mRNA Vaccines in Food? Don't Worry.
COVID vaccines containing the most stable lipid nanoparticles have resulted in the most vaccine injuries. So how can we scrub those lipids down if they arrive to our food?
Spike proteins are generated by mRNA that is delivered by mRNA COVID vaccines, such as Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, as well as the new bivalents.
That mRNA is a quite fragile molecule and requires shelter inside a lipid nanoparticle (LNP). That LNP in turn needs protection by polyethylene glycol (PEG) to arrive where it’s going, to complete its spike-generating mission inside human cells all over the body.
When mRNA is packaged into lipid nanoparticles, they are about one thousand times more likely to make it into the human cell than unpackaged. [1] The mRNA requires LNPs to protect it; and the LNPs require polyethylene glycol (PEG) to protect them, in Trojan Horse delivery of the whole poisonous package to human cells, where the mRNA is delivered to ribosomes, which then produce spike proteins.
As soon as PEG arrives to the body heat and enzymes in the saliva, it is already vulnerable to breakdown, and this places all of the currently formulated mRNA vaccines below FDA declared thresholds for viability, as we shall see below. If the currently formulated PEG-LNP-mRNA vaccine packets were placed into the food supply, and then ingested, then lipid nanoparticles are disrupted by the GI tract’s wonderful defenses (body heat, saliva’s lipase enzymes, altered pH such as the hydrochloric acid in the stomach, pancreatic lipase enzymes, and bile salts) and they break down. [2]
Over countless famines through our history, humans have had to resort to eating rotting food and barely edible substances for many millenia, and still we managed to find a way to thrive as a species and to migrate to and live on nearly every continent. Our naturally selecting GI tracts grew quite resilient over all that time. During the challenges of digestion, the lipid nanoparticle shell cannot protect mRNA from decay and escape. We shall see below that mRNA is rapidly destroyed before it has a chance to survive the trip from mouth to small intestines, in order to penetrate into the interior of the body’s cells and to modify cell function in such a way as to promote production of toxic spike proteins.
mRNA on its own is an unstable and fragile molecule; it is quickly degraded by enzymes such as ribonucleases, and it cannot enter a cell’s membrane on its own. RNA is so fleeting and fragile that the molecule even attacks itself (-OH lysing phosphate by cleaving the mRNA’s own phosphodiester bond). [3] If the pH of RNA’s immediate environment is either a little high or low, this degradation can happen a million times faster. [4]
Therefore, mRNA cannot, on its own, get to the place where it can hijack cellular genetic machinery to produce the now notoriously toxic spike proteins.
So how fragile are the lipid nanoparticles?
The Working Group of Vaccine Analysis in Germany (herein WGVA) is comprised of scientists, physicians and other professionals in multiple countries. With bright and darkfield microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and three types of spectroscopy, the WGVA analyzed different vials of mRNA based COVID vaccines, Pfizer BioNTech and Moderna, in which many metallic particles were found, as well as the non-mRNA Johnson and Johnson and Astra Zeneca.
The WGVA illustrates an intact LNP . . .

. . . versus a defective one:

On their analysis of Pfizer vaccine batches that correlated with reported adverse reactions, the WGVA found the longer molecular chain lengths, those in which LNPs did not disintegrate, were those that caused more reported adverse events. The reason for this is that greater LNP protection and stability of the mRNA, the more it could fulfill the task of inducing human cells to produce spike proteins. Because the spike proteins are so toxic, the risk of vaccine injury and death rises in these situations.
Therefore, if one is concerned about mRNA vaccine contamination in the food supply, we should consider the environment that the whole PEG-LNP-mRNA package arrives to at home, and then in the GI tract, in order to protect ourselves from such a public nuisance.
The WGVA researchers found additional substances in the vaccines they examined, such as antimony, cesium, gadolinium, cobalt, stainless steel and other metals, but with considerable inconsistency from batch to batch.
Are edible vaccines a threat?
Concerns regarding edible mRNA vaccines creeping into the food supply are rising and widespread. So let’s look at what measures can be taken at the level of the household to protect ourselves from these highly toxic vaccines.
