Thank you for this article and all you do.

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In England we have been finding Selenicereus grandiflorus very useful for heart failure in the jab injured cohort.

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That flower on that Selenicereus grandiflorus cactus looks much like passionflowers. Just an observation.

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is this Queen of the night ? cactus

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Queen of the night is one of the common names of Datura stramonium, which is also Mayapple or Jimson weed. This is also a desert plant, but different from Selenicereus.

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aw yes I know these, they are poisonous. First thing I do when I move somewhere is find books about edible and poisonous plants! I knew cereus would be a cactus, and the Queen was in the yard when I lived in tucson. Now I am in GA and things resemble more what we had in Europe LOL. Although I love cacti. Always been a plant lover....

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I had no idea Queen of the night is a name of Datura!

Never heard it called that in the UK.

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If you travel to the Sonoran desert, and see this fascinating plant, it's unforgettable. The large lily-shaped blossoms open about 7:30 pm on June evenings with a visible untwist from the bud and very slight pop open. It also earns its Spanish name: Reina de la noche.

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Thanks that's so interesting!

I have some Datura tincture, although I never use it because it's so toxic. I use the homeopathic version instead.

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It's night-blooming cereus.

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Always learn so much from your substacks. Recently a substack referenced that parasites may be the contributing factor to MS. A protocol was given of chlorine dioxide, ivermectin & fenbendazole to take periodically 3 days on 5 days off for each different parasite killer for 3 wks. Your experience & expertise is respected/appreciated by your audience. Do you have an opinion on this subject? The substack went on to say, I'd you have a pet at home you have parasites & should be treated. Found it interesting a few years I read in India the population is treated every 6 months with ivermectin for parasites/dewormer & that may be a reason for low incidence of colon cancer among many other maladies?

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The saponin herbs have been applied with good effect to the lesions in the myelin sheath that characterize MS. Hans Nieper did some groundbreaking discovery there.

However, I think vitamin D is helpful also, and strict avoidance of all vaccines, as MS history tracks with vaccination.

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Sorry uploaded before I read it should state, if you have pets, you have parasites.

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this is an herb I have never used. thanks for this article. Non jabbed still using hawthorn occasionally. I use Ashwagandha for anxiety and it did a great job during these anxious 3 years. Melissa does not work for me and the others I don't know and will have to look up.

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This is literally one of the absolute best herbal summaries that I have read . Thank you for such vital information and insight .

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Like the picture showing the Furin Cleavage Site, introduced by US weaponizers.

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Have you looked into the efficacy of tocotrienols for heart health?

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I like both mixed tocotrienols and tocopherols, yes.

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Wow - The vaccines inject billions of NanoGraphi Carbon Nanotubes (Google NanoGraphi) in the Lipid packages, past the Blood Brain Barrier into the very inner workings of the body (in the blood stream) where, when they are hit with a frequency range by 5G they all ring together cancelling out all human thought and that body, now controlled by an injected transmitter wired directly into the brain by the nanobots which can be seen working (with an electron microscope) at a very minute size - becomes ready for processing at a local mRNA factory near you - into a human/robot/computerized Android, Borg, or human/computer by Genetic manipulation of the DNA and Human Genome - and your botanical me4dicine stops that from happening - fan-tas-tic.

That sounds a lot like mumbo jumbo to me - just saying.

Witch Doctor against modern technology.

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Christine, I’m not following your comments. They’re confusing. Are you being facetious, or…?

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Not intentionally. We come from different cultures and the way we express ourselves is different, so what makes absolute sense to me, might not have the same impact on you - perhaps this will help: The US Supreme Court passed a Law 2013, with World Wide Applications that anyone vaccinated, where the vaccine changes their DNA and thus their Human Genome, is no longer Human and all Human Rights are lost = 5.5 billion now "Transforming From Humans"? World Wide, of which 25,143,456 are Australian Trans Humans?

‘There’s a law on the books, 21-USC-360bbb, that says, “Emergency use authorized countermeasures under public health emergency cannot constitute clinical investigation.” If clinical investigation is not possible, then you cannot have clinical trials, you cannot have informed consent, you cannot have clinical trial subjects, or clinical trial investigators,’ she said, explaining that the pharmaceutical companies had been commandeered to produce the non-Good Manufacturing Practice compliant injectables.

‘People were never told “come over and get injected with countermeasure prototype’, were they? People were told, this is a vaccine. It’s safe and effective. It’s been tested rigorously,”

said Latypova. ‘By the way, no testing of safety has been done. They have not done any animal trials, not even started them before they started mass injecting people in human trials, and that’s a complete violation of all regulations everywhere in the world, including FDA [the US Food and Drug Administration]. They just went straight into people.’

The US military defines a biological agent as a ‘micro-organism (or toxin derived from it) that causes disease’. Vaccines are regulated by the FDA as biological products, therefore they can be described as biological agents. The mRNA products instruct recipients’ cells to make a form of its spike protein, the most antigenic and, some researchers argue, toxic part of a coronavirus.

Since December 2020, 5.5 billion people, 72 per cent of the global population, have been injected with Covid-19 vaccines commissioned under TRUMP's Operation Warp Speed by the US Army as countermeasure prototypes. Evidence is mounting that these OWS vaccines are ineffective at countering the virus while evidence simultaneously mounts linking them to increases in the incidence rates of cancer and cardiac diseases. The novel technologies used were hastily fast-tracked into human trials while Trump's Operation Warp Speed received material assistance from the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) who recklessly authorised them. By the US military’s own definition, the objective of a countermeasure is ‘the impairment of the operational effectiveness of enemy activity’. The injection of these countermeasure prototype vaccines which satisfy the US military definition of a biological agent into people has killed some recipients and permanently disabled increasingly large numbers of others, resulting in their ‘operational effectiveness’ as human beings being impaired. Even if it was not its intention, based on the measurable effects of their deployment, by the US military’s own definitions of terms used in OWS contracts, the products it commissioned amount to bioweapons.

