I have kept and used posts you made in the past. This one is a MUST SAVE. Thanks for this and everything else you have done. We appreciate you.

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Lawrence, miss your writings. Hope you return soon?

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Thanks Dave... I am working toward that. I nearly died in the spring of this year. On May 10th, I had emergency open heart surgery to replace a valve. I am still in recovery. Horrible experience. I had one of the best surgeons in the country. I am really lucky to be here.

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"Pfizer reported hundreds of brain cancers and pre-cancerous conditions in their June 2022 update."

So Pfizer knows now that the jabs are causing cancer and yet they haven’t warned the public or removed the jab from the market? Well they also knew that the jab killed 1,223 people in 90 days, but they didn’t mention that to us either. SMH…

Thanks for writing this. So few people are writing about Covid and the jabs anymore even though they both are still causing problems.

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Yes Sam! Most people want to just "move on". The fallout from "covid" and the subsequent "vaccines" is far from over! We can *not* move on from this until there is accountability for the monsters that have done this to the world and these horrible products are taken off the market

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Amen to that !!!

Your comment in my view is spot on.

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Oct 21·edited Oct 21

Vitamin C, Lysine, and Proline will also remove calcium from arteries.

My coronary calcium score went from 5 (minimal) to 1 (even more minimal) after 6 months of C, Lysine, Proline, which is Paulings' Protocol:


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That link not working....

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Staggeringly helpful information. Thank you for your efforts to help us understand the mechanisms of action. ✔️👍👏

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Thank you for the time you took to put this comprehensive paper together. It is very appreciated.

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I understand that parasites have been known to be related to cancer since 1895 (NEJM) and reconfirmed by German scientists since the 1960's and how antiparasitics can help. If the CV19 virus has never been isolated, how was the "spike protein" created? (if you have proof please provide one peer reviewed paper with methodology). The vax vials show nanotech (La Quinta Columna) and live blood dark field analysis shows much more than a protein or mRNA.

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THIS is how we take down the beast...... learn the truth and the biology...... https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2278395477

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DARPA has openly bragged on Twitter that Moderna’s mRNA vaccine technology, and by extension Moderna’s Covid vaccine, was a product of their ADEPT program, however, research shows that Moderna did not merely apply for a patent in 2016 with US9587003B2: as reported in the Daily Mail. They actually applied in 2013 for 4 patents with US9149506B2, US9216205B2, US9255129B2, US9301993B2, as well for their “Covid-19 virus” patent #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG

ADEPT is a Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (“DARPA”) program that began in 2012. The acronym stands for Autonomous Diagnostics to Enable Prevention and Therapeutics. PROTECT is a sub-program of ADEPT, and it stands for Prophylactic Options to Environmental and Contagious Threats

“We have a commercially interested group of sociopaths who want to make money while killing people,” Dr. Martin said, “that’s the bottom line.”

On Wednesday, Dr. David E. Martin joined Alex Jones to explain where the biological weapon called SARS-CoV-2 originated, who are the criminals behind it, the criminal counts against the perpetrators and much more.

In 1990, Pfizer filed the first patent for a vaccine for coronavirus.

In 1999, Ralph Baric’s modification and manipulation programme took what used to be a respiratory and gastrointestinal bug and turned it into something that would cause cardiomyopathy in rabbits. This gave rise to a patent that was filed in 2002 for an infectious, replication defective, clone of coronavirus.

Re: In 1999, Ralph Baric’s modification and manipulation programme took what used to be a respiratory and gastrointestinal bug and turned it into something that would cause cardiomyopathy in rabbits = Myxomatosis - change the formula and make it for Human Rabbits instead Covid-19 Myxomatosis

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So, no doubts they do this dangerous tinkering in labs and computers, but how do they actually infect the rabbits? Have they made an aerosol version or do they inject it? Reason I ask, is because of all studies already done, which all failed, to prove contagion, in Spanish flu, common cold and SARSCov2.

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Previously they fed the Rabbits Carrots. Rabbits are color blind and the Carrots were Green in color. But it is easy to feed us humans things which we are told are safe, like medication or just about anything, or drink it, or spray it up your nose as a vaccine. It seems that the virus was never the problem, as such. It is the vaccines which are dangerous, because you inject the poison into your body and your body does not know what anti bodies are, or how to make them - so slam dunk after that, for those whose immunity is compromised. In simple terms, the death shot does not have to be an execution, it can be just the vaccine itself.

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So glad that I, nor any of my family was ever shot up with that crap!! Thank you Dr. Huber for another great lesson on the immune system and cancer.

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Lawrence, wow! Life does have a nack of throwing left hand punches when not expecting them. So happy you made it!

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You have recommended 2mg/kg to 6mg/kg of body weight of Ivermectin. Did you mean 0.2mg to 0..6mg per Kg of body weight?

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Fantastic information we all need to share. Thank you for all your research and work for humanity.

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Thank you so much for your detailed and wide ranging summary of evidence, and experience, with respect to the potential dangers in mRNA vaccines.

Also thank you for providing a level of explanation which even my uneducated brain can comprehend and understand.

Bless you, and long may you prosper.

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Great comprehensive article. Thank you.

Hard to read, regardless of your vaccine status, and not have a shiver run down your spine.

Question - does anyone know if SV40 is still in the Polio shots. I’ve heard differing views

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