Every time I read an article like this, my blood begins to boil. When the truth comes out, what will be the punishment those who caused many thousands of people to die because they failed to try anything to treat the virus until people were gravely ill and hospitalized. Rather, they chose to be "accepted" by those that screamed really loud (main stream media, their peers, the social circles and the like minded political friends) that "It's about the SCIENCE". As with most illnesses, ordinary rational folks are pretty sure that key to stopping folks from getting really sick with early intervention. But with covid19, let's just wait and see and as I was told "call us if it gets worse." So, the real issue I have is why didn't the medical profession question the information being provided by the CDC, NIH and FDA back late last summer after several months of observation. Are there so few inquisitive folks in the medical profession or has the practice or medicine simply been reduced to do whatever the Ipad (populated by CDC, NIH, FDA and Big pharma guidance) says?

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Blood boiling syndrome worsens when you consider the intense censorship by big tech. I was suspended from Twitter in February for dropping daily truth bombs, all evidence-based. Alex Berenson had a far bigger audience than I ever had, Fox plus about 350,000 vs 20,000 followers, and he was suspended by Twitter a couple weeks ago for the same sin: citing verifiable data.

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Twitter, Google, Facebook, BBC, Washington Post, AP, AFP, Reuters, etc etc are all part of the "Trusted News Initiative". Have a search; most likely the first link will be the BBC. The TNI was formed during the Trump years to stop political mis-information; is has since morphed into censoring anything against the interests of oligarchs, including pandemic issues.

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It didn't need to morph at all. Censorship of anything that was against the interests of the oligarchs was always the goal of the initiative.

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The punishment will be a documentary hailing them as heroes, political appointments, and six-figure speaking fees for life.

There will be no justice for the deaths caused by those not letting anything stand in the way of their consolidation of power.

If we want justice, we'll have to get it for ourselves.

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As much as I hate to admit you are likely correct for their time here on earth, I believe they will face a damningly harsh review of their lives when it REALLY matters.

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If you're talking about divine judgment, I hope your faith proves correct and that I'm never guilty of evil remotely approaching this in my lifetime.

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Since the CDC keeps changing the definition of a vaccine, does ivermectin now meet the latest definition?

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All of this propaganda against Ivermectin was well planned and known by the Big pHarma, I live on Reunion Island in the southern Indian Ocean, 500 miles east of Madagascar. Many people from here vacation in Madagascar and routinely purchase Ivermectin over the counter to take while in Madagascar. Well that was until January of 2020 when the French Health authorities decided that you must have a prescription to acquire it. I think it was not coincidental that this corresponded with the media blitz concerning novel covid-19.

It was being used in India against covid until the WHO came out against its use. The death rate in India skyrocketed and all of the main stream media was covering the deaths in India. A group of doctors and lawyers in India quickly filed a law suit and won and Ivermectin was allowed to be used again and the death rates plummeted, but no main stream media coverage. The mortality rate in Utta Pradesh is about 1.4% overall, and probably would be lower if ivermectin had been allowed continued use. Utta Pradesh has a population of about 240 million and a low vaccination rate and probably now a close to statistically 0 infection rate.

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Another great piece of work Dr Huber. The Pasteur Institute came out against Ivermectin from a review published during July 2021, but they followed with an investigation using mouse models that was published during August -- they discovered in fact that Ivermectin protected the Olfactory and Respiratory systems (exactly what is needed for early onset treatment) and have now come out (tepidly) endorsing it. Credit to them for publishing truth.

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You bring up another benefit of ivermectin. I know of patients' post-COVID anosmia clearing up within hours after a single dose of ivermectin. People are delighted to be able to smell food and flowers again.

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Does pineapple achieve the same? Bromelain cleaves spike protein, and pineapple is more readily available, and cheaper, than ivermectin. (Why does Substack insist, "ivermectin" be a misspelling?)

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"Tokyo's Medical Assoc. Chairman holds live press conference recommending #ivermectin to all doctors, for all Covid patients. Japan's government is one of the most conservative and cautious in the world. Data is clear. Huge news." VIDEO: https://twitter.com/i/status/1429624844379824129

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Reading your blogs is like a breath of fresh air. Just simple truths and information to make decisions, without propaganda, bias or vested interests.

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Thank you.

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Hi Dr Huber, you shared this article recently on Dr Peter M’s article, and I’m wondering if you have seen success treating unvaccinated patients suffering from long Covid with Ivermectin or what do you recommend?

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I am seeing the best results from ivermectin for both long COVID and COVID vaccine injuries so far.

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How to take Ivermectin? I have searched everywhere I can think of but a yet to figure it out.

I had two Pfizer shots.

How much, how frequently and for how long. I am male, 50 years old and weigh about 79 kilos.

I hope I get an answer. Thank you very much in advance.

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Hi Dr Colleen. Am not vaxxed but have long term (6 months so far) mild breathlessness after catching covid. How would I take ivermectin for this? ie dose, duration etc


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"One concerning risk is that ivermectin is sold over the counter for veterinary use, and if people feel desperate to use it to ward off COVID-19, they might break off too large a piece from a large horse pill."

Pill sizes aside, is the ivermectin sold for veterinary use the same formulation as the human formulated ivermectin?

1) I see people on GAB etc claiming they are using the vet stuff - which I find concerning!