The mRNA vaccines can be stored at below zero Fahrenheit indefinitely, but above zero, they have the following viability:
At up to 46 degrees Fahrenheit (a little warmer than the average 40 degree household refrigerator), the Pfizer vaccine stays stable for up to 10 weeks, and the Moderna vaccine for up to 30 days. At room temperature, the Moderna vaccine is viable for 24 hours, and the Pfizer vaccine is viable for 12 hours. [5]
PEG coating on LNPs are vulnerable to heat, and their destruction makes the whole package begin to fall apart. PEG melts below 70 degrees C = 158 degrees Fahrenheit, regardless of molecular weight. [6] [7] At which point it becomes formic acid [8] which is also toxic. At 87 degrees C = 189 degrees Fahrenheit – still less than boiling – Hempel et al found that all PEG molecules became completely amorphous in four minutes of microwave radiation. Sigma Aldrich agrees. [9]
According to another manufacturer, PEG is also sensitive to light, [10] which seems incompatible with storing or hybridizing PEG-LNP-mRNA vaccines in the above ground parts of plants. Fortunately, the plant portion of human diets is mostly above ground, in green vegetables, grains and fruits.
Food handling strategies?
The topic of trying to rid food of vaccine contamination is so new that very little or nothing has been said about it. So in an attempt to open the topic, let’s consider the following:
Given these limitations of the mRNA technology, at least as publicly known to date, one may consider the following procedures in food-handling, if there is a degree of suspicion that food has been contaminated with mRNA vaccines. First, I advise against eating such foods at all, if there is suspicion of contamination. PEG is toxic to multiple bodily organs, and should not be consumed, and should never, ever be injected. Lipid nanoparticles are comprised of toxic cationic lipids, and they should not be consumed, and should never, ever be injected. However, if it is impossible to know about the origin of one’s food, the reader may consider these strategies:
1) Not refrigerating foods that do not have to be refrigerated: vegetables, fruits, eggs and some hard cheeses, nuts, seeds and most oils; having the foods remain un-refrigerated for at least 24 hours before eating. If not refrigerating seems risky, how about leaving the light on in the refrigerator for those light-sensitive PEG molecules?
2) For those foods in the above list that have high suspicion of mRNA vaccine contamination, it is certainly better to not eat them at all, or heating to 189 degrees Fahrenheit for at least four minutes before eating.
3) As for meats and other foods that are normally cooked, heating to 189 degrees Fahrenheit for at least four minutes before eating.
There is another strategy that should probably be used in conjunction. Scrubbing down lipid nanoparticles with lipase or saponins. Saponin herbs are abundant and often pleasant to taste. Saponins are naturally occurring detergents, meaning that they emulsify fat-soluble molecules while in the digestive tract. Common herbs that are high in saponins are yucca roots, licorice root, the various ginsengs and wild yam, as well as herbs that are not as popular as they had been for earlier generations, such as sarsaparilla and alfalfa.
Perhaps the best strategy is trying to obtain most or all food from reliable local sources, familiar markets, farmers and ranchers who would not cut a deal with the devil to sneak any vaccines into food.
[1] N Pardi, M Hogan, et al. Nucleoside-modified mRNA vaccines induce potent T follicular helper and germinal center B cell responses. 2018. J Exp Med. 215 (6). 1571-1588.
[2] R Ball, P Bajaj, et al. Oral delivery of siRNA lipid nanoparticles: Fate in the GI tract. Feb 1 2018. Sci Rep. 8: 2178.
[3] K Greis, C Kirschbaum, et al. Studying the key intermediate of RNA autohydrolysis by cryogenic gas-phase infrared spectroscopy. Mar 1 2022. Angew Chem Int Ed. 61.
[4] G Emilsson, S Nakamura, et al. Ribozyme speed limits. Aug 2003. RNA 9 (8). 907-918.
[5] US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Coronavirus (COVID-19) CBER-regulated biologics.
[6] N Hempel, T Dao, et al. The influence of temperature and viscosity of polyethylene glycol on the rate of microwave-induced in situ amorphization of Celecoxib. Jan 2021. Molecules. 26 (1).
[7] K Pielichowski, K Flejtuch. Differential scanning calorimetry studies on poly(ethylene glycol) with different molecular weights for thermal energy storage materials. Jan 6 2003. Polymers Adv Tech.
[8] J Glastrup. Degradation of polyethylene glycol. A study of the reaction mechanism in a model molecule: Tetraethylene glycol. Jun 1996. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 52 (3). 217-222.,resulting%20in%20formic%20acid%20esters.
[9] Sigma. Polyethylene glycol product information.
[10] JenKem Technology USA. Storage and handling conditions for JenKem PEGS.,Argon%20and%20in%20the%20dark.
Very informative, and puts my mind at ease (a little bit, anyway).
UV from sunshine may be our best ally when it comes to detoxing nanoparticles and heavy metals:
Never been a better reason to get to know our local farmers, plus local usually tastes way better than Costco. Thanks Colleen for the informative article.