Instead of arguing your own religion for exemption from vaccines, why not indicate the vaccinators’ religion as NOT your own, and separation of church and state?
This is great. I am a CA attorney and wrote numerous religious exemptions for people last year---this year, not so many seem to be needed. People called me initially to complain about discrimination based on the vaccine and while I never have believed it is legal for an employer to mandate any medical procedure, I knew that fight was not going to be a winner, esp. in CA. So instead, I wrote these exemptions. And I did them all for free out of sheer rage. I am happy to help anyone else who needs this help (also for free).
Thanks for your service!! I’m a nurse in California and regret not knowing my rights which led me to accepting (against my will) 2 shots back in dec20/jan21! I’m still enraged with my employer (not good for morale)!
Anyway, I joined a local freedom group and a kind attorney helped me after my employer accepted and then rejected my religious exemption. He simply wrote my employer a letter stating it was against the law to not accept a religious exemption…and he added he represents all staff who wish to decline the shots. It saved mine and another coworkers job for the time being. This fall will be another story, I’m guessing.
Thank you for your service. I was in a unique situation last Feb, after the rollout. Worked in a large private practice where 90 percent of patients got the shots. I did case management and spoke with all hospitalized and ER patients, after discharge. Injuries including massive PE, amnesia, strokes, multiple MI in single patients, clots in bladders, all extremities, post menopausal hemmorhage, thrombocytopenia and more.
Continued post. Transient amnesia, GBS, blood in tears (1 younger girl ). Long story short, I was not getting the shot. Waiting tables now barely getting by.
I have a friend who's an er nurse. Adamant against getting the shots. Fired in second quarter 2021, then hired back first quarter 2022 in same er. fwiw.
We need you in Texas. There are many many hospitals that respect nurses, value personal autonomy and will approve any exemption request for vaccination.
By the way, that same nurse tells me that the nursing homes, which were so packed before covid and the shots, are now begging for inmates. BEGGING. Does anyone else hear of this happening? This is in rural tidewater Maryland.
Even my Arizona medical exemptions have worked from New Jersey to California. If the employer comes back with a refusal, I read them the law as I understand it, and openly cc the employee. This has worked everywhere except one employer in Colorado.
I also do not refuse any request for medical exemption. I am not willing to be an accomplice to a poisoning.
Yes they did! Looking back, I believe it was a work around the mandates. Hospitals received millions to go along with the mandates but were losing too many people. These hospitals in CA also hired hundreds of the nurses who had been fired in NY for refusing the vax. But they were considered “contract” workers, not employees, so hospitals weren’t threatened with clawback of govt Covid $$. The most interesting part of that was their contract specifically excluded requiring the vax (they were not allowed to even be asked) and these nurses did not even have to submit to testing! This was Kaiser and other hospitals. It was all so calculated.
Attorney @AL, could use your help re religious in CA, maybe Dr. Huber’s re medical(?) Shooting for religious first. With another complication. You left message for someone else indicating to leave contact info here, then delete post. Any chance to work out a window of a couple hours for posting info and having you retrieve so info doesn’t stay up too long? Your convenience. Next week, even. Whatever works. (I know, proposal sounds like a paranoid crazy person. Ever been hacked or had identity stolen? Yeah.) Thanks for your offer of service! A Godsend.
I think you can do it anytime as I get notification of your comment in my email. So do that and just delete after 30 min. If you don't hear from me that day, let me know.
Yes, for now. I work in an upscale retirement community/SNF(skilled nursing facility) and I know 1 resident whom refused ALL vaccines and he’s doing fine! This is a 350+ community. Me and another nurse said NO to the boosters(we have a lawyer protecting our religious exemption) and some of my coworkers believe they will force more on us and a few would like to have protection against it. I imagine the monkey pox and new flu-Covid jabs will forever be forced so my days as a nurse a numbered…
I have a friend who works at UC Berkeley for the hearing impaired who never got vaccinated and she has a religious exemption which is working so far.
I think things have simmered down, for now, due to severe staffing shortages. It’s bad and has many rethinking retiring early. Or cutting hours due to fatigue.
