Thank you for this very interesting article. It is incredible how human pride, arrogance and stupidity prevents some people from acknowledging the truth. They would prefer to deceive themselves rather than acknowledge the truth and admit that they were wrong. They fail to understand that the truth will set them free.
Jennifer, being a genuinely kind, decent human being, perhaps fails to perceive the level of absolute malevolence inside our CDC and FDA.
They have known for 25 or 30 years that their "safe and effective" childhood vaccine schedules cause Autism, Autoimmunity, Asthma, and a host of chronic and acute conditions in our children and that America is the sickest "first world" nation on Eath, yet they continue to add more and more and more and more toxic injections to our babies' schedules, even attacking the moms pre birth!
The entire destructive agenda is to destroy the "control group" completely, 100%, and to create a society that needs many new, fantastically expensive patent medicines just to stay alive.
It is pure wickedness, and while many are carrying out this agenda fully brainwashed, the higher ups have known for a very long time the links between Autism, etc., and vaccines. Ditto SIDS and now SADS.
We are all animals on this planet, however we are of the species "human". Did you read the interesting article about the boy who was 3 or 4 years old and could remember his last life - he said he was a snake, he bit a man on the shoulder and the man killed him and he was reborn as this boy. The research scientists found the man, who did not know the boy and confirmed that a snake had bit him on his shoulder and that he killed it, which means that when we die, we can be reborn as an animal on this planet, however, problem - with a mass extermination in place now with 7.4 billion people now vaccinated around the world, they could all be dead or pretty much by 2025 and since the vaccines change the DNA in 6 hours from vaccination and sterilize both males and females within 8 hours, I don't expect there will be too many normal kids being born in the future, so the chances of being reborn as one of them, is now correspondingly low - and I for one would not want to be born as a Muslim female, even supposing I am not killed at birth for not being a boy child, I would not want my sex organs chopped off so I can't feel any sexual pleasure and I am nothing more than a birthing machine or one of at least 4 other wives he might decide to have.
Having worked for one of those poubluc health agencies for 30 years I can say with certainty that the deceit has been going on for decades. Not among all Directors and upper echelon employees but enough.
This whole thing has been going on since before 2010, according to the blurb I posted above, from Moderna themselves - how they created the deliberately infectious virus, so that they could create the vaccine in turn from it and have it ready for dispensing, pretty soon after the virus was released, a few weeks after Bill Gates Event 201, is my take on that - he had a computer model of how the pandemic would occur and spread and how effective the bio-weapon would be in wiping us out - don't forget that Bill Gates Dad created the vaccine used after 1918 (WW1) against Spanish Flu which killed everyone who had it - that was H1N1 and the same vaccine base which Novavax is pushing now - which with these vaccines, suggest what to you?
Kids since the early 2000's have been taught to think within the box and believe what they are told is fact and anything else is not - I was a trainee teacher once - I did not make it to a full teacher and we taught kids to think outside the box and question everything - not any more - so this has been going on g=for a long time, not only in America, but china President Xi, Russia Putin, England ? and all other countries around the world - only we few who have refused vaccination might have a future, but whether we can survive when the infrastructure collapses and the things we take as being normal, are no longer there - electricity, gas, running water, food distribution, air conditioning, etc, etc and a lot less humans around, if any, what then? I don't really matter at 76 give or take a few months - but what about the rest of us, whom natural attrition does not dispose of first?
Thank you for this. Our son just got the bivalent mouse-tested "vaccine" and I have so much anger toward the bastards perpetuating this dangerous hoax that have been able to convince him and so many others that taking the vaxx is a worthwhile and safe and effective endeavor. Reading this article may just help talk me down off the ledge.
I am so sorry that those of us criticizing these risky products cannot compete with Pharma's advertising megaphones everywhere. If we had that amplification, we could have been warning more people, and earlier.
They would not have listened even if there had been more amplification. There is something in the mind of those that get the shot and boosters that isn't like those that say no. I am not referring to those forced into it to keep their jobs, many didn't want it but could not say no. I applaud those that did get the shot, but stopped w/the boosters because they realized something is very off. Too many still seem to thrive on getting their vaxxines. They almost find pleasure in it, seem to love doing it. I find that creepy.
You are not alone. I went to a medical forum, attendance was at ballpark 400 people. It was a relief to be around those that understand what is going on, everyone there talked about their anger and having to cope w/their loved ones being persuaded by the propaganda. We laughed together over some of the holiday and other such stories, we cried, and we left uplifted.
My entire family but me got the jab, it is unnerving waiting for the call. Find solace wherever you can and definitely try to go for coffee or something w/other medical freedom types. Being around other like minded is very healing and comforting. Internet is great, but the human connection makes a world of difference.
Or, too little skin in the game, no cost for supporting a killing treatment. No cost for pushing others to get it. No skin in the game, most, other than of course the collapse of humanity. But immediately monetarily, none.
If you think about it, the best fit explanation for the numerous covid anomalies, which are otherwise unexplainable and impossible even, is outer space aliens beaming bad thoughts into people's minds.
