I've read maybe 1500 or so papers on this subject, and this is the best paper I have come across in almost two years. Read it twice and will reread it a few times more. Beautifully written and fully referenced - worthy of an award - please follow through with journal publication. The medical/scientific community need more of this ...

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Thank you so much.

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Thanks, Dr. Huber, I have gotten over COVID 19 via the transfusion in ONE DAY, I got the transfusion on Friday and felt better on Sat. morning. So, why are the Gov. officials so hell-bent on Vaccines which have no chance at eradicating a virus, and especially the Mrna Vaccines which have never even worked on animals in full, instead of coming up with treatments like the did for the AIDS Virus? Has this just become a political football of sorts, where politics are being played at everyone else's expense? I mean, I can see the first lockdown until we got a grip on things, but now it seems it's turned into false narratives, or dare I say propaganda.

I knew from research that I was never taking this vaccine. I have Diabetes and HBP, and had a Heart Attack in 2016, my "behind" got in tip-top shape, eating NO SWEETS, eating all Vegs, and some meats like liver, and taking my health very seriously, now I don't even have to take my Diabetes meds anymore. So, win-win for me Dr. Huber, thank you for clearly defining the problems we are facing instead of going along with the crowd.

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Thank you. Glad you got well quickly.

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Beware that blood transfusions most likely is from vaccinated donors:(

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There have been documented shedding of spike protein for weeks, even months. How is this possible if the mRNA enters the cytoplasm, causes the ribosomes to generate the spike protein and when the cell dies, no more spike protein? Theoretically you should have cascaded an

Immune response. So how is it possible to produce spike protein weeks or months later? The ONLY answer is that the mRNA through a reverse transcriptase pathway, inserts itself into the host genome. There the mRNA code will remain in perpetuity ostensibly. What will that do in the long run? Nobody knows.

Until we know what’s going on w the mRNA code (does anyone know where that code came from? It wasn’t a US or European lab) we should stop the jab immediately. The fact that there are several effective good treatments, makes any EUA illegal (see FDA rules for EUA)

William Waller, Jr MD

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I completely agree with you. Such possibilities should have been thoroughly considered before these injections were deployed on human populations.

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Who is going to sue the USA over these illegal EUA vaccines? We have effective treatments. We’ve had them since the beginning of this fake pandemic with only a 99% chance of survival for most people should they get it.

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The RNA "code" was designed by the manufacturers in early 2020, based on genome provided by the Wuhan lab Jan 11, and several years of technology development, according to reports I read last year. Moderna constructed theirs in a few days after receiving the sequence, started low scale manufacturing in Feb, entered phase 1 in March, had reasonable confidence before the death curve went exponential. I haven't seen reports from phizer, but they entered testing a few weeks later, so probably similar. Delaying distribution cost half million Americans, multiple millions globally. The bureaucratic demand to seek absolute confidence while millions die is seriously sadistic and unnecessary. Well probably do better with the next pandemic.

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Says Bill Gates.

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The sars2 genetics were sequenced in China in 2020 and published internationally to be used as the basis for vaccine research. You and I weren't there to observe it, and neither was anyone from your MHRA, so we don't know for sure. But gene sequencing is routine and inexpensive, and with many patients to choose from, viral samples were easy to acquire for cheap, easy sequencing. Certainly it would have been easier to sequence a sample than construct a fraud.

It's odd that a few engage in the fetish of assuming scientists would forgo the obvious path of swabbing a patient for a sample and running it through common sequencing processes, to instead construct a fictional genome that others would blindly follow. It would be impossible to hide such a fraud, since it can be easily duplicated. Maybe you can explain why anyone would do that, if not why you want to believe it.

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Do you still feel this way? Just curious.

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Feelings have nothing to do with it, only evidence. If you "feel" that the genome was constructed to justify a mass vax, there are billions of samples available that you can sequence yourself, and compare with the published data.

The problem with the vax isn't that it wasn't an antigen in the original virus. It probably was. The problem was the chosen antigen is toxic and replicates uncontrollably from the vax. Then the virus mutated around the vax, a d were left with a toxic and ineffe time vax -- neither safe nor effective. The real virus is the bureaucrats who are promoting it.

