On the other hand, it could be you who is seen as the murderous bastard calling for the heads of tens of thousands of innocent children and poor Palestinian families. If they hate Israel, it’s because 1) they’ve been terrorized by the Zionists for 75 years and their heritage obliterated and/or 2) they have been inundated with propaganda …
On the other hand, it could be you who is seen as the murderous bastard calling for the heads of tens of thousands of innocent children and poor Palestinian families. If they hate Israel, it’s because 1) they’ve been terrorized by the Zionists for 75 years and their heritage obliterated and/or 2) they have been inundated with propaganda to hate and kill Israelis bc the Zionists need something to justify the genocide.
Reported lol. Grow up, your original comment was inciting and gratuitous. You invited the response and you know it. And you are complicit with the Nazi genocide of Palestinians by your stance. If you like it, own it.
On the other hand, it could be you who is seen as the murderous bastard calling for the heads of tens of thousands of innocent children and poor Palestinian families. If they hate Israel, it’s because 1) they’ve been terrorized by the Zionists for 75 years and their heritage obliterated and/or 2) they have been inundated with propaganda to hate and kill Israelis bc the Zionists need something to justify the genocide.
I didn't call for anyone's death. That's your Nazi side projecting. Reported and blocked.
Reported lol. Grow up, your original comment was inciting and gratuitous. You invited the response and you know it. And you are complicit with the Nazi genocide of Palestinians by your stance. If you like it, own it.