Also buys you lottery tickets for stroke, infertility, various neurological and autoimmune disorders... and who knows what else. Not a good deal.

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Just as planned. Majority of people event though unhappy with mandates, don't realise that they are victims of premeditated Genocide, and the entire scam has nothing to do with a virus. This is satanic End Game, the war against humanity. Planned yeas in advance. Things are not what they seem. People are being MOCKED. The entire PLANDEMIC is a prescripted ritual with human sacrifices. France Detects New COVID-19 Scariant . https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/france-detects-new-covid-19-scariant

Omicron: The Corona End Game The Truth Behind The Symbols https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-corona-end-game

The Olympics Rituals of 1992/2012 "Predicted" The Corona Operation: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-corona-end-game-addendum

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Yes, I am as cynical about the scam as you are. And in complete agreement that its main purposes and events have nothing whatsoever to do with a virus.

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What is truly heartbreaking, that majority of people are totally deceived and don't realise what is happening around them. This is exactly what the Bible foretold 1000's of years ago will take place in the last days. Satanic elites don't even hide it, they always tell the truth, but people dismiss it as "crazy conspiracy theories" . Even when they tell the truth straight into our faces: "No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)


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They are going to burn it all down using deception and the weak-minded.

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I've love to be there when these sickos realize what they've done to themselves. They think they're wielding power but it's the other way around. Just like every other addict, they think they're in control. lol

Yes, it's incredibly sad, but it's also hilarious in a sardonic sort of way. They're children who think they're the masters of the universe, and there's only one way that's going to end for them. Whether or not they take everyone else with them remains to be seen, but I have it on good authority that it isn't over. It's incumbent upon the good people in this world to stay strong and work together to bring light back into this world. The situation does indeed appear to be grim, but appearances can be deceiving. Never forget that.

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The new mayor of NYC is defying the supreme court stating just that. Nothing changes in the city even after scotus made the decision. What a POS.

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Not surprising given that the Davos crowd is all-in on this diabolical scheme. The COVID narrative is crumbling as we speak, but that is far from the end of this. It's up to us to put stakes through the hearts of these vampires. That's the only thing that will stop them. And you know what? We can do it. It's all in the mind! ;p

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Interesting comparison to an “addict” … agree!

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Thank you Colleen. This is possibly the most frightening compilation of data that I've seen so far. It doesn't seem real, but this data shows that we're sitting on the precipice of a global nightmare far worse than 2020.

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those that are off the MSM and critically looking at these events have come to realize that COVID is a hoax of sorts, totally treatable with early treatment. Covid was the scariant for the vaccines, which are the true designed bioweapon. With all of the known facts one has to wonder why this is not getting picked up and changes made.

watch this video by Time Gielen,


It helps to give you a picture of what is going on. You only really need to control the people at the top of any institution, whether it is educational, business, or governmental, just control the top people and you have control. You can dictate what the directions are, you can edit, fabricate, redact, exploit, coerce, long list.

I worked for NSA for 10 years, I was a special missions op and gathered eyewitness intel. That intel was falsified by NSA before being sent on the the executive and legislative branches of the US gov.

For 50 years directors of the CIA and NSA have been Trilateral Commission members. They controlled the intel, the reports and what was sent to decision makers. In short they were in control, and their reports served the military industrial complex very well.

It is like the Wizard of OZ, what we see and perceive as real is nothing but smoke and mirrors, a group of powerful and rich people are behind the scenes pulling the levers of power, and if something goes wrong, the puppets that we think are in power take the fall.

Many substack and other commentators are saying the wheels are starting to come off this hoax, but the damage has been done. It will continue to be done and recourse is hard to find other than grass roots efforts, hold your local health authorities accountable. It is much easier to work at the local level, at least you can get in the door and be heard.

Organize locally and print up informational flyers and distribute them. Talking about this does nothing, you must take action. Propose local actions, get organized and resist.

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I agree that local repair is likely the best strategy forward, although it seems with your history, you have a better basis of understanding that well than I do. From the outside, I see Blackrock and Vanguard, with their purchased politicians, media and universities, as such enormous monsters that they look invulnerable, at least at a global and national level for the time being.