I successfully wrote a religious exemption request for both my son and me. I work at a private university and my son goes to school at the same University. I was able to do so based on the premise of being pro life. However my daughter is pro-choice when it comes to abortion but also pro-choice when it comes to not getting the vaccine. She is 18 years old and very concerned about being able to have children later. I would really appreciate some assistance in writing an effective religious exemption request for her. She’s going to a private Catholic university that believe it or not seems to make religious exemption request difficult. It must be notarized before being submitted. Thank you in advance for your consideration and helping me. I am just sick with anxiety over this. I’m scared to death for the future my children face. 
As always, Dr Huber spotlights an out of the box viewpoint and uses her critical thinking skills to blast holes in the narrative of the day. Thanks for your tireless work on behalf of humanity.
After reading the comments, I realized that many thought I meant religious exemption to be used by adults in employment settings, and that is the context where I discussed most of my conversations on this topic with patients.
However, religious exemption, as other exemptions from vaccines, have been used mostly over the years by parents defending their children from state-ordered injection rituals. This is where I think religious exemption is most urgent now also, protecting kids from the most highly toxic vaccine by far, the COVID vaccines, that we have seen in the 30 years of VAERS morbidity and mortality data. Parents usually receive a letter from their children's school with vaccination demands. The parents then generally respond that there will be no vaccines, or no further vaccines, on grounds of religious exemption. There should not be a need to disclose which religion or precisely why. An attorney's guidance here can be wonderfully helpful
this is a brilliantly reasoned analysis. trouble is, realpolitik is that all the large organizations who have been weaponized to push the mass extermination campaign have lawyers who are fighting the employees tooth and nail. peggy hall is the doyenne of religious exemptions - she and her husband pastor dave have probably saved thousands of lives
apparently citing chapter and verse is the way to go. peggy has been fighting this from day one, has a very acerbic sense of humor and a regular youtube feed which often gets censored.
It's really the oddest thing now as data have arrived. The various mandates were based on a theory that mass vaccination would reduce social harm by ending the spread of the virus. Once data arrived to refute that thesis because the vaccines did not end transmission, the mandates were not rescinded. It's quite fair to ask why not. We, the public, need to pressure those with oversight powers to examine why a failing policy was allowed to continue.
Now Biden weighs in to say we are the only nation to protect our babies with this lifesaving vaccine. Does he not know most nations are advising no vaccination for the young? Our level of incompetent is stunning.
Once again thank you for a really thoughtful article!
My eldest son wrote his application for religious exemption, not pretending to be any particular religion, just objecting to the use of fetal cells in the testing and production of the mRNA shots, on the grounds that his belief in a good God made it reprehensible to him. His employer accepted it.
My husband, born into a Muslim family, did the same. He also got a religious exemption.
What I know is if you claim to be, say, a strict adherent of a particular sect, you're easily shot down, because the religious leaders have all failed to discern the grave evil involved in producing and giving these shots. I'm a Catholic, and the present Pope cut a deal with Pfizer to get everyone in the Vatican shot up. He also called getting vaxxed against covid "an act of love", so I'm on my own, along with every other Catholic that saw clearly what these shots are.
One solution that many people aren't able to accomplish is just refuse to comply. They've already laid off so many it's affecting the economy, a significant factor in the recent inflation. Double that rebellion, or triple it, and the economy would crash, opening the doors for our own "reset" of banishing socialism from our society. Alas, that's impractical since so few today are even capable of supporting themselves, and even if they are, they're addicted to the comforts provided by society, even when burdened with arbitrary fascist dictates.
A society of people who are independent enough to ignore those dictates are immune to fascism. Begging for exemptions is as unhealthy as the vax.
Yes David! Exactly yes! This has always been my belief and practice. Right from the start it always seemed to me like playing into their hands to even acknowledge a need for an exemption. I tell them "I don't have an exemption because I don't need one" when/if they ask me why I'm not wearing a mask or not vaxxed etc. It's a BIG mistake to acknowledge their arbitrary rules. And yes, there can be consequences but if we had all done this (stood together) from the get go we'd have scuttled their ship.
