May 17, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

I read the paper by Seneff and Nigh just as my employer, my union, and my colleagues were settling on the grand idea that forcing everyone in the workplace to take the "safe and effective" shots was just the ticket for getting back to normal. I brought that article and many others to my boss who likely didn't even try to read it. Not an easy read for non-medical, non-scientists. Instead he said they had to defer to their "gold standard" docs at the prestigious and highly regarded hospital system here...which also happened to be the first in the country to mandate the injection. So "normal" looks like this...dozens of jabbed employees missing work during 2022 when Omicron continually reinfected them, 2 serious cases of cancer occuring in temporal proximity to the shot, a case of tremors made much worse, a case of autoimmune reaction and neuropathy which left a colleague completely unable to function in their job, a colleague battling serious and inexplicable rashes and hives unable to work, a colleague with frightening chest pains following their latest safe and effective booster, a recent retiree getting physical therapy for what appears to be a stroke, and another friend in the same field of work but employed elsewhere who spent the holidays hospitalized for blood clots.

I have also wondered if the increased risk for amyloid production described in Seneff's paper might have any relation to the amyloid like blockages embalmers are pulling from the deceased.

Three cheers for getting back to "normal". What have we done?

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Exactly, what have we done?! I have several colleagues or their family members that I know of one with A-fib, and cardiomyopathy, the second with thyroid autoantibodies, one with a stroke, another who had a severe reaction post 2nd dose and rheumatoid arthritis, another whose husband developed hepatitis and subsequently cardiac arrest and died, another whose mother is having multiple strokes and TIAs, a colleague who developed HTN post initial series, another whose daughter miscarried, and the list goes on...whenever someone tells me about themselves or their family members having an illness or issue, the first thing I ask is “so when did this start?” For all of the above it was all within the last year and a half to two years. Tells me everything I need to know! Some of my colleagues are aware of what they’ve done others are clueless. It’s sad.

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I work in a large retirement home and we were the first facility in our county to be forced to take the experiment. I’m a full fledged antivaxxer after my violent reaction to my 2nd Pfizer kill shot. It was a slow awakening process but it led me down the rabbit holes of truth and 3 years later I still can’t convince anyone that the bioweapon is to blame for the obvious and rapid decline we are witnessing. Some coworkers listen as I show them that the next victim was fine in 2020....but their problems began after shot #1,2,3,4,5,or 6. Yes, they’re on shot number 6!!! If you lived past 1-5, you’re on #6...and all the other vaccines the accept! Our employer have also failed to inform us that they’ve allowed Verizon to put their 5G cell towers on the roof. No we are being bathed in microwaves all day...and the residents live in in 24/7.

I’m calculating we’ve had 25% increase in deaths at our facility which houses up to 350. Beyond scary to be awake to this horrific democide but unable to expose it.

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Wow I'm so sorry to hear about your horrible experience, and that of the retirement home. It truly is a democide! My husband just found out a good friend of his is going into renal failure (vaxed and boosted), but he will never make or believe the possible connection...would never even entertain the thought! It's mind boggling.

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5G isn't microwave any more than the car in your niebor's driveway is causing global warming.

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It is amazing how clueless most of the people are to what has been done to them. I just saw a report today (via Twitter) of a family that had lost its second member of the family in one week. OMG... just imagine... here is link to the tweet https://twitter.com/vgclements1/status/1658763637547302914?s=20

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I thought the death of Gwen Casten, healthy normal 17 yr old, in her sleep would bring needed attention to this issue and there would be a universal halt to the jabs. And nothing happened. Crickets while our agencies doubled down on pushing the shots upon kids.. I can barely imagine the pain of losing 2 young family members in the same week.

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Still seeing full page ads in our local paper pushing the "safe and effective". Latest one compared to the "miracle" of the tetanus "vaccine" with no mention of the fact that it wasn't shots that almost wiped out tetanus, but our ability to clean, suture and bandage wounds properly. I am shocked we are still living this nightmare with no end in sight. :-(

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Thanks for sharing your story - wow. I know Luc Montagnier warned us of Prions from these injections. He was big into the power of water. I believe water combined with sunlight may be an effective way in at least helping detox some of this nano/heavy metals:


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May 17, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

That graphic from the Seneff and Nigh paper gives me chills, when I think about the hysterical rush of the general population to inject themselves multiple times with this novel snake oil. Inject in haste, repent at leisure.

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023Author

Their summary of the novel aspects of those injections really illustrates the recklessness of the whole adventure, doesn't it?

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Same here. Good graph from Seneff here.

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May 17, 2023Liked by Dr. Colleen Huber

great work

and love all the citations, by the way

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As a brain tumor survivor this is very alarming!

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I don't mean it to be alarming, but rather a cautionary article regarding future injections. Very little of CJD is hereditary (if any, really), and all of the well-established cases are iatrogenic. Eliminating future risks also greatly reduces likelihood of future injury.