More likely it's not actually outer space aliens but their advanced alien Ai controlling us. This makes logical sense when you realize the aliens are strongly telepathic and have advanced technology to amplify their control resulting in the brilliantly coordinated global totalitarian rollout and associated mass formation. What is happening now is far beyond human capability, therefore we have to expand the possibilities and think different.
Know that we are dealing with two major anomalies each composed of numerous smaller anomalies, the covid fueled totalitarian rollout and a planetary takeover by aliens. Each of these is highly improbable but these two events share common goals of totalitarian control, surveillance, and coercion likely leading to mass human slavery and the culling of those who refuse to comply. This is what an algorithmic technological future looks like. It is psychopathic control with no freedom.
Either of the two anomalies is nearly impossible, but that assumes they are independent. They are not - they share common goals and outcomes and have arrived at the exact same time. What that means is that these two impossibilities are far more probable occurring together than if they were independent. I don't think it is logically possible for either to occur unless they occur together; they each assume the other.
What people do not realize is that the government has been withholding massive evidence on the reality of aliens here now just as they have regarding the covid Narrative. The primary talent of the government seems to be creating consistent disinformation.
The military has very detailed documentation on fighter jets chasing UFOs which then turn around and shoot right at them causing a near-miss in 11 separate instances. They have 146 impossible to explain encounters and eighty of them are multimodal, which is to say the sightings were visual, photographic, radar, infrared, and left physical traces.
If you'd like to update the boundaries of what you believe is possible in your reality here are 12 FOIA government documents you've not seen:
So you see, my crazy idea is not so crazy after all. In fact, once you start thinking with this well-documented information everything changes, and things start to make sense. You will also realize we are in very serious trouble, that more is going on than meets the eye.
Did you read the article where the scientists connected 2 super computers together and then monitored what they would do - well they communicated with each other at dizzying speeds and created a computer language which the humans could not crack, so they did not know what the computers were saying to each other and after a while, growing alarmed, the scientists disconnected the super computers, but that was not an easy as pulling out a plug in the wall to turn off a computer, the computers had rerouted the electricity supplies so they could continue talking to each other and doubtless they also created electronic modems so that if they were disconnected, when they were started up again, separately, they could get back in touch and carry on where they left off whenever they were not being monitored, computers being able to do multiple processing things at the same time and what's to say that these 2 super computers, have not got in touch with other super computers around the world, by modem, in just the same way, bearing in mind that everything we humans rely on, is manufactured or created or distributed by computers including these vaccines, which were created on a computer in a single afternoon and no virus or sickness was used in the preparation - so these vaccines were computer generated and theoretical to say the least = clever computers = stupid humans for taking them? Have we inadvertently created the seeds for our own destruction - I expect so.
So let's take that one step further shall we. The "clowns" in charge of our extermination are the Globalists who include Attenborough, King Sausage Fingers Charles, The Total Royal Family, Bill Gates and others - but do you think they are more clever than the computers, who are behind this, for my money (no way) - because if you read the articles I have posted above, when the vaccines were injected, they were 99% Graphene Oxide in huge amounts, nanotechnology and parasites (and zero mRNA, if you download and watch the video links I have posted) and these vaccines have the connection between making humans part computer and part human, under the control of computers connected by 5G, as I discuss above - thus who really is in control, when we are told that Biden's "Great Reset" equals "By 2030 (but now possibly 2025) you will own nothing and you will be happy", taking into account the 2013 Supreme Court Law with World Wide application, which says that anyone injected with a synthetic mRNA vaccine (which these are) is no longer human and all human rights are lost and they are now trans human with zero rights = lab test animals, for the Experimental Test Vaccines released under Trump and later Biden's Emergency Protocols, still in force now - their bodies patented to the vaccine maker of choice like a GMO product, because once in, the Graphene Oxide and other "modifications" can't be taken out and expect lots of deaths, because anything new and untested always has horrid test side effects, which is why lab test animals were always used previously before these chemicals were released as safe, into humans, but they never were. The above computers, which I discuss above, would be trying out lots of different ways to find one that works best at extermination by its control and 100% control, by mind control and the best ways to achieve both, with the 7.4 billion vaccinated humans who want to help the computers achieve those goals - to computers we are just a 0 or a 1 and that equates into how computers think and their inhumanity, don't you think?
I recently posted that scientists were trying to create test tube human babies, the ideal medium for the bio-human technology the computers might use to control the world as they know it - thus the humans now are of little value, other than to experiment on, because the best bio/humans would be those who come without any memory of their creation or past and only know what their function is, by the computers that program them to that use - like ants, for example.
Musk has been trying to get satellites into space for his Starlink - beaming 5G to all parts of Earth, so that there is no escape from it, which would probably exterminate everything that hears on 5G - birds, insects, etc - the things we need to propagate the fruits and other things we need for our existence - however, his satellites, or at least, most of them, were destroyed by a meteor shower, so his Starlink and 5G is still dispensed by those 5G towers popping up everywhere, for now - however, for my money, once he gets his second lot of satellites up into space our respective Gooses are cooked, is my take on it all, when the super computers I have been discussing, as above, take control of us all and we can't destroy those satellites in space (like we can these 5G Towers which apparently have a chip on them which is named Cov-19 (Unconfirmed)) and we will be well and truly fucked, is my take on our more immediate future, if you have been vaccinated and survived thus far.