It has been easier for me because I'm self-employed and have no debt/mortgage. That came at a cost to me and mine, that most refused to pay, but I will say it was worth what we sacrificed - "the borrower is slave to the lender" is not in the bible without good reason. It's a warning.
Thanks Colleen for another great post. Haven’t had time to read all of it yet but the first part is brilliant.
We do need a lot of tools to fend this off, and the religious exemption is one place to assert rights and also expose the absurdity of what is being demanded of us. I am wondering if similar assertions can be used to get exemptions from testing also.
We do need a socialism-banning reset but of course they are sowing all these seeds of chaos to bring about their totalitarian great reset. We could accomplish something by voting with our wallets and self sufficiency, though not clear how much.
My sincerely held religious belief is that God designed us perfectly; to be self-healing organisms. I practice herbal medicine and I have seen that it works, and herbal medicine and nutritional healing ARE safe and effective.
I believe our bodies, as designed by God, are sacred, and not to have our DNA messed with -- that is against spiritual law, especially if it is done under coercion or deception, as this has been.
I do not belong to a particular church, and this sincerely held belief has nothing to do with aborted fetal cells.
It has to do with my spiritual beliefs about what these vaccines might do to my God-given body, and my faith that my God-given immune system is already a perfect design, and the vaccines seem likely to mess with that.
It's wrong -- it's against God -- and I won't do it. 100% no!
Thankfully, I have not faced a mandate. My heart goes out to anyone who has or is.
But there is zero chance of my ever saying yes to one of these injections. I would be committing a grave sin, if so -- I can't do it, ever. I also believe it is in violation of universal spiritual law/against God to interfere in others' sacred free will by manipulation, coercion, deception. (that is what satan does) -- how I see it, anyway.
Beautiful insights. Thank you! I think the same thing with the masks, it’s not my religion. I respect yours might force you to cover your face, but my religion asks us only to cover our nakedness and shame, not our faces. We present our faces to God.
I’ve encountered a lot of confusion about religious exemption. Liberty Counsel does a nice job of explaining it and giving resources. Please go check out The following is my interpretation of those resources but i’m not a lawyer. You don’t need a minister or priest or vicar or any religious official to sign off. If you are part of a religious organization, it is not required for that organization to support the belief - and your belief can in contrast to their position on vaccines. You do not have to hold the belief for a long time. It is discriminatory to be asked to provide those things. You can wake up in the morning and determine that the vaccines are not for you as long as it is sincere and you have a personal religious basis. Your belief cannot be challenged. One such basis is the fact of the use of aborted fetal cell lines used in development and/or production of the vaccine - Pfizer JJ and Moderna. Another is that your body is a temple of God and he has given you stewardship over it, such that polluting it with products that manipulate your cells to manufacture spike toxins is a violation of the sacred duty. There can be more. Mine was accepted by my company. They asked for some things I didn’t have to answer such as length of time but I chose to answer so that wouldn’t become the sticking point.
This is great. I am a CA attorney and wrote numerous religious exemptions for people last year---this year, not so many seem to be needed. People called me initially to complain about discrimination based on the vaccine and while I never have believed it is legal for an employer to mandate any medical procedure, I knew that fight was not going to be a winner, esp. in CA. So instead, I wrote these exemptions. And I did them all for free out of sheer rage. I am happy to help anyone else who needs this help (also for free).
Thanks for your service!! I’m a nurse in California and regret not knowing my rights which led me to accepting (against my will) 2 shots back in dec20/jan21! I’m still enraged with my employer (not good for morale)!
Anyway, I joined a local freedom group and a kind attorney helped me after my employer accepted and then rejected my religious exemption. He simply wrote my employer a letter stating it was against the law to not accept a religious exemption…and he added he represents all staff who wish to decline the shots. It saved mine and another coworkers job for the time being. This fall will be another story, I’m guessing.
Thank you for your service. I was in a unique situation last Feb, after the rollout. Worked in a large private practice where 90 percent of patients got the shots. I did case management and spoke with all hospitalized and ER patients, after discharge. Injuries including massive PE, amnesia, strokes, multiple MI in single patients, clots in bladders, all extremities, post menopausal hemmorhage, thrombocytopenia and more.
