Old dogma made new again asserts that COVID itself has caused injuries that are more likely attributed to lockdowns, masks and vaccines. A 300,000 control group of the unvaccinated begs to differ.
My plan is to continue doing what my parents and grandparents did. Eat a decent diet and only dining out rarely. Getting some mild to moderate exercise when possible, taking a few supplements, and most importantly, *not* taking shots for anything. So far, by following their examples, I am a "boomer" who's healthy, not on *any* prescriptions and I am just fine. We have to get out of the mindset that the only way for humans to survive is by taking the latest shot for anything and everything. We survived for thousands of years without them. And we were fine.
Exactly right. I look forward to humanity's rejection of the vaccination superstition in the future, hoping to see it in my lifetime. According to a recent poll only 34% of Iowans plan to continue vaccinating at all.
Rob D, on the eating out part, Mercola attributes a lot of serious issues to seed oils, linoleic acid. Which comes down to, what are they using to cook your food with when you dine out. This Mercola video on bitchute spells it out. Also claims it is an aggravating factor in ARDS: https://www.bitchute.com/video/bYy7vOKdc1DU/
We are all doing fine after recovering. We don’t fear the virus, and wear two masks like the double boosted science’. Our children may have had a mild fever and enjoyed their intact innate immunity while their boosted counterparts cope with reinfections, seizures and/or death.
Why doesn't someone use the substack readers as a control group, most of whom did not hacksxxxxxinate amongst readers of the red-pilled stacks? Study us, please.
That would be good, imperative we have this control group, which they want whittled away. I and rest of family are in this below, can have had other vaxxes, but not covid, other half had 2xAZ and felt awful with headaches and long covid like symptoms, so no boosters, got covid and we then treated with FLCCC protocol and he now feels better than he did and more back to his old self. He is also diabetic UK based. I hear Marty Makary of John Hopkins also says they should be a study on this which he says he will run, but not sure how well without conflicts of interest from John Hopkins that would be?
This video from Dr David Martin on bitchute describes exactly who the criminals are and Johns Hopkins is one of them involved in planning and implementing this catastrophe:
So I was listening to the Weinstein podcast about telomeres which I have thought telomere length is questionable science and has too much conflicting data. In the same vein I was reading Ray Pete's theory of prions which is interesting he wrote 20 years ago or so. it's on the internet but it really makes me question prion biochemistry. Ray speculates that the radiation from Chernobyl was the impetus for the outbreak of BSE in UK and burning in Washington state at the Hanford site led to the first BSe case in the US. Idknow if any of these theories are valid but given the fact that prion disease appears to be a component of this current health crisis I think we should rethink prions treatments in anticipation of suffering. Many of our science has been hijacked; the theory of weight gain and calories; cholesterol causing cardiovascular disease. Any dogma we believe right now should be questioned
Thank you for your articles and unpacking the research for us. My husband and I are seeing more and more vaccine injuries and deaths among relatives and friends this spring. Most of these are blood clots, heart attacks and low platelets but a thrice-dosed friend just reported he was diagnosed with hemochromatosis - unhealthy high levels of iron in his blood. His GP doesn't understand it as he no family history of this. He also has v. low platelets and will have to have a series of tests on his liver and heart. Is hemochromatosis something that might also be linked to the mRNA vaccines?
Humans have several proteins that limit the entry of iron into the blood. Along comes a COVID vaccine, the devastation of which is vastly under recognized. Frankly, the COVID vaccines are an epigenetic wrecking ball, due to persistent and likely permanent mRNA effects on DNA, impossible to reverse or repair. I don't know of a more specific explanation of how hemochromatosis may result from such a genetic experiment.
Thanks for your reply to my question. As he said he doesn't have a family history of hemochromatosis perhaps this isn't the correct diagnosis. I found these articles published in 2020 which use the term "hyperferritinemia" to describe high concentrations of free-floating iron in the blood - present in those with severe Covid-19. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7306200/ and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7306200/
Read most of the study, and the conclusion. Maybe I missed it, but it seems to me that the shedding of Jab Spike is the one variable that will never be controlled. If 70% of the population took the shots, and the spikes continue to reside in their bodies for at least 60 days, we have a difficult time escaping it, and especially if a spouse, best friends, and family are emitting it into the air.
