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What if we knew more about our physiology and how to stay in good health? Would we fall prey to pHARMa manipulation as readily? I think not!

Let’s defund the sickness industry with innate knowledge. It is time to remember.

Respiratory distress arises from dehydration

Dehydration is the primary assault from which most dis-ease arises.

Hydration equals salt plus water.

Low salt diet advice from govt in the 80s has overseen the massive rise in chronic diseases

Eg Dementia is the result of a chronically dehydrated brain.

I have a Substack article titled: We breathe air not oxygen.


Here’s a few points that require thoughtful engagement.

We calibrate air by its moisture content. It’s wetness.

We calibrate oxygen by its dryness. Eg medical oxygen has 67ppm of water contamination.

Lung alveoli requires air to reach 100% humidity.

Can you see the mismatch?

Oxygen is prescribed primarily for the terminally ill not for breathlessness.

Oxygen toxicity

Excerpt: The clinical settings in which oxygen toxicity occurs are predominantly divided into two groups; one in which the patient is exposed to very high concentrations of oxygen for a short duration, and the second where the patient is exposed to lower concentrations of oxygen but for a longer duration. These two cases can result in acute and chronic oxygen toxicity, respectively. Acute toxicity typically manifests with central nervous system (CNS) effects, while chronic toxicity has mainly pulmonary effects. Severe cases of oxygen toxicity can lead to cell damage and death. Those at particular risk for oxygen toxicity include hyperbaric oxygen therapy patients, patients exposed to prolonged high levels of oxygen, premature infants, and underwater divers. [I would also add mountaineers who use oxygen]


Oxygen dehydrates and this is the mechanism that injures and kills.

Babies were blinded with 100% oxygen, their eyes dried out.

Eyes give off moisture - dry eye is a symptom of dehydration.

Hyperbaric chambers should never use oxygen instead of air.

I’ve a new take on lung respiration that dismisses the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

The lungs are rehydrating the RBCs as they pass through the alveoli capillary beds. The RBCs act like sponges to absorb the salt plus water that soaks the alveoli capillary bed as bubbles burst upon their walls. Bubbles via the surfactant produced by the alveoli at the mouth of each sac. Watch bubbles in slow motion distribute their liquid content.

The saline drip also acts to rehydrate RBCs.

The red light monitoring is checking hydration not oxygen levels.

Dark RBCs are contracted and dehydrated.

Light/bright RBCs are expanded and hydrated.

Hence the red light is monitoring the % of dehydrated RBCs via their lack of transparency.

Respiratory symptoms arise with dehydration. It is the primary assault. Therefore folk arriving after long plane trips are more likely to be dehydrated and nasal and throat symptoms are some of the first signs of dehydration.

Why is flu and colds seasonal?

Cold air holds the least moisture. Folk spend more time inside with air conditioning that can be drier especially when heated.

Respiratory system requires air to be around 30-50% humidity.

The salt gargle, salt nasal rinses were standard care for respiratory distress. They remedy the respiratory distress via rehydration.

Sanatoriums were built along coastlines to utilise the salt air pounding waves provide. The aerosols of salt water aids the healing of lungs.

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