Nov 8, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

The Democrats are the party of death. Kill the unborn and euthanize the old. Life expectancy has dropped almost 2 full years in the US since the Democrats took full control in 2021. ALL from their policies.

Open border = fentanyl deaths. Covid vax mandates = myocarditis, embolisms, sudden death, cancer.

Lockdowns = deaths of despair (alcholism, drugs, suicide).

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Excellent, well said.

I wish I was American so I could vote against the Demented Democrats, however don't expect the republicans to improve much. They're all bought and paid for

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That has been shown to be all too true.

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I agree. I think it's important to remain as hopeful as possible, but if the "Red side" was going to save us then why haven't any of them (except for like 2 of them) spoken out about *anything* that has gone on the last 2.5 years? I think this is all going to just be another ploy to get people to go back to sleep and the NWO agenda is going to continue under the "red side" just with a bit of different rhetoric and maybe a bit slower. Nothing will stop until we have had enough and demand it stops.

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They will not stop on their own, that is for sure. And they will not go quietly into the night, either. So for, the best that can be said about the reds is that they have served as a speed bump to the blues, but little more. The blues always get what they want. Perhaps not today, but they alway have.

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If you want to understand the real motivations of the two PRIVATE CLUBS, owned privately, and organized to put in office people who will strip you of your money, principles, freedom, and dignity...

Read Sundance at www.theconservativetreehouse.com. Best political mind out there, and he is much like us.

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"As so many US citizens, I have late family members who risked their lives to fight against fascism in World War II. It is our duty to not only honor their courage of that time, but also to stay true, now in the 21st century, to the values they bravely defended."

So very well said!

My father-in-law, God rest his soul, was in the first wave at Guadalcanal, (@17) when "The issue is in doubt." A near dozen other pacific campaigns, then the Chosen Reservoir in Korea, West Germany during the Cold War, and was a Red Cross Field Director in the late 60's Viet Nam with a still classified file. Purple Heart, Silver Star, didn't mean nothing to him, he told his superiors, "Give them to the medics, they deserve them more."

What did we do to deserve such men!

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Sadly, it seems we are not living up to their example.

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Well, the verdict isn't in yet.

It may take the Hammer & Sickle flying over the White House to rally us to action!

"They say you can vote your way into Communism, but you have to shoot your way out."

I think we will.

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Fight our way out? Those who want to are too damn old. Those who can are the new humans and they are a bunch of soy boys who would rather put on a dress rather than pick up a gun and fight.

Perhaps there are still real men who want to destroy all that is criminal in this country.

I pray that there are

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I agree that we will have to. I have serious doubts that we will. We have not done whatever it takes to protect our children from being recruited into “alternative lifestyles” at our schools, so I find it hard to believe that there exist something that will rally us to action before it is too late. I hope I am wrong.

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Their schools, since the left's 'long march through the institutions' ended.

The only 'our school' is a school you control; private or homeschool.

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Okay then, the schools that teach our children.

When has the left’s long march ended? I missed that development and given what is currently going in them, I see little evidence that it has.

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It has not "ended" but only "doubled down."

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Down here in the southeastern US, we are not going down without a fight!

We will not go quietly into the night!

This is all of us, oldsters, youngsters, vets, blacks, whites, hispanics, asians, men, women, farmers, fishermen, hunters, and you name it.

We are armed to the friggin' teeth, and you might roll in and think you are taking over, but you won't roll out!

I don't know what these Marxists think, but you come down here thinking you are gonna take over I have got one piece of advice for you, bring body bags, a lot of 'em. Many many marksmen and markswomen here!

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That’s the problem Edwin, they know this and therefore will not roll in. They openly said that they were coming for our children. We took that to mean kicking downs doors and running off with them and prepared accordingly. Instead, they are taking our kids away from at school and in the courts. A family in Indiana just lost custody of their child for not affirming the child’s gender preferences. The fact that every parent, if not in the entire nation, or just the one state, or the county at least then town this decision was made has not taken to the streets and remained there until this madness stops makes it hard to believe that enough will rise up against anything.

Similarly, they will not confront you in any way that the second amendment will help you. Look in to the ESG scoring system currently in use for corporations. Then imagine how it can and thus will be used against individuals once they get it set up. Then, image when they apply this to idiot phone apps and require you to display the QR code sent to you be the government to gain access to as I am experiencing here in Japan. Earlier this year I ran into

QR CODE ONLY” restrooms. My kid could not use the restroom until my wife bought a qualifying item at a qualified merchant who then provided the QR code to open the restrooms fro my wife to scan onto her idiot phone. I do not have an idiot phone, thus if. Alone or alone with our kid, we would have been S.O.L.. Imagine when this is merged with ESG and applied to your bank account, supermarket, hospital, pharmacy and gas station. That is where the fight needs to be taken to. We are being out flanked.

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I’m very curious...exactly where did this bathroom thing happen? City, state? At a business? Restaurant, store? At a school?

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You are exactly right.

And when they do "roll in" because they will, it won't be police, military, SWAT teams, or the FBI, it will be "technicals."

It always happens like this.


See my Newsletter #2, July 7th, "TECHNICALS"

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Men who went to an overseas war to save a communist khabal that killed tens of millions of 'their own' citizens before WWII?

Yeah what we did is abandoned God.

