It looks like all of the Bill Gates and the WHO’s work in India and Africa testing for the best additive to add to their vaccines to sterilize and kill wasn’t in vain.

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Satan hates children.

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I must add...

I have overflow of toxic masculinity. Sorry😎😎😎😎

Those posts that should not get any likes, you know, mine... They always have one person liking them.. Who would do that? Me... Drives people crazy😂😂😂

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I work at a peds office in high vax city-- there are Def still babies😅 and I know a half dozen vaxxed moms that have given birth over the last year -- babies appear totally healthy. Not sure the actual data but anecdotally, lots of prago moms and new babies;) I am *actually * surprised by the lack of issues I'm seeing - but grateful that the babies seem ok!

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In medical school, decades ago, my pediatrics rotation was in a small clinic, just one pediatrician, the only provider there, with two nurses. He saw several hundred moms in a year that had just given birth, vastly more than a half dozen. Now that we are in or approaching rock-bottom fecundity, it may seem normal for an urban pediatric practice to have only a half dozen moms that have given birth over the last year, but it is a stark contrast to the past.

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So, the Clinic I work in is owned by a neurodevelopmental pediatrician. We have two MDs and one NP, a Lactation consultants, etc. We work with Midwives (you would be AMAZED at how many of these home birthing mothers took the shot -- I've been absolutely stunned). I do all the back end AP, bookkeeping, patient numbers etc., so I can say that it is one par with usual numbers. This doctor is the ONLY one in the southeast who treats, acknowledges and is often a key witness in vaccine injury cases. We are the only one in our city that will allow (and welcome) unvaccinated/selectively vaccinated children in the practice (yes, we are very busy, also side note -- we take a ton of Medicaid patients -- they are the highest prevalence of VI and Special Needs. Medicaid WILL NOT pay for a recipients vaccines at our clinic because we refuse to refuse them medical treatment based on childhood vax status -- it is absolutely criminal!) We do not offer the Covid Vax in our Clinic. However, the Special Needs community was more cohersed that general peds as they mostly have awfully compromised immune systems etc. so a lot got the shots at random vaccine clinics regardless of advice from the neuro ped. And we have surprisingly seen not a whole lot of extra injury beyond the usual. As we know about all vax -- they simply do not have the exact same effect on every person. For some, covid and childhood routine vax, are taken and they are perfectly healthy. But others are devastated by it. I expected a lot more devastation. And I am thankful to not be observing it (yet.) Just our experience, and I think its VIP for us all to share real world experience about what's happening out there! Also -- clinics and doctors like this are a dying breed. As a mother of three, we'll pay hard cash/prioritize money to these docs and businesses that are about medical freedom and informed consent. That (to me) is how we win. Always vote with your pocketbook. And you'll have a happier, healthier family:)

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Omg music to my ears! Where are you located? Gosh what I would give to go to your clinic!

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Wild to read. Not sure if I am more appalled, sad, frustrate, or angry.

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To clarify -- the half dozen are just from my inner circle. We have had tons of new babies in the Clinic (as per usual 10 months after winter:)

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That sounds wonderful. Maybe the parents received the placebo shot?

If the babies seem healthy now, and have no signs of any transference of jab abnormalities, wait until the medical cartels insistence on the childhoods jabs they love to inject into newborns.

One can only hope the mixture of those jabs with blood from the jabbed mother isn’t a recipe for future disasters. And if it does materialize, you can bet your bottom dollar they will NEVER admit the jabs had anything to do with their future diseases or their major health issues.

But rest assured they will have the answer to their health issues with a new wonder vaxx or some more pharmafia drugs. Which, of course will only add to their ongoing misery.

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Love it. Adding to the lexicon next to pHarmaCo.

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I've seen a few, about half jabbed and half unjabbed. I've also seen more pre-eclampsia though. I wonder if the babies surviving the jabs will be unable to reproduce or reach sexual maturity even. The trans stuff is being pushed for some reason. Maybe to prepare everyone for kids that end up androgynous by the shots. I know, big leap there. But if it accumulates in ovaries and testes, maybe not such a big leap.

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Makes perfect (though evil) sense to me, sadly. The cabal has already told us the plan. I am practicing my 'no no no no NO NO NO's'. I also realized recently that the phrase TRANS and TRANSHUMANISM both have trans in them, which I feel is no accident. Oi.

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This is an aspect of cultural suicide, underway in western societies for decades, and in other failed societies before, as they dissolved. Making babies is an act of optimism, and the negativity of the people who advocate killing babies makes them notably sanguine about the failures of reproduction. This is especially evident on the political left, and of socialists everywhere. They got theirs, and have no interest in others, in this generation or the next. Fortunately, developing societies have greater optimism of the future, for themselves and their children. The world will carry on without us.

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The only places I've seen women with a third trimester belly is IKEA. And hardly any compared to five years ago when every third woman in checkout line looked like she was ready to pop.

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The U.S. government has finally paid out money to compensate covid vaccine injury claims.

In doing so, the government admits that harm was done by the shots.


The government needs to prioritize injury compensation instead of promoting and administering these unproven and harmful experimental shots to the general populous.

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A co-worker's daughter just had a baby. She was induced at 39 weeks, baby only 5lb 7ounces, and baby had to go to NICU because it was having seizures. I didn't ask her jab status.. could just be coincidence.

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Of course it’s coincidence. That’s the answer to every sudden death, health issue, or physical malady since the rollout of that coveted jab

Coincidence. A new medical state of non health.

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The other factor, I don't believe was mentioned, is that young adults are not having children or getting married (hopefully the latter before the former) - and I am speaking of American Citizens - not foreign nationals, visa overstays or illegal aliens (who ARE pumping out kids in the US at a rapid rate).

