Jul 7, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Until recently if someone mentioned that one of their kids was a medical doctor, I’d applaude them. Now I say “sorry to hear that.”

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yeah. Sad bc most docs the past few years (I took my 90++ year old dad to various doctors to get him OFF of many of the pills he was OVER using the former years in Annapolis, I moved my parents closer to me and got both of them off of half of their meds.

Anyway, there was a heart doc that was pushing some new drug, forgot the name but the commercial on tv I recall mentioned "keep you out of the hospital" and those were the same words the doc said.

We stopped seeing him. There were several others in the practice that did not serve BS for treatment

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Thank God, there are still doctors like Dr. Huber that we can trust.

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Thank you.

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These days there are very few and far between unfortunately.

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So true. We sure need to pray for discernment at every move.

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Give the young doctors, now female and male, to prove themselves in the evermore complex process of delivering medical care while being constrained by profit seeking insurance companies and hospitals and amidst the bad apples in the profession. The majority undergo major financial and personal physical challenges to become doctors. In every walk of life there will be failures but neither you nor I underwent the long, long training and mental challenges the vast majority of doctors went through to serve in a hostile environment.

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I did go through a long and gruelling process to get to the top of my profession and I did speak out and was demoted for my trouble. If people aren't going to tell the truth I'm afraid I have no time for them however gruelling or costly their training was. There are no mental challenges in doing what is right.

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Thank you! The combined Big Lie of 'COVID-19' and its 'vaccines' has created great openings that alternative medicine and nutrition, local control and organic solutions are already filling. More every day!

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Which is why authorities are trying to regulate alternative healers and natural products more and more. Require licenses, government permission to practice, dispense safe and beneficial medicinals.

Get involved in your state, help efforts to protect the practice of alternative healers. At the federal level the controlled food and drugs and labeling regulations, schedules, etc are under attack, being restricted. Contact organizations working to protect access to them to learn how to help. Authorities don't want us to have accessible, affordable healthier options.

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Jul 7, 2023·edited Jul 7, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

And if they cared, in a system of representative government, they'd do a whole lot of self-reflection about what they've done to lose public confidence, in the medical system especially, and correct their course to earn it back. In a totalitarian system of government they'd believe that the public didn't do what they were told to do right, too many disagreed and didn't just do what they were told to do so they have to correct the behaviors of and ideas in the public. Because the experts in totalitarian systems never get it wrong, they follow the best science, it's the disobedient, stupid, selfish, freedom-loving people who are wrong. Which response do you think our current governing model will have? Fix themselves? Or try to "fix" the public? That will tell us a lot about which system of government we really live under versus the system of government we're told we live under.

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100%. They DO NOT care. Peace.

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‘If they cared’. We need to stop hoping that they care about us. Wishful thinking. It’s time to move on.

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I believe that to be true. It was a somewhat rhetorical question, as the rest of my comment makes pretty clear.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Percentage changes for the most part don't seem that impressive. Maybe if we knew what the numbers were in 2015 or something that may mean more. Or maybe I'm just not getting it. Also, it seems to me that an awful lot of people just seem jaded, and proud of it. The jaded set for some reason seem to still think voting matters and they trust their particular doctor or their favorite expert/channel/mag. I don't think that has significantly changed, but I don't have numbers so it's just my observation. Wish I could articulate this better. Modernity seems to value but also misunderstand independence and logic. Saying you don't trust anyone (except my doc, she's really good and follows the science) and saying you 'do your research' (you google it, in other words) is so dang common and it is proclaimed in boastful fashion. But what those who say this seem to actually be doing is in fact trusting naively and lazily googling easy answers that will make them align with everyone else while they can still say they 'researched it'. Or maybe I'm just jaded...

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Bingo .. to all you wrote. No, you're not jaded; unfortunately, it's reality.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Gallup didn't call me. My answers on trust in those institution: "Nope, zilch, nada", from top to bottom.

I trust God and reason alone. I am increasingly skeptical about the evidence of apparent experience. What about that recent tweet from liberal female reporter Erica Marsh criticizing the SCOTUS affirmative action decision, on the alleged grounds that blacks couldn't possibly succeed without the help of affirmative action? In the uproar that followed, it turned out that Erica Marsh was created by AI and did not really exist.

We are in a 24-hour psyop; 5th generation warfare according to some. I have come to believe, sadly, that even President Trump is part of the psyop. The best I can do is to tend to my garden, so to speak, and wait to see if a real leader ever arises who is willing to destroy the institutions that enslave us. Secession is the other acceptable option.

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Voltaire's conclusion after his many travels, getting too mixed up in the world's chaos: to come home and tend his garden.

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And not believe the absurdities! That allow one to commit atrocities.

