What an eye opening book with abundance of references! It is the correction for the blunders of the past two years of public health policy. It should be required reading for everyone in health care and especially public health officials. It’s a great read for everyone who has lived in fear through the past two years. We have been misled and Dr Huber’s book Neither Safe Nor Effective really documents it.

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Thank you so much.

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"It is the correction for the blunders of the past two years of public health policy"

No blunders involved. Only corruption.

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...especially required reading for all the close-minded mainstream media/institutionalized medicine robots, too!

On second thought, not too sure it would do any good. I've found those who have not by now enlightened themselves, have built an impenetrable cocoon around themselves. I don't know how much fact they are capable of assimilating, given their ironclad bias-confirmation filters.

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How to overcome the irrationality of PCR testing or proof of vaccination for some activities? I have sent emails with vaccine adverse reactions to a big yawn. I write saying the CDC has recanted on the matter -to great indifference. To me as a matter of fact the requirements are not necessary. I can live without institutions and activities. My wife cannot. She is 80. The pressure to submit and obey is very crushing.

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"Crushing" strikes me as le mot juste for the immense social pressure imposed on those who have not yet conformed. As you say, some of us maintain our resilience in the face of tyranny, while that tyranny is overwhelming for others. I hope your wife will be inspired by your resilience, our heritage of liberty, our Constitution, and countless other Americans and people throughout the world who value freedom more than conformity.

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

I face the same insanity in my town here in California. The hospitals and clinics have absolutely no reason to still be requiring masks and testing before medical procedures. It's absolutely mind numbing.

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I don't think the hospitals do that voluntarily. It's a state government requirement. The administrators don't resist because they support the (dem) government, but they also don't want their licenses pulled. Compliance is very profitable.

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Aug 18, 2022·edited Aug 18, 2022

I have come to the conclusion that we are experiencing a stealthy attack and that our foundational understanding of reality has been manipulated for decades.

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

I’d just like to follow up on a comment made months prior.

I live in Cambridge MA. Throughout my neighborhood shadowing Harvard, we have many “take a book, leave a book” stands in front of peoples homes.

I’ve purchased several copies of your books from Amazon as well as other informative books on this subject and left them throughout the city.

I’m happy to report that the books have finally been getting returned, not stolen or damaged. I’ve even seen a copy of your latest in a Arlington “take a book, leave a book” stand.

You’re doing excellent work and folks are taking notice.

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Thank you! If my books save some lives and wellbeing, they will have achieved their purpose. I also drop off one of each when I see such stands.

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Aug 18, 2022·edited Aug 18, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Everyone knows the Narrative is false; there's no one left with ears to hear. All others do not care. They're in a separate reality box far far away.

They've been dosed with the mass formation and more. That More is what's important. Two months of consistent Narrative messaging structurally changed their brains as detailed by psychological studies on propaganda science. Which worked especially well due to consistent censoring of the alt-Narrative. People have also been programmed to disparage those who continue to raise questions. This is a new form of disbelief where people actively shout you down and turn you off.

Yet we are still clueless. We anti-Narrative types who took the red pill are still inside a very big blue pill - just like the Narrative believers. The Narrative is misdirection, not the main event.

Much more is happening.

Could these guys be telling the truth?? If so your mind will explode - but the many covid anomalies will make sense. Try not to revert to denial comprised of unexamined assumptions, plausible misrepresentations, blatant distortions, systematic omissions, and downright lies - like the Narrative believers.

Start at minute 40.


What about this guy?


Or here!


Is the Narrative a tip of an iceberg?

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I hear your frustration with those deep in denial. When I meet someone like this, I'll say something like: 'So we know that hundreds of studies show the vaccines to be dangerous and ineffective. Which of those studies do you disagree with and why?'

Yes, it leaves them apoplectic, but also perhaps hesitant to get the next booster. In fact, I would go so far as to say that similar conversations around the world are the main factor that drove booster uptake so low, and then toddler / parent uptake down to only 4% in the US.

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Aug 21, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Aw gosh Doc, I wish I had read that response earlier tonight, I could have used it in a conversation I had about the " vaxx" with some blue pilled friends. Oh well, I'll try to remember it for the next opportunity! Thanks for the Ammo!

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Absolutely. I’ve successfully dissuaded several friends and my wife and mother in law from “boosting” with presentstion like that!! It is very powerful to just ask the questions!!

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Just watched the Tony Rodrigues interview, not the first time I have heard of some of this stuff. Makes me wonder about one of my older friends experiences more. Would not be at all surprised if what he has memories for is really what is going on and all the other theatre here in earth is a distraction and in some ways a preparation for another much larger event or reveal. My whole life I’ve always maintained that it makes much more sense that the universe is just full of life and we are all competing for power/resources. Interesting times. Thanks for sharing the links. 🛸🪐👽

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Aug 18, 2022·edited Aug 18, 2022

I have no idea what's up but things are getting very strange. It is logical to believe in Aliens with no leap of faith needed. Once one accepts that, then Alien Ai is a natural follow on as are the ramifications. All things become possible. Probabilities, possibilities, and priorities get reconfigured. Considering the Covid thing without an Alien influence is like thinking with one arm tied behind your back.

We've now had 75 years of UFO visits. Throw out the weather balloons and the swamp gas and you're left with 3000 sightings by reputable civilian, military, and scientific individuals who go on the record and destroy their reputations and careers and families without getting paid - sightings that are multimodal: visual, photos, movies, radar, infrared, residual radiation, broken branches, burn marks - plus tens of thousands of abductees with consistent stories and often with inexplicable bruises, scars, and trauma. Additionally, on June 25th, 2021, the US government stated that UFOs are real and they're not us.

