Thank you! I have seen the documentary & read the smears from “our” side.

Your notes are appreciated.

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The smears are useful pointers to who may be who.

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You were on the top of the worst injustice to mankind from day one.

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Thank you, Rick, and I remember that you have been also.

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Yes. But I was making my decisions on instincts and my past knowledge of the dangerous AIDS management by Fauci and Gates’ madman mentality. Gates was angry when he was sued and lost antitrust suit in 1997 as Gates tried to monopolize computer software applications. Gates is a control freak.

You, in contrast, have medical knowledge that validated my beliefs and I’m glad we did those podcast episodes.

You helped my wife see the light when we met at your office about this time last year.

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Dr. Huber A hero, and you are too Mr. Nappier. Anyone who fought deathcult is huge in my book.

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Thanks for comment. I appreciate.

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I'm a big fan of your writing. I'm also a fan of Dr. Malone.

I think you misunderstood his point. There are lots of accurate and powerful claims in the movie Died Suddenly. The blood clot evidence is especially powerful and unarguable.

Unfortunately there are also claims which are not proven by the evidence. Evidently this includes videos of people who didn't actually die (just collapsed) or who hadn't been vaccinated.

The problem is that any inclusion of a claim which cannot be proven allows the whole movie to dismissed as junk by the powers that be even though it may be wrong on only one claim out of 100. Malone says in his post, and I agree, the movie would be much more powerful if only the provable claims were included. Edit out the unproven claims and videos of victims that aren't known to have been vaccinated. A shorter movie would be easier to get someone to watch anyway.

I had wanted to use it to convince other people about the problems with the clot shots. Unfortunately I can't because as soon as they find out one of the claims is false they'll dismiss it outright and my credibility will be damaged.

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I appreciate that concern. I understood as the footage of collapses occurred that not all had necessarily died. Was that explicitly said? Caveats need not always be declared unless a specific false statement or implication is made. I would like to see evidence that one of those who collapsed had not been vaccinated. It is too easy for Malone to make the unsubstantiated claims that he did. His argument would have been stronger if he had shown exactly where a false statement was made.

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It would be important for me to know if any of the cadavers were unvaccinated. My suspicion is that not only the injection, but the virus itself was a bioweapon.

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It wasn't stated in Stew's video, but elsewhere the embalmers have explained they didn't begin seeing the fibrous clots until AFTER the vaccine rollout began ~ and, to the best of their knowledge, they have not seen ANY such clots in the unvaccinated:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/d648a65bf7c4

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I think the vaxx was created first, then the Covid virus as an excuse to use the vaxxine, so yes, bioweapons.

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It is a big problem that we don't get to know the vaxx history or outcomes of their autopsies if they get one. The irony is the evil ones had no problem demanding to know our vaxx status.

All we can do is use common sense and translate. If they are young and drop, I have to assume it is vaxx related. The older folks are harder to distinguish, but I have to say it is a genius part of their evil plan because the elderly die, it is what they do. Question is, were they vaxx'd and did they die before their time? I think many have. Too many are dying in their 40's-60's range. That is not normal. Read church prayer requests, they can be mind blowing.

Before Covid I had a blood clot, two actually, one was doctor induced. I am still having lots of trouble w/the one leg that had the clot, and of course there is no idea of why. Since the vaxx come out I have had two ultrasounds post clot. The ultrasound techs very carefully professionally pry why I had the clot. I can read between their lines, and when I say no I have not had the vaxxine there is a big change in their bodies and faces. They know what is going on. Many had to get the vaxx to keep their jobs, they are doing their own private calculations, it has to be scary for them. Point being not every blood clot or heart problem is vaxxine related.

Same w/the mammo techs, they are looking for lymphoma and they outright ask if you have had the vaxx and immediately say "it is ok if you haven't, but we have seen an increase in lymph node swelling and we just want to check".

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Thank you, @Richard Cabot ~ You expressed my own feelings and concerns beautifully.

For those who are interested, specific issues with the video are detailed in several other Substack articles:

> https://colleenhuber.substack.com/p/back-up-for-died-suddenly/comment/10765049

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Not wanting to debate , but seems his attack seemed elitest and disdainful, for instance his comment about Peters being a bounty hunter. Having said that, it would be wise for Peters to edit documentable errors.

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Maybe the critics should up and read and learn.

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again:

When will people do historical research and find out that anytime you inject anything into your body, you’re on a highway to hell.

