Excellent! I found myself cheering as I read your letter to Univ of CA!!! Thank you so much for your courageous intelligent approach to health advocacy!!!

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Thank you. I actually don't see why a student or other member of a university community can't write some similar language in defense of their own bodily autonomy. Even those who have not found a healthcare provider to write a medical exemption, and even without a religious exemption, the bodily autonomy argument is and should be the most powerful one.

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You are BRILLIANT! God bless you for standing up to the Fascist University and for your patient! 🙏🏼🙏🏼

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I have to admit that I REALLY enjoyed reading that last letter. You are wonderful!

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Well done! Thank you for sharing and for doing what you do.

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Unfortunately these criminals in the corrupted halls of academia force students to fight for their own autonomy. They know that if someone takes it to the limit, they will concede. It’s only then when they have something to lose (besides their integrity which went out the door long ago) do they recoil. The poor student has to go through hell and back just to get to what should have never even been an issue. I was in college 50 + years ago when many of the male students where embroiled in another coercive battle - to get exemption out of the draft to avoid fighting in an unjust futile war. Back then Universities actually supported the resistance and even allowed clinics where counselors, clergy and doctors help us.

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That is the most beautiful letter I have ever read in my life! Real, loud, cheers for you!

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Brilliant and way past due!! I want them all in jail sooner rather than later!!!

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You’re doing God work here. 🙏

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Profound! Your efforts have been, and continue to be heroic! This is wonderful news and gives us much hope! I have two teens in California public schools... I have let them know that I may be forced to remove them from school if the California legislators try again to add the "C19 Deathvax" to the required "Childhood vaccine schedule". CA, we believe will attempt this very soon, in order to demand all children K-12 to be vaccinated for the Fall/2023 school start. Your efforts may give us the power to get exemptions for K-12! Looking forward to your continued updates. I have been following Dr. K since the very start of his journey. Will share with him. Much love, Teresa Cook, Valley Center CA.

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I hope some of the language is helpful, but should really be vetted by an attorney for likely more effective, and/or locally applicable, arguments.

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Please note Alliance for Natural Health "Action Alert" for FDA moving forward with rules/regs to classify all homeopathic supplements as DRUGS, thus subject to their testing and approval processes. PLEASE WRITE YOUR CONGRESSPERSONS AND SENATORS!


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Called him, because he co-signed the bill. Got a nasty letter back yelling at me that they only wanted changes in labeling. I wrote back yelling that the FDA can't be trusted. Please everyone, feel free to also write or call Senator Mike Braun to let him know what you think of this idea.


This contains a petition against the bill. Please read and sign if it is still active.

Buy your supplements now. Pay cash, so your purchase cannot be traced.

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Is it another (he's a total) dick Durbin special?

I'm gonna read on it anyway, but durbin has had his (first name) waving around trying to regulate supplements out of existence for decades. Homeopathic meds are close enough for his wanking attempts I'm sure.

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At this point, all I know is that it's an Administrative State move at this point, since the proposed final rules/regs have passed OMB analysis muster, so the FDA is ready to post them in the Federal Register for comment, which means they're going to do what the hell they want to do anyway, regardless of comments. This is part of the plan, I'm sure, to stifle competition for their drug/vax plans to keep us all subserviant to them for our health needs.

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Dick is our Senator for decades here in “IlL”inois - he is utterly disgusting & has a stranglehold on being Re-elected here. No matter what truly decent candidates we put up against him - they do not win.

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Excellent and congratulations! So wrong and sad anyone has to go to this extent to just be able to say “no”, I don’t want it!

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They violate basic human rights!!!! This injection does not protect against illness: Just look at my recent VAERS analysis:


COVID-19 190,303 - 13.02%

190,303 cases reported Covid as ADVERSE REACTION OF THIS INJECTION. That's 13.02% of all reported complications, following this C-19 injection!

Long list of various adverse reactions:


This injection doesn't stop anything! How can these nonsensical fines still be imposed?

This is beyond criminal. This is a case from a psychiatric hospital.

What happened to sanity?

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Even if it did stop something “they” have NO right to mandate anyone inject anything into their body! None!! This was always illegal and immoral!

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Right, but this one doesn't even stop anything. It was never designed as such.

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I also like Patti's point that even if it were a safe and effective medical treatment, it cannot be forced by any person or institution on anyone, because that would override essential bodily autonomy (again, not an attorney spouting this opinion).

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Many researchers have seen these fullerenes under the microscope



Buckminsterfullerene To Detonate Cancer Cells - and what does it do in these C-19 vaccines?

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Now with the fullerenes they've injected, with 5G and ultrasound, the hemorrhage could be caused by sonification or the process of cavitation. This is actually technically possible, because that's what fullerenes are designed for: to deliver drugs to cancer cells. Thus, the next pandemic we can expect is hemorrhagic fever

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This is the world we’re living in! That’s the arena this war is being fought in.

I am also an outraged human.

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The medalert link is no longer available 😳

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Thanks, this works! I had a violent reaction to my 2nd (and last vax-ever!) with violent rigors, possibly a seizure, it was painful and violent! 104F temp for days, explosive diarrhea with extreme tenderness and bloated abdomen, sharp lighting pain through my head, eyes, chest that scared the heck out of me. This reaction took me out for days. I knew I had been poisoned and I reported it to VAERS (not an easy task). I reported it to my doc and I was gas-lit every step of the way. I got those shots at the very beginning dec2020/January 2021 and had no idea it would be forced on everyone. Although I didn’t want to be forced, I didn’t know my actual rights (I do now) i did think healthcare workers would be forced. I tried telling everyone friends/acquaintances/strangers about my bad reaction but here we are now and people are on their 5th shots!

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Thank you!

This is based on research/science and experience.

Myeloperoxidase will hopefully eventually biodegrade it, but it needs antioxidant support and of course it takes time.

It is unbelievable that these crooks continue to lie to us and threaten us with more pandemics, and lockdowns or mandates. They are plotting at G20 and WHO meetings how they will force us to inject these toxic substances and deprive us of our freedom with senseless, criminal restrictions.

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Fyi 2nd link doesn't work

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You're a hero.

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Awesome - I love it! You are so courageous in your fight for medical freedom!

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Thank you for sharing your carefully thought out winning arguments. Fantastic Colleen and team--

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Wow! Fabulous!

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