Jun 28, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

This is great but I am DISGUSTED and APPALLED that Elia’s mother had to “pay” the price of custody days to keep her daughter’s health autonomy. What is this, a sick game for some parents, to play with the lives of their child, to get back at the other parent?

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Can I ask your honest opinion about how “someday soon” everyone will wake up and realize this tragedy? What makes you feel this way? I have been thinking the same for over a year now because the evidence is so strong- yet I’m astounded by the lack of outrage in our country. I don’t go out much in public due to long haul Covid symptoms but when I do, everyone just seems like all is normal and ok. It truly makes me feel as if I am the one going crazy, asking myself “Is it me who is nuts? Am I the one blowing things out of proportion? Why does everyone seem happy and oblivious to the reality?”

I pray to God you are correct but I have to ask, what makes you think the truth will be out soon? Are you aware of anything “behind the scenes “ or is it a certain feeling you have? Thank you

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Amen and thank you for your incredibly important work. A true voice of reason with a heart of gold.

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Litigation seems to be the most effective weapon in this war, for now. You say we're winning every case, but there are clearly not enough cases. More cases takes more funding, and more lawyers. There are several firms soliciting donations to support this cause. Anybody have or know of reviews of the effectiveness of these firms, and recommendations of where we should contribute for greatest effect?

Lawyers don't have the greatest reputations. We used to distrust lawyers and trust doctors. That seems to be changing. We also need a review database of doctors. Not all are vile, and the honest ones also need our support. Knowing who to trust these days is more complicated than it used to be. Supporting the good ones is the key to victory.

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Best news of my day so far, thank you Colleen for being a true warrior.

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Bless you!

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Wonderful news, but it's a shame that we have to go to court to make choices for ourselves and our family. Sickening. Dr Huber, heard you on Declare your Independence with Earnest Hancock. Great conversation! https://therumblestrip.substack.com/p/dr-colleen-huber-nmd-conversation?sd=pf I've shouted it out for you on my Substack. I normally *never* post a link to my substack in someone else's, but in this case, it's all about you so I hope you don't mind if I took the liberty to do so. Thanks again for your incredible work.

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

"The Kindle Sharing version of my book is free."

That is awesome news! You have made getting the truth more accessible for those tempted to look. I bought a book (sorry, this was a while ago and your book wasn't out) for my sister and BIL to read. They refused to take it. Fortunately, your book will be available when people like them start to see the light...

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Thank you, Dr Huber, for all your great work. Wonder if I could contact you regarding religious exemption?

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Congratulations to you and the mother/ daughter. Of course I do not want you to divulge any more details but I can guess that the daughter is not a teenager. I would be extremely cautious when a mother daughter bond gets rocky in the teen years and perhaps dad will gain more influence at that time. I know of a daughter who agreed with the mother on vaccine caution until it came to the HPV vaccine as a teen. At that point she wanted to do the same as all the friends and switched her stance on vaccines. The same daughter is in her 20s now very pro vaccine. All the mother can do now is pray that her daughter has not been harmed permanently.

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I have seen this issue play out in so many families that do not want to vaccinate. Usually mom wants to make healthy decisions but Disney Dad wants to go through the drive-thru of life. And unfortunately usually it doesn’t have this happy ending. If you make “unconventional” decisions like homeschooling or not vaccinating DO NOT GET DIVORCED

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This is brilliant news! Too often, judges side with the vaccinating parent even if that is not the best choice for the child, choosing to place vulnerable children with physically or sexually abusive parents simply because they are the ones who want to keep jabbing. I have been involved in these types of cases so am speaking from experience here. It is as if the only thing one needs to do to prove your are a caring parent is to choose vaccines - after that, it's anything goes. So good on you for being able to help these desperate families and for the successful outcomes too! What a shame we even have to be fighting for the right to keep our children safe from forced medical procedures.

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Wow, so the dad forced the mother to give up custody days to 'buy' the daughter's way out of the vaccine? Clearly the vaccines were never that important to him and he was just using them as a bargaining chip. How disgusting.

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Does the Kindle sharing function mean I buy the Kindle version first, and others can read it on the App? (I usually buy your books in paperback for my reference bookshelf.)

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