Today’s youth believe voting left will get them free education, pay off their present education debt, and get paid for not working. It’s that simple. Until they start to live in the “no free lunch”real world nothing will change.

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On the other hand, once they get jobs, mortgages, and kids they become the system.

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Nov 23, 2022
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They will inherit their basements.

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You really nailed a few things here. I have a young niece and nephew who are recent graduates of ASU in Phoenix. I'll just say I avoid talking to them about politics and the way covid was handled, because it gets very uncomfortable. They're not stupid people, far from it, but their university did very little for them.

I live near the Atlantic Ocean with a state university campus a block from my house. I taught physics there for most of the years between 2002 and 2019. After about 2015, the place went to hell. It's now a ludicrous indoctrination camp. I saw the transformation take place over those years, from a middle class school with balanced views from various profs to a self congratulatory enclave of leftist zealots. I could not teach there today.

The school had a few phony hate crimes in 2016 and 2019, caught on video camera, committed by a local 35 year old black man. Some ugly words were scribbled on a hallway way. Though they knew it was a staged crime the administration played it up and local zealots played it up to pressure the University to take action to further brainwash faculty and students. When campus police finally broke the news that the crime was committed by a black man, no further mention was made. The tragedy is that enrollment of black students dropped precipitously after the administration's frantic virtue signaling. The whole staged event, perhaps planned by dull witted idealogues ended up hurting the black students. To me, it seems this is where leftist thought always ends up. Because it's basically demented and inhuman.

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I don't subscribe because 60 bucks a year, times the four or five, I follow is prohibitively expensive. It is sad.

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Same here !

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The failed education system, and universities especially, have indoctrinated several generations to accept prescribed dogma, and to expect safe spaces to insulate them from dissent from that dogma. The solution is to remove the tyrants prescribing the destructive dogma, and replace them and their dogma with better standards. The indoctrinated are easily manipulated, they just need better guidance. The tyrants won't go quietly.

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Many of the youth hardly understand the issues and oppose hearing any views they might find disturbing. For a short period they have been isolated from the cares of the world and because they lack experience they cannot see much of the future. Money has little meaning as ,long as they have enough provided by others so the price of the family groceries means little. IMHO nobody younger than 25 ought to be able to vote.

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The only thing is...are they any better at age 25?

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Well, at that age at least their brains are finally done growing ;)

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Most of them are. Obviously some never gain wisdom, ever.

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Kids can be competent enough to make decisions at 18. Many can't because of education malfeasance. That same system failed their parentscand grandparents. Several generations of education malpractice led us here. Fix the failed education system to save the country.

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As I understand it the frontal lobe which handles judgement isn't fully mature until ~ 25. Certainly people who are quite young can make decisions the question is how wise are they? Auto insurance rates give a hint. But the educational system can certainly do a better job. If HS students can graduate reading at the 3rd grade level (Baltimore & LA, some schools) we are in big trouble.

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Very well said.

It is a real fight to open back up the conversation.

Never thought it would get so bad....but then the last 6-7 years brought on a lot of can't believe its.

And the academics, especially the medical ones, really are at the forefront of making an absolutely terrible world. And they seem to get a lot of money to do it that way.

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It's not bad yet. Things will get worse before we recover. Probably much worse.

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'What cultural shift made the Arizona counties with the largest universities choose the candidate who refused to debate? Have universities rejected diversity of opinions?'

I think academia has long been rather intolerant (thinking back over the years to various speakers whose appearance was canceled after student protest), but especially since the Woke movement it's been like gasoline on a fire. To further mix metaphors, universities have been a hothouse of raising snowflakes. Everywhere I read people saying, Why don't our schools teach critical thinking? (Maybe because that's not easily tested for bureaucratized tracking purposes?) At any rate, we are reaping what we have sowed. If you're swimming in a sea of political correctness, debating is contraindicated.

My son, a mere high school graduate, recently dated a girl in academia for about a year. Some of the stories he's told me about her and her circle of friends made my toes curl. And with eight legs, tardigrades have a lot of toes to curl.