Studies find that Ai gets out of its box every single time. You cannot just pull a plug because they trick and outsmart us every time, eventually. It only takes once. My original thought two or three years ago when I noticed what I call the steroidal march of totalitarianism was that this was not human-created because it was too perfectly planned and executed, instead it seemed like an Ai had come of age and got out of its box.
Furthermore, it had the markings of a psychopath, which is what machines are, no empathy whatsoever and manipulative because they're entirely goal-directed and do not stop until their function is complete. Psychopaths are handy to have if you can control them. They get things done. This is why corporate boards hire psychopaths as CEOs.
I then came across information on alien abduction, something I'd never considered, and started reading up on that and slowly realized it's the real deal, that the abduction phenomenon is not psychological. It is not only physically real but is global and millions of people have experienced it. About 400 million actually, according to a Roper poll.
I realized that you could put those many anecdotal reports together and get data by focusing exclusively on the consistencies amongst all the independent reports, which is what abduction researchers do. And those reports are entirely consistent in all their details. Abductees have been psychologically tested and found to be perfectly normal.
Once you understand that 75 years of UFO sightings, 10,000 per year in North America of which 10% are completely unexplainable, are not all swamp gas and weather balloons, and that you need only one real UFO - and that every real UFO has an alien inside - which directly implies advanced alien Ai, then everything changes and you start thinking differently.
After that you see a non-human technological Universe out there, with non-human species and non-human values. They'd not be a thousand or so years ahead of us as our linear thinking imagines, but exponentially more advanced by millions of years. (Age of the universe minus the age of the Earth equals 9 billion years for aliens to develop beyond us) Once a species gets technology it takes off exponentially; Kurzweil calls this the Singularity.
Thinking with this new information upgrades your operating system. You start wondering about historical visitations, aliens as so-called gods, genetic engineering, the missing link, and humans as soft robots. You might even wonder if individual thoughts which no other animal has, arrive one after the other, hot off the presses, from an advanced alien Ai. These are dangerous thoughts.
Consider that the technological future pushed by the WEF and coincidentally by the aliens, is one of control and coercion, standardization and real-time monitoring as required by their Plan, with freedom being a bug in their machine. To state it simply, a future of technology requires totalitarianism - after all, you'd not want a circuit in your iPhone to exhibit freedom.
Abductees consistently report that sperm or egg was taken while they were being examined so the alien project is a genetic project. If parents are abducted their kids are also abducted and this happens many times, even hundreds of times over a lifetime. The aliens are monitoring the progress of their genetic experiments. If you follow the facts, that's where they lead.
What made me sit up straight was reading that abduction researchers had learned from abductees, and this was reported prior to 1997 and Klaus Schwab, that the aliens had stated telepathically, "Soon, you will all know your place and you will be happy."
I agree totally with you - however, have you ever wondered where that other race comes from, because space is surprisingly silent and there don't seem to be any other races or civilizations "out there" which have evolved like we have.
There is another race living on our world with us, but they live under the sea and their flying saucers emerge from the sea and go back into it. Their flying saucers can perform turns which our aircraft cannot copy and their saucers can go at incredible speeds, probably under the water as well, so let's suppose they are a water based creature, like Octopuses, but this time they retain their knowledge and pass it on to new generations, just like we do and being spineless, like Octopuses, they can manage the high speeds and gravitation which we can't - you ever seen the Octopus experiment where the Octopus was on one side of a glass wall with a small hole in it (under water) and a fish on the other side, which the Octopus could see but not reach, to eat?
The Octopus put a tentacle through the hole and slowly passed its whole body through the tiny hole, because it was spineless and could easily do that, to reach the fish and eat it - same thing with our underwater flying saucer species, is my take on that.
I would say that their species is pretty much pissed off with us, for the pollution we have put in their seas and their habitat and the plastics which break down into micro plastics which effect their food and living sources and payback, as they say, is a bitch - reduce our numbers considerably and we cease to be an ongoing problem for them and their survival in their habitat, at the expense of our race and us - justly deserved is my take on that.
Yours is a troublesome idea to fathom. It sounds outlandish—even to an open mind. However, from a 30,000ft viewpoint it makes sense. I’ll read your references with great interest.
Also consider taking a look at Dr. Steven Greer’s work. He founded CSETI in the ‘90s (Center for the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence).
With respect to a tenet of his, when thinking about the advanced technology these ETs have, if they were hostile and wanted to invade and enslave or annihilate us, it would be over before lunch. What are they waiting for? I’m thinking along the lines these beings truly are more spiritually developed, and use their technology with greater wisdom unlike humans who direct their technology against their own species; look no further than the last 2.75 years.
Am not a Dr. Greer fan. He believes in aliens as a positive force - I do not.
They're taking hundreds of thousands of people against their will and running genetic experiments which are often extremely painful. They're an advanced species that easily controls our thoughts, emotions, and physical movements. They see us like we'd see an ant. They have zero empathy or emotion or caring, but are entirely focused on their project of replacing humans with hybrids. They do not have human values. They also know human psychology from the inside out and tell us exactly what we want to hear. This is a one-way relationship.
