You want the state admin law regs and the state criminal codes because your first steps are going to be in the state courts and with the state constitution (and of course our national Constitution. Some state constitutions have greater protections than the federal one. Also look at your state civil rights and ADA laws). I'm a retired due to chronic WNV and ME but I have been my county's prosecutor, have worked criminal defense and all kinds of agency hearings (medical boards, too), civil, bankruptcy and other.

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Thank you so much for this very valuable advice. Pinned comment!

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I believe that the terrorizing tactics of licensing boards will backfire and create even more rallying support for the unfairly intimidated doctors like Dr. Marik, Dr. Ness, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole and..(who else?) Dr. McCullough is a healthcare hero who deserves a landslide of majority support that will override the tiny minority of persons sitting on licensing boards who are futilely trying to make an example out of excellent doctors. Keep supporting and keep sharing this story, and the public will see right through their attempts to silence and censor board-certified doctors who counter the orthodoxy. For the sake of self preservation, the public needs to understand that a medical system based on Official Cures Only is not healthcare, it is deathcare.

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The banned doctors were heroes long ago for me

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Medical boards should not become monopolies, because there is too much danger of them being overtaken by politics and then kicking out members who don't agree to said politics. I have this concern with Ayurveda - some people in the US want to make it a licensed profession, which I disagree with, precisely for this reason.

How does a medical board get established in the first place? Well, these days, if it happens in the case of Ayurveda, we have one organization that simply was around "first" and is trying to put themself into the position of becoming the licensing board. They are also trying to do this with yoga therapy. Meanwhile, the people who set themselves up as the experts, the ones who determined who got the credentials, first grandfathered themselves in, even though they often didn't have half as much training as what they are demanding of the new people coming on board.

Basically, the first group of individuals who makes themselves into a professional organization, and gets enough members, then sets ups some minimum "accreditation" system, so they can lobby politicians and pick and choose who gets to be in said profession.

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Our society will not recover, and will continue to deteriorate, as long as these star chambers are allowed to continue. Everyone responsible must be severely punished, down to the secretaries who typed the scarlet letters. This is not just about harassment of the few remaining honest doctors. They are directly responsible for the deaths of millions because of their insane prohibitions. This is no different than the extermination camps in WW II where even lowly jailers were prosecuted. Time for the next Nuremberg.

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How are these despicable "medical boards" planning to heal the lack of trust in allopathic MDs that has been caused over the last almost 3 years by doing this? I know more people now that would rather die than go to an allopathic doctor than at any time in my life (myself included). I've always avoided allopathic docs, but would go see them if I really thought I would benefit by doing so. I want doctors that are practicing medicine, not towing some corporate borg line. As it stands now, I will literally have to be bleeding to death before I will EVER go see another allopathic doctor for the rest of my life. I've had it with the whole evil system. I guess these medical boards don't care about business from me and the millions of others like me. So be it.

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During summer, felt sharp stomach pains... I immediately thought, I can't go to hospital... They could vax me, put me on remdesiver after bullshit test.. Etc...

God took care if it. But I think many doctors would blindly follow any murderous protocol.

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There is an interesting article just posted on thecovidblog.com by Brian (the blogger) about his journey self-treating an abscessed tooth that had spread an infection. I was days of discomfort but he was successful.

We need to be able to self treat (as long as tools to enable this are allowed to exist). Back to pioneer days I guess, but way preferred to hospicide.

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So glad for you. I'd be feeling similarly. Prayer, Thy will be done, deep faith ...so be it. Followed by LOADS of gratitude.🙏😌

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A world 🌎 of, for, and by the psychopaths. Even though this is patched together it is amazing that

she said things that could add up to


As a side question, if anyone can answer it: I see what must be bitchute

videos embedded in documents, but

no apparent way to copy the link. This happens a lot on material from thecovidblog.com. Thanks.

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Chilling. Incomprehensibly strange times......

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All medical boards need to be removed from the executive branch of government to fall under a bipartisan health committee tasked with oversight on Medical Board decisions specifically any action taken against a physician's license or practice should be subject to review by this elected body representing the will of the people. Any decision or action on any medical board taken against a physician found to be faulty or abusive should be subject to reversal. And the medical board itself should be subject to dismissal by such health committees.

Unless and until the majority of humanity has a voice in the matter of choice, the for-profit medical juggernaut will rule and dictate all of our lives.

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The purpose of these witch hunts is clear. Strike fear into the hearts of upstanding doctors who understand what is taking place. Is this REALLY the United States of America? It surely doesn't seem that way. No medical student put themselves through med school with the notion that their board certification could be removed for speaking TRUTH, nor did they ever imagine they might end up spending considerable resources to defend their given right to speak about medical issues of concern.

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Excellent post. I’ve just purchased both of your recent books.

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In California, the California Medical association and California Nurses Association are sponsoring Prop 29 and Prop 31, supposedly to protect people on dialysis and children from starting with candy flavored vaping then using tobacco, respectfully.

But these two organizations are STILL promoting covid vaccines and last year did not stand up for medical freedom.

In other words, these associations are TESTING their credibility.

I recommend Californians vote YES on Prop 29 and NO on Prop 31 to reject these associations.

By the way, Props 29 and Prop 31 are returning propositions…old news! These associations could care less about people’s conditions. Just look how these associations treated regular Americans over the last two years.

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If things are heating up, does that mean they are worried because (as Dr Lee Merritt says), you are over their high value target?

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Am I the only one who remembers that one of the Supreme Court justices lied about 100s of thousands of children being at risk from Covid? How can someone sitting as a judge on the highest court in the country be entrusted to make decisions with such a lack of knowledge of the data? Judges can be infinitely ignorant and politically correct rather than wise. Tears for the human race.

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I remember, too. We must not forget any of these things.

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The US Constitution, hell even the nearly one thousand years old Magna Carta, forbids any government or king from taking a person's possessions without going through a due process of law in front of their peers. But yet again we have the SCOTUS sitting on its hands as we see clear breaches of that absolutely fundamental article of the rule of law that has sustained Western societies for these last one thousand years. We see Russian assets being first"frozen" and now Ursula Fondalyin wants to steal them, ...... It is all the same illegal things being done by the same people. No wonder the Russians, Chinese, Saudis etc etc etc want out from under this "rule based international order" which can be changed to suit those in charge any time they damn well please as we saw when our "rights" were taken away from us during lockdowns.

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And post-definition changed vaccine mandates. Any vaccine mandates should be illegal but they have been imposed on school kids for so long nobody cares.

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My functional medicine doctor has gotten threatening letters from our state, and now is being required to attend some sort of ‘hearing’ to decide his/her ‘punishment’ for prescribing ivermectin in 2021. Never mind that prescribing this medication wasn’t even illegal or irresponsible. I’m so disgusted with all this corruption.

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I feel like we have regressed to the late 17th century. Watch 1692 WAS A VERY GOOD YEAR on Youtube. The mainstream Covid narrative is compared to the Salem Witchcraft trials


Fight Medical Tyranny! Watch and share all Turfseer's music videos at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szPvXq8UXGU&list=PLvrDA-UtzN9zSEsaUJ5mvG-zfekakATKJ

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Salem has nothing on us

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Thank you, Dr. Huber, for continuing to fight and speak up. I’m sure it consumes a lot of your time and energy.

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