Mainstream Begins to Engulf Fringe, As We Stand Firm
U.S. Congressional Subcommittee Final Report,12/2/24: Masks, lockdowns, social distancing, vaccines and mandates ALL INEFFECTIVE against COVID, and “trampled individual freedoms.”
It took about five years for the covidmania skeptics to be vindicated by a U.S. Congressional Subcommittee. This is an unusual feeling for me: Never have I seen the U.S. Congress admit to multiple facts that I was right about all along, so much earlier. Never have I seen such a mainstream entity as US Congress engulf my previously fringe stance so thoroughly that I now find myself inside the edges of the Overton Window mainstream.
In Congress’ most complete report to date on COVID interventions, none of the mainstream COVID interventions are spared from criticism, not masks, not lockdowns, not social distancing, not the vaccines. Here is the Subcommittee’s summary:
And here is the full 520-page opus:
This week, while the nation is distracted by the near simultaneous entertainment of the Hunter Biden pardon by his Dad, this new Congressional Report blows the lid off bogus claims of scientific basis for pandemic theatrics. This particular landmark should make it harder, hopefully much harder, for “public health” abuses to again be inflicted on the public.
Here is what the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic concluded:
- There's no evidence that mask-wearing worked against COVID;
- There's no evidence that lockdowns, social distancing, or school closures work, and they are harmful;
- SARS-CoV-2 was more likely a lab leak of gain-of-function (translation: engineered, weaponized) virus, not from a food market;
- The COVID vaccines were not effective in stopping transmission, and mandates were not supported by science;
- "Public health officials engaged in a coordinated effort to ignore natural immunity."
- Biden censored via social media companies, unconstitutionally.
- "VACCINE MANDATES: Vaccine mandates were not supported by science and caused more harm than good. The Biden Administration coerced healthy Americans into compliance with COVID-19 vaccine mandates that trampled individual freedoms, harmed military readiness, and disregarded medical freedom to force a novel vaccine on millions of Americans without sufficient evidence to support their policy decisions."

How many times was I kicked off the old Twitter for positing criticisms of masks, their harms and lack of effectiveness? About four times, with the demand to delete tweets that were backed by peer-reviewed data. After other skirmishes regarding my impudent studies related to lockdowns and vaccines, it was finally my release of the earliest comprehensive warning of the hazards of the COVID vaccines, that got me kicked off the old Twitter for 2.25 years, February 2021 to May 2023.
Now my question is: If they end up admitting that we were right all along, then why did they have to stomp on us so hard at first? And can our warnings be at least considered before the next time people are herded toward the edge of the next cliff?
You forgot to mention the paragraph stating operation warp speed was a huge success saving millions of lives. Kind of takes some of the credibility away from the rest of the report doesn’t it?
Dr Huber, thanks. During the bullying phase of COVID, you know, the years 2020, 2021, 2022, and into 2023, your substack really was enlightening. I hate Twitter, will not use it even now as X, because the influence massaging can happen again there at any time.
The obvious cause of the bullying was pharma money spewed all over the federal agencies and news networks. I will also hate pharma till the day I die. And beyond.