Preprint: The spike protein shedding that Pfizer warned about in their documentation to the FDA seems to have shown up at my clinic. Here is a retrospective study on the data that I collected.
So many great comments follow, many with a common theme: Is the damage likely permanent? I really don't think so. I think the unvaccinated are going to be fine. But we should keep the interventions that I listed handy. I think ivermectin is the most effective of those, due to the mechanisms I wrote about in this article:
My Free Doctor helped me. They are amazing and help you with a list of pharmacies in the US that will fill it. I live an hour from Austin and drove there to pick up my medicine at an INDEPENDENT COMPOUND PHARMACY!!! That is key- Independent!!!! No chain pharmacies!!!
God bless the compunding pharmacies. Along with alt med docs, the last bastion of uncorrupted medicine. I've got a Substack article on that in the works...
I live in Austin and would love to know the name of THE independent compound pharmacy you mention. I think it might be Peoples Pharmacy on Lamar street but I am not sure. Maybe Northwest Pharmacy too.
Would mention state of Tennessee allows Ivermectin over the counter. Not sure about HCQ there.
AUSTIN COMPOUND PHARMACY!!! I used them last Oct for Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquin prescribed to me from! They were amazing and filled my Rx immediately! I drove from San Antonio to Austin just to get it filled. Hope this helps.
What interventions are safe for those pregnant or trying to get pregnant? I had a recent miscarriage but can’t avoid v@xxed people as many I work with are. Thankfully my immediate family has avoided the v@xx
Why don't you think about the n-acetyl-cysteine? Its one pill a day and does not have the organ burden or effects of the drugs. Use the vitamins and i would think the sodium chlorite solution would also be largely buffered and safer through you than the drugs?
Is NAC safe in those trying to be pregnant? I admit I don’t know much about it, as I was trained in traditional healthcare I had only heard of it as a reversal for Tylenol OD. Thank you for taking the time to respond even to my initial question. :)
A number of sources keep saying what treats the virus (with its payload of spike protein) also treats the vaccine injury to some degree (by blocking the same payload). So finding your source of IVM and HCQ sounds like a great hedge. Looking for all the possible clotting that could be happening and intervening through prevention also a great recommendation by Dr. Mobeen Syed (Dr. Been):
I feel terrible all the time since my husband caved and took the Pfizer double-vax in October. I mostly attribute it to stress and isolation (we disagree on all things Covid) but this has me wondering if there’s more to it. 🤔 I need to find a naturopath! I did make him sleep in the spare bedroom for a few weeks after because I was afraid of this very thing.
The isolation and general wtfery of the pandemic response has been the most medically inept, criminally so, that government could possibly implement. Completely stupid and self-serving.
I am fully menopausal, as verified by both laboratory assessment and being amenorrhoeic x 2 years. My husband received his second Moderna vax on March 15, 2021. I began heavy menses on March 23 that lasted for over 6 weeks. Gynecologist re-tested my labs - still menopausal. Eventually things went back to normal.
Maybe just coincidental but this data backs up my experience. Definitely not normal.
My uncle Bill 94 took his second jab and felt very depressed so my dad 86, who had taken no jabs, sat with him for a few hours to cheer him up. My dad died 2 days later of a massive stroke. Was that Pfizer's fault or was it a coincidence? Personally I blame Pfizer and the British government that enabled them. I also blame Trump and his warp speed and the FDA and the CDC and the criminal Fauci and his wife who enabled his criminality by having her bioethics committee ok it. In a just world they and their fellow travellers would all be arrested.
Thanks for that. He was saying only a few days before that he probably has ten years left and wanted to make the most of it. That said he always wanted to go quick and he was dead within 3 hours with all of us with him in hospital. We had ten people round his bed. They injected him with something to kill him, they do that here in the UK. It was only later we realised it was probably my uncles clot shot shedding and so a clot buster could probably have saved him. The NHS is full of incompetents.
I believe I ended up with "something" last May after visiting my freshly J&J shot up friends (keep in mind, I hadn't been *anywhere* else for weeks before this). I didn't know they had recently been "jabbed" until they told me at the end of my visit 8 hours later. We ate together, shook hands etc. Several days later... lost taste and smell, dizzy etc (very little respiratory symptoms, if any). I did not take a "covid" test. Anyway, almost 9 months later and I still don't have the same level of taste and smell that I used to have and I'm still dizzy most days. The media says things like this are "all in our heads". But, I've always been super healthy and I have never been one to rush to the doctor for anything. I know my body and I know without a doubt that I am having some kind of effects from being around my friends who got the shots.