True, but I would much rather have those spikes arrive by way of inhalation, mucous membranes, rather than injection taken past those barriers. The 2ary exposure seems way more benign than primary.
All excerpts from the text above are designated by CENSORED:
Jonathan Pugh and colleagues from the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Oxford, argued in the Journal of Medical Ethics that “[w]ithout compelling evidence for the superiority of vaccine-induced immunity, it cannot be deemed necessary to require vaccination for those with natural immunity.” (Pugh et al, 2022). It follows that discrimination against individuals who have elected to invoke natural immunity, in place of vaccine-induced immunity, would be unjust. Page 27
While some 25% of CGC survey respondents reported symptomatic COVID-19 disease during the 5 months of the survey, the incidence of disease does not itself indicate the burden on healthcare systems or society; this is better assessed by hospitalisation rates and mortality (there were no CGC data available for the latter). Page 27
Being a jackass: I note that it is quite hard for those who die with/without COVID-19 to self report
Among the most surprising findings in this COVID-19 unvaccinated cohort were the commonly reported instances of menstrual disturbances and bleeding abnormalities in women. Such disturbances have been reported in the literature in association with COVID-19 disease (e.g. Sharp et al, 2021), lifestyle changes associated with the pandemic (Bruinvels et al, 2021), and particularly following COVID-19 vaccination (e.g. Alvergne et al, 2021; Trogstad, 2022). The disturbances reported in the survey are likely to be related to COVID-19 disease, but other factors such as shedding exposure, chronic stress and changes to lifestyles caused by restrictions and related measures, as well as chronic spike protein exposure (‘spikopathy’) in domestic and occupational settings, could also have been involved. Page 28
Menstrual disturbances may also be a result of the long term ENVIRONMENTAL TOXINS. humanity is exposed to many which effect the reproductive systems of female menses and male sperm count and motility. Sadly that signal is can be obfuscated by mass innoculation with gene therapy world wide
In this specific cohort that has placed more trust in the human immune system than in novel ‘genetic vaccines’, the mental health burden may be associated more to the human response to the pandemic, rather than psychological, fear-based reactions to any threat posed by the SARS-CoV-2 virus itself. This includes discrimination in the workplace, by peers or by family members, as well as victimisation by states (governments/health authorities) owing to ‘unvaccinated’ status. Page 29
The findings from the present survey have five main limitations;
1) the respondents are self-selected and therefore not randomly selected; pg 30
A layman’s conclusion: Self reporting IS NOT A LIMITATION rather a strong indicator honesty integrity and the wish to provide controlled data to balance the data coming from pharma and gov.
3) the ~18,500 participant cohort may have been biased towards the most diligent, health- conscious participants given they all completed monthly surveys (although a number of cross- checks with the main ~300,000 cohort suggests this bias is likely low); page 30
5) the questionnaire design is limited and does not account for multiple variables that affect health status, such as socioeconomic status, urban, peri-urban or rural residence, diet, or lifestyle. Page 30
To #5 I would like to add co-morbidities. Sadly the CDC and this survey and perhaps https://vaxcontrolgroup.com/ fail to appreciate how important this information is in determining outcomes.
That being said, the survey data do offer indicative or suggestive evidence that the CGC COVID-19 unvaccinated cohort prioritises self-care and has placed very little burden on healthcare systems in respective countries. It follows, then, that the marginalisation, stigmatisation, coercion of and discrimination against this population group, one that has not consented to COVID-19 injections, is neither valid nor ethical. Such discrimination and restriction of liberties based on vaccination status may fall foul of relevant national anti-discrimination laws and international treaties, such as the UN’s International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR, 1966), which includes fundamental rights to liberty and security of person, freedom of movement, privacy, religion and belief, freedom of expression, and peaceful assembly. Page 30
The reason for not having a numerically large uncensored unvaccinated long term control group that is studied by the CDC etal has to do with NATURAL IMMUNITY. Sadly it is intentional as well as irrational. What is the motivation for this blind spot? Is it to hide the fact that those who care about their health and the methods they use may show favorable outcomes, which may change the life styles of the population in general? Considering self-care results of those participating in Control Group Cooperative is there a real possibility that self-care will benefit the global population? It would be nice to answer these questions. Thank you for the study linked in Colleen Huber, NMD, article as well as the group created in the UK, Control Group Cooperative (CGC) (https://vaxcontrolgroup.com/ ), and the CENSORED.pdf is to be studied, respected and applauded for their candor, ethics and results.
i have tried reading this over and over, and i definitely have post-viral neurologic symptoms, which may explain why i feel like i can't make sense of any of this... is it saying that i may have amyloid plaques in my brain now, since i had covid, supposedly, late '20? haven't been able to work since early '21... any insight appreciated!
