Naomi Wolf: "The centerpiece of The Pfizer Papers is an intentional attack on human sexuality, and especially on women and babies. They killed the babies, and they knew it. They poisoned the breast milk, and they knew it. They damaged the placentas, and they knew it. They lowered the sperm count, and they knew it." [1]
Miscarriages and stillbirths in the US and the UK
By June 2021, six months after the initial rollout of the COVID vaccines, it was already clear that pregnant women who were vaccinated in the 1st or 2nd trimesters had a 90% risk of miscarrying. [2] That data was gathered by the V-Safe Surveillance System of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and was reported in the New England Journal of Medicine. [3]
The enormous toll of miscarriages following peak COVID vaccine uptake is documented in OpenVAERS, a summary of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, and is shown here: [4]
And the correlation of injection to fetal death showed very tight timing, with by far the most fetal deaths occurring the same day. [5]
Prior to the COVID vaccines, the average miscarriage rate in 2001 was 10% to 15% of all clinically recognized pregnancies, according to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. [6]
Data in the U.K., as reported to the UK’s Yellow Card system showed a similar rate of 90% miscarriages following the Pfizer vaccine, as I calculated from data that had been reported on a U.K. government page that has now been removed. [7] Internet archives still show the original document that records the U.K. government knew about the high miscarriage rate as of the date of publication, April 21, 2021. [8] It showed for the Pfizer vaccine results, 2 fetal deaths + 10 stillbirths + 489 abortions + 15 ectopic pregnancies. As for the healthy outcomes, the U.K. data reported 2 normal newborns + 2 normal term births + 35 normal pregnancies + 8 normal live births. So the unhealthy outcomes totaled 516, and the healthy outcomes totaled 47. Dividing 516 / 47 = 10.97. So unhealthy outcomes divided by healthy outcomes resulted in a greater than ten-fold factor of risk for dead fetus over a live fetus/baby.
It should be noted that the U.K. data may be skewed toward over-reporting of adverse events, due to possible reliance on the Yellow Card System data. Or on the other hand, the data can be skewed toward under-reporting, as has been seen in the US VAERS system. However, because the statistics are so similar to Pfizer data in the U.S., there is likely confirmation.
I had warned about this risk to fertility way back in February 2021, before the peak uptake of COVID vaccines in either the U.S. or in the U.K. [9]
After more data became available, Dr, Pierre Kory’s later, more accurate, estimate of miscarriage risk was 87.5%. [10] I discuss this more at
Miscarriage is often termed by its clinical name “spontaneous abortion.” [11]
I also showed that the Moderna-vaccinated and Astra Zeneca-vaccinated pregnant women in the U.K. had similar pregnancy outcomes, with approximately a nine-to-one and ten-to-one risk of fetal death. And this was known by May 4, 2022. [12]
Birth data from Europe
By August 2022, the Hagemann research team had gathered births data in 19 European countries and found a consistent pattern. In all of the countries, reduced births consistently began at the end of the year 2021. This was nine months after peak COVID vaccine uptake throughout Europe. [13] I discuss this phenomenon and Hagemann’s findings here:
Obstetrician/gynecologist James Thorp MD has practiced obstetrics since 1980, and specializes in high-risk pregnancies. In 2022 he observed: “What I’ve seen in the last two years is unprecedented: many, many, many complications due to the COVD vaccines, in pregnant women, in moms and in fetuses, in children . . . fetal death, miscarriage . . . unprecedented.” [14]
Dr. Thorp discuss this further in an interview with Tucker Carlson, regarding “a1200-fold increase in menstrual abnormalities and a 57-fold increase in miscarriages.” [15]
Aso in 2022, another obstetrician/gynecologist, Kimberly Biss MD, discussed a 50% decline in fertility and a 50% increase in miscarriages in her group practice, since the COVID vaccine uptake. [16]
This was not the first vaccine for which pregnancy and fetuses had met tragic outcomes. The World Health Organization had long taken an interest in “anti-fertility vaccines” and “fertility regulating vaccines,” at least since 1992. “Chorionic gonadotropin is the one antigen that fulfills criteria for an ideal contraceptive vaccine.” [Emphasis added] [17] The WHO also confesses that “Studies in primates have shown that immunization with anti-hCG vaccines will render the animals infertile without any detectable alteration to their menstrual cycles.” And that “the same vaccines are envisaged to be used to regulate male fertility.” [18] Those vaccines worked very effectively for the stated purpose. Of 80 vaccinated women enrolled in a trial, “only one pregnancy was reported in this group after an accumulated total of 900 woman-months of otherwise unprotected intercourse.” [19]
The WHO also admitted that there were “informed consent forms used in clinical trials which often imply that there are no problems or side-effects associated with use of the method.” And that such practice was “unethical.” [20] What was also unethical was that the WHO did not inform the general public in the countries where people were inflicted with these vaccines about infertility risks.
