Wow, Colleen — another hazard to consider! Thanks for this. I did everything I could to avoid wearing a mask. At the grocery store and airport, I wore a cloth mask. (Although at the grocery store, I pulled it down under my nose.) Something about seeing people in surgical-looking masks everywhere creeps me out.

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They deface the human form. Like the Twilight Zone episode of the 60s, showing everyone except one person looking like they had feed buckets attached to their faces.

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Yes, it was indeed a dystopian nightmare!

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Thank you for this. I figured as much, from the git go. The question is can your lungs purge this stuff, ever?

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I know from 30 years of mask wearing (the *right* masks for the *right* reasons!) for my profession that there are particle sizes that cannot be purged from our lungs (and a lot of that depends on the shape of the particle and what it's made out of). For instance: Black lung. It's caused by tiny particles that are like glass that go into the lung, pierce the tissue and just embed themselves and get covered by scar tissue. The longer you subject your lungs to it, the worse it gets. I've been screaming from day one how dangerous wearing these flippin masks is. They should have *never* been mandated. Mandating masks is as murderous as mandating an untested shot. IMO. Disclaimer: I am not an MD, but have had numerous dozens of hours of training on mask wearing and what particulates/viruses/bacteria can do to the lungs and when and *how* to wear a mask properly.

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I too have trained and certified in respirators and knew from the beginning that wearing them all day every day as we now is a bad bad idea.

Most MDs have no clue about masks, as evidenced by either their pushing masks are at least acquiescing to wearing them. The arguments they give in support of universal masking are childish. Not what I expected from any educated person, especially those medically trained.

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A pharmacists I know is about to have a lung surgery; "something" was found by MRI and CT scans, and biopsy would not resolve the issue. It appeared suddenly, within the span of three months between checkups. He is a non-smoker, but triple-jabbed and wearing a mask at work for the last couple of years. We shall see what histology establishes in due course.

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The amount of lung damage to children will be immeasurable. The CDC must realize this.

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Don't worry. Fauxi will find a cure!

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lol. Yep. He (or his successor) will just blow the dust off of another one their "inventions" from the past. Like Remdesivir (sorry if I spelled it wrong).

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That is what makes this even more despicable. I think they do know.

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Thank you for this. As one of the pilots suing the CDC, this is a big reason why the masks must never come back.

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THANK YOU for suing the CDC!!

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I "look forward" to the explosion of lung cancer 10-20 years from now, round about the time we're all digital slaves or the health care systems of the developed world have collapsed.

I can imagine the headlines:




* Non-joke: this is my prediction as at least in the United States nonwhites report vastly higher masking compliance.

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Possibly, but I’d guess they chalk it all up to “long Covid”.

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Another reason to NOT wear masks, along with the virus being small enough to pass through the weave of the mask, the 99% survival rate for the majority of people who get COVID, oxygen depletion/increased carbon dioxide intake from being masked, and my personal favorite: rejecting Globalist Obedience Training! 😀

Did I miss anything? Isn't there something about how wearing masks can rot your oral hygiene?

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It seems to me that masks would increase the temperatures inside your mouth, making it more hospitable to the growth of bacteria.

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Masks trap bacteria we exhale and provide a safe environment to procreate. As we inhale through the Petri dish across our faces, we are bringing large numbers of bacteria that are added to those growing in our mouths and respiratory tract.

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Dr. Shiva´s team produced a study on it in 2020 already, I believe. Apart from the bacterial growth due to raised temperature, acidity also increases, with consequences.

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Yes, and it's been written about by dentists. "Mask Mouth." The masks can cause tooth decay , gum inflammation, periodontal disease and bad breath. Gum disease caused by masks can lead to strokes and increases the risk for heart attacks, bacterial pneumonia, fungal infections and facial rashes.

The reduced oxygen levels from masks can lead to cancer, cause headaches, loss of consciousness, possible brain damage and atherosclerosis with consequent heart attacks and strokes. Reduced oxygen from masks can exacerbate dementia in the elderly and cause poor brain development in children.

