The number of disabilities far exceeds the number of deaths. Maybe the disabled are far less likely to respond to surveys! Could add up to the 45,000,000

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We continue to focus on the 5% (deaths within 1 day to 6 months of being stabbed, heart attacks & strokes), overlooking the 95% who are slaughtered all to hell and back with every disease known to man, but still living. SBL's or Slaughtered But Living. Happens with ALL vaccines. For some reason us myopic herders focus most of the attention on the 5%. Still stuns me to this day after following flu/pneumonia/shingles/MMR folks for 2-3 decades.

Most of our population is vaccine or med sickened, weakened, deformed, injured, damaged or SBL .....from one vaccine / med or another. And yet, Toby Rogers is the only one I have read who brings this up constantly - which he should. Great job on his part - now can the rest of us catch up?

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Maybe I read some of his stuff!

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Here's Toby's SS: https://tobyrogers.substack.com/ Ring a bell?

MWD is another (of the very few) who does NOT focus on deaths from vaccines, but on the massive disease and injuries *all* vaccines cause.

I'm glad to see Colleen pinned your comment. Deserved. It was spot on. Now, we need to get most of the adults out there to realize their biggest fear from ALL vaccines is not death; it's that they'll end up in misery - usually for life.

Colleen, in my opinion, is another straight shooter. I just sent her a contract stating she MUST post at least 1 x a week on her S.S. If not, she's owes me $3,000.00 for each week she misses. This once a month posting, or even every two months, is not acceptable. The masses need her brain.

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Jul 15
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"Mary", please stop with this. ok? What if I phrase it as: "pretty please"

Fair enough?

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Polls have been used forever to make people believe things that simplyaren't true so in 2022 the poll companies were simply paid to lie and say hugely more people were jabbed than actually were so that the remaining people would feel more pressure to get jabbed.

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Yes. The polls have us believe so and so won an sElection

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Yeah the concept of pregnant women getting v axed was also a marketing ploy.

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My friend's daughter gave birth to a healthy boy three years ago. She has since been jabbed as has her husband and now she has had two miscarriages. That doesn't prove the jabs caused those but the number of miscarriages in the UK has gone through the roof in the last couple of years for some reason ...... possibly climate change or too many loud bangs or maybe the sky is now too blue or something else completely unrelated to the poison they were injected with that attaches itself preferentially to testes and ovaries.

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Here as well. In med records for a huge hospital they were collecting the data and turning it in to the government. They knew it.

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you can see this in play in how the CDC reports kids under the age of 18 who have been vaccinated. Lumping them all together and not showing how low the % drops for 5 to 11 year olds. The fact so many kids didn't get vaccinated and there wasn't a way to report this as some sort of tragedy to me acts as evidence it was a big fat mistake. But for those of us that did it its not a decision we're revisiting. And the later strains just became weaker, etc. etc. This lack of reckoning is a real problem.

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my mind is boggled. I was coerced to get vaccinated by my father's care neighborhood. I could not see him if I was not vaccinated. It seemed like a dumb rule, but my dad was 96 and I did not want him to be alone. The second pfizer shot got me bad. I now have inflammatory arthritis but other than that, I feel okay.

My sister worked for NIH and was forced to vaccinate and she did not hesitate, in fact she has had at least 5 covid shots. She decided to join a "study at NIH she gets paid to do this. I believed it was to evaluate the whole patient, but no, when I asked my sister the extent of the study she said " I just go in and they take my blood" ... so that is it.

Anyway, over this past 4-5 years, she has had severe inflammatory conditions, she destroyed the cornea on one of her eyes, has very swollen joints, tendonitis and various other ailments. She has also had covid at least 4 times.

I know my whole family is vaccinated (hubbs had to get the vaxx in 2021 to get heart surgery..) and most of them do not claim any effects. We have taken no more vaxxines but I am not sure and i do not inquire about family or friends, it is kind of a touchy subject.

