They also have better diet than most Americans. The prevalence of bad outcomes in elderly Americans is because of the chronic ailments (a.k.k comorbidities) caused by a lifetime of poor lifestyle decisions. I would have been surprised, in the past, by the lack of curiosity about why some get sick from covid but most don't. Not any more.
They also have better diet than most Americans. The prevalence of bad outcomes in elderly Americans is because of the chronic ailments (a.k.k comorbidities) caused by a lifetime of poor lifestyle decisions. I would have been surprised, in the past, by the lack of curiosity about why some get sick from covid but most don't. Not any more.
They also have better diet than most Americans. The prevalence of bad outcomes in elderly Americans is because of the chronic ailments (a.k.k comorbidities) caused by a lifetime of poor lifestyle decisions. I would have been surprised, in the past, by the lack of curiosity about why some get sick from covid but most don't. Not any more.