Never in the history of mankind has injecting poisons into your body given you better health.

Quite the opposite. They’ve maimed and killed. Read and learn the history of this barbaric act:

The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccinations https://a.co/d/cfvx9Q6

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History https://a.co/d/coVuit4

- George William Winterburn, PhD, MD, The Value of Vaccination: A Non-partisan Review of Its History and Results, 1886

- History and Pathology of Vaccination, Edgar R. Crookshank, 1889

- Charles Creighton, Jenner and Vaccination. A Strange Chapter of Medical History, 1889

We’ve known for well over 120 years the concept of vaccination is a fraud concept.

And the criminals that pose as our elected officials are in on the take and are raking in millions, and will NEVER stop the madness that is called vaccination.

If you’ve been jabbed then your death will be influenced by and/or directly caused by said jab.

People should quit thinking it’s coincidence. That’s propaganda talk.

And yet the populace of today (being dumbed down by design) have their heads buried in the sand and believe the corrupt media’s story of blaming these deaths on everything else under the sun except the obvious. What a pity.

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A pity, and a tragedy.

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This makes an excellent addendum to the video. Everyone who shares the video must absolutely include your research with it. Thank you so much!

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Is it not funny that the film is trashed for what they call errors, yet, we must stay home, wear masks, be separated by space and plastic sheeting, have our livelihoods destroyed, watch as our kids education is perverted and their childhoods stolen, stay away from our family members as they pass on, and the long long list of everything else they have forced us to do or not do despite the long list of inaccuracies, misinformation and out right lies they tell us. In short, one error from our defenders and they demand that our entire defense be thrown out. Uncountable lies from those who attacked and it’s. “Well, the data has changed.”, or “Yes but the rest is good.”, or the like.

Fauci them.

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We are in an era where people refuse to see the truth even when there is graphical and statistical evidence. Truly Orwellian Times.

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Wow thank thank for creating this incredible resource with time stamps

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Well said.

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Thank you, we need as much clarity from medical doctors as we can get - it's so frustrating seeing such a strong film that was reaching so many, undermined. (Muddied waters keeps the potential wakers confused.) Excellent references. Appreciate your work.

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Thank you Colleen.

Maybe Stew is not whiter than white.

Am I even allowed to say that any more?

But his documentary is hard hitting and MAY help to awaken people as to what has been done to them.

I am surprised at Robert Malone for jumping on the bandwagon, especially as the video shows information that the majority will not have seen or been aware of, despite Robert Malones claims to the contrary.

A few errors within the film do not in any way, take away from the terrible message it shows to the world.

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I thought it was pretty accurate. The critics aren't substantive (they object to a ufo in the opening montage, etc)

Someone made a nice art of the Tiannenmen Square resister updated for 2022 https://0x0.st/o0zT.png

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Anybody who prefers we be studious and methodical about the greatest mass murder in our lifetimes is either insane or is participating in the murder.

The critics have been rather vague and somewhat emotional. Has anyone evaluated the criticisms for directly rebuttable complaints and posted a response? Not that it will help them, but silence will be perceived as submission.

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Exactly. The critics should at the very least provide verifiable evidence of their criticisms, so that we can see if they are likely to be correct.

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Well, Mathew Crawford decided to waste a lot of his time on this, as if the Gutzkow inane hit job was not enough, never mind Malone. "Died Suddenly appears to be a success by the straightforward metric of views, but nearly every good researcher I've talked to takes issue with it, and for a variety of reasons."


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Several people have provided very specific critiques:

> https://colleenhuber.substack.com/p/back-up-for-died-suddenly/comment/10765049

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I read your book before the documentary appeared, but had been aware of Mr Hirschman since Jan 2022. Despite the never ending propaganda push, critical thinkers see that facts and studies brilliantly compiled and organized in NSNE thoroughly support the documentary. It is a hard fact - never before seen fibrous obstructions have formed inside the bodies of many people and are being discovered after these people die suddenly and unexpectedly. While coming to grips with what has taken place may be difficult and shocking to some, the greater question lingers....how many more of these obstructions are still forming, and how many of the injected will be affected? Will there become available tests or diagnoses to reveal who is affected? And can this horror in our bloodstreams be treated? Reversed? Removed? It seems that actual true science by necessity moves far more slowly than "warp speed", but well funded large scale research into this will not take place until the problem is openly acknowledged. No wonder Pfizer wanted another 75 years to gaslight the public on these deadly injections. I thank God every day I stood up to bullies trying to coerce the poison into my and family's bodies but I am worried about those who got jabbed, how many will we lose in the next several years?

