This is a great article! Thank you. Makes so much sense. Something always told me to steer clear of the flu vaccines. More recently there's been evidence that the more flu vaccines you get, the more likely it is you'll get the flu. Anecdotally, the only people I know who get a flu shot regularly also get sick every winter, sometimes more than once. Over the last 3 years, I've become more skeptical of ALL vaccines. Seems like the principle "you can't get something for nothing" applies to vaccines as well. Maybe a vaccine will cause your immune system to become more likely to fight off a specific pathogen, but at what cost? What damage are you doing to your immune system and your overall health by taking that vaccine? Answer: A lot more than we've been led to believe.

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After doing some research/reading, I’m of the strong opinion that there is no such thing as a vaccine that is ‘safe and effective’.

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Same here. I was never an anti-vaxxer but I am now.

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Me too!

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and ME too!

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Superb! As a Cardiothoracic surgeon, with experience treating "Shock lung" - "cytokine storm" - whatever the name of the day is popular.. This explains it nicely - Superbly well written and graphics show detail. I feel I should repost on my substack and add some of my experience into the flow of information. basically this --Exactly.. but the spike protein, circulating through capillaries in the alveolar sac wall, is so very very close that when it triggers an inflammatory white cell to explode into an aggressive killer cell (see below).. then the damage extends into the alveolar cell wall, destroys its function if not destroying the sac itself, and that sac is now out of commission for O2 exchange.. Do this with enough (thousands) of air sacs and you see “Shock lung..” Or “Cytokine storm lung. “ Dump in Remdesivir (poison) and put patient on HPV - with the pneumatic barotrauma following and you have 80% mortality of those ICU patients. Hospital collects and extra 29,000 or more in Medicare dollars if a positive COVID test can be somewhere on the chart.. Frees up the ICU bed for another victim, another cytokine storm, and another Medicare check for the administrators bottom line.

Example… WBCs are charged with the mission to clean up problem proteins/cells/viruses/etc etc. There fore.. when a patient has RBCs leaking out into the extravascular and extra cellular space the trash piles up. Let’s say I have chronic venous hypertension from genetically inferior collagen tissue in my lower extremity venous valves.. I develop varicose vein.. then ambulatory upright posture makes the hydrostatic pressure even higher as the “check valves” down the leg are incompetent.. and the veins dilate up making the incompetence worse, the pressures higher. Eventually (women) complain about the unsightliness of the serpiginous varicose veins.. with time there is chronic diapedesis of RBCs out of the venous capillaries at the ankle and the trash builds up. Eventually the WBCs go do their work to eat up the fragments of RBCs and that iron is returned to the circulation where new RBCs are made (spleen, bone marrow etc)..

However, in the clean up, WBCs leave behind proteases that attack other proteins in the area of the ankle and eventually a red area replaces the “rust colored” medial malleolar area.. untreated, the inflammation continues and eventually a “venous ulcer” is evident and it can spread. We spend BILLIONS of health care dollars on these venous ulcers. Usually not deadly and not risk for limb loss.. just a pain in the butt to care for and they look like hell. Imagine that mess in your lungs… thank you spike protein.

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This makes a lot of sense to me, Dr. Bob. The havoc wreaked by spike proteins at the vascular endothelium in fulminant COVID, or after COVID vaccines, is so damaging that as you say, "that sac is out of commission for O2 exchange." This seems the likeliest mechanism of the sharp drop in O2 saturation seen during COVID, but not so much with other prior coronaviruses.

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I must be missing the nuance here. I am perhaps under wrong understanding that almost all colds are from corona virus's-- NO?

Anyway, if so, anyone with a cold in the past had a virus with spike on surface. . . right?

So, still, why is the Cov 2 virus unique?

(mech. engineer!)

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This is in-line with the Polio vaccine argument; whether to use an injectable vaccine, or an oral vaccine. Polio entered the body through the digestive tract, so it made more sense to use an oral vaccine rather than an injectable.

However the idea that polio has been irradicated is a lie.


*** Sabin’s live-virus, oral polio vaccine (administered in drops or on a sugar cube) soon replaced Salk’s killed-virus, injectable vaccine in many parts of the world. * In 1994 the WHO declared that naturally occurring poliovirus had been eradicated *from the Western Hemisphere* owing to repeated mass immunization campaigns with the Sabin vaccine in Central and South America. The only occurrences of paralytic poliomyelitis *in the West* after this time were the few cases caused by the live-virus vaccine itself. ***

Notice they keep saying, "in the west" because people still get polio in other parts of the world.