I’m not sure if it’s related or not however I do know my body as well and I’ve never been so dizzy in my life! My acupuncturist is treating long covid with a natural product called Cool Sinus ($20 for 120 tea pills). I’m going to try to stick with a routine of taking it daily to see if it helps. She says it helps with loss of taste and smell too due to anti inflammatory properties. Package says take 8… I take 5-6 1x/day. You can play with dosage.
58 year old female, ontario, canada. I was wary from the start at the over reaction to something with such a low fatality rate. When doctors here started to get censored in spring 2021, that was it.. No vaccine for me. Then a strange thing happened.. My partner (don't live together) got his first pfizer dose in may 2021. Saw him 2 weeks later for a weekend getaway. I have been in menopause for over 5 years. Within 3 days, I started spotting. Lasted a couple days. Called doctor who was concerned.. Did uterine biopsy and pelvic ultrasound to rule out cancer. All tests showed nothing wrong. Fast forward to end of july 2021.. Another weekend away. After just a few hours with him i started bleeding. Lots.. Heavy with clotting. That's when i connected the dots and asked him when he got his 2nd dose.. It was 16 days earlier. So after 5 years of no bleeding, I had 2 episodes of bleeding both shortly after my partner's vaccine. And the 2nd episode lasted 6 days! Heavy bleeding with clotting like i had never experienced. And bruises on both legs after 24 hours and a full upper lip outbreak of cold sores after 48 hours. A follow up with the doctor was pointless. He admitted it was 'strange' timing but there was no way to connect this with the vaccine. I am healthy these days, so not sure if something in my body has been compromised long term. I did have blood taken to check for antibodies.. but don't have any. It's all strange. I'll never get the vaccine.
I read "connected the dots" as "connected the clots." at first I laughed at myself but realized it was a good name for a Substack author, a research paper on shedding and for the phenomenon itself. Connect the clots. Dr. Christiane Northrup has described that profound second bleed that you experienced as a decidual cast of the uterus--an "everything must go response" of the uterus to a toxin. The details of the bleeds for Dr. Huber's and other's papers on this should probably be quite descriptive and fine grained with the type of context you provide. You can find descriptions and images on the web.
There aren't many options for ridding ourselves of toxins, but Northrup has explained that women are lucky in this one way--this type of bleeding can provide a fast evacuation of a lot of toxin. The question is whether it is re-generating as an mRNA encapsulated in lipid nanoparticle from a newly vaxed, or spike that can't regenerate, etc. It is interesting you have no antibodies, but that and T-cells would be something important to add to Dr. Huber's database.
I also had bloodwork done in the States in November for T cells. Came back negative. He had the booster a month ago and I made the decision not to be indoors with him for 6 weeks. Can the uterus repeatedly expel a decidual cast with re-exposure? Or is there a finite (and harmful) effect?
I experienced the post-menopausal menogharria in sync with my husband’s jabs. Serious symptoms. Since it coincided with my doctor starting me on bio identical hormones (Estriol added to my progesterone cream), I have never been able to rule out this confounding variable. My question is whether this means my ovaries could be affected for life, or whether the ovaries will expel the toxins. Perhaps that’s what the excess bleeding/clotting does.
So it has made the most sense to me of any other intervention. N Acetyl Cysteine is a little easier to obtain, even after Amazon took it off their products, and is at health food stores. You will likely see capsules of 500 or 600 mg. I take it with food, Because of ivermectin's very helpful effect against spike proteins, I am hoping any damage will be reversed by this. Because this brand new technology was rushed, widely deployed and coerced throughout so much of the world, and then people complied, there may possibly be a long-term problem that we will learn about later. It is way too early to know.
We give our dogs Ivermectin once a month as a preventive for parasites. I think for the next year it could be prudent for all humans to do similarly for spike protein illness, but need help with dosage. Once a month, once a week? 12 or 15 mg? And to remind humans massively emerging data that Ivermectin is autophagic and helps with cancer prevention.
Dr. Roger Seheult who is a medical educator and creator of MedCram on YouTube talked about these bradykinin storms and mechanisms of action that NAC would help--the Serum ACE 2 or wasn't breaking down properly to angiotensin 1,7 as is normal. Addressing the buildup with NAC and glutathione stops the build up and the bradykinin storm. No sooner did he and Dr. Been explain all these mechanisms of action than NAC suddenly disappeared off of Amazon.
