Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Why would any "smart" person take a novel, untested gene therapy developed at warp speed by a drug company that is a repeat criminal felon, and that is recommended by a billionaire psychopath whose goal is depopulation? Calling a bioweapon a "vaccine" does not make it safe.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

There is a big difference between “book smart” and “street smart”. My father-in-law called the former “dumb PHD’s”. He meant those who had become educated but remained unaccomplished, who might be able to talk about early 18th century literature but kept their eyes glued to CNN and The NY Times for their mainstream news. My guess is that many of the vaxx takers are these type of “highly educated” lemmings.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

I rejected for many reasons but the number one reason was I thought it would kill me. This was based on a previous flu shot that landed me unable to walk for several weeks, being told that adverse reaction was COVID, and not seeing anything than a normal flu season with the same symptoms being called COVID...I'm not sure that makes me smart, I just connected some dots.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Let’s coin a new term “adaptive intelligence.” If you got the covid shots, you failed yourself and perhaps self-exterminated. Your Stanford-Binet IQ will look nice on your gravestone☠️

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Smart to reject; we all need to take personal responsibility for our lives and care for our health with proper nutrition, exercise, and faith in God!! Forget about all this big Pharma Garbage. If you go to the grocery store potato chip/snack aisle, it goes on forever here in the U.S., as well as all the processed food loaded with chemicals; my wife is from Italy, and the snack aisle is no bigger than my desk (3 ft wide)!! We have become a pathetic nation of many complainers and have had it easy for many years!

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Good points. I think "a drive for conformity" explains much of the "success" of vaccine roll-outs. The corollary of this is that people have a deep fear of being culled from the social or business herd. Fear is actually the most powerful motivator. So our rulers (intentionally) exploit the fear that you will be kicked out of your group - or punished by your group - if you do NOT comply. Everyone intuitively understands this. The social and psychological consequences for not complying are significant.

Even the "brilliant" Ivy League students and faculty (all with high IQs) are smart enough to grasp this most-important lesson.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

I’m one of the very high IQ people who rejected the shot immediately, based on logic and the obvious problems with the mRNA vaccine design. Why did so many well educated people flock to have it? Many with education in health and sciences (except for the brightest ones and independent thinkers) were too wedded to vaccine ideology. Many others with degrees in the humanities and social sciences may be, I’ve come to believe, illiterate in biology, medicine and science. They could not grasp the technology, the nature of vaccines, or how our bodies work (with a complexity we can barely grasp). We need better education and medical literacy.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

I don't care how high their IQ, how advanced their degrees, or what kind of prestigious accomplishments they have had. It was very clear that caution and waiting was warranted, and those who chose not to be guinea pigs and listened to those like Dr Huber expressing deep concern turned out to have made the smartest choice of all, even if it meant being subjected to mentally brutal forms of coercion. Given all the findings since then, most of which were evident from the start when Hank Aaron took the jab to reassure others, then freaking died out of the blue two days later, those who used caution and listened to more than just the noise about getting "vaccinated" rattling non-stop out of their television sets were vindicated. Those burying their heads in denial, refusing to consider anything other than the over-hyped narrative, and now still dutifully rolling up their sleeves for an absurdly ineffective and horribly dangerous shot - and bragging about it - have defined a new level of STUPID for the world to behold.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

"if we examine the drive for conformity to rules and social expectations, then the Swedish results make more sense." - I recall writing to the LT. Governor of Hawaii in 2020 about Sweden. I had written a paper about Sweden and their response to covid, which was the opposite of all the other developed nations - they followed the 2019 WHO ( A criminal organization if there ever was one ) guidelines - no lockdowns, no masks and no "social" distancing - all children in school full time. The Lt .governor said I was wrong and the only answer was "vaccines". Sweden ignored their own success. mRNA is complete trash - look at Kevin McKernan's work at identifying plasmid DNA contamination in the shots. Read Walter Chesnut's Substack about the toxic spike protein. Covid is a business model - it has nothing to do with health. Hawaii was INSANE about the covid "rules". We moved to Florida in early 2021.