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There is no virus. THAT is the point you cannot face David.

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Regarding Dr. Huber's article: Execellent! It needs to be published!

I am once again struck by the similarities of the current COVID-19 fiasco and Gulf War 1 Syndrome we dealt with in the 90's. We found that Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus and vaccIna (smallpox vaccine) used as a bacterial and viral vectors genetically engineered to carry the gp-120env gene of HIV-1, producing the AIDS proteins allowing them to penetrate the host's cells. I have read at least 2 papers stating that the genome of the COVID-19 contains the same gene, gp-120env of HIV-1! Enabling it to produce HIV-1 proteins!

It's my understanding that both the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccine are utilizing m-RNA (incredibly with the gp-120env!) from the COVID-19! The Pfizer vaccine utilizes a viral vector containing the gp-120env! Shades of GWS PART 2?

Now consider the gp-120env given in the "vaccines" . Perhaps it is reasonable to assume these gp-120env genes can ALSO enter not only host cells via spike proteins, but certain normal flora organisms that inhabit all of our bodies! Seems that future complications from this are unknown and may be unlimited.

Ille Nigra Aries

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This is very interesting information. I was astounded by the Oxford scientist who openly and proudly proclaimed on national British TV that the genetic data for the spike protein were downloaded from the Chinese and a vaccine was designed from this information within 3 hours. I think that we are witnessing, at best, the opening of the proverbial Pandora's Box, or at worst, we've entered the Gates of Hell. The mRNA hell hounds have been unleashed across the world, it seems.

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Thank you, doctor. I agree that the list of potential problems with these injections is too long for use in humans.

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They are now working on making the flu vaccines using the MRNA technology. I am very cautious about taking any vaccine nowadays! https://www.healthline.com/health-news/why-a-new-mrna-based-flu-vaccine-may-be-the-most-effective-yet

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yea, after the covid tyranny I'm done taking any vaccines either, for anything

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And here we are neatly a year after your comment, with flu shots now being pushed and a moron in the Biden admin stating that God gave us two arms, one for the new bivalent shots tested only on 8 mice, and the other for a flu shot. Given the massive mistrust earned by government, pharma, and agencies seemingly unconcerned with a rash of human carnage attributed to the mrna jabs, I'll not willingly roll up my sleeve for any injections now for years to come.

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I have to agree with you. I have lost all trust with these people.

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Her book is excellent. Highly recommended!

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Thank you.

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Fantastic article thank you

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This article appears to support the claim that the spike protein travels throughout the body:


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"None of the new vaccines attempts to introduce the entire coronavirus into the body" Actually I believe the Sinovac vaccine that I had is a whole-virus vaccine? And yes, I had a racing heart, high blood pressure, very high pulse and chest pains for around 3 weeks, with clotting in my fingers and a transient stroke. So that wasn't nice either!

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How are you feeling these days, almost 1 year later?

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Hi there - Been part of the resistance since early 2021. Mid-2021 I came up with the label: "injectarian" to describe a friend of mine who was religiously devoted to the narrative. I understand your use of "covidian", but IMO it is too narrow and probably won't be as durable. Just started reading your content - great stuff. Thanks.

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Exactly: injectarian. Excellent and as you say, this is more specifically applicable to this particular international cult.

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It was at the time that the US Gov announced that they would be sending out pairs of individuals door-to-door to spread the good news of the creation of the sacrament - remember that? The introduction of missonaries to the mix just blew my mind... Fauci the high priest, the excommunication of blasphemers, "approved" versions of an accepted codex (trusted news), badging of adherants, ritual testing and injecting... It was all so immediately and clearly obvious to me what was happening and I was shocked when a life-long friend and dear fellow traveler had been blinded. The whole thing is supernatural.

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That would make a fascinating article. If you write about the comparisons between the COVID vaccine rollout and what we know of the sociology and history and sacraments, etc. of older religious cults, that would be very interesting, and I will want to cite it and quote, with attribution of course, on my Substack.