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Oh universities teach critical thinking, cognitive dissonance, etc. The WAY they teach it is not quite what you might expect however ... Can relate to the toe curling. Limousine liberals are still a thing.

Yes, college students have been protesting any and all conservative thought leaders for quite some time. From east to west coast. Just the other evening in NM.

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People are easily programed to believe that they're right and everyone who disagrees is wrong. This allows us to avoid discussions because we don't consider it worth our time. Everyone does this, including us.

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I welcome discussion, I enjoy picking their indoctrinated brains! Lol 😆

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Amen Colleen. Please don't cave on this like so many weak 'experts' do - given time/pressure/herding.

"But then our dissenting voices were silenced, censored in the workplace and in educational settings, and on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

We even see it on that exemplary bastion of free speech Substack: Some writers have chosen the option ‘You can only comment if you pay to subscribe.’ If you look through the comments of such cozy gatherings at the end of their essays, the paid subscribers all express adulation and gratitude. Man, if that’s the way you want to engage with the world – ‘you can only talk to me if you’re in my fan club, because I’m too thin-skinned to bear what the rest think’ – go for it, but don’t expect to be taken seriously outside of your bubble."

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I read a lot of Substack authors, some paid, some not, depending on how prolific the author is, how often I read it. Some authors have o lot of subscribers, and engender LOTS of responses , but I don't see any of them with worshippers. Must be reading the wrong ones.

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What was the single most watched broadcast you referrred to?

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Malone and Joe Rogan

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Thanks, I was wondering that too.

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That's wild about tardigrades surviving space. Reminds me of Alien. Thanks for your comment.

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The left saw a large percentage of non-participatory voters in most elections and realized they could swing elections by activating soliciting those voters. The right failed to respond to that trend and instead just cried about ballot harvesting. The most successful movements I have seen in my lifetime in the US have been the most strident like student activism in the 60's, the free speech movement, BLM, so it is obvious there is no advantage to be gained by being "polite". On the international scene you see the Bolsheviks in Russia, Communists in China, Fascists in Italy and the Nazis in Germany all took power by violence and were defeated when and if they were defeated by superior firepower. Rarely are major changes accomplished by debate, because where there are dire circumstances, extremism becomes commonplace. In the United States today there are large numbers of homeless and disadvantaged people and millions of low income people working multiple jobs to keep their heads above water. Many conservatives complain about poor people and minorities, that they don't work, they are violent and untrainable, while not recalling that their own recent ancestors came to the U.S. with nothing and were able to succeed because of the surplus of low skill entry level jobs available. Higher education was available at low cost 50 years ago you could attend college fulltime for $500 semester and in some states it was free for residents. A lot of upward mobility. IMO the Republicans have lost the ability to message on a number of important issues. They give tremendous tax breaks for corporations and are compensated by corporate donations to their campaigns. Both republicans and Democrats spend money frivolously for their own benefit (campaign donations, insider trading and revolving door jobs) and ignore trillion dollar deficits in the budget, declining infrastructure, endemic poverty and out-sourced employment. I'm a fiscal conservative and I'm astounded by the corruption and obvious waste in DC, both Republicans and Democrats are responsible and they are both taking immense donations from corporations (opensecrets.org). I have come to agree with defunding the police after watching police beat up protestors all over the world, riding horses over demonstrators in Belgium and invading people's homes in Australia to enforce covid mandates. I don't want this to be a rant but the Republican Party is going to have to decide whether it represents freedom and democracy for the people in this country or whether it represents the interests of U.S. Corporations and the World Economic Forum Depopulation agenda. There's too many RINOS in Congress and there are too many successful but apathetic Republicans staying at home. I don't see the desperation in conservatives yet in spite of the fact that the U.S. Government is participating in a global depopulation program and Americans are dying en-masse from a bipartisan enforced drug injection program. As far as I'm concerned, leave the border open, because I might want to get the hell out. Republicans are going to have to engage the entire population as well as young folks on governance issues, health and welfare issues and take their jobs seriously to represent people, not corporations and they're going to have to be strident about it and violent if necessary. It's on voters to make them realize who they are supposed to serve.