I would first ask if you were required to wear a mask at work. If so, let's consider the possibility of hypoxic effect. And if so, I have seen some very impressive improvement with hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT). HBOT facilities have been springing up all over recently. I don't know if this is helpful, as it's just one of many considerations for differential diagnosis.
yes... had to mask 10-12 hours a day, but i tried to "steal oxygen"... no one will give me HBOT...
also had subclinically (my guess) elevated MCV (from RBC labs, associated with shortness of breath) around 102-103 since 2013 per my P.A. when i inquired about my being short of breath a couple months post-viral, MCV 125 early '21, which I've been trying to address with B vitamins and red meat daily, which helps, but still struggle...
i could never tolerate a mask, even before i had virus... but no medical exemptions allowed, so i didn't even try... haven't worked since early '21 due to brain fog, etc
alk phos was slightly elevated, which i eventually read could be from tylenol i was taking 650 mg 3x/ day until i found Longvida, for constant headaches..
so prob shouldn't be concerned about amyloid... even though my symptoms feel "characteristic" from my reading... tysm for your input
Now even small spas and some chiropractors offer HBOT, about $100-$150 for a 60-90 minute session. Definitely safer to have a provider assess your situation first, and whether you both agree that HBOT is worthwhile for you. Scuba diving offers similar benefit, 1.3 ATM at about 50 feet.
My plan is to continue doing what my parents and grandparents did. Eat a decent diet and only dining out rarely. Getting some mild to moderate exercise when possible, taking a few supplements, and most importantly, *not* taking shots for anything. So far, by following their examples, I am a "boomer" who's healthy, not on *any* prescriptions and I am just fine. We have to get out of the mindset that the only way for humans to survive is by taking the latest shot for anything and everything. We survived for thousands of years without them. And we were fine.
Exactly right. I look forward to humanity's rejection of the vaccination superstition in the future, hoping to see it in my lifetime. According to a recent poll only 34% of Iowans plan to continue vaccinating at all.
Rob D, on the eating out part, Mercola attributes a lot of serious issues to seed oils, linoleic acid. Which comes down to, what are they using to cook your food with when you dine out. This Mercola video on bitchute spells it out. Also claims it is an aggravating factor in ARDS: https://www.bitchute.com/video/bYy7vOKdc1DU/
McDougall diet also. High plant carb, no animal, no oil.
I participated in that control group, sending in my reports every month.
I am glad to see the data analysis attracting so much attention even though ResearchGate took the study down within days.
I wonder how many vaccinated people received placebo.
Does someone in the Terrorist Organization running the world keep track of that?
We are all doing fine after recovering. We don’t fear the virus, and wear two masks like the double boosted science’. Our children may have had a mild fever and enjoyed their intact innate immunity while their boosted counterparts cope with reinfections, seizures and/or death.
Why doesn't someone use the substack readers as a control group, most of whom did not hacksxxxxxinate amongst readers of the red-pilled stacks? Study us, please.
That would be good, imperative we have this control group, which they want whittled away. I and rest of family are in this below, can have had other vaxxes, but not covid, other half had 2xAZ and felt awful with headaches and long covid like symptoms, so no boosters, got covid and we then treated with FLCCC protocol and he now feels better than he did and more back to his old self. He is also diabetic UK based. I hear Marty Makary of John Hopkins also says they should be a study on this which he says he will run, but not sure how well without conflicts of interest from John Hopkins that would be?
This video from Dr David Martin on bitchute describes exactly who the criminals are and Johns Hopkins is one of them involved in planning and implementing this catastrophe:
Yes some of them have been a part of this, from before the actual ‘announcement’….thanks for the link
Youre welcome
SmartyAss Smakary?