I wrote the following somewhat along those lines, but I think you have different, very valuable observations.


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I had already read your article - it prompted me to make this post, as someone who had noticed the same thing. I love the way you flipped the argument - it is a logical extension of my own thinking. You cover a few of the important paralells - but there are so many! The "fact checkers" as the inquisition, etc. I also enjoyed your allegory of the vapor - stories are often powerful ways to break down walls - but nothing seems to be working. I often feel like an ancient, a prophet, a voice in the wilderness - I'm sure you've had a similar experience. I'm speechless that it has gone on this long - this is a powerful delusion, and I'm not sure that it will be broken. The ancients went on sacrificing their children to Moloch - and we will do the same. Only techonolgy advances - humanity does not. Anyone who believes differently has failed history.

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Yes, the critical threshold of children that the knuckleheads will sacrifice to Moloch before they awaken to the horrors they've committed, when will that occur? Hopefully, we have passed that number:


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That's good news... but 18 months of observation has led me to not put too much stock in "victories". These guys are relentless. This is big money, forever, with no liability - if they can get it added to the schedule of sanctified substances. I don't really look the government/corporate/pharma controlled media, but I doubt they've reved-up the fear and propaganda campaign yet to target nervous mothers. Although it seems unfathomable - the delusion is strong. I'm beginning to think this is THE BIG ONE (ref 2 Thess 2).

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thank you!

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Thank you Dr. Huber. Clearly-written and brilliantly-summarized for the benefit of both laypeople and scientists. You deserve kudos and this article deserves to be promoted.

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Thank you so much, so well written and explained.

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I would like to add to my previous comments regarding Gulf War Syndrome/Illnesses. We diagnosed our sick veterans and family members via DNA-PCR

done by Dr Garth Nicholson of THE INSTITUTE FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE in California. The Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus (a very small bacteria) had been bioengineered placing the gp-120env gene of HIV-1in the Mycoplasma genome. This enabled the Mycoplasma to produce the protein shell of HIV-1. Initially we treated patients with long intermittent courses of antibiotics usually doxycycline. Now obviously doxycycline is not useful in COVID-19, a virus. BUT don't change the channel! The story is about to get interesting! Another physician placed one of my GWS patient (my wife) on acyclovir for plastic surgery prophylaxis when she was also on doxycycline. The improvement was phenomenal! I immediately placed all my GWS patients on antivirals (acyclovir or famciclovir) with antibiotics. The results were very gratifying! Dr. Nicholson and I discussed the use of antivirals and agreed that the antivirals were thymidine kinase inhibitors, interfering with viral DNA replication, AND viral protein production (by the gp-120env gene of HIV-1) Since the

COVID-19 genome has been genetically engineered to contain the gp-120env gene to produce the HIV-1 proteins in the spikes, the same antivirals (acyclovir and famciclovir) MAY be quite useful for treatment/prophylaxis of COVID-19. Both drugs are inexpensive and safe for long-term treatment/suppression.

Ille Nigra Aries

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How accurate is DNA-PCR for diagnosis?

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Does this mean that folks that got the more "traditional" (like Flu) Johnson and Johnson vaccine, do not have to worry about this?

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The J & J shot uses adenovirus DNA to begin a process of spike protein production in the body. Different mechanism, but same end result claimed by J & J.

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Thank you Dr. Huber. I hope I am ok. I recently got the J&J because it was basically required at my workplace (as they made getting weekly testing super inconvenient...on purpose). I feel ok so far. Healthy over 50 male.

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From what I understand, the J&J shot also uses the spike protein, but its delivery method is different from the other ones.

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J&J vaccine also synthesizes spike proteins as the primary mechanism for attempting to provoke immune response. This is the same mechanism as Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Sputnik, etc.

