So far, the only time this hasn't worked was with my job - for which I was fired.

Honestly, saying "I have medical reasons why I can't." has been enough EVERYWHERE else. (Though I haven't tried to fly in a long time.)

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Sadly, we shouldn't even have to say that much.

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I agree. Hopefully the planned US Convoy is as successful as Canada's. It's disappointing to see so many European countries saying, "Okay, it's endemic, move on" and we're still stuck. Even the states that have such freedoms lack freedom of movement, if you count air/sea travel.

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Good decision, you have your health! Like you and the good Doctor, I've given up on flying.

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Well, I worked for a hospital and the (at the time impending) CMS Mandate was more important to them than our health. It's opened a lot of doors to me that I wouldn't have considered before, so it's been worth it, even if I miss the patients. I didn't fly a lot anyway and prefer the scenery of driving so it hasn't been a huge loss.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Wonderful post. I agree that the ‘mandates’ are absolutely unlawful. They hold no water, and they would disappear instantly if everyone would just do this...not wear a mask, anywhere. Starting right now. Everyone. Please.

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I have to mask for this crappy job I am trying to hold onto that sucks my ass but I need the money

The daily ritual routine totalitarian fascism notwithstanding

Maybe when I grow up I can have my restoration of bodily sovereignty, almost 52 now, so any day will work

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oh grasshopper, demand your bodily sovereignty....worth is so relative...pulling for you...

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Thank you—excellent advice, and awesome courage! I will have to research and memorize those laws/statutes.Or….can you just come everywhere with me, you can talk and I’ll nod my head and move my lips?

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We have similar exemptions under the Equality act in the UK


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even though im in the uk i barely pay attention to whats going on here but if i recall they were/are imposing vax passes to sporting events still?

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Colleen, thank you so much for this. I think I'll transfer your talking points to 3x5" note cards and pull them out when I need them. The diocese in which I live and many other Catholic dioceses, has "mandated" masks for everyone now with no apology for the months where only the vaxxed were free to enter without them. So what changed? Where is the statement of oops, we were wrong?

Now I walk in and won't mask. I don't mask anywhere else and my fallback is that I have a medical condition that makes it deleterious to cover my face with a filthy rag: I have lungs and they need air. (As for the N95..it looks like a hideous feed bucket. How humiliating.)

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I like the reason you give for not wearing a mask. If the masked hadn't killed so many neurons by depriving them of oxygen, they might heed your words and re-consider their own masks.

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Feb 4, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

And with my COPD and my O2, I can feel the mask is harmful. Trying to keep the tubing in place along with the mask elastic is just tiresome in itself. I'll need to get braver.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Thank you for this. Does anybody know if there is something like this possible in Germany or are we lost here?


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Feb 4, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

I would tell the bouncer that I am exempt and if problems ensue I would just come back when the bouncer has died of clot-shot complications and a nice new non-clot-shot bouncer is in place.

So far I have had no issues with people challenging me after I said I am exempt. No one has asked me why I am exempt as that is illegal as you say.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

A society where the law is the exclusive domain of appointed bureaucrats is like a church where faith is decided by anointed priests -- its a prison, not a society.

The best evidence of the follies of the law is Supreme Court decisions -- almost always split down the middle, 5 to 4. Our legal opinions are always as good as half the court. Better than the other half.

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Great article! You should get lewrockwell.com to link to it.

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Amen, amen, preach! Love this. I have refused to wear a mask for months (and am obviously pure blood as well). My town and surrounding towns have recently implemented new mask “mandates” via the Boards of Health. I ignore them. I go into every store - big and small - without masks. There are usually a few of us intelligent people in the store at any given time. Being in the belly of the beast, surrounded by adherents to the Branch Covidian Cult (ie Massachusetts) you’d think I’d get pushback. But I don’t.

I do sometimes get what is clearly a pleading look from another guy with his wife that just says “Man, I wish I could be as brave…” But to those of you afraid of being in the minority - especially in the tyranny States - don’t be. If confronted I’d say no, but I won’t make a scene. I’d leave my groceries full in a cart and go somewhere else if necessary - but I’ll tell you that those complying are just scared. They have no spines (obviously) and they won’t dare say a word to you.

Freedom matters. Stand up.

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Colleen, that is the greatest rebuttal to the mask and vaccine mandate that I have ever seen. I hope you don’t mind, but I have to copy this and keep it handy when I go somewhere where they may require it. Also, I hope you don’t mind me sharing it with my family. I can only imagine the look on that bouncer’s face. Priceless!!!

When I see the mask mandates, I just proudly walk in without it no matter what nasty looks and stares I get!! The funniest thing is when other shoppers are afraid to go people without a mask! I’ve had people avoid the aisle I am in because I don’t have on a mask!!! It makes shopping so much more enjoyable! So far we don’t have a lot of vaccine mandate establishments....but that is sure to change. God bless the unmasked and pure bloods!!! And we really are pure bloods now! God only knows what the blood of the vaxxed now looks like!

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All I can say is AMEN. I have been doing this since day one. Naturally, I've had to leave more places than be "allowed" entry and have had to do without a few conveniences, but I do so with my dignity in tact and breathing the air. If every one of us who believes we own our bodies and claims to love liberty would just start doing this (even without the great references you stated and even if we aren't as eloquent) this mask nightmare would be stopped in days. The only reason we are still seeing so many masks is because people are too afraid to say no. Personally, and this may be offensive, I'm downright sick of the pandemic of cowardice. This post is a keeper!

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Bravo! Thank you for this post! We need a swarm of vectors especially in Commifornia. I am 100% with ya. #EndMedicalTyranny #DefeatTheMandates

We in Cali are faced with two new bills introduced recently. Our first step of courage is to defeat the attempts at increased tyranny by the current leadership, if we fail then we bring the lawsuits and increase the resistance, we do have the constitution on our side but we are at the mercy of SCOTUS which has become a political pawn rather than the final authority standing to protect individuals constitutional rights.

The Unity Project has an action call out for California residents to sign. Say No to SB-866 and Say No to adding the C-19 Vax to SB-871 (takes 60 seconds to urge all CA Senate and Assembly members to Vote NO on these bad bills!)


Thanks for the Gavel Project links, I will open that up now :)

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The Constitution doesn't have sides. People choose sides in spite of the law, not because of it.

Lawyers like to say, if you have the facts, pound the facts. If you have the law, pound the law. If you have neither the facts or the law, pound the table. Pounding the table is the primary legal tactic these days. Works well for those who pound the loudest.

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Feb 4, 2022·edited Feb 4, 2022

A series of questions:

Should a genetic researcher or biologist know what a furin cleavage site is?

Should such a researcher recognize a furin cleavage site in a segment of genetic code they are working to build into a vaccine or palliative prophylactic treatment?

Should such a researcher be aware that a cleaved furin cleavage site will bind with a neuropilin-1 receptor and where these receptors are present in the body?

Would it be grossly negligent to proceed to utilize that spike protein with the furin cleavage site?

Would gross negligence invalidate the liability protection afforded to them by the Emergency Use Authorization?

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