Very informative, and puts my mind at ease (a little bit, anyway).

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UV from sunshine may be our best ally when it comes to detoxing nanoparticles and heavy metals:


Never been a better reason to get to know our local farmers, plus local usually tastes way better than Costco. Thanks Colleen for the informative article.

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Boil it, burn it or nuke it! I pledged a monthly subscription today because Dr Huber, back around June 2020, was one of the few professionals who did not drink the Covid 19 and the “safe and effective” vaccine kool aid. Dr Huber confirmed my suspicions about this whole mess. My wife and I met Dr Huber at her office around Dec 2021. With her knowledge, my family was able to withstand Covid and vaccine social and political pressures.

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You have presented a wonderful report on a crucial topic, with grace and elegance, despite it’s being fairly scientific. Moreover, there is enviable clarity in the article that enhances our understanding. In writing this as a labor of compassion and love for the public, you have accomplished a magnificent good, and we all are in your debt. Thank you ever so much.

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As a long time vegan, I don't consider PEG nor LNP to be vegan, nor these scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions at all to be vegan.

Nor the skypainting, but I must breathe that in , sadly.

I do consider honey to be vegan, and I give thanks for the effort of the bees and the birds, how gracious are the pollinators

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During the summer of '21, I stopped at a farm, a beef farm, to buy some local honey. The farmer said he had been using Mrna vaccines on his cattle for years! He thought it was the best, they were adjusted each year for what the cattle needed. According to him, the Covid-19 vaccine was designed exactly as necessary and everyone should get it. Any beef farmers that could explain this?

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No vaccines

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I had sent them an email a couple days earlier than their statement, asking their position on use of mRNA vaccines. After they replied, I told them because of this, I would place an order. And I did. The more we speak to ranchers, and educate other consumers, the better for all of us.

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That's great! Wouldn't it be nice to have a list of companies that vow to not use or sell products that use experimental vaxs?

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One company that I buy from is goodranchers.com.

They swear they will never inject their cattle or chickens with the poison. They deliver to your house & you can decide how often you want it to be delivered.

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Any vaxxes for that matter. They may contain only saline as this reduces big pharma marginal costs and keeps up the pretense that they work, but not worth the risk.

"What is the ‘flu a.k.a Covid 19 and why vaccines are pointless at best."


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Helpful information. Thank you!

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The mRNA vaccines affect us and animals in exactly the same ways - they can't survive after injection and neither can we. Inject. Infect. Exterminate - it seems to me

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Finally someone being rational on this topic. If we were getting blood transfusions from cows, well, then I would be worried.

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Very helpful. I just checked with my food scientist wife on the food preservation aspect of this article, and she endorses your recommendations.

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I was hoping these poisons could not survive digestion. Thank you for putting my mind at ease.

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Greetings Coleen. While your information is not exactly wrong, it's misleading by misframing.

The multitudes of potential dangers from the gene-transfection products in meat are not limited to ingesting complete modRNA from injected animals. THEY HAVE NOT BEEN INVESTIGATED.

They include the harms from ingesting the bacterio-plasmid DNA which McKernan has identified in the vials. These may transfect cattle and pass-on to humans.

They include the harms from toxic epitopes in the spike, which may be found after enzymatic cleaving by the animals immune systems.

They include the proliferation of amyloidogenic misfolded proteins in the animals which can cause Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Creuzfeld-Jakob Disease, Mad Cow Disease.

I'll refrain from diluting the point by commenting on minor errata in your piece.

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A number of writers have mentioned plasmid DNA found in COVID vaccine vials, and then there are many who studied vial contents and did not find it. This is most likely due to wild variation in batch contents, heavy metals in some, but not others, etc.

As for amyloids, some are necessary for life, and sperm could not swim without them. But please remember that the prey's proteins do not transfer, as is, to the predator. We digest proteins down to component amino acids before building our own.

Totally agreed that it is better not to eat these mRNA contaminated foods at all, but rather to seek the most trustworthy food sources, or to take measures to clean up the contamination at home if absolutely necessary.

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Just Think …

The Vaxxed Doctors

That Graduated Medical School

Are What The Average Call

- Above Average.


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'Ave bare ego va' is an anagram of 'Above Average'. Probably nothing in it.


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thank you for some reassuring news

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I was reading the ingredients in Sensodyne Complete Protection toothpaste and was surprised to see PEG-8. This can’t be good, right?

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Wow! I will not rush out to buy that one!

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Hmm.. I use that, but this is a game changer.

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One has to watch out constantly. I have seen PEG listed among the ingredients of vit. C pills.

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