I am STILL estranged from my youngest daughter and her three babies for over two years now. My son in law is a shitty controlling mean person. I know that part of him is not caused by the covid shot

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I’m so sorry to hear about your estrangement. We are in a similar situation, estranged from our two married sons (fortunately our other 4 grown children still enjoy being with us). My oldest son and daughter-in-law gave birth to our first grandchild 3 months ago and we have not been allowed to see him since he was 6 days old (didn’t get to hold him; had to view him through a screen door). Covid has messed up my family something wicked. We used to enjoy being together and laughed a lot. Now there is a lot of pain.😔

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May 27Edited

By design, destroying families and friendships is part of the goal of these strategies.

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I hear that a lot. Then the whole divorce your family if you don't like them thing.

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So sorry to hear about your shitty son in law - too bad your daughter can't stand up for herself in this needless hostage situation - also had a daughter not talk to me for over a year - she eventually came to her senses. Both of my younger siblings now have very bad cases of glaucoma as a result of the jab - and have gotten covid repeatedly.

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I know two vaxxed people who out of the blue have cornea damage.

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Prayers for all. it's so disheartening but you're not alone!!

keep your chin up (in my case, i too am the pariah with the info).

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thank you for the encouragement. I am learning, I have to live and just love, I will not push. Honestly, the thought of reuniting kind of makes me nervous. I have been abused.

This is not normal human behavior. It is abusive.

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Hi Colleen,

I just moved from SF to a rural town in SW Georgia with 75% black population. About every week, 2-3 people are dying from heart attacks. One of those deaths included blood clots as a cause of death. These 2-3 incidences are just within my circle of friends.

So 45M missing might be an unprovable outlier, but 22M falling victim to the jab over 1,095 days at 200 per day is possible.

The $10K paywall must be hiding extraordinary, covid shot related deaths.

I’m also a life insurance agent. Some carriers have stopped offering term policies. My suspicion is the carriers are paying death benefits much sooner than what pre vax mortality tables showed.

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I also know many who suddenly died. Many w heart complications and a few weeks cancers.

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I no longer pay any attention at all to polls or statistics. For a number of reasons, I don’t believe any of them are anywhere near valid or accurate. Having said that…how can someone be ‘not sure’ about their shot status??

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I think this includes people who have been anesthetized for surgery, unsure if a hospital vaccine zealot jabbed them while under, in order to pursue a quota of some kind.

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This is my worry. I had my appendix removed and the anaesthetist was a total covid zealot. She about went through the roof when I told her I wasn't jabbed and didn't wear a daft mask .

I worry I was injected while I was out for the count.

I have lots of things going wrong with me now but it's probably because I've had post viral fatigue syndrome for 12 years and I read that around the 10 year mark your immune system starts packing in, so it could be that .

I live in Scotland so we didn't have the, you must be vaccinated for operations etc that America and elsewhere did (maybe still do)

It's always at the back of my mind, did they jab me !!

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I have a client w that and POTS. It's terrible! In bed, mainly, for 5 years!

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As bad as it was at the start, when I struggled to walk up stairs, hold my months old daughter and even lift a fork to my mouth, I am a lot better these days and if I don't exert myself, I'm mostly ok.

I feel really sorry for the people that have it worse and are bedridden.

I said as soon as the covid p(l)andemic started that there will be so many people will have PVFS but I didn't count on them calling in "long covid" to try and scare the masses more than they already had.

I had swine flu and that's why I ended up with Pvfs.

I don't have long swine flu !!

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That's my fear. I had emergency surgery. I hardly came out of it. Couldn't breathe for a couple weeks. Sats in the 80s. Funny thing. They couldn't release me until over 92, if I remember right. So they put me on w liters of oxygen and sent me home- w/o the oxygen!

My head wasn't right for over a year!

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Maybe some senior citizens? Or folks who have spent time in group homes/nursing homes where everyone gets a round of shots each flu season? That might explain some being unsure exactly what they received.

