You forgot to mention the paragraph stating operation warp speed was a huge success saving millions of lives. Kind of takes some of the credibility away from the rest of the report doesn’t it?

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Yes, I agree with you, to disagree with that particular claim about warp speed. Well, that's Congress for you, compromising all positions, sausage-making instincts, I suppose. This Report is such a vast step forward, I'm overall really glad for it, remaining flaws and all. Time will expose the rest.

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The report does a good job of outlining all the mistakes that were made. I just found that one statement describing operation warp speed a glowing success when other parts of the report totally contradict that statement. It's as if someone snuck it in at the last minute or it was inserted to protect President Trump. I'm a Trump supporter but he needs to face the reality of the damage the rushed "vaccines" have caused.

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It's just like this CDC study on masks from February, 2022:

Effectiveness of Face Mask or Respirator Use in Indoor Public Settings for Prevention of SARS-CoV-2 Infection — California, February–December 2021


"The findings of this report reinforce that in addition to being up to date with recommended COVID-19 vaccinations, consistently wearing face masks or respirators while in indoor public settings protects against the acquisition of SARS-CoV-2 infection"

FF - that assertion contradicts the actual data in the study. Which shows that those who wore masks the least had near-zero severe hospitalizations or death, while those who wore masks the most had the highest. Anyone who took the time to read the study immediately saw the contradiction. Those who skipped ahead to the discussion and conclusion only saw that finding. Which is what they count on, most people not reading data in a study, only relying on the conclusions asserted. The Congressional report suffers from the same exact bullshitting of science that the CDC report on masking does. That the entire pandemic protocols do. That the entire parade of social reengineering agendas that are the UN's Agenda 2030 and WEF's Great Reset are. Complete and total bullshit masquerading as science.

Reason magazine (fake libertarian) actually allowed this piece through their censors about the CDC study:

That Study of Face Masks Does Not Show What the CDC Claims

Reason, February 7, 2022


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This is the standard problem with people, they don't double check the studies. Even Wikipedia has such discrepances with footnote links.

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Perhaps it is a test of observation. As you say, areas of contradiction. After all if they say it doesn't stop transmission, then it is hardly sucessful.

But I do say the rushing meant that it shoudl have been obvious that it was being tested on the masses who would be guinea pigs. So many didn't twig the obvious flaw.

Even the CDC says it takes 10-15 years to trial.

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This is a lengthy, but important medical hypotheses posted today on Denis Rancourt's substack.....https://denisrancourt.substack.com/p/medical-hypothesis-respiratory-epidemics

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Not only is that passage a false claim, it contradicts the next two passages. A very unfortunate contradiction that makes the whole report less valuable.

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agreed, that is a scammy comment. That whole thing should have been criticized to say no medicine should be rushed through "testing" and approval processes.

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Warp Speed WAS a huge success considering the objective.

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Did not save lives.

Cost lives.

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As planned.

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Operation Warp Speed absolutely was a glowing success! They left it up to the reader to define what success means. Vaccines are effective but only in that they produce inflammation which is the first immune system response. For example, I bumped my arm against a corner of a wall and the spot where I hit it swelled up. Very effective immune response.

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Dr Huber, thanks. During the bullying phase of COVID, you know, the years 2020, 2021, 2022, and into 2023, your substack really was enlightening. I hate Twitter, will not use it even now as X, because the influence massaging can happen again there at any time.

The obvious cause of the bullying was pharma money spewed all over the federal agencies and news networks. I will also hate pharma till the day I die. And beyond.

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Same here. Astounding that at this late date, after all the damage they've inflicted, pharma still has so much influence over people, power over all institutions, massive money. After a certain point, you would think that productivity, money and interest would follow truth rather than follow lies. But here the world is at this time.

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In my in-laws' neighborhood in Annapolis, on the shore of the South River there's a fancy house with a 40' yacht anchored near it. We met the owner once day at the neighborhood marina, futzing with his boat. We chatted long enough to ask what his line of work might be. "Biopharma". Yeah. "biopharmaceuticals​" pay pretty well.

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It pays VERY well.

And they don’t want to derail the money train.

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Kick out the superannuated, now X-rated, Twitter. It still demands I delete my tweet claiming ivermectin prevent blindness from onchocerciasis in HUMANS! Oh, the horror and the humanity! Humans aren't horses, so stop it!

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Same garbage, different can. Control.

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Thank you so very much for providing us with the truth.

One of my best friends died on 4/19/20 at the age of 48 from Covid.