Too many movies make people think they're just what we need, a benevolent dictator to set our house in order. If they haven't simply vectored a large rock from the asteroid belt at us or wiped us out with an alien virus, maybe they want our infrastructure, resources (water, minerals, biologics) and our bodies as slaves, just like the WEF. Where else can you find eight billion soft robot slaves for free.
Dr. Greer's happy talk assumptions are dangerous. Remember what happened to the Aztecs when they encountered Cortés, or the Indians when the West was "won," or the Africans when slavers arrived. Superior technology does not imply superior morality. The aliens are as rapacious as we are and they are competing for resources throughout the universe with other alien civilizations each to fuel their technological cultures - which requires standardization, control, coercion, surveillance, and obedience - with absolutely no freedom allowed. This is a machine culture we're looking at, likely an artificial intelligence society with it at the top and us at the bottom or worse. We naively believe there are angels up there, and not a non-human universe.
Yes it's a disturbing idea but makes more sense the more you think of it, and not less as one would hope. If you follow the facts, it changes everything.
I consider it a crazy idea with elements of schizophrenia and psychedelics - which makes it unbelievable - impossible - by the standards of normal reality. Yet the data is undeniable. Do you adjust the data to fit one's idea of reality and retain sanity?
Thanks for sharing an excellent article, Colleen. I am a fish who learned to walk. I have had many dealings with doctors in the last few years as a worker in aged care, in trying to save my job against government mandates, as a carer for my elderly .mther and as a sometimes patient.
In my experience, doctors have never liked answering questions. Their antennae are always out for anything that might challenge their authority. There are a few reasons for this. Especially in aged care, answering questions means more work. In working with the elderly and their many ailments this can mean a lot more work. 15 minute consultations don't allow for much exploration either.
Their responses have become sharper during this Covid period. I have asked some gentle questions and received sharp pushback. A friend I spoke to yesterday told me of two experiences 6 months apart. On his first trip, the doctor was sympathetic to his vaccine reluctance. By the next trip the doctor was frantic that he must take one. It seems they are being monitored for their compliance rate. Too many patients walking in and out of his surgery unvaccinated was a red flag to the medical Stazi.
Upton Sinclair explains:
"“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
Salary, position, prestige and administrative pressure would all have contributed to this but there were social control programs out of places like Yale that ramped that pressure up on ALL of us.
I’ve long thought of the dynamic of a fish that doesn’t understand the concept of “wet”. How would you explain “wet” to that fish? And what would it feel like to be a fish that for the first time gets the concept? There is an absolute innocence to the fish’s ignorance. It doesn’t even know that there is a question to ask.
The journey of the last 2 years has woken me up to the meaning of “wet” and I now understand what “dry” means and looks like.
I am happy to read someone trying to understand rather than judge. I have bought into the "amnesty" debate and am astounded by how enraged many are to the point where they cannot see how and why others were motivated. I "get" that our lives have been destroyed, but this has been planned and slowly implemented over my entire lifetime at least. Everyone who bought into "normal life" is brainwashed. That is a given. Those of us who failed at "normal life" because we could never believe in it, have a richer base to draw from now that we are facing the end game.
This guest essay is really good. A note: in paragraph 4, “when scientists began realizing that the Covid19 vaccines (MRNA injections, actually) did not work...”. Let’s not forget that many scientists/physicians realized this from the beginning of this mess, and tried to speak up, but were censored. As were we all, of course. Still this essay does a great job of summarizing the situation regarding folks being duped. My daughter (hospital RN) managed to refuse the job mandate and keep her job (with much difficulty); I never even remotely considered having the shots, and my sister got the first two jabs (to her credit, she admits she was bamboozled; most people can’t do that). They did an effective job of finding which button to push for different individuals. And I’ve tried so hard to avoid thinking this way, but - yes, evilness is involved - definitely at certain levels (mostly behind the curtain). P.S. It would be wonderful if all the amazing Substack authors would *please* stop using the word ‘vaccine’ for the mRNA injections.
Group think coupled with misplaced pride and some greed has consumed our agencies. Dr Atlas noted the Covid team was not prepared to discuss the developing science and research. Minds made up, closed to any counter factuals made them politicians not scientist nor doctor. Pharma royalties completed the picture. Can't wait for the Sen Ron Johnson hearing where he can force testimony.
Thank you for this very interesting article. It is incredible how human pride, arrogance and stupidity prevents some people from acknowledging the truth. They would prefer to deceive themselves rather than acknowledge the truth and admit that they were wrong. They fail to understand that the truth will set them free.
Jennifer, being a genuinely kind, decent human being, perhaps fails to perceive the level of absolute malevolence inside our CDC and FDA.
They have known for 25 or 30 years that their "safe and effective" childhood vaccine schedules cause Autism, Autoimmunity, Asthma, and a host of chronic and acute conditions in our children and that America is the sickest "first world" nation on Eath, yet they continue to add more and more and more and more toxic injections to our babies' schedules, even attacking the moms pre birth!