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They do appear to be above the law, and it will be a very hard battle against them. There are already developments in the 5th dimension taking place that will come against this, but not in the very near future, but soon in terms of most of our lives.

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do you have links so I can learn more about these developments?

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no links available, 5th dimension not on the internet, however for those that are tuned in to God or the cosmos, there is information available. I am in the process of explaining how to tune in. there are a number of people that are tools of the cosmos, but there are also lots of people that claim to be that are not.

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Ah, so not the same as 5D consciousness? Are you a teacher or writer of the process of tuning in? I'm interested in learning more.

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subscribe to my substack, [click on writes Past, Present and Future] I am slowly explaining the process and the science behind the process. It is an easy route and a not easy route. It will take a bit of devoted time each day, the more time spent; the greater the results. I do not expect many to follow, as it does take discipline, but it does work. I do not think of myself as a teacher, but a person that shows the way. I will explain what you will experience and how to increase the connection. Once you start to feel/experience the connection you can cultivate it by leaps and bounds. My next newsletter will be ready in the next day or two. It starts to get into the mechanics of the process.

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Thank you Colleen. This is a profound statement on the response to covid and the vaccines. You might also like this heartfelt statement by a senior Israeli immunologist posted today by Sharan Petrovsky.


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Excellent. I am glad such a prominent academic wrote this, harder for the Israeli government to ignore him. Dr. Zelenko tried to tell them the same a year ago, which fell on deaf ears.

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Funny that you mention Dr Zelenko. I have Covid at the moment and a trusted Eastern European doctor told me just today that the one thing I must do is 12 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide, three times a day. I think this is possibly similar to Dr Zelenko’s recommended treatment that Trump was so publicly humiliated for! Must be a tried and true traditional treatment for viral infections.

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Also agree with nebulized hydrogen peroxide being far preferable to swallowed. Various reasons. Nebulizers are OTC on amazon, in drugstores.

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I wonder if this treatment is a good idea to use in a prophylactic way? And/or for chronic sinusitis?

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This is an excellent video. I looked for the link earlier, hard to find, and I appreciate your posting it.

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Thanks for this link. Great source to cite.

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Thank you so much for your courage to continue keeping us informed with verifiable facts. I'm shocked that there are still so many in the medical profession that are continuing to push these risky and deadly shots on people. Personally, as an informed person, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night no matter how much they were paying me. I'm not sure what the plan is to heal the lack of trust in government and medical institutions, but judging by what has been going on since the shots were released on the public, it looks like *force* is the only weapon at their disposal (in their minds). So, moving forward we are going to be *forced* into "trusting" the system that is killing us (You are going to take what we tell you no matter what and if you don't like it we will destroy your lives and/or inter you for an indefinite period). My mind is boggled that "they" are this hellbent on an agenda that is *not* going to make things better in the future, but create a hellscape that no one, including those who think this agenda is so wonderful, will be able to escape from. I'll never get over this. Utter madness.

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The reason why unvaxxed are doing better: https://drsambailey.com/2022/01/05/why-nobody-can-find-a-virus/

And not just con-vid but every virus.

Polio? DDT/pesticides

Smallpox? Sanitation

Spanish flu? https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/67902

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Great links, thanks.

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"Trading COVID for heart disease buys you both" - very droll....

I will "brief" my pen pal the NSW Australia Health Minister on this post.

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Thanks. I did at 1:39pm 12 Jan 2022 AEST.

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Does he respond? Seems like he only has one line re: covid, “just get vaccinated”

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He did in 2021 for easy questions. But "his" responses would not pass any real exams or essays. I sent him a "deemed" letter on mask exemption, saying if I did not receive a proper response, I deemed that he had give me exemption. He responded! (Anyway, the Order allowed me to self-exempt via a statutory declaration - an affidavit - which I did.

No responses since late 2021.

I've sent him over 100 individual letters in 2022 so far. Now, I decided to batch them.

Why I am sending him unrequited letters? For two reasons, as I told him:

1. As a civic record of my opposition to the Govt's policies; and

2. To let them know that they are not fooling at least one NSW resident!

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Make that two.