Thank you. Fortunately, prophylactic IVM is in my arsenal, along with NAC and more. (I have read your excellent book, The Defeat of Covid.) My understanding is that it is the envelope material that is attracted to the ovaries, causing havoc. It does make sense that the spike it releases causes the bleeding issues.
Estriol is so weak and gentle used by so many, never caused massive post-menopausal bleeds. Estradiol (e2) is different, could be too high check with the person prescribing the dose.
My chiropractor has had reactions after working on vaxxed patients. It has really messed with her menstrual cycles. So I don’t doubt any of this. We stay away from all family and friends who are vaxxed, especially in groups. They are addicted to these and can’t wait to take the boosters no matter how sick they get from them. It is clearly affecting their thinking. If they don’t care about themselves, then we don’t need to be around them anymore. It may sound callous, but I’ve worked too hard keeping my family healthy, including myself. I will not compromise that for anything. They know we are not vaxxed and have remained healthy since the plandemic started in 2020. It sure hasn’t been luck! If we get any symptoms, we double up on our supplements and I have Ivermectin and HCQ if any of us feel we need something more.
I experienced something like this, heard about this as a possibility and until now it seems like it’s got to be a possibility to explain what I experienced. I was unvaccinated and in close contact with someone recently vaxxed last may.. an acupuncturist I went to visit.. I became very feverish and nauseous soon after which I thought might have been from the treatment even though it was really acute. That passed but then I started my period the next day and it lasted for 8 solid days which never has happened to me before in my life, it’s always been consistent at 3 days max. I even told my dr about it because I found it so strange, she asked if maybe I had been pregnant but that wouldn’t have been a possibility. It’s pretty clear to me because I was living alone at the time and working alone and had little contact with anyone else vaxed or not besides this one person.
Would you be able to recommend an NMD in the Atlanta, GA area? I used to live in Scottsdale, but moved back to Atlanta this past summer. Any help would be greatly appreciate!
Thank you for this post, Dr. Huber. My daughter claims menstrual problems and feeling a generous illness last year, right after many other RNs working in her Glendale AZ hospital were injected. She is currently ill at home, caused by being mandated to wear a surgical mask all day long instead of just during surgeries (the jabbed RNs don’t have to do this). She has a history of chronic sinusitis, asthma & allergies. It is obvious the masking is making her sick, having to re-breathe her exhalations. I am so furious about this.
My housemate has been vaccinated x 2 + boosted. I experienced some symptoms but did not track when they occurred vs when they were vaccinated. We are both at home all the time.
The things that stood out were:
1. Minor cold sore that pretty much healed after a day of complete rest
2. Potential minor shingles ??? no rash but I have had it and know what it feels like
3. Out of the blue, inexplicable diarrhea
4. (Post booster) minor cold sore again that pretty much healed after a day
My diet is very static, so the diarrhea was unusual. Cold sores / nerve inflamation along prior shingles outbreak could be stress due to being unvaxed in this (I want to say shithole of a state but will keep it polite) state of massive lock downs and general wtfery + overtraining, so there are too many variables at play to be 100% certain. FWIW I tracked timing of 2nd cold sore and it was ~ 2 weeks post house mate booster. Appeared and was resolved pretty much the following day.
Anecdata that may be of interest - even more so as they were not what your patients experienced.
If vaxed people are shedding spikes long after the jab, and suffering symptoms that seem to be associated with those spikes, shouldn't we be finding out why they aren't being excreted? That was probably everybody's expectation. Apparently the deluge of antigens confuses the immune system, but the vaxed do have measurable antibodies, so they should be getting excreted. Why are the spike antigens remaining in the body long enough to cause damage?
An important transport for antigen excretion is LDL and total cholesterol, which have been obsessive targets for western medicine for decades. I wonder if low cholesterol induced by ubiquitous statins slows the cleanup? I wonder if anyone has compared vax outcomes with LDL levels.
My own anecdotal observation is I'm in year two of a planned two year "carnivore" diet per Carnivore Code (Saladino). Dr Saladino cites 700 references to support his recommendations in his intriguing book. I have a team of cardiologists who fret about my choices, and my high LDL, but are mystified by my improvements on this diet after years of deterioration while receiving the best cardiac care they could provide. Saladino describes the LDL transport for excreting pathogens, and has a lot of discussion of immune disorders improved with the animal based diet. During my carnivore process, I had one probable covid infection about a month into the new diet, confirmed with antibody test, which was mild despite being well into the risky age. Subsequently, I had two highly likely exposures with zero symptoms, probably thanks to my natural antibodies and trained B cells, but I had to excrete the invaders and my high LDL probably helped. While on the diet, my LDL rose from yellow to red, and HDL from below the zone to the highest we've ever measured, and previously problematic triglycerides the lowest ever. I haven't confirmed yet that my new diet saved me, but I expect to be around long enough to find out.