It seems that the COVID vaccines are having a similar unannounced effect against fertility.
What did the vaccine companies know and when about injuries to babies and fetuses from the COVID vaccines?
Naomi Wolf’s book The Pfizer Papers shows the locations in Pfizer’s own documents to the FDA where Pfizer was aware of the following hazard signals post-vaccine doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech product BNT 162b2, also marketed as the “Comirnaty” COVID vaccine. These were observed in the Pfizer trials. By early 2021, Pfizer knew of, and the FDA received reporting of:
- Injuries to fetuses and babies; [21]
- 48 different categories of adverse events to breastfed babies; [22] Also, the COVID vaccine had been found in breast milk. [23] The authors of that finding wrote: “Of 11 lactating individuals enrolled, trace amounts of BNT 162b2 and mRNA-1273 COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were detected in 7 samples from 5 different participants at various times up to 45 hours post-vaccination.” Their average finding in human breast milk was 5.010 to 9.110 particles/mL, which is the equivalent of billions of particles per quarter teaspoon.
- 28 deaths of fetuses or neonates. However, for 88% of the pregnancies in the Pfizer trials, there was “no outcome reported.” [24] This gaping lack of reporting of the pregnancy outcomes of the women in the vaccine trial has not yet been explained by Pfizer.
As for Moderna, there were also hazard signals and damage to pregnancies that the company failed to report to the public. In Moderna’s animal study, there were 22% fewer natural birth in COVID-vaccinated rats. [25]
Menstruation and menstrual irregularities
Menstruation is considered to be a cycle of opposing processes – one that builds and proliferates the endometrial glands and stroma in the uterine lining, for two weeks after ovulation, alternating with and counterbalanced with a destructive process to that endometrial lining, which begins with drops in hormone levels particularly progesterone, decreased oxygen, death of cells in the endometrial lining, liquefying and shedding of those cells, known as menstruation. Keep the lining intact, and you can carry a baby through gestation to birth. Shed the lining and everything goes with it, including possibly a new human life. Nature describes menstruation as “a phenomenon of repeated tissue injury and repair that is a fine balance between proliferation, decidualization, inflammation, hypoxia, apoptosis, haemostasis, vasoconstriction and, finally, repair and regeneration.” [26] This is a lot of activity that is roughly sinusoidal and continually reversing, but that is a typical monthly cycle for the female reproductive system.
Excessive or frequent menstrual bleeding, termed menorrhagia and metrorrhagia respectively, were frequently reported disorders following dosing of COVID vaccines. Such abundant bleeding can lead to loss of iron, an iron-deficient anemia. The excess bleeding is more associated with the destruction of the uterine lining, the endometrium, along with most of its blood vessels. In this article, I discussed the degradation of the endothelial lining of blood vessels following COVID vaccine dosing, and that this can be so extensive as to destroy the vessel and leak blood into the surrounding tissue.
