Back-Up for ‘Died Suddenly’
6 months ago, and working independently, I cited 300+ studies that back up the assertions made in the documentary ‘Died Suddenly’. Now that it's under attack, here is the gist of that back-up.
[I added a postscript to the end of this article on Dec 11, 2022.]
Stew Peters’ new documentary is a blockbuster with over nine million views at this writing. Many assertions about the COVID vaccines are made throughout the documentary, which the video format does not feasibly allow for further documentation. But my book Neither Safe Nor Effective (herein NSNE) does cite evidence from the peer-reviewed published medical literature that does support nearly the entire documentary. My book doesn’t have the fascinating interviews with embalmers that Peters has videotaped, but each of their assertions are well-grounded in clinical and epidemiological data since the COVID vaccine rollout, as you can see through the rest of this article, and discussed further after the list of citations.
Below, I cite timestamps (for the start of each quote) from the Died Suddenly documentary together with where you can find back-up for those quotes in my book, as well as at other sources.
0:07: News announcer: “US life insurance companies have reported an overwhelming and unexplainable increase in all-cause deaths among 18 to 49-year olds.” KUSI News, San Diego.
0:26: Richard Hirschman, Trade Embalmer: “I first started seeing these strange anomalies in the blood. It’s just there’s something different about the blood. All of these people that were dying . . . they were having this unique change in the blood.” NSNE Chapters 6 and 7; Endnotes 226-282. See endnote 279 for example.
2:33: Newscasters reporting sudden, unexpected deaths of youth: NSNE p 33, 35, 55-56; Endnotes 67-68, 71, 144-147.
5:46: Yes, Bill Gates really said in a TED Talk in 2010, “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” Even Reuters, which is unknown to venture a critical word against Bill Gates, acknowledge the same here.
7:55: Chad Whisnat, Funeral Director: “Athletes have just dropped dead, without explanation. . . . It’s never happened like this, until now.” NSNE Chapter 5. Endnotes 219-225.
13:14: Wallace Hooker, Embalmer: “There were 100 embalmers at the Ohio Embalmers Association. In my lecture, I posted these photos up where people could see them, and nearly all of the embalmers out of one hundred in this room raised their hands that they had seen clots and fibrin structures of that kind and the size, and when I ask again, when did they start seeing . . . and it’s that 16 to 18-month period.” NSNE p. 63; Endnotes 167-175.
14:58: Richard Hirschman, Trade Embalmer: “When I asked … about microclots, it looks like the blood is dirty . . . The reason he’s more concerned about that, is that they can go undetected, and they can get lodged up in capillaries, and end up slowly starving organs of the oxygen that they need.” NSNE Chapters 6 and 7; Endnotes 226-282. See endnote 279 for example.
17:44: News announcer: “Scientists say there has been . . . a sharp rise in unexplained deaths during the pandemic, deaths that are not listed as COVID-related.” NSNE Chapters 1, 2 and 3; Endnotes 1-208.
21:50: Lt. Col. Dr. Theresa Long: “In my fifteen years as a doctor taking care of soldiers, I have never seen this litany of debilitating and potentially deadly medical conditions in soldiers. These conditions included strokes, transient ischemic attacks, pericarditis & myocarditis, erratic heart rates, arrhythmias, rapid onset cancer, including testicular cancer, esophageal cancer, brain tumors, neuroendocrine tumors, spinal tumors, thyroid dysfunction, multiple sclerosis, cognitive impairment, persistent severe insomnia, suppression of immune system, unprovoked blood clots in the splenic and portal veins, avascular necrosis, liver dysfunction, menstrual irregularities and miscarriages. . . . “ NSNE Chapters 1, 2 and 3; Endnotes 1-208, with particular attention to Pfizer’s confession of observation of all of the above and over a thousand adverse reactions to their COVID vaccine. NSNE p. 40, Endnotes 83-85.
