I have a broth-in-law who developed Parkinson’s post vaxx. None of his doctors suggested the vaxx may have been the cause. We may not have these kind of neurological diseases appearing yet. I am sorry we have lost the great mind that was Dr. Luc Montagnier.

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My dad recently read about the positive effects of pure hydrogen inhalation for cure of Parkinson’s. On Dr Frank Shallenberger ‘s (alternative medicine doc) recent newsletter. Dad said he’d copy it for me. I haven’t actually read it yet. Anecdotal evidence in the article he said is very very good but I don’t know if any studies ? The Machine that produces the hydrogen from water (strips oxygen off the H2O molecule) is apparently $500. But if it works .... and if prion type diseases are the wave of the future, it might be a good investment. Charge people $100 to rent it and regain full price after 5 people. Just an idea.

Also, there is actual study material on the positive effects of high dose Curcurmin/Turmeric on Parkinson’s and Dementia. The study was from Standard Process brand. Not sure if they did it themselves or outsourced the study. But it has also, in high doses, been shown to help. Apparently they mean as much as 10 of their pills of nanized turmeric called “Turmeric Forte”. I believe it’s available anywhere Standard Process can be purchased. The reason regular turmeric is not as good is it is not as bioavailable and does not cross the Blood-Brain barrier. Per SP brand, theirs was nanized (I.e. nano, tiny particles, that they say go past). I’ve also heard that NuMedica brand Liposomal Curcurmin can do same.

I personally believe the protective effects proven with melatonin may also be helpful in prevention. I believe it’s also been on FLCCC’s Covid19 prevention protocol (or someone’s, ill have to verify that), But good sleep has also proven helpful in preventing the brain from aging too quickly so it may just be the type of sleep induced by higher melatonin levels that assist in what is essentially a healthy body being able to heal itself.

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Looking back, there is just no way Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca came up with these wild concoctions, all in unison, in just a few months. They had this plan for years and the poison ready to go--they just needed a persuasive vehicle. The testing was fraudulent and no amount of current information will stop them.

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I'd like proof that any vaccine is safer than this one. They're all poison, by definition and legally unavoidably unsafe.

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VAERS? They're definitely more dangerous than conventional vaccines.

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Possibly. Babies don't talk.

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Yes, they do. Most of us here were vaccinated in the traditional sense, and here we are, "talking." Far more got childhood vaccinations than got the clot shots. There's no comparison between the levels of carnage.

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The childhood vaccine schedule has exploded over the last few decades, with dozens now, many given in combination. That can't be good.

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My BIL's mom's mind has deteriorated tremendously (forgetful, asks the same question twice within a minute) after the injections. An attorney, she exhibited no cognitive issues prior to the jab.

Another friend told me that her mom's dementia got "10x worse" after the shots.

And our evil governments are scheming to force everyone to take these poisons. Unreal.

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I’ve seen some of this too. Patients here at clinic who 2 years ago were fine. I agree it could be simple stress, old age, multiple factors. But ALL symptoms seem on the uptick right now. I work for MDs (Eye) and every time I hear of one I want to put the released Pfizer AE list in front of my docs and say “that’s on there too”. My docs speak narrative.

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My 79 stepmom and aunt (both are 79) got their first two shots early 2021, and I noticed the same in both of them. Then in late 2021 they both got a booster, then it got even much worse, very quickly.

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It's absolutely tragic. The perpetrators of this evil will get their eternal reward from God. I have my fingers crossed that we can deliver some punishment to them in this life too.

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Turmeric Forte and Hydrogen inhalation (cf Dr Frank Shallenberger) and melatonin.

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Know of any website to check for more info?

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Shallenberger most recent newsletter per my dad. Also see Standard Process brand website. I hope it has the link, I haven’t double checked. And NuMedica in relation to their Liposomal Curcurmin. The latter may have nothing. I admit my mind has been all over the recent info on the statistics of breakthrough infections and case numbers so this stuff is coming from memory not look up lately.

Also, NAC and glutathione!!!!!

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Thanks a lot. Much appreciated.

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Thanks. I will pass it on.

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A neighbor of mine got jabbed for work. Inoperable glioma.

You are very generous to call this a "panicked" decision. I'd say cold-blooded.

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premeditated is another word that describes what has happened

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Please tell me that got reported to VAERS!

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I’m sorry for those that were mandated to have the vax and didn’t want it. Yes it’s courageous and ideological to say quit your job, sell your home, be homeless, do whatever it takes to avoid the jab. But for many this just wasn’t feasible and I understand it. I’m just sad that even those who think they “got through it, phew” because they had no immediate adverse effects will likely have long term effects and probably a shortened life span. It’s just criminal.

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Thank you. I said no to the jabs and my bosses accepted my religious waiver (still not ok with them about the medical waiver but.....), but they still think ONLY their unvaccinated workers must test weekly. They suspended the requirement for 3 weeks (low case numbers here in Texas) but said it was “temporary” suspension . I am very low income. And help support aging parents who have a pension and SS. But it’s not much. To quit my job as a protest is almost literal suicide and possibly killing my folks. I refuse to let them jab me. That is a hill I WILL die on and my folks support me in this. But just saying no to not consent to masking requirements and testing? I will be fired. I can’t.