Naomi Wolf, quoted at the beginning of this article, had started an online survey, early in the COVID vaccine season, spring of 2021. However, intense censorship on social media obliterated records of the data that she collected.
Then anthropologist Kathryn Clancy and colleagues launched an online survey of women over age 18, to which over 16,000 responses were received. Of those, 42% reported heavier menstrual bleeding after COVID vaccination. [27] That study grew to over 165,000 women, in which 42% of those with normal menstrual cycles had menstrual changes after vaccination. And even 66% of menopausal women had unexpected menstrual symptoms after vaccination. Even pro-vaccine media reported the findings. [28]
The CDC’s V-Safe system has free-text fields in which information can be submitted regarding adverse effects from vaccines. That database showed that 62,679 women had reported menstrual irregularities following vaccination. This was reported in The Lancet. [29]
The peer-reviewed literature has many times confirmed association between COVID vaccination and menstrual irregularities, regardless of the vaccine brand. [30] Another study of 14,153 women found that 78% experienced menstrual changes from vaccination. [31] A smaller study, published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology found similar proportions of affected women. 67% were more likely to have prolonged menstruation, and 41% were more likely for it to continue past 9 months. [32] A study in Japan found that menstrual bleeding was extended for 2.5 days on average following COVID vaccination. [33]
Non-menstruating women were found to have 2 to 5 times increased likelihood of bleeding following COVID vaccination. [34] Interestingly, Moderna was 32% more likely than Pfizer to have this effect. And it so happens that the Moderna vaccine dose is twice the strength of the Pfizer vaccine dose.
The reason such findings as in the above paragraphs are important is not only related to the discomfort of the woman affected, but also because menstrual bleeding empties the contents of the uterus, and sometimes that content includes a new human life. So therefore, the vaccines’ association with increased menstrual bleeding has an abortifacient effect on some women, at some times in their menstrual cycle. This is reflected in the enormous loss of pregnancies discussed at the beginning of this article.
The public should have been alerted to this possibility. Anyone who champions the right of women to make their own reproductive choices should have asked for such transparency. Families, particularly expectant parents, and aspiring parents, had the right to know.
COVID vaccine effects on the ovaries
The delivery vehicle of the COVID vaccines are the lipid nanoparticle envelopes (LNPs), which were found to arrive to the ovary in higher concentration than most other organs, and to accumulate there. [35] This was known to the FDA, Pfizer and the Acuitas company in November 2020, prior to distribution of the COVID vaccines to the public. [36]
Granulosa cells in the ovaries surround the “egg,” or human oocyte, and they are involved in hormone feedback loops with the pituitary and hypothalamus in the brain. These interactions are what regulate the menstrual cycle, the starting and stopping of monthly bleeding. The granulosa cells produce estrogen during the first phase, the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, and later in the luteal phase, they produce progesterone. Granulosa cells also support and nourish the developing follicle. When those cells were subject to the COVID vaccine in vitro, their relative proportions of hormones doubled and tripled, specifically the FSH / Inhibin B ratio in all women tested. [37] Inhibin B is a key hormone in regulation of the menstrual cycles. [38] Such wild swings (2 to 3 times) in hormone proportions are enough to throw the normally well-coordinated interplay of female hormones into disarray, with predictable resulting disruptive effects on oocytes and on menstrual cycles.
Much more has been written about shedding since the 2021 observations at my small clinic, that I wrote about here. Pfizer had subtly acknowledged shedding deep in its documentation to the FDA prior to release of the COVID vaccine, [39] but very few had noticed, and those of us who were thoroughly censored under Biden administration coercion, as I was from nearly all social media at that time, could not communicate this danger to large audiences.