Continued post. Transient amnesia, GBS, blood in tears (1 younger girl ). Long story short, I was not getting the shot. Waiting tables now barely getting by.
I'm interested and would appreciate your help. Left nursing in February but feel I'm needed in healthcare.
I have a friend who's an er nurse. Adamant against getting the shots. Fired in second quarter 2021, then hired back first quarter 2022 in same er. fwiw.
We need you in Texas. There are many many hospitals that respect nurses, value personal autonomy and will approve any exemption request for vaccination.
Not ruling Texas out! 💗
By the way, that same nurse tells me that the nursing homes, which were so packed before covid and the shots, are now begging for inmates. BEGGING. Does anyone else hear of this happening? This is in rural tidewater Maryland.
If you are comfortable, respond with your phone number or email and then you can delete that comment.
Did the exemptions work in bloody liberal California?????
Even my Arizona medical exemptions have worked from New Jersey to California. If the employer comes back with a refusal, I read them the law as I understand it, and openly cc the employee. This has worked everywhere except one employer in Colorado.
I also do not refuse any request for medical exemption. I am not willing to be an accomplice to a poisoning.
Yes they did! Looking back, I believe it was a work around the mandates. Hospitals received millions to go along with the mandates but were losing too many people. These hospitals in CA also hired hundreds of the nurses who had been fired in NY for refusing the vax. But they were considered “contract” workers, not employees, so hospitals weren’t threatened with clawback of govt Covid $$. The most interesting part of that was their contract specifically excluded requiring the vax (they were not allowed to even be asked) and these nurses did not even have to submit to testing! This was Kaiser and other hospitals. It was all so calculated.
Attorney @AL, could use your help re religious in CA, maybe Dr. Huber’s re medical(?) Shooting for religious first. With another complication. You left message for someone else indicating to leave contact info here, then delete post. Any chance to work out a window of a couple hours for posting info and having you retrieve so info doesn’t stay up too long? Your convenience. Next week, even. Whatever works. (I know, proposal sounds like a paranoid crazy person. Ever been hacked or had identity stolen? Yeah.) Thanks for your offer of service! A Godsend.
I think you can do it anytime as I get notification of your comment in my email. So do that and just delete after 30 min. If you don't hear from me that day, let me know.
A plan. Target: early next week.
(Don’t do the notification thing myself so it never occurred to me...)
Have a lovely weekend!
got it--emailing you now.
Yes, for now. I work in an upscale retirement community/SNF(skilled nursing facility) and I know 1 resident whom refused ALL vaccines and he’s doing fine! This is a 350+ community. Me and another nurse said NO to the boosters(we have a lawyer protecting our religious exemption) and some of my coworkers believe they will force more on us and a few would like to have protection against it. I imagine the monkey pox and new flu-Covid jabs will forever be forced so my days as a nurse a numbered…
I have a friend who works at UC Berkeley for the hearing impaired who never got vaccinated and she has a religious exemption which is working so far.
I think things have simmered down, for now, due to severe staffing shortages. It’s bad and has many rethinking retiring early. Or cutting hours due to fatigue.
Thank you for being living proof of the brilliance of human nature❤️
I successfully wrote a religious exemption request for both my son and me. I work at a private university and my son goes to school at the same University. I was able to do so based on the premise of being pro life. However my daughter is pro-choice when it comes to abortion but also pro-choice when it comes to not getting the vaccine. She is 18 years old and very concerned about being able to have children later. I would really appreciate some assistance in writing an effective religious exemption request for her. She’s going to a private Catholic university that believe it or not seems to make religious exemption request difficult. It must be notarized before being submitted. Thank you in advance for your consideration and helping me. I am just sick with anxiety over this. I’m scared to death for the future my children face. 
Can you send me your email address?
I would be honored to help. Please have your friend call my clinic for an appointment: 480-839-2800
As always, Dr Huber spotlights an out of the box viewpoint and uses her critical thinking skills to blast holes in the narrative of the day. Thanks for your tireless work on behalf of humanity.
After reading the comments, I realized that many thought I meant religious exemption to be used by adults in employment settings, and that is the context where I discussed most of my conversations on this topic with patients.