If you read this study in April 2020, as I did, would you EVER wear a mask?


If you read this analysis that states that the gene-therapy transfection shots have murdered 17+ million innocent people, who you EVER get an mRNA shot? ( It is NOT a vaccine. )


But it won a Nobel Prize! Right??


Read and understand. There was NO pandemic. Covid is the greatest crime in history. (Note: Amazon has just BANNED Dr. Peter McCullough's best-selling book "The Courage To Face Covid-19" - yesterday!

The real reason this is taking place and people are arguing about who is more intelligent, etc., is because they do not see it yet. It's the great controversy between Christ and Satan. Peter McCullough sees it:


Do you see it yet?? Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. Peace.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

that multiple choice question says it all. you want to please the examinator. if you answer the real right, you will fail the test !

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 12, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

People smart or not took the vax back then because they still trusted the government, and IQ is associated with many confounders, including a lack of intelligence. Also, smart people make mistakes.

Smart people are kinda dumb, with abnormally less common sense and practical life experience. Since they studied books when others were in the world experientially learning, they have intellectual deficits.

I'd also say they can be more easily programmed by consistent messaging because they're used to educational programming where giving the right answer may not be the correct answer. MDs have an average IQ of 125 but are as thoroughly programmed as a Marine, and by much the same well-honed methodology. What smart people gain from their years reading technical books they necessarily lose in generalized everyday experience. They're not as smart as they think.

Special interests spend more time targeting the smart and pay them well to keep them in line, hence Twain's: “It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.”

The standard model of intelligence describes advantages in processing speed, executive decision-making, conceptual abstraction, memory, and complex problem-solving - but is more better? Or is intelligence an inverted U-curve that peaks around 140? Consider the IQ numbers on the x-axis with intelligence minus common sense on the y-axis. If you don't know the speed of light or how to build an A-bomb, are you missing much?

Higher IQ types will solve complex problems but what if there are a number of valid solutions all considered optimal under various criteria? What if we don't want some problems solved?

Overthinking can return a mostly correct but non-optimal answer. What if the smart person defers to smart experts - is that smart? What if truth is jiggered by special interests to be the truth best for them? Can a truth be best for smart people but not universally true? Smartness is not always smart just as science now is often not proper science. Smart people make mistakes they never know about. Consider all those RCTs that can't be replicated. Consider the problem with p-values. What about when consensus (unexamined assumptions) replaces evidence?

I'd guess smart people were more likely to get vaxxed because they made a wrong decision (increasing their covid propensity by 6% and they now have a higher rate of adverse events with a damaged immune system) based on information commonly available at the time and pushed by social acceptability, which is an intellectual shortcut (because they believed ten heads are better than one), and because they trusted government and the experts.

So the smart made the mistake of being dumb by deferring to the less smart.

Regarding social acceptability, their error was believing ten heads are better than one. Many still think that. They fail to realize that "just follow the crowd" problem-solving approach only works in a simple society with simple problems - not with complexity. Times have changed. In a complex situation you ignore the ten heads, which as the majority are defined as average, and go with the one smart guy in the room.

The average person now has a below-average IQ - they've not been able to keep up with complexity. (This is why democracy does not work) Furthermore, those collective ten heads comprising the majority get their science from the media, which programs for a 7th-grade comprehension level.

As for trusting the government, we were all naïve back then and the situation was too complex, with missing data, for anyone. That won't happen again. They'd get different results if they replicated the study.

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My answer now is. Yes. d, but worse, hackxxxxines , boosters, needlerape torture is actually the terror of depopulation, we now know, because, remember, ScKamala told us so .

Of course she later claimed to have meant to have said pollution, which sounds something like depopulation.

But she didn't claim to want to be saying.


Because she is smart enough to know that everything she herself says is a lie, and we all know it.