"Our entry into every war was a lie, including WW1 and 2" - Scott Horton, Antiwar.com

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

I am in Canada and praying for the US. My motives are not without selfishness. Canada follows in the footsteps of the CDC and FDA. Our justice system is broken (judges simply ignore evidence and side with public health policy). Mandates are still in place in many sectors (City of Toronto Firefighters). My father was a proud navy man from WW2. He would be appalled with what is happening. There are good men and women who are fighting for truth. May those candidates who are willing to continue to do so, take their righteous place in a fair election.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Beautifully expressed. Thank you for this.

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Expect us to forget "judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”? No. They demand that we forget it.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

A stellar post.

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Huge day today ... let's do this!!!


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Nov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Demos sponsor egregious policies using $ in schools crt, hospital incentive to covidize deaths, censorship of media, elementary school transgenderism, lying in general Biden laptop and connections to Ukraine China, it seems we must turn to freedom candidates. But it does seem this change is the plan. if the party in Congress changes and remolds Biden into a lame duck but nothing changed it will be demoralizing to our struggle for free speech ect. a battle is underway.

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We have to acknowledge how we got here and that was the completely illegal affirmative action programs both for people of different races and for women . Once that illegality was set up and those benefiting from it refused to speak out against it the obvious next step was a further splintering of these two special groups into a myriad of other grifter groups and white men lost the right not to be discriminated against. People will not be happy when their "right' to be given a "leg up" is removed but we need to go further we need to remove all those who benefited from these discriminatory policies down the years and replace them with people who earn their positions purely on merit.

I remember working for a contractor for Shell in the UK a few years ago and the head of Shell's HR department, HR had over 90% women, demanded that from now on all Shell contractors must aim for 50/50 men/women on all projects, but not in HR obviously as she told us to shut up when that was mentioned. Shell was able to recruit on that basis as they had funds the contractors didn't and they did indeed achieve 50/50 in their new engineering intake that year but they only did it by accepting far lower grades from the women applicants but they were forced to pay those women exactly the same as the top men they had managed to recruit because "sexism". After a year Shell knew they had made a mistake as they tried to give the women lesser rises than the men as they simply weren't able to do the jobs properly through no fault of their own, most of them didn't earn the jobs they were given them because "sexism", but the women threatened to sue for "sexism" and Shell were forced to raise their salaries. The far better men then threatened to leave if their much better efforts weren't rewarded. Last I heard a lot of the men did leave. It wasn't just Shell. A friend's son got through to the final job interview for British gas in a specialised area. He found out at that final interview that there were five jobs for men and five for women and he pointed out that he knew for a fact that there was only one PhD woman in the country in this area, his sister, and the interviewers told him that yes that was correct so they were hiring five PhD men and five ordinary Degreed women to do these same jobs. He got up and told them to stick their job where the sun don't shine as he refused to work for a company that was quite happy to push such discriminatory, and illegal, hiring practices.

If we as a society aren't willing to end such truly evil discrimination against men were are going nowhere. The head of Ofsted the UK government body that tests and monitors British schools educational standards was interviewed when she retired a couple of years back and she was asked what the biggest problems she faced were and she said without a doubt it was feminist teachers that had a viceral hatred of boys and who would take every opportunity to demean and undermine them often to the extent of marking them lower than girls even for clearly superior work. What had she and Ofsted done to stop this? Why nothing of course and she only told us about it as she was retired and had her pension safely tucked away.

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I read an article about this exact deconstruction of our constitution via affirmative action a few months back. It was very eye-opening.

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This is powerful stuff. From beginning to end, you have expressed my own thoughts in words. Well done.

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"All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men (and women!) to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

"When good people in any country cease their vigilance and struggle, then evil men (and women!*) prevail."

- Pearl S. Buck

*See Rochelle Walensky, Leana Wen, others

Thank you, Dr. Huber, for enumerating the many egregious violations of the U.S. Constitution. Everything I was taught growing up has been upended, twisted, bastardized by men and women with tyrannical intentions.

I have been reflecting on what Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said in his last essay before he was banished, "Live not by lies," and how that applies to our current state of affairs. The masks are a lie: they don't prevent transmission of viruses & they cause a variety of infections: a cousin who works for Mayo has ended up with recurrent eye & sinus infections and "mask mouth" because of forced masking. The jabs are a lie: they don't prevent infection, they don't prevent transmission, ergo, they are not "vaccines," and they have caused massive damage and death across all demographics. Our monetary system is a lie: all the money they have "printed" is a lie. Even with all of the U.S. Mint's printing presses running 24/7, it is physically impossible to have printed the trilllions they have appropiated in the last few years. They have just added digital zeros to the ledger and called it good.

Perhaps this is overly simplistic. Maybe there is not much any one person can do. But if each person refuses to "live the lie," if each one of us chooses to stand firm and say "No! I will not call the lie "Truth," perhaps we will embody the motto that dates back to our Founding as a Nation: United we stand, Divided we fall.

We are choosing to stand with our fellow citizens who are not living by the lies, who are standing for the truth.

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Hear, hear! Well said, St. Alia the Knife.

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Great article Colleen. I posted it on twitter. The crazy twits need to read this.

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Excellent article! Right on!

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I will never forget what these monsters have done to us! Red across the board for me 🇺🇸

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