2024 Update: Brain impacts from the COVID vaccines
mRNA COVID vaccines have been shown to have damaging impacts on the brain. Here’s how that happens. A summary of recent research.
Cognitive damage and Alzheimer’s disease
Male neonatal rats have shown substantially decreased neuron counts and autistic behaviors after COVID vaccine dosing of their mothers. That next generation following vaccination of the mothers (not the neonates) showed, after birth, these traits, as well as impaired motor performance, with reduced coordination. Very sadly, for corresponding human victims, the neuron count in the neonatal male rats was reduced by over 31% compared to controls. The cerebellar Purkinje fiber count, which would be associated with spatial orientation and coordination of body movements, was reduced by 62%. [1] These decreases are not only enormously significant, but are also horrifying when we think of the pregnant women all over the world who were urged, cajoled, even bullied to take COVID vaccines during pregnancy.
Korean researchers Roh, Jung et al gathered public medical records of half of all of the residents of Seoul, South Korea, as of January 1, 2021. The 50% were chosen at random from the entire population of that city. Then from that population, the Roh team examined medical records of those aged 65 years and over. From the medical records of that half of Seoul’s senior population, vaccination status and ICD-10 codes were obtained. This resulted in a senior population of 558,017 individuals, comprised of 519,330 vaccinated individuals and 38,687 unvaccinated. [2] Vaccinated individuals had received either Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca or Johnson & Johnson vaccines, or a combination of any of those.
The diseases of interest were Alzheimer’s disease, dementia in Alzheimer’s disease, mild cognitive disorder, Parkinson disease and vascular dementia. Those individuals with any of those diagnoses during the prior year were excluded from the study.
The figure below summarizes their methods and findings.

The two graphs on the right of the above figure show more than double the mild cognitive impairment and a higher incidence of Alzheimer’s disease, as discussed below, in the vaccinated population.
The mean age of the unvaccinated was 75.23 and the mean age of the vaccinated was 72.73, yet despite this 2.5 year difference, the vaccinated fared worse in three of the five diseases considered. No significant difference was found for either Parkinson disease or vascular dementia.
For mRNA vaccinated individuals, the hazard ratio for Alzheimer’s disease was 1.209. (95% CI: 1.013-1.444. P = 0.036). So there was a 21% increased chance of Alzheimer’s for the mRNA-vaccinated.
For mRNA vaccinated individuals, the hazard ratio for mild cognitive impairment was 2.342 (95% CI: 1.818-3.018. P < 0.001). This showed that mRNA-vaccinated individuals have more than double the risk of mild cognitive impairment as unvaccinated individuals, even though the average unvaccinated person was older.
The exact hazard ratios (HR, or the odds of acquiring a disease post-vaccine) for mild cognitive impairment are shown below. “Heterologous vaccination” refers to two doses of one mRNA and one cDNA.

Dr. Hiroto Komano is a professor of neuroscience and a researcher at Stanford University. His field of study is molecular analysis of Alzheimer’s dementia. [3] Dr. Komano, commenting on the above study, has expressed his concern that dementia cases will likely increase significantly, especially in the elderly, if there is persistent use of mRNA vaccines. He warns that the current incidence of one in five people over the age of 65 having dementia could double to two out of five, if mRNA vaccination continues. [4]
First, a brief digression to the topic of depression
Significant overlap has been found between depressed and demented patients. After adjusting for demographic and health factors, in the first year after diagnosis, dementia patients had triple the risk of depression compared to those without dementia. [5]
Cognitive and psychiatric effects of COVID vaccination were seen in all ages of adults in the Kim study, which examined the same Seoul Korea population as in the Roh, Jung, et al study. In this study, the Kim team of researchers examined residents over the age of 20, and considered a broader range of mental adverse events. [6] Whether mRNA or DNA vaccines or a combination, the vaccinated cohort showed increased incidence of depression, anxiety and other disorders, compared to the unvaccinated cohort in this population-based study.
At three months post vaccination, the vaccinated cohort showed 68% increased incidence of depression and a 44% increased incidence of anxiety, dissociative, stress-related and somatoform disorders.
The results of that enormous study of two million people were consistent with an earlier and much smaller study by Balasubramanian, [7] in which onset of psychiatric disorders occurred within zero to ten days following the first COVID vaccine dose. Young and middle-aged adults were more commonly affected.