Recognition of the importance of LDL undermines another medical orthodoxy, so no reputable researcher is likely to consider it. But I have some hope that eventually we'll become more interested in natural diets and natural medicine. Hippocrates said "Let food be thy medicine." But he didn't go to med school...
By the way, although statins and the cholesterol hypothesis of heart disease is a failure (e.g. Ivor Cummins interviews and covers that research), small doses of statins have proved to have some useful anti-inflammatory effects (e.g., covered by Dr. Ford Brewer). Very intriguing too that short courses of statins appear on respected COVID treatment protocols and on long hauler protocols such as FLCCC and Patterson & Yogendra's work. So this is not a time to count them out, but to better understand when you need them (e.g., for an infection they are a good thing as has been demonstrated in the literature). If you are a researcher yourself, you can always consult PubMed yourself, which is something I discovered few practicing doctors or journalists do, and certainly not for C19.
It's not quite as simple as cholesterol vs heart. Framingham study showed the conventional wisdom of increased cardiac risk with high LDL, with accelerated risk above about 160 LDL. But when we break out those stats by HDL, the increased risk is significant with HDL below 50 or so, but insignificant above 65 HDL. LDL seems risky if other factors commonly accompaning high cholesterol also exist, but it's apparently not a problem if we manage those other factors.
High carb diets increase insulin production, which contributes to many problems, including inhibiting HDL and making LDL sticky, which creates atherosclerosis and accompanying heart problems.
Cholesterol is essential for life. Reducing it artificially, with statins or PCSK9 inhibitors, denies our bodies essential nutrients. Feeding it too much for existing conditions can cause problems, too, so dietary management is always important. We can tolerate occasional excesses, but chronic abuse leads to chronic problems.
you should watch Ivor Cummins on YouTube, he did a great vid called The Cholesterol conundrum where he explains the mechanisms and the bullshit that doctors are taught
The vaccine mRNA is designed to keep making spike protein with no natural shut off planned or engineered. This is lasting for months and months, now well documented in published research. While something may shed the mRNA machine engine that was injected doesn't "excrete," it has to turn off in some way, but it may be too late after months as it has incorporated into your genetic code. I feel sad for all the natural health news followers who are hopeful for that route to wellness, and I follow them too, but this isn't a detox problem like getting rid of lead or heavy metals that have accumulated.
Yes, but the spike is antigenic and should be handled by the immune system. The evidence that it normally works to clear both the vax and the induced spikes is most people are unaffected, and a few have problems. The vulnerable need to learn from the unaffected.
It's good that those indoctrinated in orthodox practices explore other considerations. Sometimes they learn something.
I wonder if the timing also coincides with the toxic lots extensively documented by Craig Paardekooper at and and also found on his bitchute channel. Team Enigma--independent global scientists have validated and refined these findings and includes Dr. Michael Yeadon. You might want to interface with these people and see if there is some pattern in the data you find that further reinforces pulses of toxicity they document. The patients you are following may even be able to acquire lot numbers from some of their contacts. Dr. Lee Merritt has talked about this potential in her videos with insight from her background training in the military with bioweapon awareness in medicine.
It would be powerful to have a similar set of data to yours collected at an independent clinic. Thank you for the effort. This self-propagating vaccine exists in veterinary medicine, there are verifiable patents and documented uses, and is a scary scenario many are worrying about.
i got headaches and fatigue, due to the nature of my work this last 2 years i could go weeks without coming into close contact but every time i did with someone recently jabbed i'd feel it
I am suspicious that Charline is a bot that may be malicious, perhaps scooping up information about subscribers. That entity really needs to be permanently removed from all Substacks and reported to Substack.
So many great comments follow, many with a common theme: Is the damage likely permanent? I really don't think so. I think the unvaccinated are going to be fine. But we should keep the interventions that I listed handy. I think ivermectin is the most effective of those, due to the mechanisms I wrote about in this article:
I hear that Indiamart has it, and there are definitely doctors who are willing to prescribe it in the US. America's Frontline Doctors, FLCCC, etc.
My Free Doctor helped me. They are amazing and help you with a list of pharmacies in the US that will fill it. I live an hour from Austin and drove there to pick up my medicine at an INDEPENDENT COMPOUND PHARMACY!!! That is key- Independent!!!! No chain pharmacies!!!