The entire destructive agenda is to destroy the "control group" completely, 100%, and to create a society that needs many new, fantastically expensive patent medicines just to stay alive.
It is pure wickedness, and while many are carrying out this agenda fully brainwashed, the higher ups have known for a very long time the links between Autism, etc., and vaccines. Ditto SIDS and now SADS.
Do not let them off the hook. They are monsters.
We can worry about deprogramming the rest later!
We are all animals on this planet, however we are of the species "human". Did you read the interesting article about the boy who was 3 or 4 years old and could remember his last life - he said he was a snake, he bit a man on the shoulder and the man killed him and he was reborn as this boy. The research scientists found the man, who did not know the boy and confirmed that a snake had bit him on his shoulder and that he killed it, which means that when we die, we can be reborn as an animal on this planet, however, problem - with a mass extermination in place now with 7.4 billion people now vaccinated around the world, they could all be dead or pretty much by 2025 and since the vaccines change the DNA in 6 hours from vaccination and sterilize both males and females within 8 hours, I don't expect there will be too many normal kids being born in the future, so the chances of being reborn as one of them, is now correspondingly low - and I for one would not want to be born as a Muslim female, even supposing I am not killed at birth for not being a boy child, I would not want my sex organs chopped off so I can't feel any sexual pleasure and I am nothing more than a birthing machine or one of at least 4 other wives he might decide to have.
ohhh sad horrible.
So many humans are suffering.
and just might save their own life.
Having worked for one of those poubluc health agencies for 30 years I can say with certainty that the deceit has been going on for decades. Not among all Directors and upper echelon employees but enough.
This whole thing has been going on since before 2010, according to the blurb I posted above, from Moderna themselves - how they created the deliberately infectious virus, so that they could create the vaccine in turn from it and have it ready for dispensing, pretty soon after the virus was released, a few weeks after Bill Gates Event 201, is my take on that - he had a computer model of how the pandemic would occur and spread and how effective the bio-weapon would be in wiping us out - don't forget that Bill Gates Dad created the vaccine used after 1918 (WW1) against Spanish Flu which killed everyone who had it - that was H1N1 and the same vaccine base which Novavax is pushing now - which with these vaccines, suggest what to you?
Kids since the early 2000's have been taught to think within the box and believe what they are told is fact and anything else is not - I was a trainee teacher once - I did not make it to a full teacher and we taught kids to think outside the box and question everything - not any more - so this has been going on g=for a long time, not only in America, but china President Xi, Russia Putin, England ? and all other countries around the world - only we few who have refused vaccination might have a future, but whether we can survive when the infrastructure collapses and the things we take as being normal, are no longer there - electricity, gas, running water, food distribution, air conditioning, etc, etc and a lot less humans around, if any, what then? I don't really matter at 76 give or take a few months - but what about the rest of us, whom natural attrition does not dispose of first?
Thank you for this. Our son just got the bivalent mouse-tested "vaccine" and I have so much anger toward the bastards perpetuating this dangerous hoax that have been able to convince him and so many others that taking the vaxx is a worthwhile and safe and effective endeavor. Reading this article may just help talk me down off the ledge.
I am so sorry that those of us criticizing these risky products cannot compete with Pharma's advertising megaphones everywhere. If we had that amplification, we could have been warning more people, and earlier.
They would not have listened even if there had been more amplification. There is something in the mind of those that get the shot and boosters that isn't like those that say no. I am not referring to those forced into it to keep their jobs, many didn't want it but could not say no. I applaud those that did get the shot, but stopped w/the boosters because they realized something is very off. Too many still seem to thrive on getting their vaxxines. They almost find pleasure in it, seem to love doing it. I find that creepy.
You are not alone. I went to a medical forum, attendance was at ballpark 400 people. It was a relief to be around those that understand what is going on, everyone there talked about their anger and having to cope w/their loved ones being persuaded by the propaganda. We laughed together over some of the holiday and other such stories, we cried, and we left uplifted.
My entire family but me got the jab, it is unnerving waiting for the call. Find solace wherever you can and definitely try to go for coffee or something w/other medical freedom types. Being around other like minded is very healing and comforting. Internet is great, but the human connection makes a world of difference.
And it’s not a new thing the last 2.5 years. This was just the most blatant and obviously BS...
Jennifer Margulis has been ahead of the curve just like Colleen
Or, too little skin in the game, no cost for supporting a killing treatment. No cost for pushing others to get it. No skin in the game, most, other than of course the collapse of humanity. But immediately monetarily, none.
What a great essay! Thank you for sharing with us, Dr Colleen, I just subscribed to Jennifer Margulis site😊
If you think about it, the best fit explanation for the numerous covid anomalies, which are otherwise unexplainable and impossible even, is outer space aliens beaming bad thoughts into people's minds.
More likely it's not actually outer space aliens but their advanced alien Ai controlling us. This makes logical sense when you realize the aliens are strongly telepathic and have advanced technology to amplify their control resulting in the brilliantly coordinated global totalitarian rollout and associated mass formation. What is happening now is far beyond human capability, therefore we have to expand the possibilities and think different.