In one literature review, across all adult age groups, mean age 34 years, new onset psychosis was seen to peak within seven days after dosing of the Pfizer vaccines and the ChAdOx1-nC19 vaccines, of which the Astra Zeneca vaccine was one. [8] For one third of the cases, new onset psychosis manifested within one day of receiving the vaccine. This describes a Gompertz curve of temporal effect – skyrocketing incidence at the beginning, followed by gradual attenuation of effect - which is consistent with the temporal criterion of the Bradford Hill criteria for establishing causality.
Post-vaccine inflammation as a cause of both depression and dementia
Here’s why I digressed to discussing depression. It seems that inflammation of the brain is a significant component of both conditions, and there is hardly a substance that has entered the human brain that is more tenaciously inflammatory than the spike proteins. The S1 fraction of the spike protein, spike’s most troublesome part, has been shown to enter the brain. [9] Now when those spike proteins come by way of a mere coronavirus halo (“corona”), as in naturally acquired infection, there are ways to rebuff entry to the brain, such as ivermectin, zinc and hydroxychloroquine’s mechanisms of thwarting ACE2 docking and entry to cells. [10] However, in the case of spike proteins delivered with the state-of-the-art lipid envelopes delivered by the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, now you have an efficient way to enter the brain that bypasses some of our best strategies against that assault.
The Kim study addressed why depression can be a common finding among the vaccinated. First, correlation between depression and inflammation has been observed for many years. In a different study of over 10,000 people, divided nearly in half between depression patients and controls, such inflammatory markers as Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukins (IL) 3, 6, 12 and 18, as well as C-reactive protein (C-RP) were found to be significantly higher in the patients than in controls. [11] Not only was the difference statistically significant, but the inflammatory markers C-RP and IL-12 were remarkably consistent in the depressed cohort, which further confirmed depression to be a pro-inflammatory state, or to at least have a pro-inflammatory component. There are some common pathways of injury between cognitive injury and depression, and it is worth exploring what contribution, if any, the COVID vaccines contribute to those pathologies.
It should not come as a surprise that increased incidence of both depression and dementia have been observed in COVID-vaccinated patients. Depression and dementia have sometimes been confused in diagnosis, because they both carry many common symptoms, such as apathy and self-neglect, irritability and withdrawal from other people, difficulty with, or lack of effort in, memory and focus. The latter may appear to the clinician as a mental slowness or a cognitive impairment. [12] Sometimes the depressed patient with the above symptoms is said to have a pseudodementia.
Inflammatory effects of spike proteins in the brain
We have seen from cardiovascular effects that there is much of an inflammatory nature about spike proteins and the COVID vaccines. Whether naturally acquired from COVID infection, or by injection from the mRNA vaccines, a similar diffusion of spike proteins are seen throughout the plasma and tissues far and widely dispersed from the injection site, [13] [14] including in the brain. [15] The Buzhdygan team studied the effects of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein on endothelial cells in the brain, and noted a correlated pro-inflammatory response with effects on the blood brain barrier. [16] At the surfaces of the endothelial cells in the brain that make up the blood-brain barrier, there are pathological changes that arise. [17] [18] This happens by way of degrading of several kinds of proteins that compose the blood brain barrier, and this is provoked by S1 of the spike protein. [19] Those proteins include adherens, tight and gap junctions. And in fact, spike proteins and related debris gather and accumulate there at the endothelial cells that these junctions surround, up to twenty times the accumulation at other cells. [20] This is even before the spike proteins pass that barrier and enter the brain. Once spike proteins are in the brain, they are correlated with neuroinflammatory, pathological changes affecting cognition and mood. [21]
Since 2021, I have discussed cardiovascular effects of spike proteins. https://colleenhuber.substack.com/p/is-it-possible-to-avoid-heart-damage The enzyme ACE2 is increased on cell surfaces in the presence of SARS-CoV-2, and that enzyme serves as a docking station and direct port of entry for the virus to enter a human cell. [22] [23] Hoffman et al describes that process in detail, how the protruding S glycoprotein of the spike protein has a receptor binding domain at which the ACE2 protein docks. [24] Not only is ACE2 present in the cerebral vasculature, at the vascular endothelial cells, as has been known since 2004, [25] but there is also higher expression of ACE2 enzyme in brain tissue derived from demented patients than from controls. [26] In fact, it was at mice brain blood vessels that it was first shown that the endothelial damage seen in SARS-CoV-2, the worst pathology associated with SARS-CoV-2, was caused by the spike protein alone. [27] Furthermore, ACE2 is clearly present in the fronto-cortical regions of the brain, in both capillaries and larger blood vessels. The same study found that dementia patients had an average of 3.5 times as much ACE2 expression as normal controls. [28] So we can see how there is a toxic feedback loop of mRNA vaccine delivery of mRNA instructions to the human cells to produce more spike proteins leading to more spike proteins in the brain, as follows.