Johns Hopkins is a big crappy flush the johns
So I was listening to the Weinstein podcast about telomeres which I have thought telomere length is questionable science and has too much conflicting data. In the same vein I was reading Ray Pete's theory of prions which is interesting he wrote 20 years ago or so. it's on the internet but it really makes me question prion biochemistry. Ray speculates that the radiation from Chernobyl was the impetus for the outbreak of BSE in UK and burning in Washington state at the Hanford site led to the first BSe case in the US. Idknow if any of these theories are valid but given the fact that prion disease appears to be a component of this current health crisis I think we should rethink prions treatments in anticipation of suffering. Many of our science has been hijacked; the theory of weight gain and calories; cholesterol causing cardiovascular disease. Any dogma we believe right now should be questioned
Thank you for your articles and unpacking the research for us. My husband and I are seeing more and more vaccine injuries and deaths among relatives and friends this spring. Most of these are blood clots, heart attacks and low platelets but a thrice-dosed friend just reported he was diagnosed with hemochromatosis - unhealthy high levels of iron in his blood. His GP doesn't understand it as he no family history of this. He also has v. low platelets and will have to have a series of tests on his liver and heart. Is hemochromatosis something that might also be linked to the mRNA vaccines?
Humans have several proteins that limit the entry of iron into the blood. Along comes a COVID vaccine, the devastation of which is vastly under recognized. Frankly, the COVID vaccines are an epigenetic wrecking ball, due to persistent and likely permanent mRNA effects on DNA, impossible to reverse or repair. I don't know of a more specific explanation of how hemochromatosis may result from such a genetic experiment.
Thanks for your reply to my question. As he said he doesn't have a family history of hemochromatosis perhaps this isn't the correct diagnosis. I found these articles published in 2020 which use the term "hyperferritinemia" to describe high concentrations of free-floating iron in the blood - present in those with severe Covid-19. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7306200/ and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7306200/
Read most of the study, and the conclusion. Maybe I missed it, but it seems to me that the shedding of Jab Spike is the one variable that will never be controlled. If 70% of the population took the shots, and the spikes continue to reside in their bodies for at least 60 days, we have a difficult time escaping it, and especially if a spouse, best friends, and family are emitting it into the air.
And don’t expect anyone to care.
True, but I would much rather have those spikes arrive by way of inhalation, mucous membranes, rather than injection taken past those barriers. The 2ary exposure seems way more benign than primary.
Good to know, doctor.
I like it! At least until the predatory bird gets aggressive. Then, . . .
Thankyou Colleen Huber, NMD,
Reference: Censored-researchgate-pre-print-article-on-control-group-findings.pdf
All excerpts from the text above are designated by CENSORED:
Jonathan Pugh and colleagues from the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Oxford, argued in the Journal of Medical Ethics that “[w]ithout compelling evidence for the superiority of vaccine-induced immunity, it cannot be deemed necessary to require vaccination for those with natural immunity.” (Pugh et al, 2022). It follows that discrimination against individuals who have elected to invoke natural immunity, in place of vaccine-induced immunity, would be unjust. Page 27
While some 25% of CGC survey respondents reported symptomatic COVID-19 disease during the 5 months of the survey, the incidence of disease does not itself indicate the burden on healthcare systems or society; this is better assessed by hospitalisation rates and mortality (there were no CGC data available for the latter). Page 27
Being a jackass: I note that it is quite hard for those who die with/without COVID-19 to self report
Among the most surprising findings in this COVID-19 unvaccinated cohort were the commonly reported instances of menstrual disturbances and bleeding abnormalities in women. Such disturbances have been reported in the literature in association with COVID-19 disease (e.g. Sharp et al, 2021), lifestyle changes associated with the pandemic (Bruinvels et al, 2021), and particularly following COVID-19 vaccination (e.g. Alvergne et al, 2021; Trogstad, 2022). The disturbances reported in the survey are likely to be related to COVID-19 disease, but other factors such as shedding exposure, chronic stress and changes to lifestyles caused by restrictions and related measures, as well as chronic spike protein exposure (‘spikopathy’) in domestic and occupational settings, could also have been involved. Page 28
Menstrual disturbances may also be a result of the long term ENVIRONMENTAL TOXINS. humanity is exposed to many which effect the reproductive systems of female menses and male sperm count and motility. Sadly that signal is can be obfuscated by mass innoculation with gene therapy world wide
In this specific cohort that has placed more trust in the human immune system than in novel ‘genetic vaccines’, the mental health burden may be associated more to the human response to the pandemic, rather than psychological, fear-based reactions to any threat posed by the SARS-CoV-2 virus itself. This includes discrimination in the workplace, by peers or by family members, as well as victimisation by states (governments/health authorities) owing to ‘unvaccinated’ status. Page 29
The findings from the present survey have five main limitations;
1) the respondents are self-selected and therefore not randomly selected; pg 30
A layman’s conclusion: Self reporting IS NOT A LIMITATION rather a strong indicator honesty integrity and the wish to provide controlled data to balance the data coming from pharma and gov.