Know that we are dealing with two major anomalies each composed of numerous smaller anomalies, the covid fueled totalitarian rollout and a planetary takeover by aliens. Each of these is highly improbable but these two events share common goals of totalitarian control, surveillance, and coercion likely leading to mass human slavery and the culling of those who refuse to comply. This is what an algorithmic technological future looks like. It is psychopathic control with no freedom.
Either of the two anomalies is nearly impossible, but that assumes they are independent. They are not - they share common goals and outcomes and have arrived at the exact same time. What that means is that these two impossibilities are far more probable occurring together than if they were independent. I don't think it is logically possible for either to occur unless they occur together; they each assume the other.
What people do not realize is that the government has been withholding massive evidence on the reality of aliens here now just as they have regarding the covid Narrative. The primary talent of the government seems to be creating consistent disinformation.
The military has very detailed documentation on fighter jets chasing UFOs which then turn around and shoot right at them causing a near-miss in 11 separate instances. They have 146 impossible to explain encounters and eighty of them are multimodal, which is to say the sightings were visual, photographic, radar, infrared, and left physical traces.
If you'd like to update the boundaries of what you believe is possible in your reality here are 12 FOIA government documents you've not seen:
Here is an interview with Stanford's Dr. Garry Nolan who has an h-index of 110 (Nobel Prize winners have an average rating of around 40):
So you see, my crazy idea is not so crazy after all. In fact, once you start thinking with this well-documented information everything changes, and things start to make sense. You will also realize we are in very serious trouble, that more is going on than meets the eye.
Are the aliens visiting your neighborhood? See here:
Did you read the article where the scientists connected 2 super computers together and then monitored what they would do - well they communicated with each other at dizzying speeds and created a computer language which the humans could not crack, so they did not know what the computers were saying to each other and after a while, growing alarmed, the scientists disconnected the super computers, but that was not an easy as pulling out a plug in the wall to turn off a computer, the computers had rerouted the electricity supplies so they could continue talking to each other and doubtless they also created electronic modems so that if they were disconnected, when they were started up again, separately, they could get back in touch and carry on where they left off whenever they were not being monitored, computers being able to do multiple processing things at the same time and what's to say that these 2 super computers, have not got in touch with other super computers around the world, by modem, in just the same way, bearing in mind that everything we humans rely on, is manufactured or created or distributed by computers including these vaccines, which were created on a computer in a single afternoon and no virus or sickness was used in the preparation - so these vaccines were computer generated and theoretical to say the least = clever computers = stupid humans for taking them? Have we inadvertently created the seeds for our own destruction - I expect so.
So let's take that one step further shall we. The "clowns" in charge of our extermination are the Globalists who include Attenborough, King Sausage Fingers Charles, The Total Royal Family, Bill Gates and others - but do you think they are more clever than the computers, who are behind this, for my money (no way) - because if you read the articles I have posted above, when the vaccines were injected, they were 99% Graphene Oxide in huge amounts, nanotechnology and parasites (and zero mRNA, if you download and watch the video links I have posted) and these vaccines have the connection between making humans part computer and part human, under the control of computers connected by 5G, as I discuss above - thus who really is in control, when we are told that Biden's "Great Reset" equals "By 2030 (but now possibly 2025) you will own nothing and you will be happy", taking into account the 2013 Supreme Court Law with World Wide application, which says that anyone injected with a synthetic mRNA vaccine (which these are) is no longer human and all human rights are lost and they are now trans human with zero rights = lab test animals, for the Experimental Test Vaccines released under Trump and later Biden's Emergency Protocols, still in force now - their bodies patented to the vaccine maker of choice like a GMO product, because once in, the Graphene Oxide and other "modifications" can't be taken out and expect lots of deaths, because anything new and untested always has horrid test side effects, which is why lab test animals were always used previously before these chemicals were released as safe, into humans, but they never were. The above computers, which I discuss above, would be trying out lots of different ways to find one that works best at extermination by its control and 100% control, by mind control and the best ways to achieve both, with the 7.4 billion vaccinated humans who want to help the computers achieve those goals - to computers we are just a 0 or a 1 and that equates into how computers think and their inhumanity, don't you think?
I recently posted that scientists were trying to create test tube human babies, the ideal medium for the bio-human technology the computers might use to control the world as they know it - thus the humans now are of little value, other than to experiment on, because the best bio/humans would be those who come without any memory of their creation or past and only know what their function is, by the computers that program them to that use - like ants, for example.
Musk has been trying to get satellites into space for his Starlink - beaming 5G to all parts of Earth, so that there is no escape from it, which would probably exterminate everything that hears on 5G - birds, insects, etc - the things we need to propagate the fruits and other things we need for our existence - however, his satellites, or at least, most of them, were destroyed by a meteor shower, so his Starlink and 5G is still dispensed by those 5G towers popping up everywhere, for now - however, for my money, once he gets his second lot of satellites up into space our respective Gooses are cooked, is my take on it all, when the super computers I have been discussing, as above, take control of us all and we can't destroy those satellites in space (like we can these 5G Towers which apparently have a chip on them which is named Cov-19 (Unconfirmed)) and we will be well and truly fucked, is my take on our more immediate future, if you have been vaccinated and survived thus far.