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Celia, several doctors in OUR CAMP have now come out pointing out the inaccuracies in the video, including Malone and A Midwestern Doctor. The clots/amyloids aren't the problem, the woo woo conspiracy theory stuff is. The video can only hurt dissidents because it is so easy to pick holes in its foolish sensationalism.

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What woo poo stuff?

Bill Gates did say those things, so the meaning was inferred but not explicitly stated.

I suspect he was talking about vaccines saving children so that families would have less children, but then you see Gates with the population / global resources graph, that can only have one possible meaning.

Live birth rates have declined globally.

Death rates have increased globally.

The insurers have claimed a 40% increase in deaths of working age people.

Athletes have been dying at a vastly increased rate since the roll out.

The pathologists and undertakers have started finding clots that none of them have ever seen before.

There is a lot of great information in the film, so for some of "our" own side to dismiss the video for it's few missteps is a bit disingenuous.

A Midwestern Doctor gave a very fair and balanced critique of the film, unlike so many others, who leapt on the hit piece bandwagon..

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regarding Bill Gates, his statement about vaccines reducing population can only mean one thing, and here's why: if a family wants 4 children, but they have 8 because 4 of them are like to die (or die), they end up with 4 children. If they are certain, due to better health (from vaccines?) that they will NOT have 4 children die, then they might only have 4 children.... still ending up with 4 children. Not a population reduction. Just a death reduction, through better health. Which would, if anything, cause a population to increase.

No, Bill Gates actually said that population would decrease due to doing a really good job with vaccines -- this is either through causing sterility or through causing illness/death. Can't mean anything else. Unless he totally misspoke -- but then, in that case, since this is so widely quoted, why not state a correction?

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I fully agree.

If the vaccines were a success and their children did not die as usual, it would take several generations of people to adjust to the fact that they did not need to have extra children to ensure the survival of a few.

SO the global population would rise massively during that transition period.

It makes no sense.

But given the hysteria over Stew Peters film, I felt it better to be charitable to Mr Gates and allow the "permitted narrative" to be heard.

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I really don't mind if people disagree and want to state their criticism -- in fact, I like it. We've had far too much censorship and we need to get back to open and fair debate (many have forgotten what that is supposed to be like). Opinions. Free speech. Supporting arguments with evidence. Questioning the narrative.

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There could be critique without the ad hominem pile on. But Stew himself has been prone to insults if someone doesn't agree with him 100%. The Left doesn't give a damn about facts so criticisms bounce off their nareatives (e.g., safe and effective) like they were Teflon. On the thinking side we "take no prisoners" of our allies. Not a smart strategy.

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well, I believe it's complicated. It depends on how we frame what is happening. I think we are (obviously) at war. So, with that as my perspective, words and information are weapons. My perspective also is that while we are actually at war, there are a great many people who are unaware that this war is going on.... but everyone is affected by it.

What I'm getting at is that I am used to polite discourse yet at the same time I've never shied away from discussing controversial topics. I enjoy the debate very much, but not ad hominem (that destroys the fun of it). But, since my perspective is now that we are engaged in a war -- my purpose is no longer to "have fun" -- my purpose is to win. Or, if I am not a significant player, then I certainly cheer on my betters and I really want the good guys to win. Sometimes fighting gets ugly. I do and I don't have the stomach for it. I can take it if there is a good purpose to the "ugly." But under normal circumstances -- no. It's not cool, then.

I do think that some people need to be jolted from their unawareness. And I do wish some others would toughen up a bit and not be so easily offended, nor back down so quickly, nor accept degeneracy because they've been taught that tolerance is a good thing. It's all so very complicated, and different for each person.

Stew Peters currently performs a valuable role or function in this war. If the Left is on the attack and playing dirty, then there is no way to win by trying to play fair. It won't work.

What needs to happen is to wake up enough of the population that the Left's tactics won't work anymore. This IS happening. Stew Peters won't wake up everyone, but once you see, you can't unsee, so every person who wakes up "counts."

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Crispin Miller gets like that too. Drives me nuts.

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What a good point.

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Sensationalism is just another in a long list of words that has changed in meaning, it seems. Someone whose hair is actually on fire running around calling out, “Help! My hair is on fire!” Would be called a sensationalist. This in not a sensationalistic statement. Please recall that a TV news reporter (CNN?) standing in front of a fire set by rioters claimed it was a “mostly peaceful” demonstration.