25:38: Thomas Renz, Esq.: “Under penalty of perjury . . .We saw miscarriages, for example, increase by 300% over the five year average almost . . .” In this article, I show that this has been happening in multiple heavily vaccinated countries.
34:19: Steve Kirsch, Substack journalist: “The vaccine killed more people than the placebo group; it’s supposed to be the other way around.” NSNE Chapter 2; Endnotes 84-86, 96-99.
43:03: Steve Kirsch: “Now she [CDC official Grace Lee MD, who is on ACIP vaccine approval committee] has made it very clear that she’s actively avoiding the question of whether she wants to see the Israeli data that shows the vaccines are not safe.” NSNE 15, 37-38, 62; Endnotes 6, 173.
43:52: J Small, Pfizer: “Did we know about it stopping transmission before it got sent to the market? No.” NSNE p 15, Endnote 5 and a follow-up article here.
44:36: Steve Kirsch: “There are about 14,000 Americans who have reported deaths.” [several months ago, from the COVID vaccines.] NSNE, pp 41, 60-61, 73; Endnotes 87, 88, 170, 171.
59:16: Kim Iverson, Journalist: “On March 1st, the FDA released the first round of thousands of pages of data submitted by Pfizer for full review of their COVID-19 vaccine.” NSNE pp 42-43; Endnotes 95-98.
59: 32: Lt. Col. Dr. Theresa Long: “83% of all women who got vaccinated ended up with a dead baby.” I discuss this immense tragedy in this article, and in this article.
103:30: Lt. Col. Dr. Theresa Long: “It is my professional medical opinion that this is a bioweapon, and that this was a bioweapon unleashed against humanity . . .” NSNE Chapter 1, Endnotes 1-55.
Died Suddenly features interviews with embalmers, funeral directors and medical professionals discussing their new findings of long rubbery amyloid formations in the cadavers of the COVID vaccinated. None of them had ever seen these clots prior to 2021. Embalmer Richard Hirschman, quoted in the documentary, calls them “white fibrous structures.” All of the embalmers interviewed agree that these are not properly clots, in that the largest ones are not composed of coagulated whole blood. Rather, they are branching formations of amyloid protein, which has especially dense formation, due to their molecular structure consisting of tightly packed beta sheets.
In order to picture that, imagine the high density of neatly folded linens in the closet compared to the low density of loosely piled linens in the laundry. The molecules comprising the amyloid sheets in these fibrous clots resemble the former. So they are found to have high tensile strength and rubbery texture. Their obstructive effect is similar to that of blood clots, as the amyloid structures have the same, but more extensive, vascular-blocking effect.
Funeral Director John O’Looney says (at 49:50): “They [the amyloid formations] take the shape of the vessels that they are growing in totally, and they gradually fill the vessels as they grow.” This accounts for the branching structure of these objects.
Peters’ footage of branching clots is instructive in that the branching shows that the amyloid clots are so extensive that they follow the attenuating branches to ever smaller arterioles, and then (not visibly) on to capillaries throughout the wedge of human flesh that those vessels had formerly perfused in free-flowing normal healthy circulation. You can see this branching to some extent near the top of the large amyloid on the documentary’s cover photo here, and in numerous other photos throughout the one-hour documentary:

That branching can be seen better beginning at timestamp 14:24 and 14:33.
Unfortunately Stew Peters’ documentary is now being attacked for inaccuracy. I would challenge the author of this unsubstantiated smear piece to a debate on the data, but he censors comments from all except his paid subscribers. Still if someone lets that writer know, I will be happy to have him challenge me regarding the hundreds of peer-reviewed medical studies and epidemiology data from governments around the world that I (independently and unknowingly at the time) cited above in support of this very informative and urgent documentary, Died Suddenly, even six months prior to learning about it.
So which of those studies do the critics disagree with and why?
Please also let any other skeptics know of the above back-up medical studies, government epidemiological reports and news reports as needed, especially when trying to prevent people from having themselves injected with a proven cardiotoxic substance.
