Jul 3, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Keep up your good work.

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

I thought it was a very good conversation Dr Huber. I've listened to Earnest for over 10 years now, and he does like to get into the who, what, why, where, and when about most subjects. Coming from someone who has listened to him for a long time, I am led to believe he thinks it's important to know what is behind all of the evil in the world. He likes to shine a light on the man behind the curtain. That being said, it seemed to me that you were still able to make your point and I don't think anything was lost by Earnest's push to the "political" side of this tragic event in world history. It was an extremely beneficial and enjoyable conversation. One that I will listen to again! Thanks for spending the time with Earnest.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

I support your life work, Dr. Huber, but I am very dismayed by what that blogger has on his website:



He seems to loathe Israel, Zionists, and Jews. To me, Zionism is the Israeli equivalent of MAGA. I support every country's nationalism. I don't see why Israel should be left out.

This man's madness is not your fault, but as they say, keep your eyes open...!

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I had not seen that, and I appreciate your letting me know about that. I agree with you that nationalism, including Zionism, is not something that people who are not of that country have any good reason to oppose.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

"On the one hand there was my just-the-facts approach, getting into exactly how the COVID vaccines injure the body, while impairing the immune system to the extent of not being able to effectively fight off COVID and other illness. Ernest meanwhile was thinking that we know that the COVID vaccines are horrible in their effects, and those injections were forced onto reluctant people all over the world"

Both deserve to be in the same ballpark because they are the same thing. People who don’t die from the numerous injuries are having their lives ruined because of how they affect the immune system. Don’t die from a heart attack, but do die from a turbo cancer or ALS or any of the other horrid diseases that they can cause.

Who is really behind this current Holocaust needs to be known. I think Klaus and Gates are just the ones who are out in the open, but we need to know who gave them permission to kill us. You think they couldn’t be stopped if more powerful people wanted them to? If they had gone rogue then there are lots of agencies that would have put a stop to them by now.

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You really are wonderful in this interview. Excellent answers and discussion. I think you are one of the best minds on this topic. Thank you for sharing this with us.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Thank you for talking about the Cleveland Clinic paper - am hoping this one doesn't get retracted either by them or someone else (recalling the Clinic’s natural immunity paper).

In case you haven't seen what Cleveland Clinic employee Dr Michael Roizen, the Clinic’s Chief Wellness Officer - head of the Wellness and Preventative Medicine Department had to say on May 11, 2023 here it is - unbelievable COMPARING BOOSTER SHOTS TO ALLERGY SHOTS:

“…Once you’ve gotten the third booster, the fourth booster seems to act like an allergy shot which activates the immune system suppression of the other immune responses. So it activates what’s called a fourth immune process that impedes the others. We think that by August, that won’t be true. This is me, not the official Cleveland Clinic position, but this is my individual position, would be that you should delay getting the next booster until at least five months after the last one, preferably a little longer, and that the booster that comes in August or September, and we will go through that then, when the data come out, will be a very useful booster in preventing the winter spike that’s expected. I would hold off on another booster until you discuss it with your practitioner, and don’t get it—in my mind—until August or September. And by the way, Michael, just to add one more thing, we will probably recommend a different vaccine type than has been common, meaning it may not be the mRNA vaccine that’s recommended in the Fall, but we will keep people updated.”

Much insanity to unpack here.

https://thehighwire.com/editorial/cleveland-clinic-more-boosters-more-likely-to-get-covid-19/ https://soundcloud.com/mike-opelka/5-11-trump-on-cnn-gop-has-the-receipts-on-biden-crime-family-biz-and-dr-roizen?

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