I hope El Gato Malo reads this.

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In 2014 the DoD looked at flu vaccine effectiveness in active duty and compared it to their families. Families had normal efficacy, but for soldiers it was zero or negative. They suggested it might be because the soldiers are so highly immunized. I can see why repeatedly having that stuff injected would have a negative impact.

Here's the link: https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA617144.pdf

Starts on page 21.

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I think they know but just don't want to admit. Too much money exchanging hands for anyone in the system to speak up.

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Fascinating. Have you also considered that since the 1980s we are now on a 3rd generation of babies almost entirely formula fed on ultra-processed powder, and the massive consumption of seed oils?

Big Pharma and Big Food are of course 2 strings of the same bow.

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Plus the fact that V ingredients alter endogenous lipids and proteins to make them antigenic/inflammatory. That is the MOA of aluminum = extracellular extrusion of human DNA to create an inflammatory "adjuvant" reaction aka uncontrolled immune response to anything in the nearby environment

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It would be interesting to see other factors like the widespread use of Roundup, Soy Oil (usually coming from GMO soy), High Fructose Corn Syrup (usually coming from GMO corn), Processed sugar (usually coming from GMO sugar beets), and a whole plethora of other "FDA approved" garbage in our food included on a graph as well. Our food has also been pretty much pure poison since the 80's as well. Yet the ignorant continue to grab this crap off of store shelves without giving it a second thought. I believe it's been a perfect storm and these poisonous "vaccines" are just another part of it. It sounds conspiratorial, but it almost seems like all of these things combined were done on purpose specifically so we would not be able to point our fingers at just one thing. If that makes sense. Thanks as always Dr Huber.

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A growing hypothesis - damage from routine vaccination - revealed by the debacle of mRNA technology failure. Good to question but is there ongoing research into better methods of manufacture? On understanding the interactions in the body?

Certainly the public has become more aware of the hazards of the CoV vaccines and are now asking some serious questions about the routine ones as well. Wonder if our public health officials that we once trusted are aware of the consequences of them pretending to know when they really were unsure. Their refusal to admit error means many must leave their positions.

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Eyes popped out of head....my reaction to this mess. Stunning.

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In considering the C19 shot in 2021, I came to this probability via a different path. Since the injection causes the body to create a fake spike, and the immune system then fights it, then the body is fighting itself. This article exposes a more universal vaccine hazard, which few of us have escaped.

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Read your paper too.

Saving it all and printed it out.

Emailed to my doc and several friends.

Thank you!!!

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Thank you, Dr. Huber.

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They have used hacksxxxines to kill. More proof here. Thanks

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This is a very succinct and simple explanation. Thank you.

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They will dismiss it by applying a label "antivaxxer" to it.

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