However, religious exemption, as other exemptions from vaccines, have been used mostly over the years by parents defending their children from state-ordered injection rituals. This is where I think religious exemption is most urgent now also, protecting kids from the most highly toxic vaccine by far, the COVID vaccines, that we have seen in the 30 years of VAERS morbidity and mortality data. Parents usually receive a letter from their children's school with vaccination demands. The parents then generally respond that there will be no vaccines, or no further vaccines, on grounds of religious exemption. There should not be a need to disclose which religion or precisely why. An attorney's guidance here can be wonderfully helpful
this is a brilliantly reasoned analysis. trouble is, realpolitik is that all the large organizations who have been weaponized to push the mass extermination campaign have lawyers who are fighting the employees tooth and nail. peggy hall is the doyenne of religious exemptions - she and her husband pastor dave have probably saved thousands of lives
apparently citing chapter and verse is the way to go. peggy has been fighting this from day one, has a very acerbic sense of humor and a regular youtube feed which often gets censored.
It's really the oddest thing now as data have arrived. The various mandates were based on a theory that mass vaccination would reduce social harm by ending the spread of the virus. Once data arrived to refute that thesis because the vaccines did not end transmission, the mandates were not rescinded. It's quite fair to ask why not. We, the public, need to pressure those with oversight powers to examine why a failing policy was allowed to continue.
Now Biden weighs in to say we are the only nation to protect our babies with this lifesaving vaccine. Does he not know most nations are advising no vaccination for the young? Our level of incompetent is stunning.
He knows! They all know. It’s been planned a long time ago…
Once again thank you for a really thoughtful article!
My eldest son wrote his application for religious exemption, not pretending to be any particular religion, just objecting to the use of fetal cells in the testing and production of the mRNA shots, on the grounds that his belief in a good God made it reprehensible to him. His employer accepted it.
My husband, born into a Muslim family, did the same. He also got a religious exemption.
What I know is if you claim to be, say, a strict adherent of a particular sect, you're easily shot down, because the religious leaders have all failed to discern the grave evil involved in producing and giving these shots. I'm a Catholic, and the present Pope cut a deal with Pfizer to get everyone in the Vatican shot up. He also called getting vaxxed against covid "an act of love", so I'm on my own, along with every other Catholic that saw clearly what these shots are.
One solution that many people aren't able to accomplish is just refuse to comply. They've already laid off so many it's affecting the economy, a significant factor in the recent inflation. Double that rebellion, or triple it, and the economy would crash, opening the doors for our own "reset" of banishing socialism from our society. Alas, that's impractical since so few today are even capable of supporting themselves, and even if they are, they're addicted to the comforts provided by society, even when burdened with arbitrary fascist dictates.
A society of people who are independent enough to ignore those dictates are immune to fascism. Begging for exemptions is as unhealthy as the vax.
Yes David! Exactly yes! This has always been my belief and practice. Right from the start it always seemed to me like playing into their hands to even acknowledge a need for an exemption. I tell them "I don't have an exemption because I don't need one" when/if they ask me why I'm not wearing a mask or not vaxxed etc. It's a BIG mistake to acknowledge their arbitrary rules. And yes, there can be consequences but if we had all done this (stood together) from the get go we'd have scuttled their ship.
It has been easier for me because I'm self-employed and have no debt/mortgage. That came at a cost to me and mine, that most refused to pay, but I will say it was worth what we sacrificed - "the borrower is slave to the lender" is not in the bible without good reason. It's a warning.
Thanks Colleen for another great post. Haven’t had time to read all of it yet but the first part is brilliant.
We do need a lot of tools to fend this off, and the religious exemption is one place to assert rights and also expose the absurdity of what is being demanded of us. I am wondering if similar assertions can be used to get exemptions from testing also.
We do need a socialism-banning reset but of course they are sowing all these seeds of chaos to bring about their totalitarian great reset. We could accomplish something by voting with our wallets and self sufficiency, though not clear how much.
And exemption for masks every where, including in nursing homes
I don't think of it as begging. It's an attempt to bridge a gap in understanding with an employer.
Good post. Some judges have cited Francis as head of Catholic Church and his statements it's moral thing to do.
