reduced by over 200,000.
During the time period of the study, February 19, 2021 to February 10, 2022, New Zealand had relatively low rates of COVID, as seen in the chart below. [4] The curve below took a vertical turn on February 11, 2022, which was the day after the New Zealand government authors of the paper stopped collecting data. Until that dramatic turn, daily new confirmed COVID cases in New Zealand remained near zero.
So it is not plausible to attribute the kidney injuries seen in New Zealand post-COVID vaccines to COVID infection.
How do the mRNA vaccines injure the kidneys?
The following list of kidney injuries and disorders were observed in the Pfizer clinic trials. [5] Pfizer listed the following urinary tract injuries seen in the Pfizer clinical trials in their “Appendix 1: List of adverse events of special interest.”
From the Pfizer list of over 1200 types of injuries to the body, I pulled out the syndromes and injuries observed in the Pfizer trials that were specifically related to, or consequent to injuries to, the kidneys and / or syndromes and injuries that affected the kidneys more than any other organ. I found 40 such disease conditions. They are:
2-Hydroxyglutaric aciduria
Acute kidney injury
Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody positive
Anti-glomerular basement membrane disease
Autoimmune nephritis
Bilirubin urine present
C1q nephropathy
Chronic autoimmune glomerulonephritis
Dialysis amyloidosis
Fibrillary glomerulonephritis
Glomerulonephritis membranoproliferative
Glomerulonephritis membranous
Glomerulonephritis rapidly progressive
Goodpasture syndrome
Henoch Schonlein purpura nephritis
IgA nephropathy
IgM nephropathy
Immune-mediated nephritis
Immune-mediated renal disorder
Lupus nephritis
Mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis
Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Renal amyloidosis
Renal arteritis
Renal artery thrombosis
Renal embolism
Renal failure
Renal vascular thrombosis
Renal vasculitis
Renal vein embolism
Renal vein thrombosis
Scleroderma renal crisis
Tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome
Urine bilirubin increased
Urobilinogen urine decreased
Urobilinogen urine increased
Here is a list of ten other injuries and syndromes, observed post-vaccine in the Pfizer trial, that involve the kidneys, but are not exclusive to the kidneys. These often affect and damage the kidneys, but I did not include them on the above list, for not being specific to the kidneys.
ANCA vasculitis
Diffuse vasculitis
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis
Polyarteritis nodosa
Pulmonary renal syndrome
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Systemic scleroderma
Thrombotic microangiopathy
Type III immune complex mediated hypersensitivity syndrome
More than 1,200 different adverse events of special interest were observed and reported in the Pfizer clinical trials. Here is a screen shot of just those related to disorders of the glomeruli, which are the fine filtering units throughout the kidneys, over a half million in each kidney, that separate blood from urine:
Other findings of kidney injury post-COVID vaccination
Post-COVID vaccine renal events were recorded in a study of 111 patients with previously biopsy-proven glomerulonephritis and two prior mRNA vaccine doses. [6]
The authors found that 22.5% of vaccinated patients experienced new onset or relapse of glomerulonephritis or other renal events following COVID vaccination. 10.8% had increased proteinuria, 12.6% had worsening hematuria. 0.9% had creatinine values 150% of normal, or worse.
No difference was found between the Pfizer-vaccinated and the Moderna-vaccinated with respect to renal events.
They found:

That study did not discuss time elapsed from vaccination to glomerulonephritis pathology. This smaller study of 13 patients found that the median time of onset was one week after the first dose and 4 weeks after the second dose. [7] The patients typically presented with acute kidney injury, edema and visible blood in the urine.
Several reports of minimal change disease appear in the peer-reviewed literature, [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] Most of those cases occurred within several days of receiving a mRNA COVID vaccine, usually after the second dose, sometimes after the third dose, [15] although it has also been seen following the Astra Zeneca COVID vaccine. [16]
Minimal change disease is not one of the conditions noted in the Pfizer adverse events list. It is an insidious kidney disorder that is so named for the very subtle changes in the glomeruli filtration, often beginning with a reduction in foot processes, which leaves gaps in filtration. Nephrotic syndrome results, in which proteins leak through the gaps from the blood into the urine, and then systemic effects of hypoproteinemia result.
Other kidney diseases observed following COVID vaccination included: visible blood in the urine (hematuria) within hours after vaccination, [17] membranous nephropathy, [18] membranoproliferative glomerulomephritis, [19] ANCA glomerulonephritis, [20] ANCA vasculitis [21] and IgA nephropathy in children. [22]
Magnetic resonance urography is shown below in a MRI image of the kidneys and proximal ureters, (photo from OHSU).
We can appreciate in the above photo that the fan shape of a kidney allows lots of surface area peripherally for maximum fine filtration of blood to urine, and the collecting ducts gather centrally toward the minor calyces, major calyces and then finally the renal pelvis, to most effectively drain off urine with downward flow, gravity assisted. Hence the fanned “kidney bean” shape.
If you think the kidneys were hit hard, . . .