Read Patrick Buchanan's book from 2 DECADES ago called The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization. This book is STILL very relevant today, unfortunately. Never overlook God's Judgement either.

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While I would, of course, attribute some of the missing pregnant women to vaccine infertility, i think other things at play could be:

The ease of internet shopping to the tired pregnant lady.

People are generally more lazy, see above.

After lockdowns some people are still terrified of catching something that they still cannot prove exists (i know, its crazy right)

Anyway, theres a few more reasons why you might not see as many around. But I see only one reason for the dropping birth rate....

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So what's the story with isolated populations? E.G., the Amish, hunter and gatherer tribes, etc.? Should be able to narrow down the problem, diet, plastics, wifi?

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The decline in birth rate has been observed in national data (in places that bother to collect it). See https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/will-uks-birth-rate-decline-bring and past articles. Even got the famous bad cat's attention https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/worrying-news-on-swedish-birth-rates. It's a bit early to fully know if the damage will be permanent.

As your article suggests testosterone levels have been falling a long time. Plastics may very well be at issue along with estrogens in drinking water. Coupled with increased estrogens from excess fat tissue, men tend toward more feminine characteristics including moobs. Might even account for some boys becoming trans given hormonal confusion. Women may tend to reject the less manly men leading to other social issues. Can't be a good thing long term.

Not sure if male development is hindered by the increase in making boys behave like girls in school. Boys need to develop physically and tend to be much more physically active. Discouraging self discovery in rough games may harm their futures.

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My wife is 7.5 months pregnant; You wouldn’t know it. Something seems off for sure. She is taller than average but that doesn’t seem like the only reason for the limited pregnant look.

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Those who wish for depopulation have no idea what they're wishing for.

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Seeing a baby is definitely becoming rare. So much so that there are times when I do see one that it brings a tear to my eye.

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The synthetic mRNA vaccines change the DNA in 6 hours and sterilize both men and women in 8 hours and of course, breast milk is poisoned by the vaccines, so kids drinking it, will probably die.

Lots of kids are dying in the womb from the vaccines and don't make it to birth and a large proportion of those that do, apparently, die within 24/48 hours of being born - taking into account that of an overall population of say 7.9 billion (different numbers to you) and 7.4 billion now vaccinated, that should clearly relate to the numbers of women who can't conceive anymore and why there is such a huge reduction of our kind. A few women I have met here, have said they refused to get vaccinated until after their child had been born, which suggests to me that everyone is pretty much aware of the dangers of vaccines, even if not much is said about them.

It seems obvious to me that those in charge of this decline in the birth rate, are well aware of their vaccines and how they have pretty much stopped the birth rate and it won't be going up, ever again, because vaccinating kids from 6 months old up, or 5 years old up, will stop births from ever occurring again, which is pretty much what the Globalists wanted, because they falsely believed in the rubbish of Global Warming and getting rid of the majority of us, which they thought, would save the planet for them, for whatever comes next - wrong!!

Our planet goes through natural cycles where it heats up and cools down again and it has been doing this for millions of years, not just in the past 20 years or so - however- thanks to Trump and Biden and all of those politicians who signed the secret contracts with Pfizer and the other vaccine makers, for an ongoing supply of vaccines to 2036, with just 2 years passed and 14 years yet to go, it is pretty clear to me we humans will be facing a world wide extermination in the next few years, if not before then and one must wonder what comes next after us - computers and bio-technology - read Androids is my take on that - or perhaps nothing at all?

Fortunately for me, I am getting on a bit and my life is pretty much past me anyway, but I never wanted to die in a country where I could count the probable numbers of those living around me, on the fingers of one hand, which could easily be the case - but we will have to wait and see and hope for the best, which this time, probably can't occur.

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While certainly the situation seems quite bad, "The synthetic mRNA vaccines change the DNA in 6 hours and sterilize both men and women in 8 hours and of course, breast milk is poisoned by the vaccines, so kids drinking it, will probably die." is a bit much. Many will have an immune response that can deal with the mRNA while some will be damaged. Pity we don't understand who those people might be because we really don't fully understand how the human immune system develops. Worse while we seem in the largest experiment on people is history we seem to not be collecting the data to help us understand the results.

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If you read the many articles I have been posting from people who are at the scene and can see what is happening there, here and now, the vaxxed are the ones who are dropping down dead, filling the hospitals and dying in droves there and elsewhere, because of the vaccines they took, whether voluntarily or not. Those not vaccinated, myself included, won't ever get the virus which causes Covid, but 2-3 weeks after a cold like infection, because we use Richard Noakes's free salt water cure, which I can easily vouch for and that keeps us safe from the occasional virus we pick up from time to time - Richard not having been sick from viruses for over 29 years, so far.

The virus was made by Moderna with the help of DARPA and patented in 2013, follow the patents and the virus was made deliberately infectious, so that the deaths that are happening from the virus, as it continues to evolve, are deliberate and for a purpose, yet to be discovered.

The vaccines don't work and never did, because that was never their function - their purpose was to install 99% Graphene Oxide past the blood brain barrier and the nanotechnology and parasites , as an operating system which can be modified to suit, by further vaccinations, eventually making humans Androids, part human and part computer, like a newer version of Darth Vader, hence The Great Reset and you will own nothing and you will be happy - however, anyone over 50 is too old to easily modify, so exterminate them as useless eaters of the resources these fuckers have to hand and will employ, whether any of us like it or not.

I appear to have been right so far, with my predictions, so it is really just a matter of time. to see if I've got the end result right this time.

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