The crucial blood-brain barrier
Regarding the blood brain barrier, which is simply a security wall to prevent toxic compounds from entering the brain, that endothelial layer is composed mostly of tight junctions, simply forming a more exclusive barrier to entry into the brain than barriers elsewhere in the body.
It was found that SARS-CoV-2 spike protein compromises and breaches that resilience significantly, [29] and the spike protein enters the brain. [30] And then pro-inflammatory responses result, including release of cytokines. [31] The Erickson team showed that the S1 fraction of the spike proteins could penetrate the blood brain barrier and cause neuroinflammation in mice, and that this activity correlated directly with Alzheimer’s disease effects. [32]
mRNA also is detectable in cerebrospinal fluid, which means that it has crossed the blood brain barrier.
Breach of the blood brain barrier has been seen as a reliable early biomarker to indicate cognitive impairments. [33] Conversely, normal neuronal and cognitive functioning depend on a “tight” intact blood-brain barrier. [34] The reason that it is important to have a pristine and tight barrier to the fluid entering the brain is that too many brain-altering substances flow through a loose barrier. Many of those are normal and natural blood products, such as immunoglobulins and albumin, iron and hemosiderin, plasmin and fibrin, that simply do not belong in brain tissue and cause damage when they accumulate there. And this is aside from unnatural neurotoxic compounds such as vaccine adjuvants aluminum and formaldehyde, etc., other pollutants and recreational drugs.
It is possible that the extra-thick glycocalyx barrier lining the capillary lumen of cerebral blood vessels, as shown below, [35] contributes much to a resilient blood brain barrier of low permeability, but then that same glycocalyx may also be vulnerable to the havoc caused by spike protein docking. [36]

The hippocampus is damaged in Alzheimer’s disease
In the case of Alzheimer’s disease, the way that particular damage to the blood brain barrier is thought to unfold is as follows: Brain imaging has shown microbleeds with accumulation of iron residues in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. The hippocampus is especially vulnerable to and affected by this, in fact far more so than other areas of the brain. [37] The hippocampus is the part of the brain most involved with memory and learning, so it is impacted earlier than other areas, and it is damaged early on in Alzheimer’s disease, with massive die-off of neurons. [38]
Michael Nehls MD PhD writes extensively about injuries to the hippocampus in his book, The Indoctrinated Brain. [39] He traces the injuries to the hippocampus to the discovery by Jonas Salk that adult hippocampal neurogenesis (learning and remembering capacity) is significantly reduced by the cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6). [40] This is known to happen both by direct neurodegeneration [41] as well as inhibited neurogenesis. [42]
What does this IL-6 have to do with the COVID vaccines? Well, it turns out that spike proteins, such as from coronaviruses, are known to release huge amounts of IL-6 and another highly pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-α, [43] both of which are potently inflammatory and are thus inhibitors of neurogenesis in the hippocampus, and are therefore antagonistic to an inquisitive, adaptive, learning and remembering brain. So that vulnerability would tend to promote a cognitive impairment or even an Alzheimer’s condition. For that to happen all the more certainly, if a sinister elite wanted to dumb down a population to sheep-like obedience and gullibility, as Dr. Nehls says, “To advance the Great Mental Reset, all that was needed was to ensure that as many people as possible spike regularly – ideally every three to six months – to ensure sustained cerebral toxicity.” [44] He attributes hippocampal damage not only to the repeated bombardment every few months of spike proteins from the COVID vaccines, but also to the following: Lockdowns and social isolation, the carbon-dioxide-laden air inside of masks, lack of exercise from closed gyms and lack of sunlight-provided vitamin D resulting from the most strict lockdowns. “Ultimately, all these factors cause the hippocampus to suffer at any age.” [45]
Cationic lipids deliver the toxic payload, and are also toxic
After COVID injection, the cationic lipids that are used in packaging mRNA are found within the brain in less than 15 minutes, [46] and are also found on autopsy of mRNA vaccine injected deceased individuals. [47] Each of those thousands of packets per dose contain the mRNA instructions to produce spike proteins, and then ACE2 is upregulated.
Those lipids aid the mRNA package to enter cells, and even to cross the blood-brain barrier, due to their outward-facing fat molecules as illustrated here.