Postscript, Dec 11, 2022:
Let’s consider the most common of the Died Suddenly critics’ arguments:
Most seem embarrassed that a filmmaker who agrees with them that the COVID vaccines correlate with clots also have other points of view that may differ. For example, there is much complaining that a grainy Bigfoot clip and similar fictional video clips are included toward the beginning of the one-hour documentary.
I think many who saw Died Suddenly understood that Stew Peters was showing examples of common myths over the last century that too many people have taken as truth, simply because authoritative and charismatic voices alleged, and sometimes bellowed in chorus, that those myths were true and should be believed. Peters showed a few examples of a number of such debunked and debunkable myths. It seems to me that Peters illustrated PT Barnum’s claim that a sucker is born every minute. This helps to establish the gullibility with which people rolled up the sleeve for an experimental shot that had killed the test animals, and had been disastrous when earlier prototypes were used in humans. I had written about that here in February 2021, before most Americans received any COVID vaccines. But Twitter had permanently suspended my account two days earlier, taking 20,100 followers to zero, and thereby effectively stomped out my ability to warn people about these dangerous vaccines. Unfortunately, I had promised that upcoming article to a Twitter follower in a reply tweet, which likely rang the alert bell to the Hitler’s Youth in charge of censorship at Twitter.
Second, the critics’ main argument against Died Suddenly is their allegation that an athlete who collapsed could not have received the COVID vaccines, because his collapse was several days before the formal rollout of the Pfizer vaccines in the US. First, do we know that nobody received those vaccines prior to the December 14, 2020 rollout? Second, the athlete’s collapse occurred several months after the Pfizer clinical trials commenced in July 2020. Over 90% of the trial participants had received two injections by the previous month. Those trials had recruited young, healthy volunteers. Do the critics know for a fact that this particular athlete was not part of those trials? Have they interviewed him? Or was it easier to just call Stew Peters a liar, and hope others wouldn’t care enough to ask for proof? It is important to remember the vanishingly rare collapse of athletes during any sports event prior to these vaccines. The only one many of us who had discussed this in another Substack discussion could remember was figure skater Sergei Grinkov in 1995.
Aside from that, the critics offered nothing of substance that I could see, but liberally sprinkled the words “misleading,” “false” and “disinformation” through their comments. Correct me, please, if any of Peters’ detractors gave any verifiable and sourced proof that Stew Peters lied about any specific item, and where that proof is to be found.
The following frivolity is not worth my readers’ time, and should not clutter your inboxes, but for the record, I put it here:
Another Substack writer, Mathew Crawford, said in two of his articles that he invites me to debate regarding the ‘Died Suddenly’ documentary this Tuesday midday, 1:00 pm EST = 11 am here in Arizona. However, he did not directly invite me, even though I am probably among the most findable Substack writers, as Google will readily tell you my office address, e-mail and phone. Nor did he invite me by reply to this article. Rather, I later learned of Crawford’s “invitation” through a mutual reader, less than a week ahead of the scheduled debate, because Crawford has announced this debate at least twice in his Substack articles.
Crawford is yet another writer who only allows comments from his paid subscribers, so I couldn’t reply directly to his article. But he seeks debate? Hmm, okay.
Crawford listed his e-mail in the article, so I wrote to thank him for the invitation, and explained that my clinic schedule is already full that day with patient appointments. He wrote back that I should take that time to debate anyway. I wrote back: “Again, as a practicing physician, I necessarily prioritize my patients' already booked appointments, and their flights to get here, over other events. Most of them have cancer of various stages, and it would be unreasonable to do otherwise. “
So it got left at that, I suppose, and for the record, that is why I cannot participate in that debate, as I let Mathew Crawford know in two e-mails.
Thank you! I have seen the documentary & read the smears from “our” side.
Your notes are appreciated.
You were on the top of the worst injustice to mankind from day one.