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Could it be the definition of "vaccinated" that has changed? People have heard a steady drumbeat for the last few years that you are not "vaccinated" with only one injection; at least two are required, perhaps more if you count the boosters. Thus these 45 million people are saying that they are not "fully vaccinated" according to today's definition. I'm not saying this makes sense, but it may be how many people parse the question.

We never got the COVID jabs. After my wife's ongoing adverse reaction to the fall 2019 "flu shot", which we think was a test run for the COVID jabs, we haven't gotten any new vaccinations. Our health is better overall, and we have gotten fewer URIs. How do you like them apples?

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I agree the past flu shots were early scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions, based upon the effects, eventually, on my housemate who has mostly ruined his own life with fear injextions....if you ask me...

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Whoops. I removed the like from your comment. When I see someone offer condolences to Iran over the death of their dictator who killed unscarved women and threatened genocide to Israel, and when that same someone also describes the latter country as "Isra Hell", a sure sign of a lunatic nutcase, I realize that is not someone I want to like. I do appreciate the honesty, though. Blocked.

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On the other hand, it could be you who is seen as the murderous bastard calling for the heads of tens of thousands of innocent children and poor Palestinian families. If they hate Israel, it’s because 1) they’ve been terrorized by the Zionists for 75 years and their heritage obliterated and/or 2) they have been inundated with propaganda to hate and kill Israelis bc the Zionists need something to justify the genocide.

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I didn't call for anyone's death. That's your Nazi side projecting. Reported and blocked.

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May 28Edited

Reported lol. Grow up, your original comment was inciting and gratuitous. You invited the response and you know it. And you are complicit with the Nazi genocide of Palestinians by your stance. If you like it, own it.

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I got a series for a government job in 2013 or early 14. I also went hiking, so who knows. I got a (late) Lyme test, which showed negative, but my legs stopped working correctly. Felt like I was dragging them behind me. No energy. Couldn't do my regular exercises. I also wonder..

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I swear they started in March 2020 here. In care facilities for residents and staff.

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Tucson AZ - I can share that my BIL died of heart failure (unvaxxed), on April 25th, but he was just cremated Friday May 27th. He was picked up directly by the crematorium on April 25, but they said they were so busy, this is the soonest his cremation could be done. A month. Can you believe that?

My son is a deputy sheriff for a small nearby county; he says normally by now, he would have about 12 bodies he would have reported/sat with until picked up (average about 2 per month), but he has almost 40 so far this year.

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Not just the hacksxxxine injextions needlerape viruganda depopulation agenda bioweapon program, but also the scamdemic lockdown isolation regime that was employed and implemented.

I know Ross Brown killed himself , a Dolphin club bay swimmer, after the lockdowns, before the injextions ....

How many had medical conditions that the scoundrel traitor doc tors stopped seeing and therefore died?

I think the bulk of these deaths are scamdemic related, wether Harmacide direct or big Harma indirect or others od'd, fentanyl has probably killed more that the scamdemic, they claim, in SF killafornia. Hide your kids....

I was noticing last night how empty and abandoned the city feels, walkers few and sidewalks barren deserted.

Kaiser wants the 750,000 doc tors who couldn't speak out but did reject the hacksxxxine injextions under penalty of loss of job to come back, please, and help Kaiser to keep killing folks.

I love not that these folks saved their own skin but couldn't bother to consider ours....

But if course the one thing they said that turned out to be true, eventually, was they if you get too close to those injexted, or have sex with them, you will be shed upon and get their bioweapon too. But I doubt I shall have sex again, it has been years and who wants to do that anymore?

Like they basically destroyed our sex drive....

Then their is the skypainting killing us all softly with his song....

Finally, there is there are the folks who weren't born from mothers who were unable to bring them into this destroyed , world. And never a shortage of needles to stab those who are born, until they become autistic and many die.

End of comment.

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Easy to explain. The original numbers were a lie. The high rate made the campaign look successful and intimidated the non-jabbed to feel like a fringe outside group. The big journals have a long history of lying.