God bless the compunding pharmacies. Along with alt med docs, the last bastion of uncorrupted medicine. I've got a Substack article on that in the works...
I live in Austin and would love to know the name of THE independent compound pharmacy you mention. I think it might be Peoples Pharmacy on Lamar street but I am not sure. Maybe Northwest Pharmacy too.
Would mention state of Tennessee allows Ivermectin over the counter. Not sure about HCQ there.
AUSTIN COMPOUND PHARMACY!!! I used them last Oct for Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquin prescribed to me from! They were amazing and filled my Rx immediately! I drove from San Antonio to Austin just to get it filled. Hope this helps.
What interventions are safe for those pregnant or trying to get pregnant? I had a recent miscarriage but can’t avoid v@xxed people as many I work with are. Thankfully my immediate family has avoided the v@xx
Why don't you think about the n-acetyl-cysteine? Its one pill a day and does not have the organ burden or effects of the drugs. Use the vitamins and i would think the sodium chlorite solution would also be largely buffered and safer through you than the drugs?
Is NAC safe in those trying to be pregnant? I admit I don’t know much about it, as I was trained in traditional healthcare I had only heard of it as a reversal for Tylenol OD. Thank you for taking the time to respond even to my initial question. :)
I work with cancer patients x 15 years. I give NAC to most of them. Some are pregnant. No contraindication, and I agree with Dr. Buchanan.
A number of sources keep saying what treats the virus (with its payload of spike protein) also treats the vaccine injury to some degree (by blocking the same payload). So finding your source of IVM and HCQ sounds like a great hedge. Looking for all the possible clotting that could be happening and intervening through prevention also a great recommendation by Dr. Mobeen Syed (Dr. Been):
I feel terrible all the time since my husband caved and took the Pfizer double-vax in October. I mostly attribute it to stress and isolation (we disagree on all things Covid) but this has me wondering if there’s more to it. 🤔 I need to find a naturopath! I did make him sleep in the spare bedroom for a few weeks after because I was afraid of this very thing.
The isolation and general wtfery of the pandemic response has been the most medically inept, criminally so, that government could possibly implement. Completely stupid and self-serving.
I am fully menopausal, as verified by both laboratory assessment and being amenorrhoeic x 2 years. My husband received his second Moderna vax on March 15, 2021. I began heavy menses on March 23 that lasted for over 6 weeks. Gynecologist re-tested my labs - still menopausal. Eventually things went back to normal.
Maybe just coincidental but this data backs up my experience. Definitely not normal.
My uncle Bill 94 took his second jab and felt very depressed so my dad 86, who had taken no jabs, sat with him for a few hours to cheer him up. My dad died 2 days later of a massive stroke. Was that Pfizer's fault or was it a coincidence? Personally I blame Pfizer and the British government that enabled them. I also blame Trump and his warp speed and the FDA and the CDC and the criminal Fauci and his wife who enabled his criminality by having her bioethics committee ok it. In a just world they and their fellow travellers would all be arrested.
I am so sorry for the loss of your father.
Thanks. He went quick that is the only saving grace. Of course we haven't told uncle Bill about our suspicions as that would just upset him.
I’m sorry about your father, he seems like he was a kind man and the earth needs as many of those as we can get. My heart aches for your loss.
Thanks for that. He was saying only a few days before that he probably has ten years left and wanted to make the most of it. That said he always wanted to go quick and he was dead within 3 hours with all of us with him in hospital. We had ten people round his bed. They injected him with something to kill him, they do that here in the UK. It was only later we realised it was probably my uncles clot shot shedding and so a clot buster could probably have saved him. The NHS is full of incompetents.
I believe I ended up with "something" last May after visiting my freshly J&J shot up friends (keep in mind, I hadn't been *anywhere* else for weeks before this). I didn't know they had recently been "jabbed" until they told me at the end of my visit 8 hours later. We ate together, shook hands etc. Several days later... lost taste and smell, dizzy etc (very little respiratory symptoms, if any). I did not take a "covid" test. Anyway, almost 9 months later and I still don't have the same level of taste and smell that I used to have and I'm still dizzy most days. The media says things like this are "all in our heads". But, I've always been super healthy and I have never been one to rush to the doctor for anything. I know my body and I know without a doubt that I am having some kind of effects from being around my friends who got the shots.