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Thank you for the comprehensive reply, Christine. I agree that all you have written here is true (tragically). I’m so glad that I never even considered getting those evil bioweapons injected into me. Sadly, my brother did and I attended his turbo cancer death on January 31. He was totally healthy before that. I wish more people would wake up.

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Hi Cathleen, I am sorry for your loss. After Thalidomide there was no way I was ever going to trust Big Pharma ever again, so me, like you, not vaccinated - but - mostly everyone else here is vaccinated and that means that all government departments are run by non humans - trans humans with zero human rights. Makes me think.

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Thank you, very helpful information.

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My brother in law recently had a heart event. His troponin measured 24,000. Which is unheard of. And, yet, doctors have not been able to identify why he had a problem. His cholesterol is 118 and so of course he was prescribed an one of the cholesterol drugs. He has good blood pressure but of course was prescribed blood pressure medication..... crazy!

He and my sister don't believe in spike protein issues so there is no way that sharing any of this with them would help him.

I fear that next it will be a major heart attack or stroke......

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It's very hard to talk to those whose minds are made up.

A atatin drug for someone with total cholesterol of only 118? Wow.

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My husband’s walking buddy had a cholesterol count of 88, so his doctor double his statin dose. Insanity.

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In Germany it's an endangered plant and I had never seen it, but I miraculously found barely 10m of Leonurus a few weeks ago on a roadside in the industrial district of our city. I have been recovering the ripe seeds to try to cultivate it in my garden. I am sure the plant is telling us something (even though I am not vaccinated). We can help it to survive, and the plant helps us and also many other bees as well.

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🎩🎩🎩🙏🙏🙏 more please. It's very big tsunami of injuries to come in 24/25/26 .We need every piece of therapeutic protecols, both low cost and accessible as possible, to help as many people as possible.🙏

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What if we knew more about our physiology and how to stay in good health? Would we fall prey to pHARMa manipulation as readily? I think not!

Let’s defund the sickness industry with innate knowledge. It is time to remember.

Respiratory distress arises from dehydration

Dehydration is the primary assault from which most dis-ease arises.

Hydration equals salt plus water.

Low salt diet advice from govt in the 80s has overseen the massive rise in chronic diseases

Eg Dementia is the result of a chronically dehydrated brain.

I have a Substack article titled: We breathe air not oxygen.


Here’s a few points that require thoughtful engagement.

We calibrate air by its moisture content. It’s wetness.

We calibrate oxygen by its dryness. Eg medical oxygen has 67ppm of water contamination.

Lung alveoli requires air to reach 100% humidity.

Can you see the mismatch?

Oxygen is prescribed primarily for the terminally ill not for breathlessness.

Oxygen toxicity

Excerpt: The clinical settings in which oxygen toxicity occurs are predominantly divided into two groups; one in which the patient is exposed to very high concentrations of oxygen for a short duration, and the second where the patient is exposed to lower concentrations of oxygen but for a longer duration. These two cases can result in acute and chronic oxygen toxicity, respectively. Acute toxicity typically manifests with central nervous system (CNS) effects, while chronic toxicity has mainly pulmonary effects. Severe cases of oxygen toxicity can lead to cell damage and death. Those at particular risk for oxygen toxicity include hyperbaric oxygen therapy patients, patients exposed to prolonged high levels of oxygen, premature infants, and underwater divers. [I would also add mountaineers who use oxygen]


Oxygen dehydrates and this is the mechanism that injures and kills.

Babies were blinded with 100% oxygen, their eyes dried out.

Eyes give off moisture - dry eye is a symptom of dehydration.

Hyperbaric chambers should never use oxygen instead of air.

I’ve a new take on lung respiration that dismisses the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

The lungs are rehydrating the RBCs as they pass through the alveoli capillary beds. The RBCs act like sponges to absorb the salt plus water that soaks the alveoli capillary bed as bubbles burst upon their walls. Bubbles via the surfactant produced by the alveoli at the mouth of each sac. Watch bubbles in slow motion distribute their liquid content.

The saline drip also acts to rehydrate RBCs.

The red light monitoring is checking hydration not oxygen levels.

Dark RBCs are contracted and dehydrated.

Light/bright RBCs are expanded and hydrated.

Hence the red light is monitoring the % of dehydrated RBCs via their lack of transparency.

Respiratory symptoms arise with dehydration. It is the primary assault. Therefore folk arriving after long plane trips are more likely to be dehydrated and nasal and throat symptoms are some of the first signs of dehydration.

Why is flu and colds seasonal?

Cold air holds the least moisture. Folk spend more time inside with air conditioning that can be drier especially when heated.

Respiratory system requires air to be around 30-50% humidity.

The salt gargle, salt nasal rinses were standard care for respiratory distress. They remedy the respiratory distress via rehydration.

Sanatoriums were built along coastlines to utilise the salt air pounding waves provide. The aerosols of salt water aids the healing of lungs.

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Dr. Huber - I can’t tell you how refreshing it is to see a physician thoughtfully discuss potential treatments other than prescription drugs which make big profits for the pharmaceutical industry, yet don’t improve peoples’ health. This is what doctors were like before health care was taken over by that industry, I assume. Thank you for everything.

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