I knew from the beginning that all this report says was the truth behind the pandemic. Reading this today, confirms it.

I pray that action is taken, so that something like this does not happen again.

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I agree. I am sorry for your loss, and yes, the most important thing going forward is that such pandemania never happen again.

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Your friend more than likely died from a bacterial pneumonia that was not adequately treated with antibiotics.....https://denisrancourt.substack.com/p/medical-hypothesis-respiratory-epidemics

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I found both of your books, early on into my own skeptic's pursuit of facts versus propagandized lies disseminated and consumed by a gullible public, extraordinarily helpful, informative and an oasis in a desert of truth-telling. I've remained (in my recent retirement years) a seeker of truth (been down some interesting rabbit holes and am by no means done!) and find those with integrity and a genuine desire to both discover and disseminate truth/expose lies are still fairly rare and are genuine treasures (you are among them). While I have come to believe there are no viruses (Terrain Theory), but lots of poisons, heavy metals, microplastics, & nefarious nano materials (sprayed on us daily via geoengineering), in our food, water, animal life, plants, soil and of course air/lungs, as well as the "bioweapons countermeasures prototype" jabs which (through a series of legal maneuvers by multiple administrations undertaken decades back forward to the present) were manufactured, distributed and granted EUA status via the Department of Defense -- the poisons from our environment, from food & water, from the jabs being constituent elements that when combined in humans and animals, could be stimulated by the use of (everywhere present, with the simultaneous installation of EMF weaponized 5 G Cell masts everywhere during lockdowns) electromagnetic frequencies as has been done via military battlefield operations historically....that the intent and the outcome is that synthetic biological humans with technological components are being linked up to a bioenergetic network as nodes and Harari's "surveillance under the skin" has been or is in the process of being (depending on who you read, what documentation you believe, and the microscopy images demonstrating the existence and growth of nano, then micro sized communications components in jabbed and unjabbed persons) completed, and the initial intentional culling of the weaker among us has been accomplished in the tens of millions and persists to the present. The concern now is how to successfully, periodically, cleanse the body of these foreign elements, since the sources of "contamination" are everywhere present, and EMFs are also unavoidable (though there are those selling "Harmonizers", paints, and other means to try to mitigate the harmful frequencies now being used). After reviewing many sources, I have found more recently the "Healing For The A.G.E.S." team (who have purchased the very elaborate and powerful microscopic tools used by pharma & universities to verify what darkfield and brightfield microscopists [Clifford Carnicom being the most seasoned @ 30+ years of study but now many, many others all seeing the same thing, and a maturing process over time of the structures that are being constructed/assembled in all persons, including Ana Mihalcea who has been treating patients in her clinic]) have observed and are offering natural remedies to address the decomposition and detoxification of the body (a whole health regimen that reflects their experimentation on themselves and now the application of those on others similarly affected). Look forward to learning more as we continue to learn what has been done and what must still be done not only to combat the global, coordinated ("lockstep") assault on humankind as part of a well-seasoned and executed plan to genetically modify all natural, living substances, to digitize, monetize and to patent, own and use these as part of the electronic panopticon the enslave and oversee the establishment of a final one world caste system with the populous at large confined to 15 minute cities, operating under a hive mind, living in a virtual reality, spiritually bereft and mentally manipulated to do as they are instructed...freedom comes with a cost and we have been too long in recognizing the source of our afflictions and intentional demise -- and the remedy (truth telling and the awakening of humankind to the reality that the world they are experiencing is being systematically hijacked and they have been lab rats in a global experiment / assault for their very lives as a means of transitioning the organic to the synthetic and beyond.

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The so-called “SARS-Cov-2” crisis was never a crisis or a “flu pandemic”.

Key: “Perception of a pandemic” aka there was NO real pandemic, C19 or otherwise, it was all a forced perception by the promoters of the “plandemic”

ICYMI Martin Neil - Apr 15 · Where are the numbers? by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil

Brilliant analysis of how modelling was used to replace empirical data in the John Hopkins University (JHU) Covid-19 dashboard, communicating the perception of a pandemic.

“The Dashboard that Ruled the World - Global influence that took “just a few hours” to build” - Apr 15, 2024 - By Thomas Verduyn (PANDA Uncut substack)



Excerpt: “There are multiple events that happened in January 2020 that are, to put it mildly, peculiar. One of them is that only 23 days after China reported that they had found a few cases of an “unknown pneumonia” in the city of Wuhan, three people in Baltimore Maryland launched a dashboard that was designed to track the number of cases and deaths of this disease in every country in the world. All three were connected with the Department of Civil and Systems Engineering at John Hopkins University (JHU). In their own words, the dashboard “was developed to provide researchers, public health authorities, and the general public with a user-friendly tool to track the outbreak as it unfolds” [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7159018/]. Along with the dashboard they also maintained a public data repository of cases and deaths [https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19].”