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Colleen, are we any closer to answers to these questions? I ask not just out of general curiosity, but out of concern for friends. If myocarditis is a problem for all ages who are vaxxed, how does a patient talk to a doctor about this or even determine whether it is worthy of broaching the topic with their physician? I play pickleball competitively. I live in a 55 plus community that has a 500+ club of pickleballers. I have noticed two things: 1) Many players who get the shot and then play soon after complain (even the men who rarely talk about pain) of serious fatigue and chest pain (or a bothered feeling in their chest) and sometimes they are having trouble catching their breath. These are new phenomena. When they complain about these things others who have experienced this with the vaccination tell them not to worry and that it will pass. So they have also experienced this. Because I have not been vaxxed it is hard to sound an alarm since their defaults are to not believe the vaccine is harmful in any way AND that anyone not vaccinated is an idiot on the topic of health.

Final question: should all people who are COV vaccinated inquire about getting tested for myocarditis? If not, is there a signal symptom to trigger an ask?

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Any shortness of breath, chest pain or heaviness, or unusual fatigue after a vaccine is alarming. Labs would include Tropinin 1, D-dimer, fibrin and platelets. They should also keep an eye on BP and heart rate

I am glad you did not submit to the cultists' superstitious low-dose poisoning ritual,. By the time they realize how reckless they've been it will be very late.

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I am SO glad you responded. We have a friend who got the latest booster did not feel well this morning while playing, went home and vomited. My husband called to see how he was doing and he attributed it to getting COVID lite. He had a bad reaction last time with the same excuse. He didn't vomit last time. My husband is on the phone with him now trying to talk him into going to the doctor and asking for the tests you mentioned. I hope he does it.

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Covid lite from the booster. To be clear. That is, in fact, what they all say.

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Any update on your boosted friend, few months later?

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I’m a Kaiser patient and recently wore a heart monitor for 30 days. I have symptoms of rapid heart rate, especially with minimal-moderate activity (I’m a nurse in LTC) constant heart burn, pounding, irregular heart rate and sometimes nausea. I (regrettably) got 2 Pfizer’s back in December 2020 and January 2021 with a violent response 12 hours later after my 2nd. Had many scary symptoms, including 104F for 4 days and felt comparable to a severe case of salmonella food poisoning that sent me to the hospital when I was younger. The Pfizer response scared me bad enough to turn into an antivaxxer from there on. I’ve been learning the truth about vaxxes ever since and am horrified how I’ve never questioned them before.

Then I tested positive for the cv19 December 2021; low grade temp, slight chills, tiny bit of runny nose, horrendous sharp headache and terrible fatigue, brain fog and racing heart rate at rest and worse with minimal activity like taking a shower (I’m 53). I justified it at the time that of course your heart rate is elevated while ill and I did not consider this illness to be the worst in my lifetime and it certainly was better than my response to the 2nd dose of Pfizer.

Anyway, I’ve been struggling with increased heart rate and intolerance to activity and honestly feel that my Kaiser doctor is lying about my 30 day heart monitor results. He claims he didn’t find anything abnormal. Which cannot be possible as I was symptomatic most days, especially while at work. (Still wearing head to toe ppe in an old unairconditioned building/no air circulation). He is also aware of my accusations against the Pfizer vax. He has refused to give me the results and now I’m requesting them from medical records. Meanwhile, I’m concerned that I do have heart damage and there’s nothing I can do about it in this weird New World Order we live in. It’s quite scary to think we cannot trust our doctors.

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@ColleenHuberNMD I'm sympathetic to the concern the mRNA/spike protein spreads throughout the body and I find it scandalous more research hasn't been done. However when you say, "The spike proteins that are generated by the mRNA COVID vaccines are said to be identical to those attached to SARS-CoV-2," you use footnote 27 to back it up. This links to a study which right away in the abstract states the spike protein is, "...RNA vaccine that encodes a prefusion stabilized, membrane-anchored SARS-CoV-2 full-length spike protein." The key word here is prefusion, which means, unlike on the wild virus, the spike protein is modified so it can't change form and fuse into cells when it comes into contact with them, therefore it can't cause the damage you express concern about. This is the main argument of your opponents (https://www.factcheck.org/2021/07/scicheck-covid-19-vaccine-generated-spike-protein-is-safe-contrary-to-viral-claims, middle of page). What is your response to this? Like I said I'm interested in your argument and concerns, that's why I'm writing this, but you're going to have to persuade me on this point. This whole paper of yours hinges on the basis that the spike protein from the virus is no different than that produced by the vaccines. Thanks for taking the time to respond to this.

