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"Are these people so blind they will never wake up?"

The vast majority of people, once conned stay conned. They absolutely will not admit that they were lied to and swallowed it.

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I can't get past being dumbfounded by it.....my friends, sister, brother - all I thought had open minds and thought for themselves. And you are so correct: they have shown their true selves. After all I have shown them...data from various govts, studies, etc. , these people either make a glib comment or state things like "you are not following the science." Absolutely shocking. How could anyone the minute they heard the mad scientist say, "I am the science." have any trust in him. Those lipid nanoparticles and their function are deadly. Period. I have either witnessed some deaths and plenty of adverse events that are still happening to these same people.

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Wow...these are just two random peopleтАЩs observations of their families, and the list is huge.

This is why they shut us up and didnтАЩt allow discussions re vax injuries (like facebook groups being shut down). Absolutely heinous crimes against humanity.

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I could have written this comment...I showed my brother so much info hoping to God he wouldnтАЩt vax his two young daughters (he did ЁЯШФ) and my sister the nurse of course was totally on board. She signed my Mom (who had dementia) up for all the shots/boosters- I couldnтАЩt stop any of it.

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Well, it is good to know that I am not the only one. I hope none of your family are having any issues because of it. Not all do; however, what I have noticed is that some - down the road a bit - have had serious problems. Two right after their 3rd booster - blood clots in lungs. One was here in Ft Worth, the other in Denver - both exactly one month after it. I am still shaking my head that they don't realize it is a cause rather than a correlation. And I have other stories of friends. While I did my homework, they took in all they heard and lined up as fast as they could for all of the jabs offered. Fortunately my nephew listened and his children did not get any of the jabs and are very healthy.

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My brother-in-law had the all-too-common sudden collapse whilst standing in a bank lineup. He was diagnosed with blood clots in his lungs, and kidney issues. (He hasnтАЩt said, it I suspect he knows why) My Dad, who already had heart issues, got sick/weak and never walked again immediately after his second shot, he passed away 6 months later (bedridden for 6 months!) As posted above, my Mom developed kidney issues and passed away as well, but her official diagnose was dementia (which progressed faster, no doubt, due to the shots), but like you, other than a few anecdotal stories from friends which we all seem to have, they are the only ones I suspect of being vax injured. ItтАЩs always hard to say, when someone already has pre-existing conditions and is older.

My immediate family (spouse and 5 kids) all refused the shots and remain healthy. Blessings and health to you and yours ЁЯЩП

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My husband had a hospitalization in 2020 (8/2020 to 10/2020 approximating the time). I was with him 4 hours a day, every day for the 7-1/2 weeks. I was restricted due to COVID restrictions policy by the hospital even though I was his POA for medical. He was in the ICU (single room as they all were), so I was witness to how it looked at that time. There were so few people there that pods were closed down and nurses sent home. Fast forward to a week ago. The ICU has been redesigned. The rooms now have 2 beds each. They are so full that people wait hours to days for a bed. The care is so bad that 1 of 4 nurses can put in an IV without sticking someone repeatedly. An IV push alarm running on a battery can go off for an hour, be 5 minutes before stopping before someone will show up and plug it into the wall. There is no sleep, at all, even with ear plugs due to noise. Removal of a continuous monitor (which sets off an alarm) does not cause anyone to come to the room. Request for a shower is denied by the nursing staff, as "a request has to be put in for an order to be provided by the doctor" and the request even 6 hours later has not been provided.

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Wow your comment should be in the headlines, not buried at the end of a long thread! I had no idea, and I bet lots of other people have no idea about the state of hospitals now! This is the kind of information being hidden from us.

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What state and city is this? Do you have any idea why they are so full?

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I can't provide that information as it would make it exceptionally easy to dox me. I can say, it is a University Hospital. The timing was my husband's hospitalization was 2020, August. Mine was 2024, February. it is now February 2025, and I am hearing that some people are waiting 4 days in the ER for a room. The above referenced department is the CVICU (Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit). I'm holding back on a good many details.

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I understand. I wonder if it is considered a blue or red state.

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It is a red state; however, my county is blue.

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interesting....I wonder if that is the case in most blue counties. Who knows.

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Thank you. In the case of my friend here and sister in law in Denver, neither one of them had heart and/or blood clot issues before. My sister in law took blood thinners and slowly regained her strength. My friend here got another booster in the fall after that. Then, said she was coughing up blood again...........back on blood thinners after that. I am sorry to hear about your family...that is really awful. My nephew's wife had menstrual problems for about 6 months, two I know indirectly had miscarriages. To top it off, another friend her and her husband on the same morning before this Thanksgiving had to go to the hospital: the husband with kidney and heart issues, and when my friend stood up that morning, she had a mini stroke, went to hospital, had 3 more during the day, and then an actual stroke. She is home now, but is still working on being able to use her right hand and right leg to walk. They both had the latest fall booster along with all the others offered. Suffice it to say, the jabs are the cause - not a coincidence. Again I am sorry for your losses...very sad to hear.

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