The Unvaccinated Kids Are Alright
Old dogma made new again asserts that COVID itself has caused injuries that are more likely attributed to lockdowns, masks and vaccines. A 300,000 control group of the unvaccinated begs to differ.
A new paper in Nature is getting some traction on Substack.
This paper attributes “cognitive and psychiatric issues, severe headaches, brain inflammation and haemmorhagic stroke” to sequences in the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. But the paper does not even once mention, let alone control for, any of the following known contributors and risk factors for the above signs and symptoms, specifically worldwide highly prevalent use of lockdowns, masks, severe hospitalization / remdesivir treatment, and especially the COVID vaccines. So no control group was observed for any of the above by the authors. The paper cites similarly careless studies, in which authors prefer to attribute undesirable health outcomes to COVID, rather than to more prevalent government-imposed actions, including when those actions were delivered in the form of human rights abuses (lock yourself down, mask and get vaxxed, or else).
Rather, the authors speculate that “amyloid nanofibrils formed from proteins in SARS-CoV-2 may be implicated” in neurological symptoms. Therefore, “amyloid-forming proteins from the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the CNS of COVID-19 infected patients could have similar cytotoxic and inflammatory assemblies” as seen in Alzheimers and Parkinsons. [Emphasis mine.]
Let’s consider the content of amyloid: Amyloid protein structures can be as strong as steel, with a nearly crystalline structure, due to homogenous proteins stacked densely. Amyloids are characterized principally by this homogeneity and stacking.
We would not have been conceived nor have survived without amyloid fibrils, as they are essential to the survival-of-the-fittest sperm selection and to hormonal function. Chuang et al. describe this structure and function. Yes, they are rich in beta sheets, as a structural necessity, and yes, beta sheets are found in tissue from the brains of Alzheimers victims.
Now before people go around saying ‘Look at all that amyloidogenic stuff in SARS-CoV-2,” let’s first consider what we already know of the COVID vaccine. It was not in 2020 that embalmers started pulling all kinds of long, proteinaceous strings of considerable tensile strength, now known to be high amyloid content, out of corpses.
No, that happened since the vaccines rolled out. These anomalous, hard strings - sometimes over a foot long - were at first assumed to be a typical blood clot, but were then found to not include red blood cells. Such findings have not been reported in the unvaccinated. These weird circulation-stopping entities have been peculiar to spring of 2021 forward, and peculiar to the vaccinated. These macro-structures do not include the micro-clotting mechanisms that have been observed in the COVID-vaccinated. Those seem to be a separate and independent risk.
Before people go around saying, “Yes, but look at all the cognitive and psychiatric issues from COVID,” please remember that lockdowns are a known and widely established hazard to mental health, and so are masks, as my research team showed in 2020:
Since we published that series of papers on mask hazards, our findings have been confirmed countless times throughout the world. Those hazards include injury to the brain, mostly from hypoxic and hypercapnic mechanisms. However, we also reported mask injury to the brain from microbial derangement, as in PANDAS, in our second paper in that series:
Disclaimer: Critics may argue that neither Alzheimers nor Parkinson’s shows up all at once, that these are slow-progressing diseases, and that the unvaccinated COVID recovered may be simply still waiting their turn for that particular misery. However, reports of both of those diseases have shown up already for the COVID vaccinated, as the VAERS data and the Pfizer data show, and nobody was COVID-vaccinated before a year and a half ago.
After these lockdown and mask-related cognitive and psychological injuries later became widely reported all over the world, and then later, when new papers now come along that attempt to lump all these hazards into the “Let’s blame it all on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID” game, especially with speculative “could be” language, and without even mentioning known worldwide elephant-in-the-room size contributing factors to the same health outcomes, namely masks and lockdowns, those authors’ credibility takes a hit.
So now let’s look at which group of people are healthy. Which group of people have escaped the neurological, cognitive and psychological injuries of the COVID era? ResearchGate took down this important survey report this past Friday, without warning to the authors, but it may be read in the following PDF.
In a survey of over 305,000 people who have not been vaccinated for COVID, 18,497 of whom complied with all updates to information, the following were found:
The data spans six continents, with most respondents in Europe, Oceania and North America, 57% female, 43% male.
None of the 305,000 received any COVID vaccines.
5,196 people have had suspected or known SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Of those, 74 were hospitalized following infection. This number represents 0.02% of the total, or 0.4% of the regularly-updating cohort. However, the authors note: “These figures represent an overestimate as in some cases, a single individual made more than one visit to hospital.”
Vitamins C, D and zinc were the most common self-administered treatments reported, with some 71% of the survey cohort reporting regular usage.
So far, so good. It looks like the unvaccinated are doing alright. Please read the above-linked survey, and let me know in the comments what you think.
The survey was also reported in the Epoch Times:
My plan is to continue doing what my parents and grandparents did. Eat a decent diet and only dining out rarely. Getting some mild to moderate exercise when possible, taking a few supplements, and most importantly, *not* taking shots for anything. So far, by following their examples, I am a "boomer" who's healthy, not on *any* prescriptions and I am just fine. We have to get out of the mindset that the only way for humans to survive is by taking the latest shot for anything and everything. We survived for thousands of years without them. And we were fine.
I participated in that control group, sending in my reports every month.
I am glad to see the data analysis attracting so much attention even though ResearchGate took the study down within days.