I'm Catholic... he's a tool of commies, not a Catholic and not Pope.
Pope Paul IV Cum_ex_apostolatus_officio
Here is last Pope on experimental medicines:
A separate issue... he mandated DEATHVAX... 3 Swiss Guards forced out, some might have caved.
Either way, he's in violation of NUREMBERG code... and should be hung, from the neck, until quite dead
When speaking of a human being the expression is "hanged" until dead. If it is an inanimate object it's "hung".
You're the legend. My mom corrects me like this .. my hats are off to both of you
😂 for me it was my mother and my father. Both barrels.
😂 😃 😄 😁
Me, I like ti stare out in space and dream of a world without, fauci, Vatican II Robber Council Church hierarchy, NO COMMIES
I would say, Until extremely dead!
Not merely dead... Really most sincerely dead?
But... I love ya!
Christine, go to bitchute to see what I REALLY think. I do sensor myself....
The word is "censor ", unless you mean you've fitted yourself with a sensing device such as a photovoltaic cell.
I'm laughing, but I must tell you after being valedictorian, I went to a community College.
I'm a lazy bastard .
I admire you, but I took all my tests... I'm 62, irascible.
But I enjoy your posts. Hold out zero hope of changing me
Do you have a specific link you can give me? I’m not on bitchute…
I love it, not a member of the vaccine religion. 👍🏼 Thanks for breaking this down.
I am not a lawyer but I like the twist to the plot.
My sincerely held religious belief is that God designed us perfectly; to be self-healing organisms. I practice herbal medicine and I have seen that it works, and herbal medicine and nutritional healing ARE safe and effective.
I believe our bodies, as designed by God, are sacred, and not to have our DNA messed with -- that is against spiritual law, especially if it is done under coercion or deception, as this has been.
I do not belong to a particular church, and this sincerely held belief has nothing to do with aborted fetal cells.
It has to do with my spiritual beliefs about what these vaccines might do to my God-given body, and my faith that my God-given immune system is already a perfect design, and the vaccines seem likely to mess with that.
It's wrong -- it's against God -- and I won't do it. 100% no!
Awesome. And really, who could argue with you on that?
Thankfully, I have not faced a mandate. My heart goes out to anyone who has or is.
But there is zero chance of my ever saying yes to one of these injections. I would be committing a grave sin, if so -- I can't do it, ever. I also believe it is in violation of universal spiritual law/against God to interfere in others' sacred free will by manipulation, coercion, deception. (that is what satan does) -- how I see it, anyway.
Completely agreed!
Beautiful insights. Thank you! I think the same thing with the masks, it’s not my religion. I respect yours might force you to cover your face, but my religion asks us only to cover our nakedness and shame, not our faces. We present our faces to God.
Definitely all of the above applies to masks as well. Thank you for mentioning that.
I’ve encountered a lot of confusion about religious exemption. Liberty Counsel does a nice job of explaining it and giving resources. Please go check out The following is my interpretation of those resources but i’m not a lawyer. You don’t need a minister or priest or vicar or any religious official to sign off. If you are part of a religious organization, it is not required for that organization to support the belief - and your belief can in contrast to their position on vaccines. You do not have to hold the belief for a long time. It is discriminatory to be asked to provide those things. You can wake up in the morning and determine that the vaccines are not for you as long as it is sincere and you have a personal religious basis. Your belief cannot be challenged. One such basis is the fact of the use of aborted fetal cell lines used in development and/or production of the vaccine - Pfizer JJ and Moderna. Another is that your body is a temple of God and he has given you stewardship over it, such that polluting it with products that manipulate your cells to manufacture spike toxins is a violation of the sacred duty. There can be more. Mine was accepted by my company. They asked for some things I didn’t have to answer such as length of time but I chose to answer so that wouldn’t become the sticking point.
I thought this is a religion when I saw Steven Colbert dancing with the vaccines. Thanks for providing better reasons!
Hahaha. I see what you did there. 😉
But yeah, they really are cultic about it. That nutjob Hochul was literally wearing a "Vaxxed" necklace.
Very insightful! I am not a member of the vaccine religion! I’m going to use that next time someone calls me “anti vac”. Ha