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Legal Notice of Liability next?

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LOL. I keep hearing about that thing, whilst they continue on.

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Thank you for putting together this article. What you posit is undeniable, but unfortunately I still see brainwashed, hypochondriac Karens wearing masks alone in their cars, walking outside with their children all dutifully masked, or announcing proudly at the workplace that they’re, “Off to get my booster!”

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They are injecting the simulated sickness just like the Spanish Flu. They lie about it naturally evolving to add another layer of BS. This entire thing started with injections to the elderly and their news media ran it night and day until the weak minded were terrorized enough to roll up their sleeves.

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Exactly what the eugenicists did a century ago. People ignore history at their own peril.

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Colleen: Here is an electronic copy of a book titled "Vaccination Condemned". It is 45 years old. I have it on my Proton Cloud drive. https://drive.protonmail.com/urls/VJDW2NVA70#xIPQcM5c2GKi

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Devastating headline and article. Thank you for laying it all bare.

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Thank you my dear

This is exactly my sentiment that I hoped and wished I was wrong about still, which is what you've stated as likely herein, especially your last few lines...

Thanks for speaking freely


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Thanks again for another superb article! I was wondering if you have any view about the existence of variants, Delta and Omicron mentioned in this article. While no one is doubting that something created in gain-of-function research in Wuhan funded also by the US is making people sick, and that the "vaccines" promote variants because the antibodies are not neutralizing (if I understand correctly, and I am ignoring all the other problems with the vax), I am concerned about whistleblower testimony that confirms that there is no test for covid variants. This is on top of the EUA-removed PCR test and other tests that have shown positive in videos to swabbing with Red Bull or soft drinks.

Thanks again for all you do. By the way, I am partway through "Manifesto for a Cancer Patient", which I highly recommend to all. Very enlightening.

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Thank you. You raise many interesting topics.

The PCR test, as you say is so inaccurate for measuring the infectious potential of a person's viral load that the late John Magufuli, Pres of Tanzania and PhD in Chemistry famously showed that a goat, a papaya and something else tested positive with it. As its inventor Kary Mullis said, PCR was designed as a manufacturing technique, not as a test of a person's viral load.

So then how to test properly for either COVID or its variants?

Then there is the observation that Omicron is so different from the original Wuhan strain of COVID that it likely branched off even earlier than Delta, or perhaps is something different altogether. With all the mischief in the gain-of-function labs, as described in RFK Jr's book The Real Anthony Fauci, quite a lot is possible, and likely unknowable outside those labs.

The problem with vaccine-induced antibodies being non-neutralizing was known, especially with such fast-mutating viruses as coronaviruses, and known many years ago. So the vaccine was certain to fail, but to make a big hit with a COVID-mesmerized public.

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Worst human caused catastrophe in human history. On purpose. Family jabbed, every day I consider it our last together, because we just don't know. Thank you for even being able to report this in a careful fashion. Much respect.

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A couple of questions for you, Colleen: how would you assess the destructiveness of spike proteins in comparison to prions? Is it possible that prions have also been altered via gain-of-function research?


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Thank you for turning my attention to this. I am just getting to the part of Dr. Richard Fleming's interesting book on COVID where he talks about gain of function mischief, taking glycoproteins from HIV, getting attached to spike protein for prion-like properties and effect. The more you read on this, also in RFK Jr's new book, the more sinister this GOF looks.

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It's techno-jargon for weaponization, which is a key component of the development and implementation of cybernetics, which got off the ground right after the advent of modern computing. If you know about the Davos crowd you're familiar with the term transhumanism, which is nothing more than a rebranding of eugenics. Cybernetics is basically a eugenicist's wet dream; unfortunately, it's reality. In case you're interested in this subject I'll link a video that IMO is some of the most informative content on youtube. It's almost 4 hours, but I highly recommend it. I've watched it straight through about 6 times. Names, dates, institutions, everything. As you might suspect, something of this nature is interdisciplinary, and you'll probably be a little shocked at how many "prestigious" professionals have contributed to this dehumanizing endeavor.



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Thank you Colleen. I follow you on other platforms as well.

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