Apr 13, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Elected officials in the US who try to undermine the constitution which they took an oath to protect are traitors, aren’t they?

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Thank you for your stellar contributions to this effort, Colleen!

Not sure if you’ve seen it yet, but I published my Letter to the WHO here:


Anyone can feel free to share, link, copy, adapt, or include in their own public comments as desired. I include instructions on how to submit comments at the end of the post.

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Apr 13, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Finally something worth my effort to send to these cocksuckers.

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Apr 13, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

The WHO does not even provide a receipt of the comments or even an acknowledgment!

My comment was general, along the lines of:

1. It is my body, my choice; quoting the Australian PM

2. Health is a personal matter between an individual and his/her doctor

3. Who care more for me - me or another organisation or temporal being? Me! Therefore I must have the first and final say.

4. Why would govts need to force people, directly and via proxy, to take something if they can prove it is safe, effective, and necessary???

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While I should have put more time into figuring out what to say, I just winged it as to get at least say something (I will forward your thoughts to others.

“As a US citizen I cannot agree with extrajudicial agreements which bypass the US Constitution, bypass National sovereignty, bypass states sovereignty, and directly violate individual sovereignty.

While I do appreciate 3rd party insights, voluntary cooperation, and multi-national engagements in multi-national issues; this cannot supersede the sovereignty of the nation, state, or individual.

This being said, any and all preparations must respect the human rights of informed consent, biological integrity, and personal agency. And beyond this preparations must not supersede the laws and customs of the nations agreeing work with the WHO on issues and events going forward.”

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Apr 13, 2022·edited Apr 13, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

My blunt answer, sidestepping a more prolonged and articulate response: This is why we have a right to bear arms. To protect us from tyrants.

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Apr 13, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

I have this image of a lone lion surrounded by wild dogs. Whenever the lion turns there is a dog attacking from the rear and it looks hopeless, like our plight. Then more loins arrive and the wild dogs scatter - be a lion.

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My response would be far less civil.

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Apr 13, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Thank you so much!

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Apr 13, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Thank you.

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Apr 13, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

I don't understand this bit:

“...with the ability for all people of the world to vote on including failsafe measures...”.

Vote on what?

Do you mean

“3. An open and transparent process, on which all people of the world can vote in a manner that includes failsafe protection measures against tampering, that will prevent the application of the global agreement in places where a majority of the people do not want it, or where any people could be harmed by it”?

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Apr 13, 2022·edited Apr 13, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Thank you, Colleen, for bringing attention to this timely, and for offering your Notice as an option to copy or use as an outline. I do note that the WCH has stated that the WHO will not accept statements that don’t answer the question of what should be in the law, not whether the treaty should stand. I think you are so right that referenda is necessary for determining whether individuals are in agreement with proposed actions or declarations. We do not want our leaders acting in our stead.

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Apr 17, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

COVID is just the latest incarnation of the Permanent War. It is, for all intents and purposes, WWIII. Ukraine is a smokescreen, and a pretext for mandated food rationing, which will require everyone to submit to having gov't issued wallets tied to blockchain, which will allow the central banks to decide how much money you're allowed to have, and how you get to spend it. If you think Putin is a "good guy", think again. He's bought and paid for, just like every other "global leader". Ditto for Trump. The only thing that can save us is civil disobedience.

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Apr 13, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

Copied and sent.

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Apr 13, 2022·edited Apr 13, 2022Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

In the immortal words of the tourist from "The Rock,"

"What kind of fucked-up World Health Organization is this?"

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Done. Thank you so much for this. Not only the ability to say no, but knowing there is legal recourse is for this attempted atrocity!

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