I’m not sure if it’s related or not however I do know my body as well and I’ve never been so dizzy in my life! My acupuncturist is treating long covid with a natural product called Cool Sinus ($20 for 120 tea pills). I’m going to try to stick with a routine of taking it daily to see if it helps. She says it helps with loss of taste and smell too due to anti inflammatory properties. Package says take 8… I take 5-6 1x/day. You can play with dosage.
58 year old female, ontario, canada. I was wary from the start at the over reaction to something with such a low fatality rate. When doctors here started to get censored in spring 2021, that was it.. No vaccine for me. Then a strange thing happened.. My partner (don't live together) got his first pfizer dose in may 2021. Saw him 2 weeks later for a weekend getaway. I have been in menopause for over 5 years. Within 3 days, I started spotting. Lasted a couple days. Called doctor who was concerned.. Did uterine biopsy and pelvic ultrasound to rule out cancer. All tests showed nothing wrong. Fast forward to end of july 2021.. Another weekend away. After just a few hours with him i started bleeding. Lots.. Heavy with clotting. That's when i connected the dots and asked him when he got his 2nd dose.. It was 16 days earlier. So after 5 years of no bleeding, I had 2 episodes of bleeding both shortly after my partner's vaccine. And the 2nd episode lasted 6 days! Heavy bleeding with clotting like i had never experienced. And bruises on both legs after 24 hours and a full upper lip outbreak of cold sores after 48 hours. A follow up with the doctor was pointless. He admitted it was 'strange' timing but there was no way to connect this with the vaccine. I am healthy these days, so not sure if something in my body has been compromised long term. I did have blood taken to check for antibodies.. but don't have any. It's all strange. I'll never get the vaccine.
I read "connected the dots" as "connected the clots." at first I laughed at myself but realized it was a good name for a Substack author, a research paper on shedding and for the phenomenon itself. Connect the clots. Dr. Christiane Northrup has described that profound second bleed that you experienced as a decidual cast of the uterus--an "everything must go response" of the uterus to a toxin. The details of the bleeds for Dr. Huber's and other's papers on this should probably be quite descriptive and fine grained with the type of context you provide. You can find descriptions and images on the web.
There aren't many options for ridding ourselves of toxins, but Northrup has explained that women are lucky in this one way--this type of bleeding can provide a fast evacuation of a lot of toxin. The question is whether it is re-generating as an mRNA encapsulated in lipid nanoparticle from a newly vaxed, or spike that can't regenerate, etc. It is interesting you have no antibodies, but that and T-cells would be something important to add to Dr. Huber's database.
I also had bloodwork done in the States in November for T cells. Came back negative. He had the booster a month ago and I made the decision not to be indoors with him for 6 weeks. Can the uterus repeatedly expel a decidual cast with re-exposure? Or is there a finite (and harmful) effect?
For me, having my period always meant having coldsores. End of period meant end of coldsores. (Pre- Covid)
Thought it was just a strange quirk of mine till reading these comments.
I experienced the post-menopausal menogharria in sync with my husband’s jabs. Serious symptoms. Since it coincided with my doctor starting me on bio identical hormones (Estriol added to my progesterone cream), I have never been able to rule out this confounding variable. My question is whether this means my ovaries could be affected for life, or whether the ovaries will expel the toxins. Perhaps that’s what the excess bleeding/clotting does.
Ivermectin has 5 ways of defeating spike proteins, which I write about here:
So it has made the most sense to me of any other intervention. N Acetyl Cysteine is a little easier to obtain, even after Amazon took it off their products, and is at health food stores. You will likely see capsules of 500 or 600 mg. I take it with food, Because of ivermectin's very helpful effect against spike proteins, I am hoping any damage will be reversed by this. Because this brand new technology was rushed, widely deployed and coerced throughout so much of the world, and then people complied, there may possibly be a long-term problem that we will learn about later. It is way too early to know.
We give our dogs Ivermectin once a month as a preventive for parasites. I think for the next year it could be prudent for all humans to do similarly for spike protein illness, but need help with dosage. Once a month, once a week? 12 or 15 mg? And to remind humans massively emerging data that Ivermectin is autophagic and helps with cancer prevention.
Dr. Roger Seheult who is a medical educator and creator of MedCram on YouTube talked about these bradykinin storms and mechanisms of action that NAC would help--the Serum ACE 2 or wasn't breaking down properly to angiotensin 1,7 as is normal. Addressing the buildup with NAC and glutathione stops the build up and the bradykinin storm. No sooner did he and Dr. Been explain all these mechanisms of action than NAC suddenly disappeared off of Amazon.