The important thing to note about the COVID-19 response, is that EVERYONE (real virologists) already knew that the vaccines would be ineffective. The next logical question is, "Why push them on everyone when they don't/wouldn't work?"

As soon as SARS-CoV-2 was named, all historically accurate virology data, "The Science" was thrown out entirely, it was replaced by the New Science. Never mind that people were exposed and already recovered, "The New Science" claimed that you could catch SARS-CoV-2 again -- just weeks later.

Since when has that been the consensus in virology -- ever? Chickenpox was never a worry, you catch it when you're a kid and that's it, you're immunized. But not SARS-Cov-2, you can just keep getting it every week? None of that made any sense.

I wrote this a few weeks back:

The Chinese listed zero COVID deaths for more than a year. Which is probably true. It's most likely that China is looking at COVID deaths like an insurance company. If you die "with" COVID you didn't die "from" COVID. Say someone died with COVID but dies because of pneumonia, then they didn't die of COVID they died of pneumonia.

Here, in the US, the CDC lists fatalities for the Flu, as "Flu related illnesses." But that's inaccurate as well, because other colds could cause pneumonia (which is usually how Flu deaths occur).

But we do KNOW with 100% certainty that the CDC numbers are total BS, because they literally listed anyone who died with COVID (tested positive within 28 days of death) as a "COVID death." Anyone trying to accurately gauge the situation wouldn't do that. The data would be useless.

The wholesale horrific response could not have been a mistake, here's why.

1.) The entire therapeutic route was abandoned before there was time to determine if any treatments were working or not. DARPA had data on Ivermectin's effectiveness against multiple types of viral infections, but that was ignored. The data was there the whole time, but you had to know exactly where to look for it. It's on the NIH website.

2.) From my own and other people's anecdotal evidence, the symptoms for COVID didn't make sense. Nearly everyone who tested positive for COVID complained of widely different different symptoms. While different symptoms are possible, they are not probable. Take the Flu for instance. The common symptoms of the Flu are the only reason anyone knows to get tested -- for the Flu. Same with most illnesses. Only COVID had such a wide array of symptoms, often times completely different for people within a household.

3.) The World Heath Organization redefined "herd immunity" to ONLY include people who were vaccinated, not people who had prior infection and recovered. They then changed the definition back later on, when people caught on. The WHO released guidelines on how to operate the PCR tests that were far outside the guidelines, which would lead to false positives. Then immediately after the vaccine* rollout, they revised those numbers back to where they originally were. So the infection rates would appear lower. There's no scientific reason to demand that tests be operated in a manor that will result in false positives, then changed once you release a vaccine. That would muddy your own data.

4.) The dangerous mRNA vaccines* were the ONLY "acceptable" solution to treat COVID. Vaccines in general are usually years down the road, before release. Why would you push the vaccine route first, and not pursue the therapeutic rout first, or at least at the same time? Similarly, COVID was shown [CDC data] to be on par with the Flu for survivability. Why would they mandate vaccinations for something that's no more dangerous than the Flu, by their own estimation?

5.) When the mRNA vaccines* were showing bad outcomes, whether it be terrible side effects, general efficacy, or failure to stop the spread, they were sill pushed -- even harder. Meaning that mass vaccination* was the true goal, NOT stopping some illness that was ravaging the planet. They wanted to get as many people as possible to take the mRNA vaccines* regardless of possible injury, ineffectiveness, or inability to stop the spread.

6.) There was a massive government directed plan to suppress/censor any information related to the vaccines*. Information that has been proven factual -- because it came from Pfizer's own trial data was considered "disinformation?" Information was blocked on multiple video streaming services, and multiple social media services. The Twitter Files prove this. Why block the manufacturers trial data? Informed consent...?

7.) The G20 countries agreed to a "health/vaccine passport system" to limit the movement of people world-wide. Why would they do that when it's become clear that the vaccines* didn't achieve their goals? Now that they are considering COVID as a seasonal illness, there's no need for a passport system. Passports make no sense for a seasonal illness -- unless it was part of a plan all along.

If one were to run a PSYOP to try and trick the world to go along with losing their freedoms, how much different would it be?

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OGRE - great summation!