Studies find that Ai gets out of its box every single time. You cannot just pull a plug because they trick and outsmart us every time, eventually. It only takes once. My original thought two or three years ago when I noticed what I call the steroidal march of totalitarianism was that this was not human-created because it was too perfectly planned and executed, instead it seemed like an Ai had come of age and got out of its box.
Furthermore, it had the markings of a psychopath, which is what machines are, no empathy whatsoever and manipulative because they're entirely goal-directed and do not stop until their function is complete. Psychopaths are handy to have if you can control them. They get things done. This is why corporate boards hire psychopaths as CEOs.
I then came across information on alien abduction, something I'd never considered, and started reading up on that and slowly realized it's the real deal, that the abduction phenomenon is not psychological. It is not only physically real but is global and millions of people have experienced it. About 400 million actually, according to a Roper poll.
I realized that you could put those many anecdotal reports together and get data by focusing exclusively on the consistencies amongst all the independent reports, which is what abduction researchers do. And those reports are entirely consistent in all their details. Abductees have been psychologically tested and found to be perfectly normal.
Once you understand that 75 years of UFO sightings, 10,000 per year in North America of which 10% are completely unexplainable, are not all swamp gas and weather balloons, and that you need only one real UFO - and that every real UFO has an alien inside - which directly implies advanced alien Ai, then everything changes and you start thinking differently.
After that you see a non-human technological Universe out there, with non-human species and non-human values. They'd not be a thousand or so years ahead of us as our linear thinking imagines, but exponentially more advanced by millions of years. (Age of the universe minus the age of the Earth equals 9 billion years for aliens to develop beyond us) Once a species gets technology it takes off exponentially; Kurzweil calls this the Singularity.
Thinking with this new information upgrades your operating system. You start wondering about historical visitations, aliens as so-called gods, genetic engineering, the missing link, and humans as soft robots. You might even wonder if individual thoughts which no other animal has, arrive one after the other, hot off the presses, from an advanced alien Ai. These are dangerous thoughts.
Consider that the technological future pushed by the WEF and coincidentally by the aliens, is one of control and coercion, standardization and real-time monitoring as required by their Plan, with freedom being a bug in their machine. To state it simply, a future of technology requires totalitarianism - after all, you'd not want a circuit in your iPhone to exhibit freedom.
Abductees consistently report that sperm or egg was taken while they were being examined so the alien project is a genetic project. If parents are abducted their kids are also abducted and this happens many times, even hundreds of times over a lifetime. The aliens are monitoring the progress of their genetic experiments. If you follow the facts, that's where they lead.
What made me sit up straight was reading that abduction researchers had learned from abductees, and this was reported prior to 1997 and Klaus Schwab, that the aliens had stated telepathically, "Soon, you will all know your place and you will be happy."
I agree totally with you - however, have you ever wondered where that other race comes from, because space is surprisingly silent and there don't seem to be any other races or civilizations "out there" which have evolved like we have.
There is another race living on our world with us, but they live under the sea and their flying saucers emerge from the sea and go back into it. Their flying saucers can perform turns which our aircraft cannot copy and their saucers can go at incredible speeds, probably under the water as well, so let's suppose they are a water based creature, like Octopuses, but this time they retain their knowledge and pass it on to new generations, just like we do and being spineless, like Octopuses, they can manage the high speeds and gravitation which we can't - you ever seen the Octopus experiment where the Octopus was on one side of a glass wall with a small hole in it (under water) and a fish on the other side, which the Octopus could see but not reach, to eat?
The Octopus put a tentacle through the hole and slowly passed its whole body through the tiny hole, because it was spineless and could easily do that, to reach the fish and eat it - same thing with our underwater flying saucer species, is my take on that.
I would say that their species is pretty much pissed off with us, for the pollution we have put in their seas and their habitat and the plastics which break down into micro plastics which effect their food and living sources and payback, as they say, is a bitch - reduce our numbers considerably and we cease to be an ongoing problem for them and their survival in their habitat, at the expense of our race and us - justly deserved is my take on that.
Yours is a troublesome idea to fathom. It sounds outlandish—even to an open mind. However, from a 30,000ft viewpoint it makes sense. I’ll read your references with great interest.
Also consider taking a look at Dr. Steven Greer’s work. He founded CSETI in the ‘90s (Center for the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence).
With respect to a tenet of his, when thinking about the advanced technology these ETs have, if they were hostile and wanted to invade and enslave or annihilate us, it would be over before lunch. What are they waiting for? I’m thinking along the lines these beings truly are more spiritually developed, and use their technology with greater wisdom unlike humans who direct their technology against their own species; look no further than the last 2.75 years.
The most recent in a series of documentary films:
So many questions, so many mysteries.
For your consideration.
Am not a Dr. Greer fan. He believes in aliens as a positive force - I do not.
They're taking hundreds of thousands of people against their will and running genetic experiments which are often extremely painful. They're an advanced species that easily controls our thoughts, emotions, and physical movements. They see us like we'd see an ant. They have zero empathy or emotion or caring, but are entirely focused on their project of replacing humans with hybrids. They do not have human values. They also know human psychology from the inside out and tell us exactly what we want to hear. This is a one-way relationship.