Thank you. Fortunately, prophylactic IVM is in my arsenal, along with NAC and more. (I have read your excellent book, The Defeat of Covid.) My understanding is that it is the envelope material that is attracted to the ovaries, causing havoc. It does make sense that the spike it releases causes the bleeding issues.
Staying tuned.
NAC, aspirin, nattokinase, glutathione will be our go to antioxidants and blood clot fibrinogen mediators.
Estriol is so weak and gentle used by so many, never caused massive post-menopausal bleeds. Estradiol (e2) is different, could be too high check with the person prescribing the dose.
My chiropractor has had reactions after working on vaxxed patients. It has really messed with her menstrual cycles. So I don’t doubt any of this. We stay away from all family and friends who are vaxxed, especially in groups. They are addicted to these and can’t wait to take the boosters no matter how sick they get from them. It is clearly affecting their thinking. If they don’t care about themselves, then we don’t need to be around them anymore. It may sound callous, but I’ve worked too hard keeping my family healthy, including myself. I will not compromise that for anything. They know we are not vaxxed and have remained healthy since the plandemic started in 2020. It sure hasn’t been luck! If we get any symptoms, we double up on our supplements and I have Ivermectin and HCQ if any of us feel we need something more.
I experienced something like this, heard about this as a possibility and until now it seems like it’s got to be a possibility to explain what I experienced. I was unvaccinated and in close contact with someone recently vaxxed last may.. an acupuncturist I went to visit.. I became very feverish and nauseous soon after which I thought might have been from the treatment even though it was really acute. That passed but then I started my period the next day and it lasted for 8 solid days which never has happened to me before in my life, it’s always been consistent at 3 days max. I even told my dr about it because I found it so strange, she asked if maybe I had been pregnant but that wouldn’t have been a possibility. It’s pretty clear to me because I was living alone at the time and working alone and had little contact with anyone else vaxed or not besides this one person.
I know she was v’d also because we had a conversation about it and she was trying to convince me to do it, ironically, during our session
If an acupuncturist gets the poison death shot, I know what to assume about her professional abilities. No doubt you have drawn the conclusion.
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Hello Colleen,
Would you be able to recommend an NMD in the Atlanta, GA area? I used to live in Scottsdale, but moved back to Atlanta this past summer. Any help would be greatly appreciate!
Thank you
I have not yet had the chance to meet a Georgia NMD, but there is a limited directory by state here:
Thank you so much, I will give this a try!
Thank you for this post, Dr. Huber. My daughter claims menstrual problems and feeling a generous illness last year, right after many other RNs working in her Glendale AZ hospital were injected. She is currently ill at home, caused by being mandated to wear a surgical mask all day long instead of just during surgeries (the jabbed RNs don’t have to do this). She has a history of chronic sinusitis, asthma & allergies. It is obvious the masking is making her sick, having to re-breathe her exhalations. I am so furious about this.
My housemate has been vaccinated x 2 + boosted. I experienced some symptoms but did not track when they occurred vs when they were vaccinated. We are both at home all the time.
The things that stood out were:
1. Minor cold sore that pretty much healed after a day of complete rest
2. Potential minor shingles ??? no rash but I have had it and know what it feels like
3. Out of the blue, inexplicable diarrhea
4. (Post booster) minor cold sore again that pretty much healed after a day
My diet is very static, so the diarrhea was unusual. Cold sores / nerve inflamation along prior shingles outbreak could be stress due to being unvaxed in this (I want to say shithole of a state but will keep it polite) state of massive lock downs and general wtfery + overtraining, so there are too many variables at play to be 100% certain. FWIW I tracked timing of 2nd cold sore and it was ~ 2 weeks post house mate booster. Appeared and was resolved pretty much the following day.
Anecdata that may be of interest - even more so as they were not what your patients experienced.
If vaxed people are shedding spikes long after the jab, and suffering symptoms that seem to be associated with those spikes, shouldn't we be finding out why they aren't being excreted? That was probably everybody's expectation. Apparently the deluge of antigens confuses the immune system, but the vaxed do have measurable antibodies, so they should be getting excreted. Why are the spike antigens remaining in the body long enough to cause damage?
An important transport for antigen excretion is LDL and total cholesterol, which have been obsessive targets for western medicine for decades. I wonder if low cholesterol induced by ubiquitous statins slows the cleanup? I wonder if anyone has compared vax outcomes with LDL levels.