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My understanding of the polio vaccine is that injectable dead virus is very effective, and safe for downstream populations. BUT, the injectable dead virus needs to be refrigerated. So, they developed the oral live vaccine for 3rd world, which is safe for the recipient but NOT for downstream populations. Correct?

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When were you born?

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You might find this interesting.

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From the abstract "Inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) is completely safe and highly efficacious in protecting children...". I was unaware of the (assumed) respiratory transmission in New York and London.

The polio vaccine is now responsible (indirectly) for the majority of cases (people downstream of the vaccinated), which is terrible. But injecting dead polio virus is still a huge vaccine success story.

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Better yet, here's a link to the newspaper story.


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Perhaps, but there is just as much evidence that changes in public sanitation made the biggest difference. It all depends on who you ask.

Are those living in 3rd world countries getting infected (with whatever) at higher rates because they lack vaccine access, or because they don't have clean water?

Take a look at this. Just read through it. I think some dude reads it, but that's annoying. It has to do with the Smallpox vaccine. And what was learned in 1909.


None of this is "settled science" as they say.

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Why stay clear of only vaccines intended to ameliorate respiratory illness? How about ALL vaccines? They are all loaded with toxic ingredients and they interfere with the body's natural immunity..

A good part of the problem is believing in the "One Trick Pony" of viral infection. Even if you believe in such a simplistic theory of causation of illness, the fact is that such a theory has never been vetted in the real world.

Initial conclusions regarding Covid never involved examining large groups of 'infected' people utilizing electron microscopy (with proper controls) but instead were deemed as "fact" on the basis of PCR computer simulations.

Songs against vaccination and medical fraud.

JUST TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. “Straight shooter” advice on vaccination for the brainwashed


A man takes the virus as his bride. Watch Turfseer’s ONE TRICK PONY. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/one-trick-pony.

THE MYOCARDITIS BLUES. A man sings the blues after coming down with side effects from the mRNA vaccine followed by a deadly heart inflammation. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-myocarditis-blues

A song about the fraud of Virology. Listen to THE DISH. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-dish. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-dish

Subscribe to Turfseer's Newsletter. Songs, music videos and much more.

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I actually totally agree with you about all vaccines.

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Love this. It’s actual science. Brilliantly and clearly explained that you would love a, Covid not a vaccine, believer to read it, as you can only fail to understand how you have explained chasing the prevention of respiratory viral infection through raising blood IgG levels, if you are ideologically captured.

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Thank you for this, Dr. Huber. Referring to your last sentence, I actually consider these injections to be *worse than* useless, due to their adverse side effects.

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Thank you for this explanation. And for summarizing it at the end.

Given these facts, it’s ridiculous that any credible medical professional would support an injection for respiratory illnesses.

Your work is deeply appreciated.

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Great article! This is by far the most convincing and clearest explanation of the futility of lung disease vaccines.

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Brilliant! Are you aware of microbiologist Jonathan Jay Couey's investigation into the pandemic? Having been a member of the group "Drastic" that was called into life in pursuit of the truth believing it had to be a lab leak, he has come to the conclusion that it never was a pathogenic coronavirus, only a purified, Infectious cDNA clone. Lab leak yes, but not the kind they now want to make us believe. They said it was a conspiracy theory, but now they WANT us to believe in it. Because it serves their narrative that calls for repeated lockdowns, masking and vaccine ID. In this presentation, he lays it all out:


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I look forward to watching that.

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I think JJC has a great concept with the Gain of Purity, and well worth pursuing. I can only imagine the circumstances under which Baric would spill the beans.

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JJ fears that Ralph Baric is being set up to be a scapegoat and that the real perpetrators DOD and DARPA go free

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What about measles? Measles is a virus with respiratory transmission, and I understood its vaccine was very effective? Single dose, good for a lifetime?

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Fun fact: The Disneyland measles outbreak was traced to a vaccine strain of the measles virus. Also, incidence of measles had plummeted to single digit % of the peak by the time the measles vaccine was released to the public.

I've treated measles a few times. It resolves so quickly with vitamin A, that I suspect vitamin A deficiency has a huge role in who gets full-blown measles and who doesn't.

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Interesting. Oddly as a nurse.. they don’t teach us this stuff.. to them vaccines are the only way. I’ve seen the light now

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Bizarre how anyone is alive, huh?