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When the news is sensational, it sensationalizes itself.

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Sunfellow clipped the first part of "died suddenly", with the embalmers, to some interviews with Dr Ryan Cole. I love that Sunfellow did this, because then we can share this video with others and it doesn't have the depopulation agenda part that's harder for others to hear.


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Excellent! Thank you so much for sharing, @Nova123 ~ Genuinely appreciated.

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Thank you, Colleen, for taking time to provide this important documentation. These are valuable support resources for the items in the documentary that are accurate.

At the same time, the feedback shared in the following Substack posts provide what is to me a compelling critique of certain aspects of this documentary ~ and I would encourage everyone to review and consider various perspectives on this issue since ANY inaccuracies, misrepresentations and/or irrelevancies will reflect badly on the medical freedom movement about which we all care so deeply:

> https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/1755-a-personal-failure

> https://jackanapes.substack.com/p/died-suddenly-is-typical-trash-from

> https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/what-is-causing-the-died-suddenly

> https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/answering-the-critics-of-died-suddenly

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Thank you for these links. I enjoyed reading A Midwestern Doctor’s fascinating discussion of formation and composition of both typical blood clots and amyloid formations. But that microscopic view was almost entirely inapposite to the macroscopic findings of the embalmers.

Steve Kirsch had far more support for the film than opposition. (But memo to filmmakers: Don’t use footage that is unrelated to your theme, that – by fact of juxtaposition – may be assumed to be part of one event when it may not be.)

If people are going to critique something, they should be verifiably accurate in their critique.

Jackanapes is sloppy in his criticism. He writes: “footage from . . . Dec 2020 before the COVID vaccine rollout.” But the vaccines were first used in the US in December 2020. So then he needs to dig into specific dates. Yoho makes this same sloppy error by repetition. If you dispute that the collapse of a basketball player was related to the COVID vaccine due to chronology, show us your specific chronology. Yoho’s “Uh, yeah, what he said” critique is not impressive.

Jackanapes also says, “There WAS an increase in many different diagnoses, it was not nearly as large as those whistleblowers thought.” Again without supporting his assertion. He writes as if a vast increase in healthcare consults is unimportant, and that only an increase in healthcare patients is. Also, implying that military data showed low increase in morbidity - contradiction of Dr. Long's and other military doctors' direct experience - requires more substantiation of data on his part. His minimization of the that data is like saying a stone is smaller than previously thought, while ignoring the boulder in the room: Pfizer’s confession of over 158,000 distinct individual injuries and about 1500 distinct disease conditions, many of them life threatening and / or permanently disabling, found during the clinical trials of their COVID vaccine come from the court-ordered document release from Pfizer/FDA itself.

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Ultimate the movie brought mass attention, organized information, galvanized, brought criticism and refinements and consolidated a lot of thinkers who post here and elsewhere. It is glorious in that accomplishment.

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Thank you, Colleen, for your thoughtful and well considered feedback. I genuinely appreciate your specific remarks in response to issues raised in these articles ~ and I will be sure to reference your comment (above) when I share your article in my BeyondC19.org library.

In the meantime, I am aware Steve Kirsch's comments are generally positive, which is why I originally recommended considering "various perspectives" on the issues raised in the video.

I also appreciate your important memo to filmmakers:

> "Don’t use footage that is unrelated to your theme, that – by fact of juxtaposition – may be assumed to be part of one event when it may not be."

Unfortunately, much of the extraneous footage included in the video, while vitally important, may be significantly distracting for people who are still skeptical about the horrendous harms of the vaccines.

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This is not a beauty contest, and no one need worrying whether Stew Peters´ nose is powdered or not. His fly is certainly zipped up. You make the very unfortunate impression of what at other sites dealing with sensitive topics (notably, Ukraine) would be classified as concern trolling.

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You find the devils in the details.

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"25:38: Thomas Renz, Esq.: “Under penalty of perjury . . .We saw miscarriages, for example, increase by 300% over the five year average"

Mathew Crawford has written quite a bit about how he was pulled in to do the DMED analysis and after considerable work he found serious errors, but rather than make corrections Renz group froze him out.. blew him off and stuck to the original narrative calculations.

Big pictures matter more to me than quibbling over an exact percent change of damage; if we can establish harm it's harmful. Artistic license has its place making an emotional connection where info alone can't reach. A few seconds viewing clots does that like a slap in the face with credibility.