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A family member suffered CJD long before the vaccines and that fact stopped me from receiving the jab. I watched with horror as the disease is a shockingly progressive unrelenting dementia where the brain is turned into a Swiss cheese-like structure and the areas impacted by misfolding brain cells are haphazardly located so symptoms are unpredictable. The worst thing about it is that there is no one to help. No nursing home or hospital wants the burden of dealing with a prion disease. They fear it!

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In 2021 I lost a dear friend to CJD. He was a perfectly healthy 70 year old who was still working full time and road his bicycle daily. Unfortunately in order to remain employed he took two doses of the Pfizer clot shot and in a short time began to show signs of mental and physical decline. His doctors including a top level neurologist didn’t have a clue as to how someone in such top condition could have been affected in such a dreadful manner. When I was contracted by his family I told them that I will look into it and after discovering the paper cited in your article by Dr Bart Classen, I had a one hour conversation with him - he was 100 percent certain it was due to the spike protein in the shot.

When I told his brother and sister in law, they said they couldn’t believe it. After all the FDA had just approved the Pfizer shots and they didn’t think it was necessary to talk to his neurologist about. I call this whole plandemic Stupid 19 - those in control know this. It’s the only way they can push their agenda by dumbing down the ignorant gullible compliant masses.

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FDA never approved the jab.

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Yes. But, whether they did or didn’t makes no difference to me. I decided years ago to pretty much avoid anything approved by the FDA. I think the health of the population would be better off without them. They’re worse than useless.

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The distinction is an important one.

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What an excellent well referenced Substack!

The list of ’firsts’ for the CV19 jab is very telling. Several attempts by veterinarian researchers to produce cv vax have failed miserably and here we have one for humans that has a horrendous side effect profile. Worse than that may be the mutation pressures of non sterilizing jab to drive the rapid development of variants. It’s difficult to conclude that these jabs are intended for the prevention of illness in humans. More like a disease and death causing jab. Clot shots? In this endeavor mankind has gone off the deep end.

Thanks for top notch reporting.

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This is what happens when you mess with the code, they should stop interfering with something they will never understand...

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These people think they are gods. They want to control everything. Epigenetics along with mRNA in our food is their next experiment on the human herd.

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Once again, a very well written narrative of truth. Thank you Dr. Huber! Great work indeed.

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Thanks Dr. Huber. Moderna and Pfizer knew about these horrible problems before the product was released. Kevin McKernan's recent work shows the extensive contamination of the vials of both companies with DNA plasmids and other assorted garbage from the manufacturing process. The spike itself is a toxin; Water Chesnut's work describing the pathology of the spike is very informative and horrible at the same time. Covid is a real-time eugenics program. If you look at the data presented by Jennifer Brown and The Ethical Skeptic, nothing could be more obvious - the important point is that the slope of the all-cause mortality line is positive and it is not an accident where the infection point occurs. Avoid the spike protein at all costs. It is a scientism project gone wrong; it has nothing to do with science. Peace.



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Excellent! And know of someone who died just this way, though no F or F connected the dots...

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023

I struggled through Seneff's Toxic Legacy a few years ago, though at the time I, like most, thought these poisons were made by mistake, out of ignorance. I was the ignorant one, at least I understand that now. 'Kill 'em any way you can, fast or slow' is the prevailing logic of these evil psychotards, I am now forced to admit. Would rather stand with this horrid truth than my former ignorance.

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question. What is the difference then between the virus and the shots?

For example, I had covid in 10/21, and was pretty sick. I have not had the shots.

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Lipid nano particles are added to the jab making it capable of attacking the body beyond where the C-19 virus strain could go. The C-19 virus is contracted through upper respiratory droplets limiting where it can go. When injected, the gene altering jab with the aid of lipid nano particles, can go through the bloodstream and make spike proteins anywhere in the body! That is why CJD is so important in exposing the damage of the jab.

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True. The reason I ask is the brain fog. I wonder if they're related?

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Re the list of firsts: weren’t the Covid jabs first with the lipid nano particle delivery system also?

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Hi Colleen. I just ordered your book. Would you be interested in having it translated into German? If so, contact me@pervaers.com

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What role do prion-like proteins play in Parkinson's?

I've found some really striking correlations on county level between PD mortality and vaccination rates. Similarly, COVID seemed to affect PD patients in particular before introduction of the vaccines.

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I have been accruing cases of headache and vertigo binded to mRNA vaccines since February/2022: it is about my own Cohort, unusmuch as I am concerned with neurodegenerative diseases, especially Alzheimer's dementia. Overall, there are roughly 300 patients and I have seen several charts of Long-Covid/Fibromialgia: alas, they do not trust therapeutics such as the [effective] one proposed by Doctors Kory and Gold. The worse, they still have been wearing the face masks and getting more jabs. Actually, I am looking forward to seeing whether the Spike 1 will (or is going to) change the relation between cognitive reserve and dementias.

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