My own anecdotal observation is I'm in year two of a planned two year "carnivore" diet per Carnivore Code (Saladino). Dr Saladino cites 700 references to support his recommendations in his intriguing book. I have a team of cardiologists who fret about my choices, and my high LDL, but are mystified by my improvements on this diet after years of deterioration while receiving the best cardiac care they could provide. Saladino describes the LDL transport for excreting pathogens, and has a lot of discussion of immune disorders improved with the animal based diet. During my carnivore process, I had one probable covid infection about a month into the new diet, confirmed with antibody test, which was mild despite being well into the risky age. Subsequently, I had two highly likely exposures with zero symptoms, probably thanks to my natural antibodies and trained B cells, but I had to excrete the invaders and my high LDL probably helped. While on the diet, my LDL rose from yellow to red, and HDL from below the zone to the highest we've ever measured, and previously problematic triglycerides the lowest ever. I haven't confirmed yet that my new diet saved me, but I expect to be around long enough to find out.
Recognition of the importance of LDL undermines another medical orthodoxy, so no reputable researcher is likely to consider it. But I have some hope that eventually we'll become more interested in natural diets and natural medicine. Hippocrates said "Let food be thy medicine." But he didn't go to med school...
By the way, although statins and the cholesterol hypothesis of heart disease is a failure (e.g. Ivor Cummins interviews and covers that research), small doses of statins have proved to have some useful anti-inflammatory effects (e.g., covered by Dr. Ford Brewer). Very intriguing too that short courses of statins appear on respected COVID treatment protocols and on long hauler protocols such as FLCCC and Patterson & Yogendra's work. So this is not a time to count them out, but to better understand when you need them (e.g., for an infection they are a good thing as has been demonstrated in the literature). If you are a researcher yourself, you can always consult PubMed yourself, which is something I discovered few practicing doctors or journalists do, and certainly not for C19.
It's not quite as simple as cholesterol vs heart. Framingham study showed the conventional wisdom of increased cardiac risk with high LDL, with accelerated risk above about 160 LDL. But when we break out those stats by HDL, the increased risk is significant with HDL below 50 or so, but insignificant above 65 HDL. LDL seems risky if other factors commonly accompaning high cholesterol also exist, but it's apparently not a problem if we manage those other factors.
High carb diets increase insulin production, which contributes to many problems, including inhibiting HDL and making LDL sticky, which creates atherosclerosis and accompanying heart problems.
Cholesterol is essential for life. Reducing it artificially, with statins or PCSK9 inhibitors, denies our bodies essential nutrients. Feeding it too much for existing conditions can cause problems, too, so dietary management is always important. We can tolerate occasional excesses, but chronic abuse leads to chronic problems.
you should watch Ivor Cummins on YouTube, he did a great vid called The Cholesterol conundrum where he explains the mechanisms and the bullshit that doctors are taught
Ivor is a good one to follow, an engineer's perspective, data driven.
The vaccine mRNA is designed to keep making spike protein with no natural shut off planned or engineered. This is lasting for months and months, now well documented in published research. While something may shed the mRNA machine engine that was injected doesn't "excrete," it has to turn off in some way, but it may be too late after months as it has incorporated into your genetic code. I feel sad for all the natural health news followers who are hopeful for that route to wellness, and I follow them too, but this isn't a detox problem like getting rid of lead or heavy metals that have accumulated.
Yes, but the spike is antigenic and should be handled by the immune system. The evidence that it normally works to clear both the vax and the induced spikes is most people are unaffected, and a few have problems. The vulnerable need to learn from the unaffected.
It's good that those indoctrinated in orthodox practices explore other considerations. Sometimes they learn something.
I wonder if the timing also coincides with the toxic lots extensively documented by Craig Paardekooper at and and also found on his bitchute channel. Team Enigma--independent global scientists have validated and refined these findings and includes Dr. Michael Yeadon. You might want to interface with these people and see if there is some pattern in the data you find that further reinforces pulses of toxicity they document. The patients you are following may even be able to acquire lot numbers from some of their contacts. Dr. Lee Merritt has talked about this potential in her videos with insight from her background training in the military with bioweapon awareness in medicine.
It would be powerful to have a similar set of data to yours collected at an independent clinic. Thank you for the effort. This self-propagating vaccine exists in veterinary medicine, there are verifiable patents and documented uses, and is a scary scenario many are worrying about.
It kills me when my housemate keeps getting more hacksxxxine...
The whole city of San Francisco Killafornia feels like a zombie graveyard at sunset
I know someone who lives there and she would definitely be one of the “zombies”.
i got headaches and fatigue, due to the nature of my work this last 2 years i could go weeks without coming into close contact but every time i did with someone recently jabbed i'd feel it
and Charline please push off
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