my mind is boggled. I was coerced to get vaccinated by my father's care neighborhood. I could not see him if I was not vaccinated. It seemed like a dumb rule, but my dad was 96 and I did not want him to be alone. The second pfizer shot got me bad. I now have inflammatory arthritis but other than that, I feel okay.
my mind is boggled. I was coerced to get vaccinated by my father's care neighborhood. I could not see him if I was not vaccinated. It seemed like a dumb rule, but my dad was 96 and I did not want him to be alone. The second pfizer shot got me bad. I now have inflammatory arthritis but other than that, I feel okay.
My sister worked for NIH and was forced to vaccinate and she did not hesitate, in fact she has had at least 5 covid shots. She decided to join a "study at NIH she gets paid to do this. I believed it was to evaluate the whole patient, but no, when I asked my sister the extent of the study she said " I just go in and they take my blood" ... so that is it.
Anyway, over this past 4-5 years, she has had severe inflammatory conditions, she destroyed the cornea on one of her eyes, has very swollen joints, tendonitis and various other ailments. She has also had covid at least 4 times.
I know my whole family is vaccinated (hubbs had to get the vaxx in 2021 to get heart surgery..) and most of them do not claim any effects. We have taken no more vaxxines but I am not sure and i do not inquire about family or friends, it is kind of a touchy subject.
I am STILL estranged from my youngest daughter and her three babies for over two years now. My son in law is a shitty controlling mean person. I know that part of him is not caused by the covid shot
I’m so sorry to hear about your estrangement. We are in a similar situation, estranged from our two married sons (fortunately our other 4 grown children still enjoy being with us). My oldest son and daughter-in-law gave birth to our first grandchild 3 months ago and we have not been allowed to see him since he was 6 days old (didn’t get to hold him; had to view him through a screen door). Covid has messed up my family something wicked. We used to enjoy being together and laughed a lot. Now there is a lot of pain.😔
So sorry to hear about your shitty son in law - too bad your daughter can't stand up for herself in this needless hostage situation - also had a daughter not talk to me for over a year - she eventually came to her senses. Both of my younger siblings now have very bad cases of glaucoma as a result of the jab - and have gotten covid repeatedly.
thank you for the encouragement. I am learning, I have to live and just love, I will not push. Honestly, the thought of reuniting kind of makes me nervous. I have been abused.
my mind is boggled. I was coerced to get vaccinated by my father's care neighborhood. I could not see him if I was not vaccinated. It seemed like a dumb rule, but my dad was 96 and I did not want him to be alone. The second pfizer shot got me bad. I now have inflammatory arthritis but other than that, I feel okay.
My sister worked for NIH and was forced to vaccinate and she did not hesitate, in fact she has had at least 5 covid shots. She decided to join a "study at NIH she gets paid to do this. I believed it was to evaluate the whole patient, but no, when I asked my sister the extent of the study she said " I just go in and they take my blood" ... so that is it.
Anyway, over this past 4-5 years, she has had severe inflammatory conditions, she destroyed the cornea on one of her eyes, has very swollen joints, tendonitis and various other ailments. She has also had covid at least 4 times.
I know my whole family is vaccinated (hubbs had to get the vaxx in 2021 to get heart surgery..) and most of them do not claim any effects. We have taken no more vaxxines but I am not sure and i do not inquire about family or friends, it is kind of a touchy subject.
I am STILL estranged from my youngest daughter and her three babies for over two years now. My son in law is a shitty controlling mean person. I know that part of him is not caused by the covid shot
I’m so sorry to hear about your estrangement. We are in a similar situation, estranged from our two married sons (fortunately our other 4 grown children still enjoy being with us). My oldest son and daughter-in-law gave birth to our first grandchild 3 months ago and we have not been allowed to see him since he was 6 days old (didn’t get to hold him; had to view him through a screen door). Covid has messed up my family something wicked. We used to enjoy being together and laughed a lot. Now there is a lot of pain.😔
By design, destroying families and friendships is part of the goal of these strategies.
I hear that a lot. Then the whole divorce your family if you don't like them thing.
So sorry to hear about your shitty son in law - too bad your daughter can't stand up for herself in this needless hostage situation - also had a daughter not talk to me for over a year - she eventually came to her senses. Both of my younger siblings now have very bad cases of glaucoma as a result of the jab - and have gotten covid repeatedly.
I know two vaxxed people who out of the blue have cornea damage.
Prayers for all. it's so disheartening but you're not alone!!
keep your chin up (in my case, i too am the pariah with the info).
thank you for the encouragement. I am learning, I have to live and just love, I will not push. Honestly, the thought of reuniting kind of makes me nervous. I have been abused.
This is not normal human behavior. It is abusive.