2) The protocols I have seen, e.g. prophylactic use etc, usually involve a larger initial dose, then a pill every 3-4 days BUT I don't know if people are properly following such protocols...

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It's hard to precisely break a shard from a large pill made for a horse. But is the public even aware of this regarding the liquid form? The most common dose in pharmacies for humans is 3 mg. Yet, I've seen excellent results in dozens of patients with 12 mg dosing. Also, a recent study in China showed 10 times that, about 120 mg daily dosing for COVID patients with no ill effects. This is a drug that is widely considered safer than Tylenol or aspirin and has been seen as such for decades of use internationally.

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I have also seen ivermectin protocols where the dosing varies based on a person's weight which is funny as I have seen reports of the Pfizer vaccine not being so effective on obese people and yet they are giving kids/small adults the same vaccine dose!

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Agreed. Typical ivm dosing is 150 mcg/kg/day. However, 12 mg qd is typically used for this very safe drug, safer than aspirin imo

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Dr Huber, may I please ask (forgive me if these are daft questions)...

1. Is ivermectin something to take when you feel the onset of illness (that could be Covid), or should we be taking it prophylactically during the 'cold season', the whole time?

2. Are people in African countries really taking this daily for years and years? - if so, is that something we should consider doing as well? [since it's very safe]

3. Do you know if there is any kind of network of doctors who understand the benefits of ivm and are therefore willing to prescribe it? — for such a safe drug, access to it is astonishingly difficult in many places. Here in the UK, the NHS does not approve of it's use for Covid, so you can't obtain it, as it's a prescription drug and no NHS doctor I know of will prescribe it due to the NHS position on the matter. We have to order it online from overseas where the cost of it is up to £5 PER TABLET, and then hope it doesn't get swiped by customs on the way into the country. Really not ideal! ...I wondered if there is any kind of network or directory of Covid-sensible doctors that people can go to if they are in our grouping of folks who eschewed the vaccines and want to use these other methods to stay well.

Really appreciate your expertise, many thanks indeed.

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I read a report, unfortunately I cannot cite it, that stated there is no known lethal dose of ivermectin. This is unlike hydroxychloroquine, which does have a known lethal dose and is cumulative towards that lethal dose.

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See Dr. William Marik Substack. read comments below his articles too. Persons toom Ivermectin 1.5 mg per KG of body weight. Cures all kinds of cancer and other diseases. Many diseases and cancers have parasites in them. Ivermectin is Very safe. Many times proven. So of COURSE 'they' are gonna restrict it.

What wasn't proven at all. Was the shots!!

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The equine wormers are in paste form. Bovine (maybe porcine too) is liquid form.

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The dosage on the "veterinary" liquid ivermectin (5mg/ml) is 1 ml/10 kg of body weight. It has worked for my Bouviers over decades for heartworm prevention, and when my wife & I caught this latest round of the "flu", it worked for us. For our n=2 experiment, ivermectin was an effective treatment protocol, but then again, "I'm not a veterinarian, or a doctor!" 😃

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It seems to me that people at the FDA cannot read, or rather, have their pockets wide open and their eyes closed.

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Now officially banned in Australia. If you're going to be wrong, may as well go all in.

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Do you need any other evidence that the governments are actually trying to kill their people in Australia !!!

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DR. Colleen Huber let us be Frank if I buy the packaged Ivermectin for my little 4 legged friend it still work on my favorite two legged mammal????

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All I needed to hear was from the CDC/NIH and FDA that ivermectin didn’t work and then when the Left Wing Liberal Lame Main Stream Mockingbird Media Mob started making fun of it, I knew for sure it must be very effective against Covid and work very well! Sad that it has come to this in our world where all you have to do to stay healthy and alive is the exact opposite of whatever your government’s health agencies tell you to do!!!

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“In a meta-analysis of 63 studies of ivermectin versus COVID-19 in humans, 100% of these have shown positive results.” How about a link to the journal article or preprint of this analysis? You link lots of sub-studies, but not the old (pre-9 Sept 2021, when this article was written) 63-study meta-analysis.

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Why is ivermectin $1 or more per pill here? I haven't even tried to get a prescrip, I simply ordered dog form from Ukraine back in the 'prohibition days' of the biden/faucxi regime's hitler era that continues. Everyone was so busy fighting and hating trump that they failed to realize they played right into the hands of the true tyrants! especially those too dumb to know they were getting injected with BS to enrich the SWAMP that trump was keeping at bay, he even kept the oil companies/countries in check and NO WARS. Biden etal with pharma are fools if you care to worship and follow that, you will be injured again and again believing that propaganda machine. Seek God wisdom if you care to find life.

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You're too generous, I don't call this ignorance. I'd call it malfeasance or corruption....

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" In this population comparison, risk of COVID-19 death was found to be 88.2% lower and mortality 85.7% lower in 31 countries ..."

I must be reading this wrong. Does the 85.7% figure constitute all cause mortality or is there a typo in that sentence?

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Yes, there is a typo, and thank you so much for alerting me to it. "Mortality" should read "morbidity" in that sentence. I just verified with the original source and then edited my article accordingly. Countries using ivermectin showed 88.2% lower mortality and 85.7% lower morbidity with respect to COVID. Thank you again.


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