A study in the spring of 2021 of 6,049 women over age 18 (mean age 38) included 3,390 who had never had any COVID vaccine. Of that group, 50.1% experienced menstrual abnormalities within three days after being exposed to a COVID vaccinated person, in less than a six-foot distance, and 71.7% had irregular menstrual symptoms within a week after that exposure. Of both cohorts of women, both directly vaccinated and secondarily exposed to vaccinated individuals, 92.3% self-reported menstrual irregularities. [40] 4.83% of the unvaccinated women even reported a decidual cast shedding, in which the entire lining of the uterus is discharged as one entire piece. Prior to the COVID vaccines, such an event was so rare that fewer than 40 such cases had ever been reported to the medical journals worldwide in 109 years. [41]
The most commonly reported symptoms in that study were heavier menstrual bleeding than usual, early menses and extended menstrual bleeding. If the spike protein had actually entered the body, and found its way to the reproductive tract of women who were merely in close proximity to the COVID vaccinated, then the ubiquity of spike penetration is quite impressive in its reach.
But the COVID vaccine is unlike other shedding vaccines. Polio and measles vaccines have been notoriously shedding, due to the presence of live virus in those vaccines permeating the bodies of the vaccinated, rendering them vectors of communicable disease. Even the politically and financially entangled CDC has acknowledged such transmission. [42] But the mRNA vaccines do not contain self-replicating coronaviruses, to either infect the self or others. It has been found that exosomes, which can be thought of as exit packages, do carry spike proteins for at least one year, [43] and they carry the ones that were specifically made by the Pfizer vaccines into the plasma. [44] From there, it is a short distance to the saliva and out of the body. However, no adequate explanation of vector transmission for these vaccines all the way to the uterus, seems to be available yet.
COVID vaccines’ effects on testicles and male fertility
Wolf’s The Pfizer Papers exposes extensive histopathology findings of the late pathologist Arne Burkhardt, findings that might have otherwise been lost to esoteric academic discussions among small groups. His slideshows are reproduced there verbatim and with full-color photography of his microscopic findings. At one point, Burkhardt says, “I think these pictures are very disturbing for me.” He had found on autopsy of a 28 year old man, who died 140 dies after Pfizer injection, with almost no spermatocytes, and “there is strong expression of spike protein in the spermatogonia.” He found the same in the autopsy of an older man: “Not one single spermatozoa,” and “a strong expression of spike in spermatogonia.” Also “lymphocytic infiltration in testes and prostate.” [45]
The Israeli sperm study was published six months after the Pfizer mRNA vaccine rollout in Israel. Sperm concentration, sperm motility and total motile count continued to go down about one month, then three months, and then about five months after receiving the Pfizer vaccine. [46] Within one month, the median decline of sperm was 12 million per ml and of 31 million motile spermatozoa. Their data is as follows:

Very unfortunately, the authors chose to assert “recovery” of the immotility and low sperm counts at the end of the study period, their T3 marker, but the data in their own table above belie that claim.
Mechanism of sperm destruction
The likely mechanism of reduced sperm production is that both spermatogonia and spermatozoa, as well as their support cells, Leydig and Sertoli cells, all abundantly express the ACE2 receptor and various TMPRSS and furin proteases, all of which attach the spike protein, and this has been known since 2020. [47] Those cells are all in the testicles, which the Pfizer-Acuitas study found to receive the mRNA vaccine content within minutes.[48]
Sperm are dependent for their survival and function on the participation of ACE2 in the angiotensin system. When the spike protein attaches to the ACE2 receptor, which it specifically targets, it cleaves the latter, rendering the sperm non-viable. [49]
Concluding reflection
It is said, but cannot be proven, that five billion people in the world received at least one COVID vaccine. Fertility in both sexes has been damaged by COVID vaccination. We will be lucky if human populations, cultures, economies and civilization all emerge intact from the reduced births, and sudden deaths from cardiovascular disease and skyrocketing cancers, the toll of the COVID vaccines on our species.
[1] N Wolf. The Pfizer Papers; discussion.
[2] C Huber. COVID vaccines may rival or exceed “the morning-after pill” in abortion efficacy. Aug 6 2021. The Defeat Of COVID.