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The mortality rate from Measles already had declined 98% between 1900 and 1962, the year before the measles vaccine was introduced. You have been fed propaganda about vaccines and bought it hook, line and sinker.

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Is it effective or did we already wipe it out prior to vaccines.

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That’s kind of the theme with those that pray at the altar of vaccinology, we would all be dead if it were not for those that received the holy sacrament of injectable pathogens and toxic adjuvants, excipients and now gene therapies. Totally ignores hygiene, sanitation and improved living standards.

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And the invention of antibiotics.

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Antibiotics treat bacteria

Antiviral medications treat viruses.

Covid, influenza, and measles are all viruses.

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"Antibiotics treat bacteria"

You are not up-to-date, which makes you an obsolete troll. Get some edumacation.

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So is my understanding of of the measles vaccine wrong?

Or, is measles different from Covid and influenza? If so, how is it different?

Why is a single does of measles vaccine seemingly good enough for a lifetime, but flu/covid vaccines are ineffective, even when boosted regularly?

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I don’t know specifically about measles vaccines, but they are discussed in the superb book “Turtles all the way down”.

There were, they said, 3 vaccines (speaking of the child vax schedule) that showed likely benefit, I don’t remember which ones.

As to the COVID shots, they are a different thing altogether. The boosters were planned from the start. One can look for the motivations ($) they might have for that, but evidence points strongly to a more nefarious agenda of intentional harm. Karen Kingston’s Substack explains a lot of it using the trail of patents and pharma documents.

Sasha Latypova’s Substack “Due diligence and art” and Katherine Watt’s “Bailiwick News” fills in a lot of the rest.

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Right, so if the measles vaccine is effective, and the flu/covid vaccines are not..

The article is titled "Respiratory Vaccines Cannot Work". I am asking if measles is an exception, and if so, why?

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I don’t think you can really compare measles vaccines to Covid19 mRNA experimental injections. Also, flu/Covid injections are sold as needing repetition to ensure an ongoing revenue stream.

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I'm not making this comparison, Coleen Huber is.

If the measles vaccine is not comparable to flu/covid vaccines, then the article title should be adjusted.

AND, I would still love to know why vaccines work for some respiratory viruses, and not others.

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My understanding is that an effective vaccine is the only reason measles is wiped out.

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Used to be mine too... until Covid and all the lies I saw. I started to look in to it.

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Griffin B, your understanding is outdated, I’m afraid. I used to believe that, too. Perhaps you need to do a bit of research?

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The holes in the Covid vaccine story were obvious from the start.

Where should I start looking for research that contradicts the CDC on measles vaccine effectiveness?

I'm glad the covid/flu vaccine are being scrutinized, but I've never been convinced by the larger anti-vax movement. Please link to the most convincing source.

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Two excellent and essential books, the first for vaccination history and the 2nd for quick reference on each of the common childhood shots:

Suzanne Humphries, Dissolving Illusions (a fascinating page turner), and

Neil Z Miller, Miller's Review of 400 Critical Vaccine Studies.

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So your immune system is basically useless?

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not totally true. but yes I would recommend a measles vaccine to mothers but ESPECIALLY to the Administration which has let 2 million fomites cross the southern border.. unvaccinated (thus the bump in mumps, measles, and now congenital syphillis in babies).. Yep it is a disaster..

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Which vaccines are worth it? Not Covid. Probably not influenza.




Polio (injected dead virus. Not live oral)?




Hep A?

Hep B?



Typhoid Fever

Yellow Fever?


Japanese Encephalitis?

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here is your list - with MY take on the answers...

Measles? yes

Mumps? yes

Rubella? yes

Polio (injected dead virus. Not live oral)? yes

Tetnus? yes - but good luck getting an adult DT shot. They will try to give you the infant "DPT shot" and the pertussis is not an issue for adults. no thank you.

Shingles? Maybe (I took it).. I refused the new second shot with "more coverage"

Pertussis? as a DPT for kids.. adults don't need it

Hep A? likely yes..

Hep B? likely maybe, mostly seen in drug addicts, loose sexual habits. so generally yes..since 15% will end up with hepatocellular carcinoma and need a liver transplant. about 40,000 a year die without the transplant, we only have about 7000 liver transplants a year

Diphtheria? yes, babies

Smallpox? Today I would say no.. Back when I was in uniform, I got a second one (had one in 1950s...) because we didn't know if there was a smallpox threat or not and if it did break out I was a designated "vaxxer." for my Texas County So - depends on the threat.