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Who in the heck did they call? Seems to me that a whole heck of a lot more people trust than don't trust the various entities listed, except religious institutions. It is de rigueur to say you believe in science and eschew religion.

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There is no one ‘leader’ who is going to save us. It is up to us.

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Jul 7, 2023·edited Jul 7, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

The darker the world becomes by one noticing corruption and bad practices, the more apparent the light will be.

This light will guide them towards beliefs/tools that will better help themselves and others.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Thanks Dr. Huber. The covid fraud taught critically-thinking people a lot. I am fortunate that I have not seen a "doctor" in my life more than a few times. Pharma is an industry - the goal is to make money. Three women that I know that got the gene-therapy shots have breast cancer - they were healthy before the shots. I was living in Hawaii when the covid plan was unleashed - I lived on the island of Kauai - the worst county in the USA - they were the last to stop mandating masks. We moved to Florida. We must live in parallel societies now, just like people in other countries did during communism - see "Live Not By Lies" by Rod Dreher. Thanks for all your hard work and for always telling the truth. Peace.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

I'm not sure how to keep this comment relevant to your post but here goes. I have a new client (health insurance) and when a member contacts me I have to review overdue treatments for them. We are allowed to mention missing anything regarding prescription medicines, shots, and numerous tests, but the one thing we are absolutely *not* allowed to mention under any circumstances is if they are due for a yearly weight assessment. Although I already was aware, it become crystal clear when handling calls for this client, that "modern" health care has *nothing* to do with health. It has everything to do with making money. There's no money in telling people to be healthy, take some supplements, try to eat a better diet, cook at home instead of dining out, and drink water. There's tons of money in shots, tests, and pills. I think there's a lot of people who are *finally* starting to see this. Thanks for another great post. Dr H.

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Your job isn’t clear here…are you an insurance agent, who sells health insurance to folks? When you say ‘member’ do you mean a person who has purchased health insurance from you? I’m confused…I’ve never had an insurance agent review ‘overdue treatments’…? And, overdue based on what? Thank you for clarifying.

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Jul 7, 2023·edited Jul 7, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Every one of these institutions has lied to the public.

The hard lesson that people are having to learn: we can no longer grant these institutions our BLIND TRUST . We have to scrutinize them, and if they fail to pass muster, we have to fire them and find alternatives.


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Doctors are the new ambulance chasing Attorneys.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Check out how the CDC is reporting covid vaccine uptake by age. They are doing it so it looks like 85% of 5-11 year olds are vaccinated by choosing to roll them into anyone older than 5. Tricky tricky. If you look elsewhere its more like only 40% of this age group recieved at least one dose. In the UK it was something like 10%.

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This is why I no longer bother checking out any statistics. It’s a total waste of time. I think all statistics are all garbage now.

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They are supposed to be a tool to help confirm theories. To see them used to manipulate and trick is tragic. When someone is gifted as being bigger and stronger than most and uses it to pick on people its easy to call it what it is. When someone who can juggle numbers, or dig into a complex topic, decides to go out and confuse people on the reality of the matter its usually harder to prove and so is more pernicious.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

From UK enquiry, despite all evidence on masks, lockdown, social distancing, dangerous useless jabs, they felt they should have locked down sooner and harder! To boot, they say next pandemic will be much easier as the sheep are already trained and will automatically fall into lockstep. Obviously, I am paraphrasing with words like sheep and lockstep. I do wonder if this has all been planned so that we are meant to be disgusted in all our individual government leaders and agencies so we want them torn down so that they, the powers that be, can Build Back Better, one health, one global government?

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My local farmers are having trouble growing things because there's not enough sunshine, which is not normal. There is increasing recognition of geo-engineering around the world because you can see the planes actually doing it and turning the skies cloudy. Some are analyzing the rain, hail, etc. and finding very unhealthy substances. The question is what harm is this doing to our health in terms of what we breathe, eat, and drink. The geo-engineering appears not to be reducing global warming but exacerbating it -- although that's the official rationale. There needs to be a complete pause on climate messing-about so we can see how our planet does without it. The planet appears to be saddled with its own "doctor knows best and you're going to take these shots or else" burden. People need to become aware of this because there is no informed consent whatsoever in geo-engineering of the skies over their heads and the contamination that results.

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Is To Disconnect Us From One Another

And To Keep Us Tethered To It [ IT ]

"Injected Code" Serves The Same End.

Congratulations To You If You Knew Not To Be Injected.

And Thank You For That.

You Have Made Many Friends. As Is Your Due.

Find Them Where You Are.


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I do not trust ANY of these so called "institutions" on the list! None.

I do trust completely, Dr. Huber!

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