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Entirely possible

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Maybe a lot of Americans also fleed across the southern border?

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😂I had that ironic dream last year. Now El Salvador is offering citizenship with credentials!

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How were the survey samples selected? Perhaps the BMJ looked for a survey result that would be as expected by the U.K. government. Pfizer allegedly discharged from their trials anyone who had a potentially adverse effect, or shifted them sideways into the control group. In the U.K. the Met Office is currently ‘re-working’ historic temperature data so today’s results, comparatively, fit with the current ‘boiling’ agenda.

So I think it must be something to do with the methodology or misleading questions. “Are you now or have you ever been vaccinated?” for example would get a different result to asking about covid.

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Yes. It is very inappropriate to even be comparing two completely different studies like this. The only time a question ("where did the 45 million go?") should be asked is when comparing a baseline measurement to a post-measurement from the same study, because there could be a myriad of reasons for the discrepancy. Makes for a good substack headline, I guess.

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I guess I did hear that the data was being reworked here too, in the US. Maybe early last year.

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I think the explanation is rather simple..... The original high numbers were a big lie as was often the case of British and American publications.

Why lie? This part is only my guess: An inflated high number makes the unvaccinated look like they are out of touch - antivaxers, an uninformed minority. So, there is a certain kind of peer pressure.

I'm not in the medical field but I made COVID study somewhat of a hobby. I have spoken to several hundred people about the Covid shot. I would believe the lower number.

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I have spoken with a similar number about the COVID shot, and about their families and acquaintances, and from all of that, and I agree with you that the lower number seems more plausible. And I agree that high numbers were likely alleged in order to get more compliance; at one time the CDC alleged that over 90% had received at least one shot, which was utterly implausible.

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That's true. I was harrassed and barred from my friends and family for quite a while. I didn't cry about it.

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Part of the explanation could be that some people who got the clot shot wanted to belong to the smart side, so they told the 2024 pollsters that they dodged the bullet and refused the shot. It is much more fashionable now to say you refused the jab than it was in spring 2022.

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Yes, the urge to be among the cool kids should not be underestimated. In 2022, being vaccinated placed you in solidarity with mainstream media and politics, movie stars and rock stars, but now that luster has faded for the conformers.

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All those vaccinated people that died would not be answering that poll. The sample now is utterly different than the sample early on with respect to how many living vaccinated. There is part of your answer. They're gone.

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Lies, damn lies and polls. Changing definitions, social pressure and fear are the recipe for useless data. The fully vaxxed and boosted will be buried by the unvaxxed. Sort of a classic post-hoc survey and analysis.

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When the Federal govt exempted its employees, that should have been enough of a flag...☠️

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I thought only congress was injection optional. And of course our southern border crossers don’t require any injections

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Yet frauchi and the governor went door to door while on camera. Glad that guy gave them a piece of his mind and shoved em off. He deserves a medal, for standing up..

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I think that the absurdity of a bat sneezing halfway around the world is going to wipe mankind from the face of the planet was enough. Of course masks don't do a thing either. More holes than a Swiss Cheese Factory.

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"Changing definitions, social pressure and fear are the recipe for useless data."

Yes, good summation for the Hegelian operation.

I would call it extortion and racketeering.


Hegel's philosophy included what he called "the cunning of reason." In Dachsie's interpretation of that concept, it means that all of these "brilliant" planned operations of systemic evil always end up backfiring on the masterminds. Of course, the backfiring also wipes out the innocents. We are seeing the early play-out of the One World Death and Slavery System for All right now.


Saint Paul's epistle to the Ephesians 6:12

For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.


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you did mention the Occam's Razor simplest solution about excess mortality for the discrepancy.

but polls are notoriously inaccurate. not only do they assume honest responses, they take a relatively puny sample size compared to the number in the general population and then extrapolate the results as if the majority unpolled match the poll response ratios. not to mention how poll question wording makes a huge difference in responses.

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Yes, I am disappointed that Rasmussen did not poll more people.

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