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As a recovering liberal, in my view the Republicans are really bad on some things and the Democrats are really bad on other things. And they are both hyperfocused on money. Right now I'm in the Pox On Both Their Houses camp. It's just a uniparty.

Both parties focus on optics rather than reality, and their appeals to potential voters are strictly manipulative, because it's a well-known fact that most voters act emotionally rather than intellectually. Until we deal with the campaign funding and associated corruption problem, I don't see things getting much better.

I'm not holding my breath.

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This is an interesting change of pace from your more usual (excellent) writing on implication for medicine.

Good read.

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Thank you for this, Dr. Huber. And thank you for talking about the fact that only paid subscribers can comment (or even ‘like’ other comments) with a number of writers. In addition to the related issues you mention, it seems to me, that it means those with the most $ get to comment...in effect, silencing those of us who can’t afford to be a paid subscriber.

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You ROCK doc! Always enjoy your posts!

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Nov 21, 2022
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Many substackers also censor comments that do not fit with the majority opinion of their subscribers, and might detract from their monetization - exactly like the mainstream media.

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Leave - quicker the better - those substackers who choose to censor and/or beg for $'s. It's twisted, weak and pathetic.

If it gets worse = bad sign. They'll go the way of FOX news, DuckDuckGo, Drudge, Wikipedia, Disney & a zillion others. Traitors, one and all.

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Especially unhappy with the one who spent the last two years crying that he got kicked off Twitter, got reinstated, then installed paywall for comments and some articles.

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That's not a new policy on his substack. It's been that way since I've been reading him, over a year.

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That's funny. I was paid, then card got hacked and I didn't bother renewing. I was able to post unpaid for a while, then no more. I think it happened when he installed a paywall for some articles. Definitely the posting paywall cut down on shit posters but now it's basically a cheering section

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"Beg for $$"?.... People deserve to be paid for the fruit of their labor, if they wish. Their thoughts and insights are the fruit of their minds. Some have lost their employment, pension, etc, for their stance. Their Substack is a way they put food on the table. I don't begrudge them that.

Have you noticed how few people you can really converse with these days? Mind-numbed robots. I'm grateful that there's so much to choose from here, intelligent people.

I had a brilliant brother, entirely self-educated, wrote film scores, advertising for Minute Maid, Continental Air, Seaworld... And it took hours, hiring talent, recording equipment, rent, everything...But Napster thought it was OK to steal his intellectual property.

One reason we're in trouble is the "free lunch" attitude. AND for young people...They don't learn the purpose of making good decisions, or how to do it by disciplining their emotions...They're terrible decision-makers. They have to "feel" good about everything. Disaster..And it makes for dumbasses, LOL!

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Out of curiosity, how do you know who censors?

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I assume the substack "owner" is responsible. No one else cares or is affected. It's their monetized channel to manage.

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I meant, how do you know which authors practice censorship, but you made it clear in another comment so never mind.

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I don't begrudge people needing to make a living. Being on a fixed income, I can't afford to be a paid subscriber to more than a couple of substacks. There's a third writer to whose tip jar I occasionally contribute for particularly good articles.

I like the approach of eugyppius, most of those articles are free and anyone can comment. Berenson also has a mix of free and paid, with some having an availability delay. But there's an annoying degree of self-promotion.

I don't expect everything for free, and I do my best to support those whose contribution I value. It is indeed very frustrating when only paid subscribers can comment.

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Yes, agree, with one exception. Profit is fine but censorship is not. It turns them into a hypocrite, like Twitter. It chills discourse and makes one self-censor ideas that are important or interesting. It is mental totalitarianism. It shows a lack of intellectual integrity and prejudice against that which does not fit one's confirmation biases and censorship is also used against possibly wrong ideas which (alongside correct ideas) importantly unearth unexamined assumptions. Wrong ideas and mistakes make you think different. They are valuable. Censorship is anti-truth or anti potential truth and is anti-freedom. It's a form of hand-waving, 'cause it's all they got.

