Colleen, Thank you and well done. I do hope there are enough rational minded people to consider and actually be in charge of themselves and their loved ones lives (the kiddos)

We should never ever be forced to take an injection or a pill, we should never allow others to touch our children or our grand children in any way that violates their body. With that said, I think perhaps we should absolutely eliminate businesses of all sorts that refuse to allow us to make our own choice.

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Dec 15, 2021Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Thanks. This kind of brainstorming and suggestion-making is very important. We need a lot more of it, around all kinds of situations.

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Dec 15, 2021Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

I love these... especially the one where tyrant is asked to show their medical license.

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Dec 16, 2021Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Most of my family took the poison, including my youngest son who was shot up by the US Army. They know that to mention vaccines around me is to hear about things that they will find disturbing. I try not to be a jerk but I'm always honest No one has ever dared to tell me I should get vaxxed, even my former GP was more tactful than that. But I live in rural Maryland and most of us here do not trust big pharma's version of the covid story. We give each other a lot of room to decide.

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Dec 15, 2021Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Oh I did enjoy reading your Q an A list. Thank you💕💕💕

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thanks Colleen, smart and cute and a good sense of humour. Sorry I arrived so late in the game. Substack is a type of miracle

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