[3] T Shimabukuro, S Kim, et al. Priliminary findings of mRNA Covid-19 vaccine safety in pregnant persons. Jun 17 2021. NEJM.
[4] J Roguski. Evidence of harm to unborn and nursing infants and their mothers. Jan 5 2025.
Showing data from
[5] Ibid.
[6] American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology. ACOG practice bulletin: Management of recurrent early pregnancy loss. Feb 2001. Int J Gyn Obstetrics. 24.
[7] Publishing Service.Gov.UK. COVID-19 mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine analysis print. Pp. 81-82.
[8] Publishing Service.Gov.UK. COVID-19 mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine analysis print. Pp. 81-82.
[9] C Huber. COVID vaccine considerations. Feb 21 2021.
[10] P Kory. Massive miscarriage rates among vaccinated pregnant women found buried in the Pfizer documents. Aug 20 2022. Pierre Kory’s Medical Musings.
[11] Medline Plus. Miscarriage.
[12] C Huber. 10 to 1, Part 2: Post-vaccine pregnancy failures > successes. May 13 2022. The Defeat Of COVID.
[13] R Hagemann, U Lorré, et al. [Decline in birth rates in Europe; in German]. Aug 25 2022. Aletheia Scimed.
[14] E Trigoso. “What I’ve seen in the last two years is unprecedented.’ Physician on COVID vaccine side effects on pregnant women. Apr 27 2022. The Epoch Times.
[15] T Lindsay. Dr. James Thorp OBGYN on Tucker Carlson: Harms of the COVID vaccine for pregnant women. 2023.
[16] K Biss. Post vax: miscarriage rates up 50%, fertility down 50%.
[17] World Health Organization. Fertility regulating vaccines. Aug 17-18 1992. Geneva. pp. 35.
[18] Ibid. p. 12.
[19] Ibid. p. 19.
[20] Ibid. p. 26.
[21] N Wolf. The Pfizer Papers [book]. 2024. Skyhorse Publishing. p. 153.
[22] Ibid. pp. 154-155 and 222.
[23] N Hanna, A Heffes-Doon, et al. Detection of messenger RNA COVID-19 vaccines in human breast milk. Sep 26 2022. JAMA. 176 (12).
[24] Wolf. p. 291.
[25] Ibid. p. 285.
[26] V Jain, R Chodankar, et al. Uterine bleeding : how understanding endometrial physiology underpins menstrual health. Feb 8 2022. Nature Rev Endocrin. 18. 290-308.
[27] K Lee, E Junkins, et al. Investigating trends in those who experience menstrual bleeding changes after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Jul 15 2022. Science. 8 (28).
[28] J Couzin-Frankel. Thousands report unusual menstruation patterns after COVID-19 vaccination. Jul 15 2022. Science.
[29] K Wong, C Heilig, et al. Menstrual irregularities and vaginal bleeding after COVID-19 vaccination reported to v-safe active surveillance, USA in December 2020 - January 2022: an observational cohort study. Aug 9 2022. Lancet Digit Health. 4 (9).
[30] M Nazir, S Asghar, et al. Menstrual abnormalities after COVID-19 vaccines: A systematic review. Jul 19 2022. Vacunas. 23 (S77-S87).
[31] L Baena-García, V Aparicio, et al. Premenstrual and menstrual changes reported after COVID-19 vaccination: The EVA Project. Jul 14 2022. Women’s Health (Lond)
[32] S Wang, J Mortazavi, et al. A prospective study of the association between SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 vaccination with changes in usual menstrual cycle characteristics. Jul 13 2022. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 227 (5).
[33] S Kajiwara, N Akiyama, et al. Association between COVID-19 vaccines and the menstrual cycle in young Japanese women. May 2023. J Infection and Chemotherapy. 29 (5). Pp. 513-518.
[34] K Blix, I Laake, et al. Unexpected vaginal bleeding and COVID-19 vaccination in nonmenstruating women, Sep 22 2023. Science Advances. 9 (38).