Too bad you aren't the second in command ....oh welll

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

I totally agree about the +130 IQ reference. I like to call it “deep thinking”. I smelled a rat within one hour of the killer vaccine nonsense.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

As you clearly point out these "researchers" were willing to fool themselves as were the mildly intelligent among us but the highly intelligent, and the below average intelligence people who also refused the jabs in large numbers, know that you can't fool reality ....... ever.

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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

First thing to consider is who made the study and why.

"We examine the relationship between cognitive ability and prompt COVID-19 vaccination using individual-level data on more than 700,000 individuals in Sweden. We find a strong positive association between cognitive ability and swift vaccination, which remains even after controlling for confounding variables with a twin-design. The results suggest that the complexity of the vaccination decision may make it difficult for individuals with lower cognitive abilities to understand the benefits of vaccination. Consistent with this, we show that simplifying the vaccination decision through pre-booked vaccination appointments alleviates almost all of the inequality in vaccination behavior."

1 This study is suspect because it seems the author is making a case that people with "lower" IQ have difficult making complex decisions and therefore need "help" to make the right decision. Maybe this study was financed by the World Economic Forum and the authors are drug pushers. The gullibility of just taking some persons word for something is the whole point here isn't it.

2 People who are young and in the military may lack real world experience in spite of their intelligence. Having been born with above average intelligence and developed common sense finally after many years of hardcore headbanging I'll say common sense is very highly rated both in terms of success and survivability. Warren Buffett on intelligence and emotional maturity:

"... legendary billionaire investor Warren Buffett says that investors with IQ over 150 may be better off selling 30 points away. “If you have a 150 IQ, sell 30 points to someone else. You need to be smart, but not a genius,” Warren Buffett is often quoted as saying. In fact, Warren Buffett places more emphasis on rationality and emotional stability. “Investing is not a game where the guy with the 160 IQ beats the guy with a 130 IQ. Rationality is essential,” says the Oracle of Omaha. In the preface to the ‘Intelligent Investor’ penned by his mentor Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffett notes, “To invest successfully does not require a stratospheric IQ, unusual business insights, or inside information. What’s needed is a sound intellectual framework for making decisions and the ability to keep emotions from corroding the framework.”

Sir Isaac Newton after initially making money investing in a South Seas venture, sold his shares at a profit and then swept along my the enthusiasm of those who were continuing to buy again bought shares in the same company and incurred a substantail loss when the value dropped. After his great loss he exclaimed, “I can calculate the motions of the heavenly bodies, but not the madness of the people.”

3 People who are told they are intelligent and perceive themselves as intelligent could be more susceptible to lies from people they perceive to be intelligent and authoritative as they would like to perceive themselves to be. Nobody likes to perceive the world as a mine field, but in fact knowing the things that can hurt you is more important than believing the things that make you feel good so it's more important to be humble regardless of your intelligence, position or power and realize the world is based on avarice, greed and psychopathology. Conclusion, you should never or rarely trust anyone or their studies, but do your own independent investigation. Common sense could ultimately be more important than high intelligence.

4 Some peoples intelligence is highly specialized. Further proof of this is shown by the facts that Pfizer has been convicted multiple times of fraud and assessed billion dollar penalties. Many people have been killed and disabled all over the world by vaccines, people with good general intelligence should know this but highly specialized people with high intelligence may not be aware of the implications of fact patterns outside their field.

I suspect the results of the study and the motives. There are many character and personality traits that are just as important in addition to intelligence which I believe is highly important but generally more useful in conjunction with a constellation of other emotional and social skills. People should make their own medical decisions and realize they are just a quanitifiable "market" to psychopathological pharma executives and agencies of government.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Having worked with my share of campaigns we always factor in the be a good person bias in polls. Campaigns to raise taxes for a proclaimed community good always poll much higher than the actual results. Overestimating support by about 8-15%. A lot of people don't want to sound selfish. But look in their wallet in the private voting booth. Sames.

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