Typhoid Fever - yes if going into an endemic area

Yellow Fever? - yes if going into an endemic area

Meningococcal? probably not

Japanese Encephalitis? no - minimal threat.

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My understanding of measles in the USA over the last few decades is that outbreaks happen, but are limited to unvaccinated individuals, which indicates the vaccine is still effective. Do I misunderstand? If so, how? If the measles vaccine is effective, what is different about measles that allows a respiratory virus to have an effective vaccine?

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for the record.. we know that smallpox with a 35% lethal track record has been documented to have been spread via airborne route more than 100 feet in some instances. Thus the military interest in adequate control of safe storage (and I would hope destruction) of any small pox samples in hidden military locations around the world. Yes, measles is a virus and yes it can be transmitted airborne and yes it is easily caught by and unvaccinated person. (but not nearly as deadly) Thus I am okay with kids getting measles shot. of more concern you should worry about are the two million unvaccinated illegals jumping our southern border and bringing with them the diseases they acquired in their countries. Mayorkis is guilty of malfeasance and should not only be fired but impeached. He has facilitated an invasion of the USA.

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Measles is a airborne, respiratory virus.

The measles vaccine seems to be highly effective, for a lifetime, after a single dose, correct?

How do we reconcile these 2 facts with the title of this article: "Respiratory Vaccines Cannot Work"?

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or having the disease - like I did in the 1950s.. effective for the past >70 years..

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I do like and enjoy your posts Dr. Huber! I am curious about this subject. Near the end, you wrote, "...all respiratory viruses, arrives to the upper airways first, and then to the lungs in natural infection. This is where antibodies might be useful, at the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, where plasma cells produce secretory IgA antibodies, and at the alveolar epithelium". Again, I'm just curious, where are the "mucous membranes of the respiratory tract" located? Is this in the nose, the throat, mouth? Seems like a vaccine spray would be more useful. Anyways, keep up the good work. As always, educating me one tiny bit at a time.

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Stunning. A game-changer.

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ahem lay person here

how does the coronavirus get into the blood then if it's 100 nanometers... much larger than an antibody...?

and please don't say it uses an ace2 receptor coz it's still in a cell in the lung

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I do not think the coronavirus is in the blood. That's why antibodies in the blood are in the wrong place to offer much help.

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Wtf?? But they've found it in the blood....(?) And people with covid have symptoms throughout the body And antibodies to it are found in the blood And the envelope (N) part is found in tissues throughout the body which is how they distinguish vaccine damage (spike only) from covid damage.

That was a disappointing reply. Influenza (similar) crosses the barrier and causes achy joints.....

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You assume the virus itself is present to cause those symptoms, rather than flood of cytokines, histamines, etc.

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huh? so a virus in the lungs be it covid or influenza can cause an inflammatory reaction EVERYWHERE??? Seems a bit silly. Imma have a talk with G.O.D. bout designing an improved version of the immune system. Other viruses can for instance damage the heart... how did they get there??

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Brian Mowrey recently covered the IgG antibody transudation controversy here:


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I had not seen that, just read it, and am a bit concerned that so much of it is based on hypothesis of "transudation," that has not yet been observed. Also, he says it's common to have IgGs in the lungs, but the literature is fairly consistent that that is with people who are sick, and my argument then is that healthy people, who then present to be vaccinated, are presumed to stay well, so then would not have those IgGs in the lungs.

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I do like and enjoy your posts Dr. Huber!

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It's because there are no pathogenic, transmissible 'viruses', that's why..

Jeez, people.. don't you get it already?

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That's not a very helpful comment.

See https://unglossed.substack.com/i/78265895/i-are-viruses-real for a brief rebuttal.

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That article is no rebuttal.

It's making same assertions over and over again, with no evidence to back them up.

Basically, appeal to authority (because others smarter than us said so, it must be true) and circular arguments..

There are ZERO experiments where someone has isolated a virus directly from a sick person. Christine Massey has obtained over 200 FOI's from various institutions around the world, and none have isolated the virus directly from a sick person.

And yet there should be plenty of viruses in a sample, after all, how could that person infect someone else?

Also, all experiments done to prove diseases are contagious have failed. See for example the Rosenau experiments, done for the Spanish flu.

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