[35] Pfizer. SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine BNT 162, PF 07302048 2.6.4 Summary of pharmacokinetic study. P. 9.
[36] Acuitas Therapeutics Inc. Final Report: Test Facility study No. 185350. A tissue distribution study of a [3H]-labelled lipid nanoparticle mRNA formulation containing ALC-0315 and ALC-0159 following intramuscular administration in Wistar Han rats. Nov 9 2020. P. 9.
[37] H Bar-Jospeh Y Raz, et al. The direct effect of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination on human ovarian granulosa cells explains menstrual irregularities. Jun 26 2024. NPJ Vaccines. 9 (117).
[38] M Sowers, D McConnell, et al. Anti-Müllerian hormone and Inhibin B variability during normal menstrual cycles. Dec 6 2009. Fertil. Steril. 94 (4).
[39] Pfizer Worldwide Safety. 5.3.6 cumulative analysis of post-authorization adverse event reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) received through 28-Feb 2021. pp. 26-27.
[40] S Peters, J Newman, et al. Menstrual abnormalities strongly associated with proximity to COVID-19 vaccinated individuals. Dec 7 2024, Int J Vaccine Theory, Practice Res. 3 (2). 1435-1461.
[41] T Parotto, J Thorp, et al. COVID-19 and the surge in decidual cast shedding. G Med Sci. 2022 3 (1). 107-117.
[42] CDC. Polio vaccine: Vaccine-derived poliovirus. Sep 20 2022. CDC.
[43] E Pesce, N Manfrini, et al. Exosomes recovered from the plasma of COVID-19 patients expose SARS-CoV-2 spike-derived fragments and contribute to the adaptive immune response. Jan 16 2022. Frontiers.
[44] S Bansal, S Perincheri, et al. Cutting edge: Circulating exosomes with COVID spike protein are induced by BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) vaccination prior to development of antibodies: A novel mechanism for immune activation by mRNA vaccines. Nov 15 2021. J Immunol. 207 (10). 2405-2410.
[45] Wolf. pp. 84-86.
[46] I Gat, A Kedem, et al. COVID-19 vaccination BNT162b2 temporarily impairs semen concentration and total motile count among semen donors. Jun 17 2022. Andrology.
[47] Z Wang, X Yu. scRNA-seq profiling of human testes reveals the presence of the ACE-2 receptor, a target for SARS-CoV-2 infection in spermatogonia, Leydig and Sertoli cells. Apr 9 2020. Cells. 9 (4). 920.
[48] Acuitas Therapeutics. p. 36.
[49] R Aitken. COVID-19 and human spermatozoa – potential risks for infertility and sexual transmission. Aug 5 2020. Andrology. 9 (1). 48-52.
Excellent writeup I can tell you put a ton of work into this! Three things:
1) Flashback to 2020: Sir John Bell of SAGE Accidentally to Jon Snow: These Vaccines Are Unlikely 2 Completely Sterilize the Population: [2:37mins]
Watch Snow's reaction: silence is golden, shhhh
2) Predictive Programming In 2020 in Netflix Series Utopia: The Vaccine Sterilizes Mankind: [3:33mins]
3) There are no where near eight billion people on this planet. The UN census numbers are LUDICROUS. This deception is yet another control in our matrix like existence geared toward getting us to funnel the remainder of our wealth, property, and freedom to the .01% who will gladly lock us down into concentration camp 15 minute cities and use then world as their empty playground: [6:17mins]
If you've ever flown over America you know that the majority of it is empty. So not only are there far less people than they are claiming, they're trying to kill and sterilize a smaller number via the COVID poison injections.
Time to flip the script, we outnumber them 50,000 to one.
I felt and saw this war starting oh so long ago, 50 years. I saw it in the form of chemtrails that were beginning to burn the leaves of area trees. I knew, I was only 10. Something in me knew.