3) the ~18,500 participant cohort may have been biased towards the most diligent, health- conscious participants given they all completed monthly surveys (although a number of cross- checks with the main ~300,000 cohort suggests this bias is likely low); page 30
5) the questionnaire design is limited and does not account for multiple variables that affect health status, such as socioeconomic status, urban, peri-urban or rural residence, diet, or lifestyle. Page 30
To #5 I would like to add co-morbidities. Sadly the CDC and this survey and perhaps https://vaxcontrolgroup.com/ fail to appreciate how important this information is in determining outcomes.
That being said, the survey data do offer indicative or suggestive evidence that the CGC COVID-19 unvaccinated cohort prioritises self-care and has placed very little burden on healthcare systems in respective countries. It follows, then, that the marginalisation, stigmatisation, coercion of and discrimination against this population group, one that has not consented to COVID-19 injections, is neither valid nor ethical. Such discrimination and restriction of liberties based on vaccination status may fall foul of relevant national anti-discrimination laws and international treaties, such as the UN’s International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR, 1966), which includes fundamental rights to liberty and security of person, freedom of movement, privacy, religion and belief, freedom of expression, and peaceful assembly. Page 30
The reason for not having a numerically large uncensored unvaccinated long term control group that is studied by the CDC etal has to do with NATURAL IMMUNITY. Sadly it is intentional as well as irrational. What is the motivation for this blind spot? Is it to hide the fact that those who care about their health and the methods they use may show favorable outcomes, which may change the life styles of the population in general? Considering self-care results of those participating in Control Group Cooperative is there a real possibility that self-care will benefit the global population? It would be nice to answer these questions. Thank you for the study linked in Colleen Huber, NMD, article as well as the group created in the UK, Control Group Cooperative (CGC) (https://vaxcontrolgroup.com/ ), and the CENSORED.pdf is to be studied, respected and applauded for their candor, ethics and results.
i have tried reading this over and over, and i definitely have post-viral neurologic symptoms, which may explain why i feel like i can't make sense of any of this... is it saying that i may have amyloid plaques in my brain now, since i had covid, supposedly, late '20? haven't been able to work since early '21... any insight appreciated!
I would first ask if you were required to wear a mask at work. If so, let's consider the possibility of hypoxic effect. And if so, I have seen some very impressive improvement with hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT). HBOT facilities have been springing up all over recently. I don't know if this is helpful, as it's just one of many considerations for differential diagnosis.
yes... had to mask 10-12 hours a day, but i tried to "steal oxygen"... no one will give me HBOT...
also had subclinically (my guess) elevated MCV (from RBC labs, associated with shortness of breath) around 102-103 since 2013 per my P.A. when i inquired about my being short of breath a couple months post-viral, MCV 125 early '21, which I've been trying to address with B vitamins and red meat daily, which helps, but still struggle...
i could never tolerate a mask, even before i had virus... but no medical exemptions allowed, so i didn't even try... haven't worked since early '21 due to brain fog, etc
alk phos was slightly elevated, which i eventually read could be from tylenol i was taking 650 mg 3x/ day until i found Longvida, for constant headaches..
so prob shouldn't be concerned about amyloid... even though my symptoms feel "characteristic" from my reading... tysm for your input
Now even small spas and some chiropractors offer HBOT, about $100-$150 for a 60-90 minute session. Definitely safer to have a provider assess your situation first, and whether you both agree that HBOT is worthwhile for you. Scuba diving offers similar benefit, 1.3 ATM at about 50 feet.