Thank you Dr. Huber. I read "The Indoctrinated Brain" a couple of months ago. Excellent book and message. Dr. Denis Rancourt, now on Substack, has published a number of excellent studies that clearly show that there was no pandemic and that the all-cause mortality increases during "covid" were due to government intervention - death by government. Thanks for the great post. Peace.

Dr. Rancourt's upcoming presentation - is anybody listening??


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Yes, I very much admire Rancourt's tremendous work in gathering the evidence of governments' COVID war against the public, and Nehls' insights into how brains were damaged by several aspects of that war.

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The Indoctrinated Brain is excellent for understanding how easily a whole society can be manipulated. Everybody should try to understand the most basics concepts here so that it can never happen again.

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There is a growing list of tremendous side-effects of these biological weapon agents in these inoculations. They have no health benefit. They are meant to cause damage. In my opinion, trust is broken. Many politicians are rogue and serve the needs of corporations, central banks and ngos. I do not mean to be melodramatic or frantic but it is now about the safety of everyone. It is time for the average person to act. Listening to the establishment has caused severe damage.

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I thought you were quite understated, considering the enormity of the crime.

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This is what happens when you put unwavering trust in the Establishment. Peeps gotta wise up.

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Thank you ++ for this thorough sobering overview of the toxic brain modification jabs. I’ve just finished Dr Michael Nehls confronting book ‘The indoctrinated Brain’. This research adds heavy weight to his proposition that the brain, in particular, the hippocampus has been deliberately targeted.

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I am beginning to think that what has been presented in this article is why it is so difficult to get people to understand what damage is being done. Especially in the one’s who have been vaxed more often.

In my personal opinion I would say yes.

Even with that said we have to keep trying.

What other options do we really have.

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With each shot, more damage is created.

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Exactly Lisa.

Excellent addition !!!

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I love reading your work. Is there anything we can be doing to help clear our brain of unwanted build up from vaccine or naturally occurring Covid spike protein?

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From what I've seen, ivermectin has more mechanisms against spike protein than any single substance. You may be near a doctor who can prescribe it in liposomal form from a compounding pharmacy. Also, the brain thrives on Omega -3 fatty acids.

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Perhaps increasing antioxidants from food sources might be a good start to reduce the effect of toxins. https://yandex.com/search/?text=antioxidants+food+sources&lr=10636

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Thank you for your tireless work to inform and educate about subjects which will be ignored or actively suppressed by the main stream medical community, academia, and media!

We are still pushing this poison into children, unlike virtually any other nation on Earth! Egregious and criminal!

We suspect several of our friends have been vaxx damaged but will not admit it and have others who have died as a result. Now they are planning to release self-augmenting jabs into the Japanese population. What could go wrong? /s

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They are not mRNA vaccines - The US Supreme Court ruled back in 2013 that anything from nature could not be patented (mRNA) only something new, alien and never existed before can be patented and these vaccines are all patented because they are ModRNA DNA and a Swedish study proved that they change the Human Genome and DNA in 5 hours from injection, so that, by Law, those vaccinated are no longer Human, but a new life form, Trans Human, with zero Rights of any kind - ideal subjects to replace those Mice and Rats in laboratories springing up everywhere like Mushrooms, doubtless.

"If" natural mRNA is the key to the door to Heaven, after death, what door does the ModRNA, synthetic, made in a laboratory, alien and patented, key open and where does the Soul go then and would that have anything to do with babies being born dead, because they each need a new Soul in them, to be activated?

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everything about this is horrifying and evil.

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Thank you, Dr. Huber. I do not believe for even one second that the entire Covid19 operation wasn’t an intentional scheme by the DoD/Military Industrial Complex, or whoever, which was designed to fearmonger people into being jabbed by these evil toxins. I know many intelligent, normally skeptical people who fell for it. One of them is my brother, who very quickly died of turbo cancer last year. He was physically fit and slender, didn’t take any Rx meds, etc. Though I can’t prove it, I consider his death murder.

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It's really astonishing the extent of the entire tragedy. I am so sorry for your loss of your brother.

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Cathleen I am so sorry. Every story pains me.

My nephew (20) just went to a funeral yesterday

They buried the brother of his bestest friend .

The brother was 18.

Went to bed on a Wednesday night two weeks ago and on Thursday morning parents found him passed away where he last laid his head to rest the night before.

Bags were packed for college

Found out recently he was having myocarditis symptoms this year

All anyone can say is he was always pushing it with his long bike rides.


This is an area of very very high compliance and trust in the jab technology


My aunt also passed away in her bed one night

Bags packed to take a plane trip the next day to see her son.

She was spry and a firecracker. They found her 3 days later

Plane ticket on her nightstand.

Sigh 😞

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'Listening to the establishment has caused severe damage.' LISA NOVAKOWSKI's very telling Comment in responses to COLLEEN HUBER'S 'Brain injuries from COVID vaccines.' Thanks again to Dr. Huber! Here's more, from December 2021--https://donpaulwearerev.com/flipping-the-script/the-undoing-of-evil-1-stop-the-shots-we-can-then-stop-covid

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Hi Colleen, As a statistics minor in college, I appreciate your confidence interval and P values. Any P value < 0.05 means the data are valid.

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As a statistics professor, I would say that the data are always valid. But when the p-value is less than 0.05, the finding is statistically significant.

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Thank you for a reminder of that parameter for statistical significance.

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I do so much, look forward to seeing your writings in my in-box! Thank you again for another great article!

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Anything that crosses the blood brain barrier that can reverse or mitigate the effects ?

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OUTstanding article - thank you much - appreciate your work. God's blessings to you Dr. H ...

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