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EXCEPT--- they let Walensky off the hook for her violations of the Administrative Procedures Act when she changed the Case Definition of COVD-19 AND the definition of a vaccine. Both of those illegal actions that had grave consequences.

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"U.S. Congressional Subcommittee Final Report,12/2/24: Masks, lockdowns, social distancing, vaccines and mandates ALL INEFFECTIVE against COVID, and “trampled individual freedoms.”

I find the phrase "ALL INEFFECTIVE against COVID" very misleading.

The goal, the plan, was never to be effective against any identified pathogen. There never was a scientifically identified specific pathogen and there was never any specific way to test for the presence of something that is completely unknown and unidentified.

The goal, the plan, was very effective at effecting greater control over the "the life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" of we the people of the United States of America.

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All of those interventions were claimed by government, mainstream media and academia to be effective against COVID, not only in the US, but worldwide, countless times. After that years-long enormous post-op and propaganda blitz, no credible claim to the contrary can be made about that.

Now this Congressional Report claims that those interventions are all ineffective against transmission of COVID.

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I checked VAERS a few days ago. They are reporting over 41 thousand deaths from the COVID jab. For context, the 1976 swine flu vaccine was pulled off the market after 25 deaths. This is 1600 times as many.

When I compared serious adverse events in VAERS and V-Safe, I found the latter was being reported at a rate 17 times the former. I thus estimate that the true number of deaths from the COVID jab is close to 680 thousand. I hope RFK Jr puts the spotlight on this, and that justice is done.

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Thx Dr H!

The report is neither safe nor effective (unlike your writing)!

They have our back... And our front, sides, top and can kiss my bottom. I can't wait to see the price tag, the months of congratulatory crap and hand wringing.

Oh, btw... 1st cases of human mpox/bird flu/disease du jour reported...

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I find it quite weird that Warp Speed "saved millions of lives" and in the next paragraph the vaccines are rightly derided as sloppy, useless medicine.

I can't help but notice the specific naming and shaming of Biden policy and converse naming and praising of Trump policy when leadership was effectively identical in these issues.

I'm frustrated by how vindicating I want this report to feel coupled with how biased it apparently is.

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Indeed so. It is what I call a clue to the wise. Some people won't make the connection sadly.

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It's impossible to prove a negative. In order to save millions of lives, those lives had to be extremely close to death and then given something that brought them back to thriving.

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Twitter and Facebook, two organizations guilty of great harms to the health of hundreds of millions of people, were acting in explicit collaboration with the Authorities, all of whom are corrupt to the core, and follow a plan.

They stomped on people's rights in the same way any mugger in the street stomps on his victim's rights. But the mugger has a very limited range of action, and his victims rarely collaborate.

In my opinion, Silicon Valley businessmen and engineers are worse criminals than Islamic terrorists.

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Doc, “Why did they have to stomp so hard on us at first?” The answer starts decades ago with the coronavirus discovery and then the strange patent of it which leads us down the various rabbit holes where our govt gets involved. Think what you may about David Martin, but his software searches of global patents must be reviewed and known to begin and does answer your question. Those who haven’t are missing the context leading up to how this was all put in place in lockstep precision not for disease control, but for an elitist technocratic biopharma globalist takeover by WHO/UN/Gates and cronies.

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It’s like a tree falling in an empty forest…if the media doesn’t cover this report and the people who need to see don’t will it make any difference?

Most of the information was known 3 years ago, people who tried to talk about it were shushed. And so many people are still getting jabbed and many are still wearing masks. Even when they are alone in their cars. Seriously I saw a woman driving yesterday with a mask on. A woman at the store with a baggy blue one. I wanted to explain to her that with those huge gaps it’s not doing her any good except to look like an obedient puppy.

A guy at the liquor store wears one that is made to only cover his nose…his mouth is there for all to see. I say nothing.

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Sounds like they're getting ready to formulate some kind of new response to something. 😑

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Many thanks. The only thing I would say is that it was neither a lab leak or a food market, the whole thing was a psyop, rebranding the 'flu. I did my own assessment and have taken the liberty to link to yours at the end.


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