Thank you. And not to diss your work - which was early and much appreciated - honestly this should be obvious, right? I couldn't wear masks, would not, and I was astounded that humans didn't just know, that breathing in their own exhaust is not good for health. (Aside from the idiocy of how particles easily flow through.) I still see people wearing them.!

Still, nice to see more studies confirming.

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Yes, totally obvious. No, I don't feel dissed. You're right. It's freaking common sense to not obstruct one's respiration. But we had to show the proof anyway. :-)

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023

What I found quite interesting, Kathleen, was how so many woodworkers supported the mask mandates. There is a very good reason why those who work in high-dust environments are willing to pay the extra money for masks with exhalation valves on them.

Long before the N95 masks came out, I had switched out the paper masks for a respirator with an exhalation valve when sanding for more than a short period of time.

I think it quite plausible that the masks contributed significantly to the general sense of anxiety and impending doom that led to hysterical extremism.

One conversation remains fixed in my memory. I made a mild remark to a friend about how those required to mask all day should regularly go outside and purge the carbon dioxide buildup with the "belly breathing" technique taught to anxiety and panic disorder sufferers by clinical psychologists. The response was angry and vitriolic, with shrill assertions of "they've proven that masks don't increase carbon dioxide levels in the bloodstream!"

As with so many other aspects of the public messaging disinformation campaign, no conversation could be had when a mild-mannered suggestion was responded to with such instant anger, so I didn't bother to mildly ask who "they" were and how so many years of clinical research on CO2 concentrations had been suddenly proven wrong.

Nevertheless, I continued to urge friends to self-monitor their mental state very closely when masking, and to take as many outdoor breaks as possible.

I think it possible that those we see still wearing masks outdoors, have been subjected to adaptive learning with the negative stimulus being chronic anxiety induced by elevated blood CO2 levels.

Most panic attacks are preceded by extended periods of shallow breathing, which slowly increase CO2 levels until the attack overwhelms the sufferer. This is why clinicians prescribe breathing techniques as a first response. There are other elements to panic disorder, maladaptive rumination being one of them.

The behavioral scientists pushing masks and lockdowns were well aware of this, which is why it's naive to apply a blanket "mistakes were made" apologia to the propaganda campaigns. The authoritarians grasping power knew what they were doing, and also knew that what they were doing would inflict lasting psychological harm.

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When the mask idiocy started we were required to wear a mask at work. I had some at home used in wood work, N95 with the valve. But the hospital overseeing our work protocols would not allow that. It HAD to be a mask that looped behind the ears, and not one with a valve. A manager at work explained to me that a valve was not allowed because there was no filtering of my exhaled breath that of course would be provided by the crappy chinese made blue paper masks that leaked all around the edges and could never possibly filter out something as small as a virus. The same manager also contended that VAERS wasn't reliable information. And of course, when the jabs became the hip and popular thing to do, my non-medical employer mandated them at the behest of the "gold standard" doctors from the now notorious hospital which was among the first in the country to mandate those harms to their employees. In for a penny, in for a pound. Once the compliant eagerly complied with mask absurdisms they were primed to comply with the kill shots.

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"Once the compliant eagerly complied with mask absurdisms they were primed to comply with the kill shots."

Insightful statement, Cy.

That priming included an aspect of behavioral science that has been largely overlooked; the interactions between the various adaptive learning reinforcements that were deployed.

I think you may have touched on an important factor, the sequence. Whether deliberate or simply a "happy coincidence," enhanced anxiety levels owing to elevated CO2 levels may have been a nontrivial precursor to instilling the credulity involved with uncritically joining mass human trials of experimental gene-expression modifiers.

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"Whether deliberate or simply a "happy coincidence," enhanced anxiety levels owing to elevated CO2 levels may have been a nontrivial precursor to instilling the credulity involved with uncritically joining mass human trials of experimental gene-expression modifiers."

I have zero doubt myself it was deliberate. Actual science already knew the masks were useless, unless the point was compliance, increased anxiety and fear, and creating enemies out of the non-compliers.

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Exactly, Kathleen. No happy coincidences in all of this. No excuses. No defense.

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Yup, it is called control. It had to be tested as to how many would comply.

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Yes, ‘they’ knew they were causing harm. But, they obviously don’t care, as they’ve clearly demonstrated in many ways.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Thank you Dr. Huber. I would assume some of these harmful effects are long-term not just short term

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Considering how sensitive neurons are to oxygen deprivation, I worry about this especially in children.

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Me too. And I know two little girls (10 and 6) who choose now to wear them all day at school. Their parents (both work at Pfizer God help them) are okay with it.

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This is pathological. Some children hide behind masks now because they fear to show their faces. Tragic!

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Not just children. Some girls do it because it saves on makeup.

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In the early days of the "pandemic" I had to work at numerous places where masks were required. Once I got through common areas, it was hanging on my ear all day.

Nobody in any of those places wore a mask -- except in common areas, where a mask Nazi might screech, like Donald Sutherland from the 80s version of Invasion of The Body Snatchers.

My favorite meme, was the guy putting up a chain-link fence to keep out the Mosquitoes! 😂🤣

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I live in commie California and I have only worn a mask once. I place a loose cloth in front of my nose/mouth which does not interfere with my breathing at all. It is all about symbolism and conformity.

The only case where someone objected was when I was entering a hospital.

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I was a contractor, so I had to work in many hospitals, and a few data centers. They were psycho about it. Security would escort you offsite for not wearing a mask. But all of the employees thought it was nonsense. Most people wore their mask below their nose anyway!

Corporate mentality. Zero tolerance, ZERO LOGIC.