It should also be remembered that the cationic lipids used to envelop mRNA are highly inflammatory and toxic toward the immune system’s macrophages, [49] and those lipids themselves induce pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha and IL-6. [50] In February 2021, just before the peak vaccine mania heyday, I discussed injuries to liver, lungs and mitochondria that are associated with cationic lipids. This is now the first chapter of my book Neither Safe Nor Effective. Complicating such inflammation, pre-existing inflammatory and auto-immune conditions exacerbate the pro-inflammatory effects of cationic lipids. [51]
The Ndeupen research team injected mice with empty LNP envelopes, not containing mRNA, and still observed “signs of intense inflammation” with erythema, swelling and “massive and rapid leukocytic infiltrates.” [52] This latter symptom is characteristic of a person having flu-like symptoms or a “bad cold,” and fills the body with suddenly produced white blood cells, as the immune system mounts a desperate response to an invader that is not as easy to attack as the pathogens, such as coronaviruses, that our many generations of ancestors faced. The Ndeupen team found that mortality was significant when higher doses of LNPs were given via intranasal inoculation. If that were known prior to injection of mRNA-carrying LNPs, would any human have consented to injection of these substances?
Placebo (PBS) versus lipid nanoparticle injected (LNP) skin samples from mice show the stark contrast. Note the redness, swelling, opacity and distortion of the LNP-injected skin samples.

How the mRNA vaccines increase risk of cognitive impairment or dementia
Therefore, the pattern of dementia risk from the COVID vaccines appear to be as follows:
Injection of COVID vaccine dose leads to release of inflammatory cytokines, as follows.
ACE2 plays a key role in inflammation and inflammatory processes, including when spike protein enters by that route. [53] The hyper-inflammatory crisis known as cytokine storm that is seen in severe acute respiratory infections involves abundant release from infected cells of the inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and the interleukins. Furthermore, the higher the levels of these cytokines, the more severe the bout of COVID symptoms and signs. [54]
Neuroinflammation has been correlated with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia syndromes for nearly a decade. [55]
Spike proteins alone have been shown to interfere with neuronal connectivity and transmission at the synapses. Independently from the Erickson team mentioned above, the Song research team found evidence of neuro-invasion of SARS-CoV-2 into the human brain, and that the ACE2 portal was required for this invasion, and that this was the cause of the neurological symptoms observed. [56]
Thus we see a path from the mRNA COVID vaccines, their spike protein payload and their lipid envelopes, to inflammation as a clinically established risk for, or cause of, dementia and other cognitive impairment.
The Abramczyk research team found evidence of damage to glial cells in the brain following COVID vaccination. [57] Glial cells are supportive cells to neurons, not only giving the physical support of a scaffolding, but electrically as well, maintaining a proper ion balance in the brain. Other glial cells enhance communication among neurons at their synapses and modulate the flow of neurotransmitters.
The way that damage happens to the glial cells following COVID vaccination appears to be as follows: Following Pfizer vaccine dosing, the concentration of cytochrome C decreased in mitochondria. This had the effect of impairing the very essential oxidative phosphorylation pathway in mitochondria, with the resultant unfortunate effect of lower ATP production. The reader may remember that ATP is the unit of currency (so to speak) of energy in the body. It is life-threatening to have any reduction in ATP.
But that was not all of the damage discovered. Lower cytochrome C also results in lower apoptosis, which can lead to cancers, and in fact that malfunction has been noted in one of the deadliest cancers, namely glioblastoma, a particularly difficult brain cancer. Oncologist William Makis MD considers glioblastoma to be one of the most prevalent of the post-COVID vaccine turbo cancers. [58]
If the COVID vaccines have stimulated a mild cognitive impairment among five billion of the earth’s population, how gullible will that population be regarding the next vaccine sales campaign that emerges, and will they be able to remember the casualties from the 2021 COVID vaccine mania heyday?
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Thank you Dr. Huber. I read "The Indoctrinated Brain" a couple of months ago. Excellent book and message. Dr. Denis Rancourt, now on Substack, has published a number of excellent studies that clearly show that there was no pandemic and that the all-cause mortality increases during "covid" were due to government intervention - death by government. Thanks for the great post. Peace.
Dr. Rancourt's upcoming presentation - is anybody listening??
There is a growing list of tremendous side-effects of these biological weapon agents in these inoculations. They have no health benefit. They are meant to cause damage. In my opinion, trust is broken. Many politicians are rogue and serve the needs of corporations, central banks and ngos. I do not mean to be melodramatic or frantic but it is now about the safety of everyone. It is time for the average person to act. Listening to the establishment has caused severe damage.