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It’s infuriating when it doesn’t make any scientific sense. I understand and I’m glad you were able to get the exemption.

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Actually I didn’t describe why they wouldn’t accept a medical exemption. My employer stated in their August 2021 policy that the ONLY medical exemption they’d accept was one that conformed to the vaccine manufacturers data sheets on side effects. The only ones were allergies to PEG (MRNA) and polysorbate 80 (J&J). I have neither. Not that allergies can’t be developed.

Oh wow, I wrote that sentence to you and a LIGHT went off in my brain. Just now.

Guess what, the new sheets that were released by Pfizer under FOIA show over 1000 potential medical concerns. Ha!!!!!!!!!! I might try to resubmit the medical exemption.

Sorry just realized. I’m just simply appalled that an office owned and run by 6 MDs wouldn’t allow for medical exemptions.

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Religious is the way to go. If you read the FLCCCA guidelines they state what the cdc recommends if the patient has a medical exemption and they recommend some other drugs which I personally, would not want to chance taking.

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Oh I get it. Believe me I thought this through several times. But it still stings in my rational brain that I had to have a religious accommodation in the face of my 6 MD employers and the practice administrator who, while not highly degreed herself, has an very high IQ and seems committed to scientific principles. It just burns. Instead of truly following the science, they are following liability dictates.

Their recent statement to me? That they are following CDC. Before you get all “that’s stupid of them”, think like a business owner. Think liability. If they say “we followed CDC” they can claim in a court of law they have no liability for EITHER patients getting covid or staff having reactions from the jabs. It’s a win win for them and a lose lose for the employees (last statement about employees is, of course, IMO). “We did everything the CDC said to do.” “We took all precautions”. Again, it’s ALL liability. I think most people are seeing the cowardice of doctors from the wrong angle. Think liability and you’ll understand. “It’s not MY fault, I legally had to exempt Laura due to State law”. Again, it’s all pointing the legal finger elsewhere. I have never gotten covid nor transmitted it BTW.

But ultimately? Conscience and God will win. I don’t say that to crow victory. I say it sadly.

We are already seeing hints of the coming “pandemic” of vaccine injuries. It’s coming. And it’s so sad I can’t even tell you. One of the people I mentioned above is now being monitored for a condition you and I know may be a vac injury. Just overheard today. I sincerely care about this member of my employer staff. Not crowing in victory or saying “I told you so”. Sad. Very very sad.

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I hear you. I have to get tested 3x weekly. Feels incredibly punitive to me. I’ve had Covid too and have antibodies. Interesting that my antibodies for varicella were enough without being vaccinated but Covid....nope.

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The WEF/Davos/UN/Nato/EU cabal has dreams of nuclear war. If Russia uses any chemo/bio/nuclear weapon then the cabal has decided today that WW III will commence. So you know with absolute certainty that this 'false flag' event will occur. Within a few days. C19 and the vaccinating Covidians are now off the table.

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Plus this is also a way to hide vac injuries. I can hear it now from Walensky, “Ha, ha Senator, that brain tumor, MS, Parkinson’s, etc. was caused by Putin”.

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Then we also know that Russia will not wait for them to beat the war drums after the US do that. If there is any use of WMDs then Russia will launch an all out strike or she knows she will be defeated. If the US does use WMDs, the Europeans have no say in this, that will be the last thing the US ever does on this planet.

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I wonder if testing will be done to measure cognition effects. Probably a lot of people had IQ or other mental exams prior to vax that could be retested to identify practical degradation. It could explain a lot of the insanity we've observed.

And I thought the mass stupidity was due to oxygen deprivation from chronic mask wearing.

As the hero said in the epic morality play, "Spaced Invaders," -- "They're not bad, just stupid."

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The neurological effects of prolonged stress are profound, so I figure they will push the, "PIPS- pandemic induced parkinson syndrome" narrative and that will be enough for most non-critical thinkers. They will run out and grab their "brain-cognitive enhancing" supplements and login to their public health recommended, daily "virtual reality brain training/restoring" games.

And that will be that. Meanwhile Aged Care facilities will lower age restrictions, receive more government funding and resemble more factory outlets. That will become the new normal standard of care. People have to stop being so damn submissive. Or that really is the future for the western society. Underdeveloped countries will just have massive explosions in mortality, so people will be too afraid to travel anyway.

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The next congress will issue a lot of criminal referrals, which DOJ will ignore, which the pubs will use in ads, which will assure dems lose badly in 24. Lots of indictments in 25, and begin cleanup of the vax injuries.

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Assured. Right.

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Just like Trump did?

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Trump began a lot of cleanups, very successful. Psychotic opposition cut it short. Certainly much better than the alternative.

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Mask wearing has bearing also I’m sure you are right. All plays a role.

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A young mother in my parents group was just diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor. She was "vaccinated" last summer...

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I wondered what happened to all that messenger RNA, making little spike proteins willy-nilly wherever it went. The blood-brain barrier is not to be trifled with.

