Thank you Dr. Huber. Amazing article. What you describe could be affecting me. I am 65 and I have one root canal that is at least 30 years old. Earlier this year, my sinuses became inflamed and infected. I had to take aspirin to ease the pain. I found a good sinus doctor in Jupiter, Florida. The doctor scanned my sinuses - they were comp…
Thank you Dr. Huber. Amazing article. What you describe could be affecting me. I am 65 and I have one root canal that is at least 30 years old. Earlier this year, my sinuses became inflamed and infected. I had to take aspirin to ease the pain. I found a good sinus doctor in Jupiter, Florida. The doctor scanned my sinuses - they were completely blocked and infected. They put me on antibiotics to clear the infection, did a culture and had me back in a couple of weeks to correct a deviated septum and to perform a balloon sinuplasty. The doctor told me that my sinuses had probably been inflamed for years; I just kept accepting my deteriorating condition as "normal". The culture came back positive for Streptococcus and E-coli. I asked the doctor where I could have gotten such nasty stuff in my sinuses - he said, "you can get that stuff anywhere." I think I should get my root-canal removed; it could be the "root" of the problem. Thanks very much for all the great info and for always telling the truth. May God bless you and continue to guide you in your work. Peace.
Have you considered a consult with a biological dentist? I find their viewpoints on root canals are quite different than conventional dentists and endodontists.
I had three abscesses from old root canals that were causing terrible headaches. Dr. Light in Palm Springs, Fl found them and Dr Boner in WPB redid them. Their objective was to save the teeth. I haven't had any trouble since. I highly recommend those two and they are within driving distance of Jupiter. We watch all my root canals closely now.
I had a similar problem - a sinus infection(?) that I just couldn't shake. I had never had sinus problems before that. An ear, nose and throat specialist said I most likely had an infection under one of my upper molars that had been root canalled. When I had it removed, I could smell the stink. The sinus problem cleared up quickly.
Thank you Dr. Huber. Amazing article. What you describe could be affecting me. I am 65 and I have one root canal that is at least 30 years old. Earlier this year, my sinuses became inflamed and infected. I had to take aspirin to ease the pain. I found a good sinus doctor in Jupiter, Florida. The doctor scanned my sinuses - they were completely blocked and infected. They put me on antibiotics to clear the infection, did a culture and had me back in a couple of weeks to correct a deviated septum and to perform a balloon sinuplasty. The doctor told me that my sinuses had probably been inflamed for years; I just kept accepting my deteriorating condition as "normal". The culture came back positive for Streptococcus and E-coli. I asked the doctor where I could have gotten such nasty stuff in my sinuses - he said, "you can get that stuff anywhere." I think I should get my root-canal removed; it could be the "root" of the problem. Thanks very much for all the great info and for always telling the truth. May God bless you and continue to guide you in your work. Peace.
Have you considered a consult with a biological dentist? I find their viewpoints on root canals are quite different than conventional dentists and endodontists.
I plan to do so immediately. Thank you! Peace.
I had three abscesses from old root canals that were causing terrible headaches. Dr. Light in Palm Springs, Fl found them and Dr Boner in WPB redid them. Their objective was to save the teeth. I haven't had any trouble since. I highly recommend those two and they are within driving distance of Jupiter. We watch all my root canals closely now.
Thank you Kristi. Peace.
I had a similar problem - a sinus infection(?) that I just couldn't shake. I had never had sinus problems before that. An ear, nose and throat specialist said I most likely had an infection under one of my upper molars that had been root canalled. When I had it removed, I could smell the stink. The sinus problem cleared up quickly.
Wow. Thank you! I am glad that you solved the problem - sounds like you found a good doctor. Peace.