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Thank you for your comment. I don't think the precise identity of the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 and the vaccines are as important a factor to immune response, because of the response versatility of antibodies. The allegation that the RNA spike protein cannot and do not dock onto cell membranes is one that I have seen no credible evidence for yet. Is there a study that you have seen that establishes this lack of docking and lack of cellular interaction?

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The whole of what she's asserting doesn't hinge on the point you raise -- one that may be inconsequential, and possibly moot, as that study did not demonstrate that vaccine generated spike proteins maintain their prefusion form, nor do the vaccines stay anchored to the injection site. What's germane is the prevalence of myocarditis and pericarditis, both of which are being detected in vaccinated persons under the care of competent physicians.

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"The whole of what she's asserting doesn't hinge on the point you raise -- one that may be inconsequential, and possibly moot ..." Also moot because the vaccine does not confer immunity -- so the vaccinated can be assaulted by two spike protein forms; the first being that of the vaccine (in the billions) and the second being that of the disease, as compared to the unvaccinated cohort which only risks the one exposure ...

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Brendan seems like the type who automatically believes what big pharma is telling him - "nor do the vaccines stay anchored to the injection site" is a subject Alex Berenson repeatedly covers and a likely explanation for all the "coincidences" we are not allowed to talk about elsewhere...

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Hey, give me a break. I like and trust big pharma no more than you do, and by the way I'm a subscriber to Alex Berenson and agree with his sentiments, as you know he publishes articles very similar to this one above. It caused me much pain to have to read through that factcheck.org "expose." However I find it hard to find a reason why pfizer/moderna wouldn't have done the mutation in the spike protein from the vaccine so it can't change shape and fuse like they say it can't. At the same time though I am willing to believe these same pharma giants are either lying or misleading about this concept. But I need someone to walk me through and explain why because I'm not a scientist, that's why I wrote that comment of mine!

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My apologies as I am not a scientist either - I think we are both getting beyond our pay-grade when we start getting deep into the weeds like this! My gut says these mRNA vaccines are not working the way they are supposed to be for everyone and their creators or those who are scientists may not fully understand what is going on either...

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Yes we can both agree on this.

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Another consideration w/ regard to the subject you bring up: Could there be mfg or quality control issues when producing the mRNA vaccine? e.g. J&J's Baltimore plant, contaminated batches of Moderna in Japan, there was also a bad batch of Sinovac (inactivated vaccine) in Thailand that caused some deaths or bad reactions... The problem with inactivated vaccines is sometimes not all the virus is killed due to improper mfg/qa...

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Ok...that seems to be a good point about the study not demonstrating they stay in prefusion form. Like my reply to CJ below, I just find it hard to believe pharma didn't do the 2P mutation in the spike protein, so it can no longer change to post fusion form (https://cen.acs.org/pharmaceuticals/vaccines/tiny-tweak-behind-COVID-19/98/i38) It seems like a simple and easy enough thing to do. Again though, I'm not married to pharmas narrative about this. I just need someone to make a reasonable case that pharma is A) lying, B) misleading, or C) can't be trusted about this.

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I came into the comments section to ask nearly this exact question, so I am seconding the request for a response.

Additionally, is there any way to link to the peer review of this article? I do not mean to offend by asking, but I am deeply interested in this subject, and in educating others on the potential dangers of these vaccines. I like to ensure the accuracy and validity of any source that I pass along, lest I incur the dreaded label of being a purveyor of misinformation :-)

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Please see my reply to Brendan above.

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You and I are of the same mentality about covid.

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Although the vaccine cult and vaccine makers deny this, the spiked proteins appear to be getting loose from the shoulder area etc and traveling throughout people's bodies - why do you believe it to be true that "the spike protein is modified so it can't change form and fuse into cells when it comes into contact with them, therefore it can't cause the damage you express concern about"???

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