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Trifle. Mmmmm.

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not truffle!

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This is and will continue to be a disaster, the question is what will become the “enforced narrative” next to blame something else. At the end of the day they will either be held to account, or they will be allowed to continue to rewrite reality through force, coercion, and mis/dis/mal-information. Which do you think it will be?

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as they control the judicial system, the legislative system, the medical system and the media, reality will continue to be rewritten. People need to take positive action to petition local authorities and representatives, to hold them accountable. to demonstrate. to present the facts to neighbors, regardless of whether you alienate them, do so with love and kindness.

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Serious Question: Can the spike protein from the actual virus also stimulate this inflammatory process in the brain? My husband and I both had covid-19.. not vaccinated.. within 6 months of a mild course of disease; my husband was diagnosed with glioblastoma ( otherwise extremely healthy). I suffered a more severe course is the virus with extremely high fevers and mostly a neurological display of symptoms vs respiratory. It was clear that the virus crossed the blood/brain barrier. I am curious to know your thoughts on this.

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I am so sorry to hear this.

My hubbs had the moderna. I am not sure the differences, but he does not seem any different.

I was forced to get the vaxx bc I am taking care of my 98 year old father and in order to enter his community, I was required.

I received the pfiser vaxx.

I have numerous weird new problems. Thyroid nodules, also some kind of stiff and painful joints. I am on a course of prednisone right now to get all of this to stopp. I was waking in the middle of the night with severe knee pain

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Yes.. I know more folks with side effects from vaccine than from the virus. Good luck..

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Ps I’ve heard both high dose melatonin and NAC/glutathione can help. Turmeric too.

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Don't forget vitamin D3

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Dr Huber can speak better on this but I have heard of that also. Yes.

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Yes.. my thinking is this bioweapon is also a horrific threat. Wondering if I had treated my husband it might have prevented this. Could this be a case for treating all Covid cases irrespective of risk factors?

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Risk factors? Yes. Certain of that.

As for preventative? I can’t speak with any authority on that but on these substacks I’ve NEVER heard of anyone getting severe “long covid” or

Brain fog when they self treated prior to covid itself hitting them. Mild yes, severe no. I’ve seen a bunch of testimonies (I’m on 5 or 6 stacks) of “I took the FLCCC protocol and was fine”. However, I do have a 70 year old close friend who had it and had brain fog and general fatigue for about 3-5 months. Other body concerns however may have impacted the fatigue. Not sure if she was taking NAC/glutathione or doing the high dose melatonin. I do know she’s very healthy in general.

I personally would also try Black Cumin seed. While it’s primarily for anti-viral it seems to have other properties. I will have to research more on it. I repeat, not sure about it, do your research.

Oh and I always recommend the Zelenko protocol (FLCCC too) of EGCG, quercetin and zinc, etc. While that’s often mentioned as an anti viral I think its helpful in cellular health in general.

I am not an ND or MD or even a nurse. So follow Dr Huber if she contradicts me. I’ve just learned these things from others , from my dad (long story short he’s a PhD with lots of knowledge) and from my own very knowledgeable ND.

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Yes.. we do zelenko vitamins. We are MD/RN team. my question is r/t the virus vs vaccine. Noone really talking about the risks from virus vs vaccine as possibly being the same

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I believe Dr. Malone has info about that on his substack. Geert Vanden Bossche, maybe as well.

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I suggest those sources as well. Also, just a broad general concept here, but when the body acquires the disease and its spike protein naturally, certain physiological events ensue to eradicate the invasion and heal the body. When the body acquires spike protein unnaturally via direct mainlining into the muscle/bloodstream, with the production of spike protein as an ongoing mechanism of antibody development (the premise of vaccinated protection), the physiological events are not natural. The body must figure out how to deal with the invaders in an unprecedented manner. In my opinion, there is always less risk when the immune system is left to deal with an invasion the way in which it was designed to do. Unnatural manipulation of the body's immune system via mRNA tweaking has never been undertaken in a mass vaccination program until now. Hence the alarm at how swiftly it was deployed in the world's population without adequate long-term study.

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Residue of the virus has been detected in brain tissue, I recall. Depends a lot on individual reactions it seems. If the mRNA can bypass the barrier so can viral RNA. Response to the vaccine and the infection is likely to be quite varied. We are not all the same.

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Nuremberg 2.0 can't come soon enough

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Our office, Ophth. We are seeing (no pun intended) some now. Not conclusive for etiology but......

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So I read an article in life site news which discusses Hunter BidenHo laptop, vindicates Russia, and on the strength of which I predict BidenHo will resign within ten days

Sadly, that leaves us ScKamala, who put me in jail long before hacksxxxine viruganda put us all in jail

That was when I ran against Care not Cash Gavin Knewsomething

The hacksxxxine still is winning, we all lose

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To Dr Huber, I’m surprised you didn’t quote Dr Stephanie Seneff and her colleague Greg Nigh. No worry. Just surprised. Speaks of prion disease. Did I miss her name in your write up?


I believe she also has a Rumble channel.

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