Anything that breaks through MSM mythology is fantastic and net positive. But refusing to correct errors is never okay and here it diminishes an air tight case. What purpose is served having bogus DMED numbers? Truth here is more than horrific enough, it needs no embellishment.

Folks who lie for a 'greater good' are still liars and undermine truth tellers like you and so many who've worked tirelessly to bring clarity to the madness. <3

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What exactly is the error that Renz has made? Why should MC be so cryptic about it? If DOD is monkeying with DMED perhaps Renz et al are dead-on with their number. Who the hell knows since WE KNOW the DOD is manipulating the data to obfuscate and hide the dangers.

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Mathew has not been cryptic the fact that his critique never hit your radar is not by design. Maybe you should have some facts before leaping to conclusions.

The facts are quite clear Renz numbers are not accurate and there's a three part series from his July RTE Substacks about the DMED saga including brainiac mathematical detail.

Go read Mathew's summary of the errors then you will know the problems too!!


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Respectfully your post is a misguided attack. I made no leaps. I said its cryptic to me (and others I must presume) what Renz's error is. I subscribe to RTE and read nearly all of them. I had to go read a Mercola article to see that what I think MC is saying is that the Renz team is referring to data that was compromised before they made their calculations. Without going into specifics of lets say miscarriages. While using the overall doctor interactions as a proxy which actually show increased soldier - doctor interactions but it is said that things like Bells Palsy incidence is lower. Well this is data he can access. If the military's only accessible data (even if compromised) shows a 300% increase of miscarriages, thats not Renz's fault. Are we to assume the DOD lawyers are waiting with some new secret cleaned up data to kneecap Renz's claims? In either case it opens an avenue of discourse to figure it out. Do we think magically everything we think is wrong and the government has some bouquet of true data to alleviate al of concerns? Probably not.

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It's a complex puzzle, to figure out the DMED data, and it's not yet figured out .. MC may seem cryptic, but he's tried to super - very - extra - clearly - spell out exactly what he sees as the errors. Yet there's uncertainty on what the actual numbers are, what happened with the data, etc. But MC does know that the dataset is not reliable. And by quoting it as reliable, Renz is making a serious error.

MC has a video where he goes into this for over an hour, as well as various articles.

I'm not good with interpreting numbers, so I can't speak to specifics. But Crawford's diligence with making sure he can back up what he claims is solid, and if there are pieces missing and uncertain places, he's honest about that also.

Something happened with the data that still needs to be figured out. But everyone investigating / talking about this should be looking in the direction of figuring that out, instead of skipping over it and going with numbers that can't be verified ...

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Thanks for the reply. I watched parts of that explanation video with distracted attention yesterday and re-read MCs Chaos agent 3. So far most of my takeaway is the Medical Freedom Movement is a very fractured bunch at this point. I think I see that Renz et al produced a graph of total interactions where they used very low, seemingly made from thin air, totals in the 2M range for prior to 2021.

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"Respectfully your post is a misguided attack. I made no leaps. I said its cryptic to me (and others I must presume) what Renz's error is."

It is not an attack it was a reply to criticisms of a film adding a legitimate overview of the DMED data analysis by a qualified subject matter expert who did the calculations the film misrepresented. Cryptic to you is a personal problem it's not on me to have every remark within your frame of reference. Nor is it my job to defend the critics beyond citing their references.

"If the military's only accessible data (even if compromised) shows a 300% increase of miscarriages, thats not Renz's fault."

When errors in the calculations are discovered and ignored by excluding the person who found the error that is on Renz and perfectly reasonable to note. Just because the spin supports my beliefs in the harm of the jabs does not make it okay to twist truth and undermine all those who are totally truthful.

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I still dont get your animus to my question of where to catch up to you smart people who get things. But have a nice day.

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"I still dont get your animus to my question of where to catch up"

Hilarious distortion of the exchange where you characterize my citation of Crawford's DMED as "a misguided attack" go read your comment. You didn't ask for any reference but I supplied it in my first reply.

To follow up with a passive aggressive jab about "smart people who get things" is an absurd way to make you a victim; there's ample examples of my challenges and confusion with math elements in Mathew's Substack comments but seems easier to bestow me with superior intellect than accept you made an error.

Thanks I always a fab day; life is short it's the only way to go! :~)

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There is a process called discovery; it is a handy way of sorting through the claims of opposing sides. So let us see who steps up to the plate, and with what.

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