A dear neighbour, 70, with chronic kidney disease had been stable on dialysis, on the wait list and medically approved for transplant when lockdown started. She was told that in order to stay on the list she must have the 2 shots or she'd be removed. She reluctantly got them, crashed and spent months in hospital. Finally returned home, o…
A dear neighbour, 70, with chronic kidney disease had been stable on dialysis, on the wait list and medically approved for transplant when lockdown started. She was told that in order to stay on the list she must have the 2 shots or she'd be removed. She reluctantly got them, crashed and spent months in hospital. Finally returned home, on maximum dialysis of every 72 hours, now with zero urine output. Moved to top of transplant wait list and tested again - but the shots had fully clotted her renal vessels, so a new kidney would not have a blood supply. Now she's terminal, nothing can be done to improve her condition, so she just applied for Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD).
I know one died already in Alberta. I just checked on my neighbour this morning and was told she is in hospital with a blood clot. Prayers needed indeed!
A dear neighbour, 70, with chronic kidney disease had been stable on dialysis, on the wait list and medically approved for transplant when lockdown started. She was told that in order to stay on the list she must have the 2 shots or she'd be removed. She reluctantly got them, crashed and spent months in hospital. Finally returned home, on maximum dialysis of every 72 hours, now with zero urine output. Moved to top of transplant wait list and tested again - but the shots had fully clotted her renal vessels, so a new kidney would not have a blood supply. Now she's terminal, nothing can be done to improve her condition, so she just applied for Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD).
Terrible news. Prayers are with her. Thanks for your cautionary sharing.
I wonder what happened to those people who were denied transplants because they refused the vax.... a couple were on the news.
I know one died already in Alberta. I just checked on my neighbour this morning and was told she is in hospital with a blood clot. Prayers needed indeed!
Aliss -EVIL!
Very sorry to hear . Never should shots be mandated again . This is a living nightmare
I am so sorry. And so disgusted. And know we must push through to get the culprits tried and convicted.