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Mine, too.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

yeah, so in 2021 when I went in for an annual check up to a new doctor (had moved to another state), I had a regular blue paper mask on and I had to wear that thing walking up 2 flights of stairs and then keep it on during check in and wait time. My BP was up way higher than normal and I say, through the mask, to the nurse - well that's got to be from not getting enough O2, right? I mean, you're just re-breathing your CO2 and not getting fresh air in your body. And she said, oh no, that has nothing to do with it. That's got to be just common sense that a lack of fresh O2 would affect your systems - I mean that's just intuitive, no matter what your medical background, or lack thereof. I left that practice.

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Countless experiences like yours, where MDs and their staff, (perhaps coerced by tyrannical hospital employers) show less common sense and understanding of basic respiratory needs than the medical laypeople who visit them. Then they wonder why people leave their medical practices.

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Gotta wonder where the respiratory therapists were on the harms of masks and why they didn’t speak up about it. Maybe they did and were censored?

But what gets me is how the older immunologists and virologists just threw out decades of experience and went along with what Fauci was telling us. I worked in a laboratory just after high school and took 2 years of med tech courses in college and even I knew what he was saying was pure grade BS. So many doctors should be hanging their heads in shame.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

The insanity spewed from people that should know better was truly frightening.

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I would like to pile on this...I imagine that mask-wearing is even worse for pregnant women, especially as the months wear on. We are in the Philadelphia area, where so many practices are a part of the hospital systems, and are therefore guided by the idiotic, CYA policies of the hospitals, and you must wear a mask in the offices. My daughter is 8 months plus and it is challenging to wear, but the receptionists at her OB's office hands them out as she signs in. It's a heartless policy, and absolutely braindead. The "crisis" if indeed there ever was one, is long past over. Most of us have had covid, time to stop the charade.

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Unfortunately the only answer is to not comply. That's it.

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I am more than willing to do that. I am at the point where my doctors can kick me out for "noncompliance", I no longer care. I just hate to see my daughter and others like her be refused, especially at this stage of a pregnancy, where birth is imminent.

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Hear, hear! Totally with you, Kathleen! 🙋‍♂️

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Believe me, your daughter can refuse to comply. Try it.

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Very interesting. Did you find studies on CO2 inhalation and exhalation of smokers for comparison?

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Thank you. I did not compare with smokers, but I would be interested in seeing such a comparison. Also, the air flow is so different between mask-wearers and smokers.

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I would love to see a pamphlet by Dr. Huber which could be published as a PDF here. A summery of all the mask harm and listing all the best studies that will fit in the room left.

It would be great to print and hand out or send to medical venues and government health departments that require or recommend masks, especially certified, return receipt requested.

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I just don’t understand how so much of the medical community got duped into this. Thankfully my doctor works independently and never required masks but his office was turned into the health department on numerous occasions. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Duped, or bribed?

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I need to have some PT, so far I cannot find a practice where the staff has stopped wearing masks. They leave it optional for patients. I have called four locations.

Our so called president signed off on the pandemic being over, so there is no reason for masks to still be required. Anyone stupid enough to still be wearing them to work all day is not smart enough to be working on my foot. I will find a You Tuber to show me what the best exercises are for my issue.

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Unfortunately, I'm now in training for a job as a flight attendant and just discovered that it's mandatory for me to wear a company issued cloth face mask for military charters. I don't have to be jabbed but I'm so angry. I need the job as I've lost two jobs due to mandatory jabs which I refuse to do.

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Maybe poke some holes in the company mask with a needle or see if a fabric shop can duplicate it with a breathable fabric.

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Yes, I remember the censorship you were subjected to (predominantly Twitter) in late 2020. I even found myself in the naughty corner for sharing your work... 🤦🏻‍♂️

Rest assure your efforts back then (when most were still hiding under their doona) were duly noted and very much appreciated! ✅

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Thanks Dr. Huber. "But those harms keep getting re-discovered somehow, brand new all over again to incredulous audiences of academics – after worldwide injuries to children and adults." - are they really true academics? I recall reading, in April 2020, Dr. Denis Rancourt's (PhD) paper "Masks Don't Work". It was SO very obvious from reviewing the papers he reviewed that masks were worse than pointless - they hurt people! I question whether the "doctors" and "academics" who are stunned by current studies really truly know what they are talking about. I just read an article about a school in Ithaca New York that cannot quit covid - the kids are required to be masked inside and outside, they cannot talk at lunch and other barbaric measures - TODAY. It's pure mind control. Thanks for the great posts. Peace. :-)

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PS the Military Mask mandate is for boarding process and flight and deplaneing. Where's the common sense?

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People relish stupidity

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I am new to your substack and so I only recently discovered this article. Unfortunately the study you referenced has been retracted. I am guessing it was retracted because it was against the narrative but I don't understand the details of research to know for sure. Do you happen to know why it was retracted and if so, was it retracted for good reason?

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I have an alternate view on lung physiology that dismisses the notion of oxygen and carbon dioxide gaseous exchange

The article is titled

We breathe air not oxygen

I take you though all the steps that lead to this statement

Including how oxygen is manufactured

How oxygen is calibrated

Eg medical oxygen has 67parts per million of water contamination

Why oxygen is toxic, dehydrates and damages the alveoli

Lung physiology requires the air at the alveoli to reach 100% humidity

Can you see the problem?

The new take on lung physiology:

The lungs rehydrate the passing RBCs with iso tonic saline solution as they pass through the alveoli capillary beds

RBCs change from dark contracted dehydrated to plump bright hydrated form as they soak up the iso tonic saline solution the bursting alveoli bubbles throw upon the capillary sac

The airway mucosa conditions the breathe with salt and moisture

Find the article


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So many nonsensical things were encouraged or mandated during this pandemic. It also occurred to me that more people were encouraged to follow along without questioning. From what I have learned, I question calling this a pandemic

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