After extensive review of the medical literature over the last three years, since the onset of mass COVID vaccination campaigns, I can say with confidence that the medical literature reveals many fewer victims of kidney injuries following these vaccines, than of other types of bodily injuries. Other bodily organs have fared far worse than the kidneys for most of the victims. Most notably, and now well-known, are the myocarditis and other cardiovascular injuries, for which I described the mechanisms of injury and the ubiquity of that injury among the COVID-vaccinated population; [23] as well as brain injuries,[24] among others.
Future vaccines must be screened thoroughly for risk to kidneys and other organs before use in adults, and then only with fully detailed and uncoerced informed consent. Clearly, such toxic products as mRNA injections must never be used in children at all, and must never be made a condition of work or study for anyone.
[1] M Walton, V Pletzer, et al. Adverse events following the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech) in Aotearoa New Zealand. Jan 20 2023. The Lancet.
[2] A Berenson. URGENT: A big New Zealand study reveals high rates of kidney injury after the Pfizer jab. Jan 26 2023. Unreported Truths. Substack.
[3] M Walton, V Pletzer, et al. Adverse events following the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech) in Aotearoa New Zealand. Aug 9 2023. Drug Saf. 46 (9): 867-879.
[4] University of Oxford.Daily new confirmed COVID-19 cases per million people: New Zealand. Our World In Data.
[5] Pfizer Worldwide Safety. 5.3.6 Cumulative analysis of post-authorization adverse event reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) received through 28 Feb 2021. P 7.
[6] Y Ota, R Kuroki, et al. Association between COVID-19 vaccination and relapse of glomerulonephritis. Nov 23 2022. Clin Exp Nephrol. 27 (3). 236-242.
[7] N Klomjit, M Alexander, et al. COVID-19 vaccination and glomerulonephritis. Dec 2021. Kidney Int Rep. 6 (12). 2969-2978.
[8] V D’Agati, S Kudose, et al. Minimal change disease and acute kidney injury following the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Kidney Int. May 15 2021. 100 (2). 461–463. doi: 10.1016/j.kint.2021.04.035.
[9] A Holzworth, P Couchot, et al. Minimal change disease following the Moderna mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Aug 2021. 100 (2). 463-464.
[10] H Tan, R Tan, et al. Is COVID-19 vaccination unmasking glomerulonephritis? Aug 2021. Kidney Int. 100 (2). 469-471.
[11] D Kervella, L Jacquemont, et al. Minimal change disease relapse following SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine. Aug 2021. Kidney Int. 100 (2). 457-458.
[12] L Lebedev, M Sapojnikov, et al. Minimal change disease following the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Jul 2021. Am J Kidney Dis. 78 (1). 142-145.
[13] S Rahim, J Lin, et al. A case of gross hematuria and IgA nephropathy flare-up following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Jul 2021. Kidney Int. 100 (1). 238.
[14] H Komaba, T Wada, et al. Relapse of minimal change disease following the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Sep 2021. Am J Kidney Dis. 78 (3). 469-470.
[15] A Pirzadeh, S Emami, et al. Exacerbation of minimal change disease following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. Nov 9 2023. Am J Case Rep.
[16] C Morlidge, S El-Kateb, et al. Relapse of minimal change disease following the Astra Zeneca COVID-19 vaccine. Aug 2021. Kidney Int. 100 (2). 459.
[17] L Negrea, B Rovin. Gross hematuria following vaccination for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in 2 patients with IgA nephropathy. Jun 2021. Kidney Int. 99 (6). 1487.
[18] N Chavarot, M Padden, et al. De novo posttransplant membranous nephropathy following BNT 162b2 COVID-19 vaccine in a kidney transplant recipient. Dec 2022. 22 (12). 3188-3189.
[19] N Morimoto, T Mori, et al. Rapidly progressive IgA nephropathy with membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis-like lesions in an elderly man following the third dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine: a case report. Apr 24 2023. BMC Nephrol.. 24 (1). 108.
[20] A Sekar, R Campbell, et al. ANCA glomerulonephritis after the Moderna COVID-19 vaccination. Aug 2021. Kidney Int. 100 (2) 473-474.
[21] M Shakoor, M Birkenbach, et al. ANCA-Associated vasculitis following Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Oct 2021. Am J Kidney Dis. 78 (4). 611-613.
[22] C Hanna, L Herrera Hernandez, et al. IgA nephropathy presenting as macroscopic hematuria in 2 pediatric patients after receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Sep 2021. Kidney Int.
[23] C Huber. Heart damage from the COVID vaccines: Is it avoidable? Jul 14 2021. PDMJ.
[24] C. Huber. Brain injuries after COVID vaccination. Apr 10 2023. The Defeat of COVID, Substack.
My Mom ended up in the hospital a week after her second shot due to kidney infection/delirium. She suffered from chronic kidney/bladder infections ever since, till she passed, a year later. Obviously I couldn’t prove it was the shots, at that time I wasn’t even really allowed to even suggest that the shots were the cause (my family all believed in these new “modern medical miracles”) so it’s affirming to read this, and know I’m probably right in my conclusion.
Guess I should forward this to my nephrologist who is monitoring my stage 2 CKD to say thanks for not pushing me to take the jab. And make it a heart felt thank you too.