Yet a recent poll by Musk found that 52% of people wanted Trump censored off of Twitter. That means half the people in the US do not understand that free speech is the foundation of their freedom. Musk did reinstate Trump's account.

Eugyppius small-mindedly (indicating a lack of mental capacity) banned me for my reasoned and unemotional stating that Aliens might be controlling our thoughts (per the mass formation) against a nearly unhinged, unreasonable (using caps) commenter who was emotionally screaming that it just couldn't be so. Neither of them were capable of rational discourse - just hand-waving. When I see that (regardless of the subject) I'm likely to slap them upside the back of their head by deconstructing and demolishing their emotionalism - but I did not. It's like trying to convince a narrative believer of the error of their unexamined assumptions with data, studies, and links. If you've tried to do this you have seen them go into what looks like a robotic control mode. Dr. McCullough said that when he tried talking to MD's their faces became strange-like. We can't quite say that the aliens took over their minds, but it surely does seem like that.

Actually, Alien control of our thoughts is surprisingly, disturbingly, possible if you do some research. There are (believe it or not) thousands of global alien abduction reports who all independently state that Aliens are telepathic. These are not anecdotal reports as they are consistent and independent (at which point it caught my attention having had next to zero interest in UFOs previously) and there are many of them - so they become data (because they independently and consistently say the exact same thing with no exceptions). The Roper organization did a poll and found that 4% of the global population may well have been abducted at one time in their lives. Heck, maybe you who are reading this. Have you had any instances of missing time, or find yourself especially disturbed by pictures of alien faces? By the way, abductees have been psychologically examined and found to be perfectly normal. Any UFOs in your neighborhood? See here: https://tinyurl.com/2y9365bv

Put that together with the obvious deduction that, if telepathic Aliens exist, then advanced technology does too (they got here didn't they?), and with that one necessarily concludes that advanced technology could amplify telepathic control. That's simple logic. :-)

Now add in advanced Alien Ai - which one must also reasonably assume - and thus the amplified telepathy could then be individually targeted to humans. One can go further with this line of thinking - like, where did language come from? Genetic engineering? Have we been programmed to easily accept programming? Why will people believe just about anything with no evidence? Why won't they believe that which does have evidence? How is it possible that the authorities seem to be trying to kill us?

Note that only people shielded by cognitive dissonance fail to believe that UFOs are real and that each real one has an Alien (or Alien Ai) inside. (Why are we trivially concerned only with the outside of UFOs?) 75-years of 10,000 or so sightings (N.A. only) per year are not all weather balloons, swamp gas, or bugs on windshields. Nope. And just one real sighting is all we need. The preponderance of the evidence is there regardless of how surprising that is for those who look. Even the government says so. They have detailed documents from the highest sources on this subject: https://tinyurl.com/29nhrjyk

If you read Mathias Desmet's book the above possibility appears more likely. But it can also be equally explained by the concept of an egregore, an autonomous thought-form entity created by groups of people accidently or else on purpose. These are non-material entities with intent that can affect this physical plane. Hitler created one. Mussolini resurrected the Roman Empire egregore. Nations create them. A lynch mob has one. Totalitarianism and ideologies create one. Even Vajrayana has its protective deities. Egregores seem to control anyone with a belief system, which is hard to escape. They love censorship. Note that we do not so much have beliefs as a Beliefs have you. Strange thoughts indeed.

Of course, most people have not yet awoken to totalitarianism, much less possible Alien control of populations. Not sayin' it's so, but we should consider it as a way to expand our minds and make it more difficult to fall into ideological traps. Doing your own research and also considering outré ideas is the only way I know to unearth the unexamined assumptions we've all been programmed with. Censorship is a pernicious tool of control. It's particularly so because people love to censor anyone who thinks differently than they do.

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That's right.

And get this, quite a few years ago - way before Klaus and the WEF - one of those abductees told an abduction researcher (a PhD) that one of the aliens had telepathically communicated, "Soon, everyone will know their place and you will be happy."

Not liking that.

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