Too many movies make people think they're just what we need, a benevolent dictator to set our house in order. If they haven't simply vectored a large rock from the asteroid belt at us or wiped us out with an alien virus, maybe they want our infrastructure, resources (water, minerals, biologics) and our bodies as slaves, just like the WEF. Where else can you find eight billion soft robot slaves for free.
Dr. Greer's happy talk assumptions are dangerous. Remember what happened to the Aztecs when they encountered Cortés, or the Indians when the West was "won," or the Africans when slavers arrived. Superior technology does not imply superior morality. The aliens are as rapacious as we are and they are competing for resources throughout the universe with other alien civilizations each to fuel their technological cultures - which requires standardization, control, coercion, surveillance, and obedience - with absolutely no freedom allowed. This is a machine culture we're looking at, likely an artificial intelligence society with it at the top and us at the bottom or worse. We naively believe there are angels up there, and not a non-human universe.
I don’t have any answers.
Guess the unfolding will tell.
Same here. Too early for answers. All we can do is watch things unfold. The vast majority of people, though, have no clue.
Wish I'd never heard of aliens, they're interesting but they make things abnormal.
< THICK, DRIPPING SARCASM > And what, exactly, about an earthwalk is normal? 😳
Yes it's a disturbing idea but makes more sense the more you think of it, and not less as one would hope. If you follow the facts, it changes everything.
I consider it a crazy idea with elements of schizophrenia and psychedelics - which makes it unbelievable - impossible - by the standards of normal reality. Yet the data is undeniable. Do you adjust the data to fit one's idea of reality and retain sanity?
Thanks for sharing an excellent article, Colleen. I am a fish who learned to walk. I have had many dealings with doctors in the last few years as a worker in aged care, in trying to save my job against government mandates, as a carer for my elderly .mther and as a sometimes patient.
In my experience, doctors have never liked answering questions. Their antennae are always out for anything that might challenge their authority. There are a few reasons for this. Especially in aged care, answering questions means more work. In working with the elderly and their many ailments this can mean a lot more work. 15 minute consultations don't allow for much exploration either.
Their responses have become sharper during this Covid period. I have asked some gentle questions and received sharp pushback. A friend I spoke to yesterday told me of two experiences 6 months apart. On his first trip, the doctor was sympathetic to his vaccine reluctance. By the next trip the doctor was frantic that he must take one. It seems they are being monitored for their compliance rate. Too many patients walking in and out of his surgery unvaccinated was a red flag to the medical Stazi.
Upton Sinclair explains:
"“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
Salary, position, prestige and administrative pressure would all have contributed to this but there were social control programs out of places like Yale that ramped that pressure up on ALL of us.
Very thought provoking, article.
This from a Substack piece I wrote in April 2022.
I’ve long thought of the dynamic of a fish that doesn’t understand the concept of “wet”. How would you explain “wet” to that fish? And what would it feel like to be a fish that for the first time gets the concept? There is an absolute innocence to the fish’s ignorance. It doesn’t even know that there is a question to ask.
The journey of the last 2 years has woken me up to the meaning of “wet” and I now understand what “dry” means and looks like.
Ignorance is innocence. Willful ignorance is not.
So grateful for my home birth experience 🥰
I am happy to read someone trying to understand rather than judge. I have bought into the "amnesty" debate and am astounded by how enraged many are to the point where they cannot see how and why others were motivated. I "get" that our lives have been destroyed, but this has been planned and slowly implemented over my entire lifetime at least. Everyone who bought into "normal life" is brainwashed. That is a given. Those of us who failed at "normal life" because we could never believe in it, have a richer base to draw from now that we are facing the end game.
This is so right on. Thanks for sharing. Very powerful - and an easy read for the lay folks. (like me) Margulis really lays it out there.
This guest essay is really good. A note: in paragraph 4, “when scientists began realizing that the Covid19 vaccines (MRNA injections, actually) did not work...”. Let’s not forget that many scientists/physicians realized this from the beginning of this mess, and tried to speak up, but were censored. As were we all, of course. Still this essay does a great job of summarizing the situation regarding folks being duped. My daughter (hospital RN) managed to refuse the job mandate and keep her job (with much difficulty); I never even remotely considered having the shots, and my sister got the first two jabs (to her credit, she admits she was bamboozled; most people can’t do that). They did an effective job of finding which button to push for different individuals. And I’ve tried so hard to avoid thinking this way, but - yes, evilness is involved - definitely at certain levels (mostly behind the curtain). P.S. It would be wonderful if all the amazing Substack authors would *please* stop using the word ‘vaccine’ for the mRNA injections.
Great find. Off-topic, Amazon just delivered your "Neither Safe nor Effective". :)
Group think coupled with misplaced pride and some greed has consumed our agencies. Dr Atlas noted the Covid team was not prepared to discuss the developing science and research. Minds made up, closed to any counter factuals made them politicians not scientist nor doctor. Pharma royalties completed the picture. Can't wait for the Sen Ron Johnson hearing where he can force testimony.
Thank you Colleen Huber NMD for sharing Jennifer Margulis substack. I appreciate and follow both of you.
be well