Sources, Dr. Russell Blaylock, Dr. James Meehan, Dr. Marc Sclafani, Dr. Margareta Griesz-Brisson

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Our research team documented evidence for all of the above, a series of 5 peer-reviewed papers, 2020 to early 2021, citing over 200 clinical and laboratory sources at https://PDMJ.org

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Thank you!

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You have missed the details, and you will find them in the three-part study quoted by the author. Highly recommended, although it makes for a terrifying read.

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I was just giving a high overview.

Not sure I want to read that yet, I am having lunch.

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Certainly the masks are a likely source. And how could there not be consequences? Humans were not made to limit oxygen and breath in their own exhaust. For those who went along with all this idiocy (and I know that's a lot of us) well, we'll be living with the consequences in many ways.

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I can only imagine the "mysterious" cancers and lung problems we will see down the road. We'll get to hear that same ridiculous mantra we have been hearing for the last 2 plus years, "Scientists" and "health officials" are baffled...

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Avoided all masks at all costs. 99% of the time I made places provide me a mask which I threw out immediately (drs/airport) I still can't fathom what the fallout will be from all the masks, shots and lack of health care maintenance that has gone on for 2+ years. Keep speaking the truth! MANY people still need to hear it!

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Connecting the dots, good job!

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Can u imagine all children lungs after 2 years with hospital face masks or similar?

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I am the ONLY one here in Japan trying to fight this. My kid wears a single mask 10 hours a day. He and his mother are fine with it. His school mandates it. I am burning with fury every day.

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If it can help get the mask off your child, here are the rest of our studies, on Vol 1 of https://PDMJ.org, a total of five studies on different aspects of mask hazards. Wishing you the best in that effort!

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Thank you. I found your “Masks are neither effective nor safe: A summary of the science”. Soon after it was published. I have tried to use this and others to sway peoples’ opinions on masks. They will not even read it. Won’t even take a copy from my hand when offered. This is true for people in the States too.

In Japan, it is “the RULE” to wear a mask and thus almost every single person here wears a mask. One employer has gone so far as to demand that I wear a mask for an online class I taught from home. I did not, but I was the only one who did not. And this is a school for medical technicians. You would not believe the mitigation actions required of all associated with a medical school here. They are impervious to reason. The “RULE” must obeyed.

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What an amazing and disappointing change. I visited Tokyo just a few years ago, where you could pass by thousands of people before you saw anyone with a mask, likely a pollen sufferer.

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Well, they have long worn masks here against colds and flu. Not that masks work against these, but the belief they do stretches way back. But those are seasonal. My son has been wearing a mask for 1/4 of his life. Everyone besides myself tell him how dangerous it is for him to not wear one. Thankfully, he does take it off when I pick him up from school. However, his mother and he yell at me in public to wear mine whenever we go out. I don’t in most cases.

If you are interested, I will post a redacted, machine translated version of what one medical school here requires of all its employees and students.

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Yes, at your convenience, please post it.

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Could be muzzles or it could be the fallout from the spraying of our skies with heavy metals and plastics. We are being sprayed like vermin, look up and witness the destruction of our beautiful skies in the name of the climate hoax. What’s it really for?

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There's also the ethylene oxide that the masks are said to be contaminated with. I have some beard stubble that is always there even after I shave. The wiry hairs tear the mask fibers to shreds, making them easy to inhale.

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Agree that people must be inhaling plastic from the masks.

However, it reminded me of a video I saw of geoengineering filaments tested in France and found to contain plastics.


Again, I am not that familiar with videos on this channel. Since the video was made in 2014, it has been circulated around a bit.

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This has been my fear for a long time. I specifically sought out polypropylene masks ( healthcare professional, forced to wear mask) because of other allergic reactions to other types of masks. I recently switched to reusable due to the logical fear of the polypropylene ending up in my lungs. Ugh.

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Makes sense. After wearing mine on an airplane for hours, it was shredded. I refused to wear them anyplace else, except my dentist’s office forced me. My FL dermatologist made no requirements. This is scary….

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