Here's the logic: 1) UFOs are real, see above. 2) They were designed, built, and piloted by non-humans. 3) Therefore, outer space aliens are real - and they are here now.

Likely we have our own reverse-engineered UFOs, too.

The only question left is, "What do they want?" Once you expand your mind then you need to re-evaluate Covid from the new perspective. David Jacobs, abductee researcher, stated in an interview from a number of years ago (before the WEF) that an abductee told him that an Alien stated, (telepathically) "Soon everyone will know their place and everyone will be happy." This reminded me of Klaus Schwab's more recent statement.

The comprehensive and steroidal roll-out of medical totalitarianism looks like the work of an algorithm. It seems far beyond human planning capability.

People have speculated the Aliens want resources; water, mineral, and biological. Bio resources take a long time to evolve. Blood, plasma, and cellulose are valuable, not to mention soft robots.

The cattle mutilations seem unexplainable. On Wikipedia they mention that the cattle are drained of blood without a drop spilled and there are tens of thousands of them.

Tony says we all will see Gray Aliens in about five years. A lot of people will be surprised. Aliens seem plausible. I don't think we can continue to go in circles about Covid without a new perspective. Doing so means we've missed the relevant red pill.

I have no idea if any of this is true. FBI agents and Police and Parents with kids cannot tell if their person is lying no better than 50/50. Some people are unusually good at lying and spinning a tale especially if they've gone over it 200 times is various interviews. Remembering detail from 20 years ago does the opposite of giving credibility.

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Well I have also seen UFO’s close to an Air Force base, so did my sister. They were completely silent, flew just over the line trees, were rounds discs with green lights. Also have had lots of out of body experiences that felt like I was being pulled out of my body by force, I had to fight it and basically tell the entity pulling on me to fuck off...many many times as a kid and teen..so much so that I wanted a priest to come bless our house....and I grew up Baptist. So yes, there is a lot of spooky stuff that goes on, it only makes sense that the military is in on it. We must protect ourselves physically, emotionally and psychically. I think whoever they are, human or non human they want power and we must fight for our own sovereignty.

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

I look forward to reading it! Thank you for all the blood, sweat, and tears in writing it.

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Sorry to say, the tyrants, including the biden regime, who are practicing medicine without a license, provably do not mean well. Ditto masks, which, physically are ineffective against viruses because of huge hole size compared to a virus - even with moisture. The tyrants have an un-nice agenda.

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Masks can capture viral particles even though the 0.125 micron size is smaller than mask pores (0.3 microns), due to Brownian motion. This was detailed by a NASA study. Nevertheless, for whatever reasons, masks do not work. No well designed study has found any significant difference - and they would have found something if it were there.

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If I through darts at a chain link fence some will be blocked, so what? More will get through. If I am not sick I will not be throwing darts so why mask? Oh yeah the asymptomatic spread myth. Mask is only necessary for the girl at the checkout counter that comes to work with a high fever and diarrhea with bloodshot eyes and heavy nasal congestion. Same for the guys behind the counter at fast food restaurants or how about everyone that prepares food at any restaurant that comes in severely Ill because they need the money? There’s your mask argument. How about all companies giving legitimate sick time off for their good workers?

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

I'd prefer no masks, let it spread. Viruses are how we upgrade our software. Oldsters can be sheltered per the Great Barrington Declaration. If you get it, just dose with early treatment, just like a cold. Total deaths would be way down and it would be over forever. Instead media ginned up fear and gave us Pharma tyranny forever.

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Aug 18, 2022·edited Aug 18, 2022Author

That's a concise summary of the last 2.5 years - what should have happened vs what happened.

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Definitely no masks. I would be considered an oldster but haven’t been really sick since the early 70’s. Never wore mask except on Halloween. I think my secret is abstaining from doctors. If they can’t diagnose you, they can’t legally kill you.

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Yep, I also could be considered an oldster - ditto, I've never been sick, even though I've refused all flu shots and other "vaccines." In contrast, I have a nurse friend that gets flu vax due to job mandates, and she typically gets flu like symptoms more than once a year. She's not the only one... as I can't think of any flu shot junkies that don't get the flu from time to time.

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Viruses typically have sizes that are from 0.1 nanometers (nm) (0.0001 micron) to 10 nm. 0.125 microns is 125 nm. i.e. the size of the holes, even in N95s or KN95s is such that, shoulder-to-shoulder, hundreds of viruses can pass through each hole, not touching the edge of the holes. This seems particularly true with coronaviruses.

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

The Epoch Times. Nice job!!

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Great work.

Reminds me of the decades of effort by RFK and Mercola trying to expose the deficits of the no-liability American vaccine program and the damning Real Anthony Fauci book.

Kudos to you for being one of the voices of reason.

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Excellent book. In a fair evaluation, it would be overwhelmingly convincing. Unfortunately we won't get a fair evaluation. This is not a rational debate about facts, it's a religious war.

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I agree that it's a religious war, but a strange one. The side that is as certain and imperious in its position as the Inquisition, trying to force its consecrated liquids in superstitious sacrament injections on everyone, cannot see that they are essentially religious inquisitors.

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All wars are strange. The oppressors always feel justified and the oppressed always feel righteous. Conflict is our nature, so we need to perform it well to survive. The most important skill is recognizing the war. Most people are unaware of this one.

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Thank you! Ordering now.

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Thank you, Dr. Huber.

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